The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version v1.111 - 2020-01-23

  • fixed normalized-key bug in DTA:CAB::Analyzer::DmootSub, ::MootSub
    • earlier versions used normalized text as type-key ($dmoot->{tag},$moot->{word})
    • old code caused bogus data-sharing for distinct input types mapped to same normalized form
    • bug observed for type-wise analysis of dwb1 lemmata ("aasz","asz") both mapped to "As", both assigned lemma ("aasz") if processed in the same document, otherwise "asz" gets assigned lemma "asz"


HTTP query protocol for use with DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler::Query
User documentation for DTA::CAB web-service
XML-RPC protocol for use with DTA::CAB::Server::XmlRpc
automatically generated index of DTA::CAB sub-modules


"Cascaded Analysis Broker" for robust linguistic analysis
generic analyzer API
analyzer alias
generic analysis automaton API
generic analysis automaton API
generic analysis automaton API: Gfsm automata
Gfsm::XL::Cascade-based transductions
DTA static cache (wrapper)
Static cache using DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::JsonDB
Static cache using DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::JsonDB
common analyzers for DTA::CAB suite
Chain::DTA cleanup (prune sensitive and redundant data from document)
generic analysis dictionary API using Lingua::TT::Dict
generic analysis dictionary API using Lingua::TT::DBFile
generic analysis dictionary API using Lingua::TT::CDBFile
sub-analysis (Morph,toka) of dmoot targets
DocClassify::Mapper wrapper
generic analyzer API: dynamic code generation
lemma-equivalence class expander: default
DB dictionary-based lemma-equivalence expander
CDB dictionary-based lemma-equivalence expander
phonetic equivalence class expander
DB dictionary-based phonetic equivalence expander
DB dictionary-based phonetic equivalence expander
phonetic equivalence expander via Gfsm::XL cascade
dictionary-based phonetic form expander
FST-based phonetic form expander
Json-valued CDB dictionary-based phonetic equivalence expander
phonetic equivalence class expansion: intensional, via gfsmxl cascade
rewrite-equivalence class expander: default
DB dictionary-based rewrite-equivalence expander
CDB dictionary-based rewrite-equivalence expander
dictionary-based rewrite-equivalence expander
FST-based rewrite-equivalence expander
Json-valued CDB dictionary-based phonetic equivalence expander
DTA type-wise exception lexicon (wrapper)
DTA exception lexicon using DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::JsonDB
DTA exception lexicon using DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict::JsonDB
extra bonus analyzers for DTA::CAB suite
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic::Koeln
letter-to-sound analysis via Gfsm automata
Lingua::LangId::Map wrapper
simple language guesser using stopword lists
lemma extractor for TAGH analyses or bare text
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic::Metaphone
generic Moot HMM tagger/disambiguator analysis API
Moot analysis API for word n-gram disambiguation using dynamic lexicon
post-processing for moot PoS tagger in DTA chain
morphological analysis via Gfsm automata
auxilliary full-form pseudo-morphology via Berkeley DB
auxilliary full-form pseudo-morphology via CDB
auxilliary full-form pseudo-morphology, historical place names (Hessen)
morphological analysis via Gfsm automata
latin pesudo-morphology analysis (wrapper)
auxilliary latin word recognizer via external full-form DB
auxilliary latin word recognizer via external full-form DB
auxilliary latin word recognizer via external full-form dictionary
auxilliary morphological analysis via Gfsm automaton
safety checker for analyses output by DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Morph (TAGH)
null analyzer (dummy)
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic::Phonem
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic::Phonix
rewrite analysis via Gfsm::XL cascade
sub-analysis (LTS, Morph) of rewrite targets
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic::Soundex
phonetic digest analysis using Text::Phonetic
type-level heuristic token preprocessor (for punctuation etc): high-level wrapper
type-level heuristic token preprocessor (for punctuation etc)
type-level heuristic token preprocessor (for punctuation etc) using Moot::Waste::Annotator
latin-1 approximator using libunicruft
latin-1 approximator using Text::Unidecode (old)
serial multi-analyzer pipeline
Deutsches Textarchiv canonicalization chain class
DTA-like analysis chain class for contemporary english
serial multi-analyzer pipelines with name-based dispatch
tweet-munging multi-chain
abstract class for DTA::CAB server clients
CGI wrapper for DTA::CAB::Client::XmlRpc
generic HTTP server client for DTA::CAB
DTA::CAB XML-RPC server clients
common dependencies for DTA::CAB suite
generic API for data (tokens,sentences,documents,...) passed to/from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
DTA::CAB data: comments
generic API for whole documents passed to/from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
Base class for DTA::CAB::Datum I/O
load built-in DTA::CAB::Format subclasses
Datum I/O: concise minimal-output human-readable text
Datum I/O: concise minimal-output human-readable text, unigrams
Datum parser/formatter: CorpusExplorer normalization plugin
Datum I/O: expansion list for use with DDC
Datum parser|formatter: JSON code via JSON::XS
Datum I/O: lemma-list for use with DDC
Datum parser|formatter (dummy)
Datum parser|formatter: perl code via Data::Dumper, eval()
Document parser/formatter: raw untokenized text (dispatch)
Datum parser/formatter: raw untokenized text (common base class)
Document parser: raw untokenized text via HTTP tokenizer API
Document parser: raw untokenized text, pure-perl hack
Datum parser: raw untokenized text (using moot/waste)
registry for DTA::CAB I/O formats
Datum parser using Storable::freeze() & co.
Datum parser|formatter: CLARIN-D TCF (selected features only)
Datum parser|formatter: TEI-XML using DTA::TokWrap
TEI-XML with //w and //s elements, as output by DTA::TokWrap
Datum parser: one-token-per-line text; token data as JSON
Datum parser: one-token-per-line text
Datum parser: verbose human-readable text
Datum parser|formatter: XML: base class
Datum parser|formatter: XML: fast quick-and-dirty "flat" XML formatter using TEI att.linguistic features
Datum parser|formatter: XML (native)
Datum parser|formatter: XML (perl-like)
Datum parser: XML-RPC using RPC::XML
Datum parser|formatter: XML (DTA::TokWrap .t.xml)
DTA::TokWrap XML, fast quick & dirty I/O for (.ddc).t.xml
Datum parser|formatter: XML (Vz)
Datum parser|formatter: YAML code (generic)
DTA::CAB logging facility using Log::Log4perl
abstract class for persistent & configurable objects
generic API for sentences passed to/from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
abstract class for DTA::CAB servers
DTA::CAB standalone HTTP server using HTTP::Daemon
abstract handler API class for DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP
DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler: built-in classes
DTA::CAB::Server::HTTP::Handler class: CGI form processing
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: directory
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: static file
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: analyzer queries by CGI form
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: format list queries
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: analyzer list queries
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: static response
CAB HTTP Server: request handler: XML-RPC queries (backwards-compatible)
DTA::CAB standalone HTTP server using HTTP::Daemon::UNIX
DTA::CAB XML-RPC server using RPC::XML
generic API for tokens passed to/from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
DTA::CAB unification utiltities
generic DTA::CAB utilities
version constants for DTA::CAB


in CAB/
in CAB/Analyzer/
in CAB/Analyzer/Dict/
in CAB/Analyzer/Dict/
in CAB/Analyzer/Dict/
in CAB/Analyzer/EqLemma/
in CAB/Analyzer/EqLemma/
in CAB/Analyzer/
in CAB/Analyzer/
in CAB/Analyzer/GermaNet/
in CAB/Analyzer/GermaNet/
in CAB/Analyzer/GermaNet/
in CAB/Analyzer/GermaNet/
in CAB/Analyzer/GermaNet/
in CAB/Analyzer/GermaNet/
in CAB/Analyzer/GermaNet/
in CAB/Analyzer/GermaNet/
in CAB/Analyzer/GermaNet/
in CAB/Analyzer/GermaNet/
in CAB/Analyzer/
in CAB/Analyzer/SynCoPe/
in CAB/Cache/
in CAB/Fork/
in CAB/Format/
in CAB/Format/
in CAB/Format/SynCoPe/
in CAB/Format/
in CAB/Format/
in CAB/Queue/
in CAB/Queue/
in CAB/Queue/
in CAB/Queue/
in CAB/Queue/
in CAB/Server/HTTP/Handler/
in CAB/Server/HTTP/Handler/
in CAB/Server/HTTP/
in CAB/Server/
in CAB/
in CAB/Socket/
in CAB/