Changes for version 1.04
- security
- Essential changes to improve general security and play better with Perl's Taint mode.
- These changes will only haven an impact when taint is enabled, e.g. '-T' has been passed as a perl option.
- Taint checking is limited to outgoing strings (Str) in SOAP requests.
- Neither booleans (Bool) or integers (Int) are checked. However both Int and Bool are sanitised when building SOAP requests.
- No attempt is made to apply taint checking to incoming data from SOAP::Lite requests.
- Elive::Util::_freeze() - Any attempts to freeze tainted strings (type Str) while in taint mode now results in an error Elive::DAO::list() - the 'filter' parameter is now frozen to avoid bypassing taintness checks. Elive::Entity::Recording, Elive::Entity::Preload - all SOAP parameters are now frozen and taint checks are applied.
- Dropped dependency on Storable::dclone; replaced with Clone::clone.
- Storable::dclone doesn't seem to honor taintness, whereas Clone::clone does.
- enhancements
- Elive::Entity::Recording - added BUILDARGS method. 'size' is now computed and doesn't need to be specified in upload()s. Elive::Entity::ParticipantList - movedf update checks to _readback_checks() for the benefit of Elive::Entity::Session.
General Development Notes
Elluminate Live! (c) Command Toolkit bindings
Base class for arrays
Manage Elluminate Live SOAP connections.
Manage Elluminate Live SDK SOAP connections.
Abstract class for Elive Data Access Objects
Singleton mixin class
Base class for Elive Entities
Elluminate Group entity instance class
Group Members entity class
Invited Guest entity class
Elluminate Meeting instance class
Meeting parameters entity class
A Single Meeting Participant
Meeting Participants entity class
A list of participants
Elluminate Preload instance class
List of Preloads
Elluminate Recording Entity class
Elluminate Report entity instance class
Elluminate Role entity class
Server Details entity class
Meeting server parameters entity class
Session insert/update via ELM 3.x
Elluminate Users entity class
Utility functions for Elive
Type introspection class
Session view class