The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Author image Bryan Jurish

All Releases by Bryan Jurish

River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 4 total dependents Algorithm-BinarySearch-Vec-0.08 binary search and basic set operations for vec() vectors, with fast XS implementations 01 Sep 2016 11:22:45 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Alien-DDC-Concordance-0.007 install the ddc-concordance C++ libraries on your system 08 Dec 2020 13:00:26 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 4 total dependents Alien-Gfsm-0.002 install the libgfsm C library on your system 02 Mar 2016 14:36:36 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 2 total dependents Alien-GfsmXL-0.004 install the libgfsmxl C library on your system 02 Mar 2016 14:43:11 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 2 total dependents Alien-Moot-0.003 install the libmoot C++ library on your system 22 Feb 2018 12:06:12 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 2 total dependents Alien-Unicruft-0.003 install the libunicruft C library on your system 12 Dec 2018 08:09:43 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 2 total dependents DDC-Concordance-0.50 Query utilities for ddc-concordance search engine 08 Dec 2020 13:06:22 UTC
River stage zero No dependents DDC-XS-0.27 Perl interface to libDDC* ddc concordance libraries 09 Dec 2020 09:26:16 UTC
River stage zero No dependents DTA-CAB-1.115 "Cascaded Analysis Broker" for robust linguistic analysis 04 Mar 2021 13:08:08 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent DiaColloDB-0.12.020 Diachronic collocation index 05 Feb 2021 07:24:49 UTC
River stage zero No dependents DiaColloDB-WWW-0.02.005 Diachronic collocation index: www wrappers 14 Dec 2020 10:05:04 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent GermaNet-Flat-0.04 Flat relational access to GermaNet data 30 Oct 2019 11:34:40 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Getopt-Gen-0.14 extended module for gengetopt-like parsing. 23 Feb 2016 08:43:17 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 3 total dependents Gfsm-0.0408 Perl interface to libgfsm finite-state library 16 Feb 2018 13:00:48 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Gfsm-XL-0.11 Perl interface to libgfsmxl finite-state cascade library 16 Feb 2018 13:05:00 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Lingua-TT-0.13 TnT-style I/O utilities 16 Nov 2021 18:17:55 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Math-PartialOrder-0.01 abstract base class for datatype hierarchies. 30 Oct 2001 22:53:07 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Moot-2.0.14 Perl interface to the libmoot HMM tagger library 16 Feb 2018 12:52:58 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 3 total dependents PDL-CCS-1.23.23 Sparse N-dimensional PDLs with compressed column storage 15 May 2024 20:05:13 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PDL-Cluster-1.54.002 Perl interface to the C Clustering Library with PDL support 29 May 2021 09:31:32 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PDL-EditDistance-0.09 Compute Wagner-Fischer edit distance and alignment matrices on PDLs 06 Jun 2017 08:50:56 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PDL-GA-0.08 Genetic algorithm utilities for PDL 06 Jun 2017 08:56:19 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PDL-HMM-0.06008 PDL Hidden Markov Model utilities 14 Apr 2023 21:18:20 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PDL-Ngrams-0.12 N-Gram utilities for PDL 17 May 2022 19:52:01 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PDL-SVDLIBC-0.19 PDL interface to Doug Rohde's SVD C Library 15 Jan 2018 14:03:22 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PDL-SVDSLEPc-0.005 PDL interface to SLEPc sparse singular value decomposition 16 Apr 2018 14:34:05 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 5 total dependents PDL-VectorValued-1.0.23 Assorted utilities for vector-valued PDLs 16 Jun 2024 15:20:21 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Speech-Rsynth-0.03 27 May 2002 13:46:18 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 2 total dependents Tie-File-Indexed-0.09 fast tied array access to indexed data files 21 Sep 2016 07:20:40 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Unicruft-0.06 Perl interface to unicruft transliteration library 07 Dec 2018 11:19:31 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent dta-tokwrap-0.98 Utility suite for DTA-style XML corpus tokenization 09 Jun 2021 09:39:10 UTC
Favorites Author Date
PDL-Graphics-Gnuplot ZOWIE 24 Sep 2015 14:12:19 UTC
PDL-Stats ETJ 24 Sep 2015 14:11:29 UTC
forks RYBSKEJ 15 Sep 2016 06:13:05 UTC