Revision history for Proc-ProcessTable-Colorizer

0.4.0	 2019-08-15/17:20
		 - WChan support now works on Linux.

0.3.1	 2019-04-14/22:55
		 -Proc::ProcessTable does support nice on Linux.
		 -wchan on linux is garbage as it just returns a address,
		 	making it pointless to include on Linux.
		 -Term::Size offset added for Linux.	
		 -Test on CentOS 7.
		 -White space cleanup.

0.3.0	 2019-01-07/20:00
		 -No longer uses BSD::Processes.

0.2.2	 2019-01-05/12:20
		 -Add the missing depend Term::Size.

0.2.1	 2019-01-05/12:00
		 -Fix a typo that causes errors if the process was started last year.

0.2.0	 2017-11-08/02:00
		 -Fix numeric search string checking involving numbers with decimal points.
		 -Move self ignore check to the end so it works properly.

0.1.0	 2017-11-07/01:00
		 -Only initilize BSD::Process once per process.
		 -Use require for BSD::Process instead of use. #123531/SREZIC

0.0.0	 2017-11-06/00:00
		 -Initial release.