cps - A colorized version of ps with various extra useful options.
cps [-z] [-s] [-p <regex>] [-u <users>] [-t <time>] [-m <pctmem>] [-c <pctcpu>] [-w <wait channels>]
By default this prints out all processes, minus the idle process.
This may be changed via setting various switches to limit the procs shown. If more than one is specified, only the processes matching all of them are shown.
Only show zombie processes.
Show only swapped out processes.
-p <regex>
The command line of the processes is matched against the provided regex.
-u <users>
A string search for users.
-t <time>
A numeric search based on the total amount of CPU seconds used by the processes.
-m <pctmem>
A numeric search based on the percent of memory processes are using.
-c <pctcpu>
A numeric search based on the percent of CPU usage a process is using.
-w <wait channels>
A string search based on the wait channel a processes are using.
This is a comma seperated list of strings to search for.
Any items starting with ! will be inverted.
foo Checks if it matches foo.
!foo Checks if it does not match foo.
foo,bar Checks if it matches foo or bar.
This is a comma seperated list of values to search for.
Each item must start with a equality.
<, <=, >=, > are all recognized.