Elive::Entity::Report - Elluminate Report entity instance class


This is the entity class for server side reports. These are visible on the Elluminate server under the 'Reports' tab.

Please note that the list method (listReports adapter) does not return the body of the report. The report object needs to be refetched via the retrieve method.

For example, to export all reports on a connected server:

    my $reports = Elive::Entity::Report->list(
    my @report_ids = map {$_->reportId} @$reports;

    foreach my $reportId (@report_ids) {

	# listed objects don't have the report body, refetch them.

        my $rpt = Elive::Entity::Report->retrieve([$reportId]);

	my $name = $rpt->name;
	$name =~ s/[^\w]//g;
	my $export_file = "/tmp/report_${reportId}_${name}.xml";

	open (my $dump_fh, '>', $export_file)
	    or die "unable to open $export_file: $!";
	print $dump_fh $rpt->xml;
	close ($dump_fh);




Updates an existing report.