Math::AnyNum - Arbitrary size precision for integers, rationals, floating-points and complex numbers.


Version 0.29


Math::AnyNum provides a transparent and easy-to-use interface to Math::GMPz, Math::GMPq, Math::MPFR and Math::MPC, along with a decent number of useful mathematical functions.

use 5.016;
use Math::AnyNum qw(:overload factorial);

# Integers
say factorial(30);              #=> 265252859812191058636308480000000

# Floating-point numbers
say sqrt(1 / factorial(100));   #=> 1.0351378111756264713204945[...]e-79

# Rational numbers
my $x = 2/3;
say ($x * 3);                   #=> 2
say (2 / $x);                   #=> 3
say $x;                         #=> 2/3

# Complex numbers
say 3 + 4*i;                    #=> 3+4i
say sqrt(-4);                   #=> 2i
say log(-1);                    #=> 3.1415926535897932384626433832[...]i


Math::AnyNum focuses primarily on providing a friendly interface and good performance. In most cases, it can be used as a drop-in replacement for the bignum and bigrat pragmas.

The philosophy of Math::AnyNum is that mathematics should just work, therefore the support for complex numbers is virtually transparent, without requiring any explicit conversions. All the conversions are done implicitly, using a fairly sophisticated promotion system, which tries really hard to do the right thing and as efficiently as possible.

Additionally, each Math::AnyNum object is immutable.



  binomial(n,k)             binomial coefficient
  multinomial(@list)        multinomial coefficient
  factorial(n)              product of first n integers: n!
  dfactorial(n)             double-factorial: n!!
  mfactorial(n,k)           multi-factorial: n*(n-k)*(n-2k)*...
  subfactorial(n)           number of derangements: !n
  subfactorial(n,k)         number of derangements with k fixed points
  superfactorial(n)         product of first n factorials
  hyperfactorial(n)         product of k^k for k=1..n
  rising_factorial(n,k)     rising factorial: n^(k)
  falling_factorial(n,k)    falling factorial: (n)_k
  bell(n)                   n-th Bell number
  catalan(n)                n-th Catalan number
  catalan(n,k)              C(n,k) entry in Catalan's triangle
  lucas(n)                  n-th Lucas number
  lucasmod(n,m)             n-th Lucas number modulo m
  lucasU(P,Q,n)             Lucas U_n(P, Q) function
  lucasV(P,Q,n)             Lucas V_n(P, Q) function
  lucasUmod(P,Q,n,m)        Lucas U_n(P, Q) modulo m
  lucasVmod(P,Q,n,m)        Lucas V_n(P, Q) modulo m
  fibonacci(n)              n-th Fibonacci number
  fibonacci(n,k)            n-th Fibonacci number of k-th order
  fibmod(n,m)               n-th Fibonacci number modulo m
  polygonal(n,k)            n-th k-gonal number
  harmonic(n)               n-th harmonic numbers: 1+1/2+...+1/n
  secant_number(n)          n-th secant/zig number
  tangent_number(n)         n-th tangent/zag number
  euler(n)                  n-th Euler number: E_n
  euler(n,x)                Euler polynomials: E_n(x)
  bernoulli(n)              n-th Bernoulli number: B_n
  bernoulli(n,x)            Bernoulli polynomials: B_n(x)
  laguerreL(n,x)            Laguerre polynomials: L_n(x)
  legendreP(n,x)            Legendre polynomials: P_n(x)
  hermiteH(n,x)             Physicists' Hermite polynomials: H_n(x)
  hermiteHe(n,x)            Probabilists' Hermite polynomials: He_n(x)
  chebyshevT(n,x)           Chebyshev polynomials of the 1st kind: T_n(x)
  chebyshevU(n,x)           Chebyshev polynomials of the 2nd kind: U_n(x)
  faulhaber_sum(n,k)        sum of powers: 1^k + 2^k + ... + n^k
  geometric_sum(n,r)        geometric sum: r^0 + r^1 + ... + r^n
  kronecker(n,k)            Kronecker (Jacobi) symbol
  lcm(@list)                least common multiple
  gcd(@list)                greatest common divisor
  gcdext(n,k)               return (u,v,d) where u*n+v*k=d
  iadd(a,b)                 integer addition: a+b
  isub(a,b)                 integer subtraction: a-b
  imul(a,b)                 integer multiplication: a*b
  idiv(a,b)                 integer division: int(a/b)
  imod(a,b)                 integer remainder of a/b
  ipow(n,k)                 integer exponentiation: n^k
  ipow2(k)                  integer exponentiation: 2^k
  ipow10(k)                 integer exponentiation: 10^k
  iroot(n,k)                integer k-th root of n
  isqrt(n)                  integer square root of n
  icbrt(n)                  integer cube root of n
  ilog(n,k)                 integer logarithm of n to base k
  ilog2(n)                  integer logarithm of n to base 2
  ilog10(n)                 integer logarithm of n to base 10
  divmod(a,b)               quotient and remainder of a/b
  invmod(n,k)               multiplicative inverse of n modulo k
  powmod(a,b,n)             modular exponentiation: a ^ b mod n
  isqrtrem(n)               integer sqrt remainder: n - isqrt(n)^2
  irootrem(n,k)             integer root remainder: n - iroot(n,k)^k
  is_square(n)              return 1 if n is a perfect square
  is_power(n)               return 1 if n = c^k for integer c
  is_power(n,k)             return 1 if n = c^k for integer c, k
  is_polygonal(n,k)         return 1 if n is a first k-gonal number
  is_polygonal2(n,k)        return 1 if n is a second k-gonal number
  is_coprime(n,k)           return 1 if gcd(n,k) = 1
  is_smooth(n,k)            return 1 if all prime factors of n are <= k
  is_smooth_over_prod(n,k)  return 1 if n is smooth over the primes p|k
  is_prime(n,[r])           Miller-Rabin primality test
  primorial(n)              product of primes below n
  next_prime(n)             next prime > n
  valuation(n,k)            number of times n is divisible by k
  remdiv(n,k)               n / k^valuation(n,k)
  ipolygonal_root(n,k)      first integer k-gonal root of n
  ipolygonal_root2(n,k)     second integer k-gonal root of n


  beta(x,y)                    Beta function
  eta(x)                       Dirichlet eta function η(x)
  gamma(x)                     Gamma function Γ(x)
  lgamma(x)                    natural logarithm of abs(Γ(x))
  lngamma(x)                   natural logarithm of Γ(x)
  lnsuperfactorial(n)          natural logarithm of superfactorial(n)
  lnhyperfactorial(n)          natural logarithm of hyperfactorial(n)
  digamma(x)                   Digamma function ψ(x)
  zeta(x)                      Zeta function ζ(x)
  Ai(x)                        Airy function
  Ei(x)                        exponential integral function
  Li(x)                        logarithmic integral function
  Li2(x)                       dilogarithm function
  lgrt(x)                      logarithmic-root: lgrt(x^x) = x
  LambertW(x)                  Lambert W function
  BesselJ(x,n)                 first order Bessel function J_n(x)
  BesselY(x,n)                 second order Bessel function Y_n(x)
  pow(x,y)                     power function: x^y
  sqr(x)                       square function: x^2
  sqrt(x)                      square root function: x^(1/2)
  cbrt(x)                      cube root function: x^(1/3)
  root(x,y)                    root function: x^(1/y)
  exp(x)                       exponential function: e^x
  exp2(x)                      exponential function: 2^x
  exp10(x)                     exponential function: 10^x
  ln(x)                        natural logarithm of x
  log(x,y)                     logarithm of x to base y
  log2(x)                      logarithm of x to base 2
  log10(x)                     logarithm of x to base 10
  mod(x,y)                     remainder of x/y
  polymod(n,@list)             n modulo a list of numbers
  erf(x)                       the Gauss error function
  erfc(x)                      the complementary error function
  abs(x)                       absolute value of x
  agm(x,y)                     arithmetic-geometric mean
  hypot(x,y)                   hypotenuse: sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
  norm(x)                      normalized value of x: abs(x)^2
  lnbern(n)                    natural logarithm of bernoulli(n)
  bernreal(n)                  Bernoulli number as floating-point
  harmreal(n)                  Harmonic number as floating-point
  polygonal_root(n,k)          first k-gonal root of n
  polygonal_root2(n,k)         second k-gonal root of n


  sin(x)              trigonometric sine function
  cos(x)              trigonometric cosine function
  tan(x)              trigonometric tangent function
  csc(x)              trigonometric cosecant function
  sec(x)              trigonometric secant function
  cot(x)              trigonometric cotangent function

  asin(x)             inverse of trigonometric sine
  acos(x)             inverse of trigonometric cosine
  atan(x)             inverse of trigonometric tangent
  acsc(x)             inverse of trigonometric cosecant
  asec(x)             inverse of trigonometric secant
  acot(x)             inverse of trigonometric cotangent

  sinh(x)             hyperbolic sine function
  cosh(x)             hyperbolic cosine function
  tanh(x)             hyperbolic tangent function
  csch(x)             hyperbolic cosecant function
  sech(x)             hyperbolic secant function
  coth(x)             hyperbolic cotangent function

  asinh(x)            inverse of hyperbolic sine
  acosh(x)            inverse of hyperbolic cosine function
  atanh(x)            inverse of hyperbolic tangent
  acsch(x)            inverse of hyperbolic cosecant
  asech(x)            inverse of hyperbolic secant
  acoth(x)            inverse of hyperbolic cotangent

  atan2(x,y)          two-argument variant of arctangent
  rad2deg(x)          convert radians to degrees
  deg2rad(x)          convert degrees to radians


  rand(a)             pseudorandom floating-point: 0 <= R < a
  rand(a,b)           pseudorandom floating-point: a <= R < b
  irand(a)            pseudorandom integer: 0 <= R <= a
  irand(a,b)          pseudorandom integer: a <= R <= b
  seed(n)             re-seed the `rand()` function
  iseed(n)            re-seed the `irand()` function
  int(x)              truncate x to an integer
  floor(x)            round x towards -Infinity
  ceil(x)             round x towards +Infinity
  round(x)            round x to the nearest integer
  round(x,+k)         round x to k places before the decimal point
  round(x,-k)         round x to k places after the decimal point
  acmp(a,b)           absolute comparison: abs(a) <=> abs(b)
  approx_cmp(a,b,k)   approximate comparison: round(a,k) <=> round(b,k)
  rat(x)              convert x into a rational number
  rat(str)            parse a decimal expansion as fraction
  rat_approx(x)       rational approximation of real number x
  numerator(r)        numerator of rational number r
  denominator(r)      denominator of rational number r
  nude(r)             numerator and denominator of r
  float(x)            convert x to a floating-point number
  complex(x)          convert x to a floating-point complex number
  complex(a,b)        complex number: a + b*i
  real(z)             real part of complex number z
  imag(z)             imaginary part of complex number z
  reals(z)            real and imaginary part of z as reals
  sgn(x)              -1 if x < 0; 0 if x = 0; 1 if x > 0
  neg(x)              additive inverse of x: -x
  inv(x)              multiplicative inverse of x: 1/x
  conj(x)             complex conjugate of x
  digits(n,b)         digits of n in base b
  sumdigits(n,b)      sum of digits of n in base b
  popcount(n)         number of 1's in binary representation of n
  hamdist(n,k)        number of bit-positions where the bits differ
  getbit(n,k)         k-th bit of integer n (1 or 0)
  setbit(n,k)         set the k-th bit of integer n to 1
  clearbit(n,k)       set the k-th bit of integer n to 0
  flipbit(n,k)        flip the k-th bit of integer n
  bit_scan0(n,k)      index of the first 0-bit of n with index >= k
  bit_scan1(n,k)      index of the first 1-bit of n with index >= k

  sum(@list)          sum of a list of numbers
  prod(@list)         product of a list of numbers

  bsearch(n,\&f)      binary search from 0 to n (exact match)
  bsearch(a,b,\&f)    binary search from a to b (exact match)
  bsearch_le(n,\&f)   binary search from 0 to n (less than or equal to)
  bsearch_le(a,b,\&f) binary search from a to b (less than or equal to)
  bsearch_ge(n,\&f)   binary search from 0 to n (greater than or equal to)
  bsearch_ge(a,b,\&f) binary search from a to b (greater than or equal to)

  as_bin(n)           binary string-representation of n
  as_oct(n)           octal string-representation of n
  as_hex(n)           hexadecimal string-representation of n
  as_int(n,b)         integer string-representation of n in base b
  as_rat(n,b)         rational string-representation of n in base b
  as_frac(n,b)        fraction string-representation of n in base b
  as_dec(n,d)         decimal string-expansion of n with d digits

  is_pos(n)           return 1 if n > 0
  is_neg(n)           return 1 if n < 0
  is_int(n)           return 1 if n is an integer
  is_rat(n)           return 1 if n is a rational number
  is_real(n)          return 1 if n is a real number
  is_imag(n)          return 1 if n is an imaginary number
  is_complex(n)       return 1 if n is a complex number
  is_inf(n)           return 1 if n is +Infinity
  is_ninf(n)          return 1 if n is -Infinity
  is_nan(n)           return 1 if n is Not-a-Number (NaN)
  is_zero(n)          return 1 if n = 0
  is_one(n)           return 1 if n = 1
  is_mone(n)          return 1 if n = -1
  is_even(n)          return 1 if n is an integer divisible by 2
  is_odd(n)           return 1 if n is an integer not divisible by 2
  is_div(n,k)         return 1 if n is exactly divisible by k
  is_congruent(n,k,m) return 1 if n is congruent to k mod m


Each function can be exported individually, as:

use Math::AnyNum qw(zeta);

There is also the possibility of exporting an entire group of functions, as:

use Math::AnyNum qw(:trig);

Additionally, by specifying the :all keyword, will export all the exportable functions and all the constants.

use Math::AnyNum qw(:all);

The :overload keyword enables constant overloading, which makes each number a Math::AnyNum object and also exports the i, Inf and NaN constants:

use Math::AnyNum qw(:overload);
say 42;                                       #=> "42"   (as Int)
say 1/2;                                      #=> "1/2"  (as Rat)
say 0.5;                                      #=> "0.5"  (as Float)
say 3 + 4*i;                                  #=> "3+4i" (as Complex)

NOTE: :overload is lexical to the current scope only.

The syntax for disabling the :overload behavior in the current scope, is:

no Math::AnyNum;        # :overload will be disabled in the current scope

In addition to the exportable functions, Math::AnyNum also provides a list with useful mathematical constants that can be exported, such as:

i           # imaginary unit             sqrt(-1)
e           # e mathematical constant    2.718281828459...
pi          # PI constant                3.141592653589...
tau         # TAU constant               6.283185307179...
ln2         # natural logarithm of 2     0.693147180559...
phi         # golden ratio               1.618033988749...
EulerGamma  # Euler-Mascheroni constant  0.577215664901...
CatalanG    # Catalan G constant         0.915965594177...
Inf         # positive Infinity
NaN         # Not-a-Number

The syntax for exporting a constant, is:

use Math::AnyNum qw(pi);
say pi;                          # 3.141592653589...

Nothing is exported by default.


Internally, each Math::AnyNum object holds a reference to an object of type Math::GMPz, Math::GMPq, Math::MPFR or Math::MPC. Based on the internal types, it decides what functions to call on each operation and does automatic promotion whenever is necessary.

The promotion rules can be summarized as follows:

(Integer, Integer)   -> Integer  | Rational | Float   | Complex
(Integer, Rational)  -> Rational | Float    | Complex
(Integer, Float)     -> Float    | Complex
(Integer, Complex)   -> Complex

(Rational, Rational) -> Rational | Float    | Complex
(Rational, Float)    -> Float    | Complex
(Rational, Complex)  -> Complex

(Float, Float)       -> Float    | Complex
(Float, Complex)     -> Complex

(Complex, Complex)   -> Complex

For explicit conversions, Math::AnyNum provides the following functions:

int(x)          # converts x to an integer (NaN if not possible)
rat(x)          # converts x to a rational (NaN if not possible)
float(x)        # converts x to a real or complex floating-point number
complex(x)      # converts x to a complex floating-point number


The default precision for floating-point numbers is 192 bits, which is equivalent with about 50 digits of precision in base 10.

The precision can be changed by modifying the $Math::AnyNum::PREC variable, such as:

local $Math::AnyNum::PREC = 1024;

or by specifying the precision at import (this sets the precision globally):

use Math::AnyNum PREC => 1024;

This precision is used internally whenever a Math::MPFR or a Math::MPC object is created.

For example, if we change the precision to 3 decimal digits (where 4 is the conversion factor), we get the following results:

local $Math::AnyNum::PREC = 3*4;

# Floating-points
say sqrt(2);                                  #=> 1.41
say sqrt(19+13*i);                            #=> 4.58+1.42i

# Integers
say 98**7;                                    #=> 86812553324672

# Rationals
say 1 / 98**7                                 #=> 1/86812553324672

Notice that integers and rational numbers do not obey this precision, because they can grow and shrink dynamically, without a specific limit.

Furthermore, a rational number never losses precision or accuracy in rational operations, therefore if we say:

my $x = 1/3;
say $x*3;                                     #=> 1
say 1/$x;                                     #=> 3
say 3/$x;                                     #=> 9

...the results are exact.


Methods that begin with an i followed by the actual name (e.g.: isqrt), do integer operations, by first truncating their arguments to integers, if necessary.

The returned types are noted as follows:

Any         # any type of number
Int         # an integer value
Rat         # a rational value
Float       # a floating-point value
Complex     # a floating-point complex value
NaN         # "Not-a-Number" value
Inf         # +/-Infinity
Bool        # a Boolean value (1 or 0)
Scalar      # a Perl scalar

When two or more types are separated with pipe characters (|), it means that the corresponding function can return any of the specified types.


This section includes methods for creating new Math::AnyNum objects and some useful mathematical constants.


Math::AnyNum->new(n)                          #=> Any
Math::AnyNum->new(n, base)                    #=> Any

Returns a new AnyNum object with the value specified in the first argument, which can be a Perl numerical value, a string representing a number in a rational form, such as "1/2", a string holding a decimal expansion number, such as "0.5", a string holding an integer, such as "255" or a string holding a complex number, such as "3+4i" or "(3 4)".

my $z = Math::AnyNum->new('42');        # integer
my $r = Math::AnyNum->new('3/4');       # rational
my $f = Math::AnyNum->new('12.34');     # float
my $c = Math::AnyNum->new('3.1+4i');    # complex

The second argument specifies the base of the number, which must be between 2 and 62.

When no base is specified, it defaults to base 10.

For setting an hexadecimal number, we can say:

my $n = Math::AnyNum->new("deadbeef", 16);

NOTE: no prefix, such as "0x" or "0b", is allowed as part of the number.


Math::AnyNum->new_si(n)                       #=> Int

Sets a signed native integer.


my $n = Math::AnyNum->new_si(-42);


Math::AnyNum->new_ui(n)                       #=> Int

Sets an unsigned native integer.


my $n = Math::AnyNum->new_ui(42);


Math::AnyNum->new_z(str)                      #=> Int
Math::AnyNum->new_z(str, base)                #=> Int

Sets an arbitrary large integer from a given string.

The second argument specifies the base of the number, which must be between 2 and 62.

When no base is specified, it defaults to base 10.


my $n = Math::AnyNum->new_z("12345678910111213141516");
my $m = Math::AnyNum->new_z("fffffffffffffffffff", 16);


Math::AnyNum->new_q(frac)                     #=> Rat
Math::AnyNum->new_q(num, den)                 #=> Rat
Math::AnyNum->new_q(num, den, base)           #=> Rat

Sets an arbitrary large rational from a given string.

The third argument specifies the base of the number, which must be between 2 and 62.

When no base is specified, it defaults to base 10.


my $n = Math::AnyNum->new_q('12345/67890');         # 823/4526
my $m = Math::AnyNum->new_q('12345', '67890');      # 823/4526
my $o = Math::AnyNum->new_q('fffff', 'aaaaa', 16);  # 1048575/699050 = 3/2


Math::AnyNum->new_f(str)                      #=> Float
Math::AnyNum->new_f(str, base)                #=> Float

Sets a floating-point real number from a given string.

The second argument specifies the base of the number, which must be between 2 and 62.

When no base is specified, it defaults to base 10.


my $n = Math::AnyNum->new_f('12.345');          # 12.345
my $m = Math::AnyNum->new_f('-1.2345e-12');     # -0.0000000000012345
my $o = Math::AnyNum->new_f('ffffff', 16);      # 16777215


Math::AnyNum->new_c(real)                     #=> Complex
Math::AnyNum->new_c(real, imag)               #=> Complex
Math::AnyNum->new_c(real, imag, base)         #=> Complex

Sets a complex number from a given string.

The third argument specifies the base of the number, which must be between 2 and 62.

When no base is specified, it defaults to base 10.


my $n = Math::AnyNum->new_c('1.123');           # 1.123
my $m = Math::AnyNum->new_c('3', '4');          # 3+4i
my $o = Math::AnyNum->new_c('f', 'a', 16);      # 15+10i


Math::AnyNum->nan                             #=> NaN

Returns an object holding the NaN value.


Math::AnyNum->inf                             #=> Inf

Returns an object representing positive infinity.


Math::AnyNum->ninf                            #=> -Inf

Returns an object representing negative infinity.


Math::AnyNum->one                             #=> Int

Returns an object containing the value 1.


Math::AnyNum->mone                            #=> Int

Returns an object containing the value -1.


Math::AnyNum->zero                            #=> Int

Returns an object containing the value 0.


Math::AnyNum->i                               #=> Complex

Returns the imaginary unit, which is sqrt(-1).


Math::AnyNum->e                               #=> Float

Returns the e mathematical constant, which is 2.718....


Math::AnyNum->pi                              #=> Float

Returns the number PI, which is 3.1415....


Math::AnyNum->tau                             #=> Float

Returns the number TAU, which is 2*pi.


Math::AnyNum->ln2                             #=> Float

Returns the natural logarithm of 2.


Math::AnyNum->phi                             #=> Float

Returns the value of the golden ratio, which is 1.61803....


Math::AnyNum->EulerGamma                      #=> Float

Returns the Euler-Mascheroni γ constant, which is 0.57721....


Math::AnyNum->CatalanG                        #=> Float

Returns the Catalan G constant, also known as Beta(2), which is 0.91596....


This section includes basic arithmetic operations.


x + y                                         #=> Any

Adds x and y and returns the result.


x - y                                         #=> Any

Subtracts y from x and returns the result.


x * y                                         #=> Any

Multiplies x by y and returns the result.


x / y                                         #=> Any

Divides x by y and returns the result.


x % y                                         #=> Any
mod(x, y)                                     #=> Any

Remainder of x when is divided by y. Returns NaN when y is zero.

Implemented as:

x % y = x - y*floor(x/y)


polymod(n, a, b, c, ...)                      #=> (Any, Any, ..., Any)

Returns a list of mod results corresponding to the divisors in (a, b, c, ...). The divisors are given from smallest "unit" to the largest (e.g. 60 seconds per minute, 60 minutes per hour) and the results are returned in the same way: from smallest to the largest (5 seconds, 4 minutes).


my ($s, $m, $h, $d) = polymod($seconds, 60, 60, 24);


conj(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex

Complex conjugate of x. Return x when x is a real number.


conj("3+4i") = 3-4*i


inv(x)                                        #=> Any

Multiplicative inverse of x. Equivalent with 1/x.


neg(x)                                        #=> Any

Additive inverse of x. Equivalent with -x.


abs(x)                                        #=> Any

Absolute value of x.


sqr(x)                                        #=> Any

Multiplies x with itself and returns the result. Equivalent with x*x.


norm(x)                                       #=> Any

The square of the absolute value of x. Equivalent with abs(x)**2.


This section includes the special functions.


sqrt(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex

Square root of x. Returns a complex number when x is negative.


cbrt(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex

Cube root of x. Returns a complex number when x is negative.


root(x, y)                                    #=> Float | Complex

The y root of x. Equivalent with x**(1/y).


polygonal_root(n, k)                          #=> Float | Complex

Returns the k-gonal root of n. Also defined for complex numbers.


say polygonal_root($n, 3);      # triangular root
say polygonal_root($n, 5);      # pentagonal root


polygonal_root2(n, k)                         #=> Float | Complex

Returns the second k-gonal root of n. Also defined for complex numbers.


say polygonal_root2($n, 5);      # second pentagonal root


x ** y                                        #=> Any
pow(x, y)                                     #=> Any

Raises x to power y and returns the result.

When x and y are both integers, it does integer exponentiation and returns the exact result.

When x is rational and y is an integer, it does rational exponentiation based on the identity: (a/b)**n = a**n / b**n, which also computes the exact result.

Otherwise, it does floating-point exponentiation, which is equivalent with exp(log(x) * y).


exp(x)                                        #=> Float | Complex

Natural exponentiation of x (i.e.: e**x).


exp2(x)                                       #=> Any

Raises 2 to the power x. (i.e.: 2**x)


exp10(x)                                      #=> Any

Raises 10 to the power x. (i.e.: 10**x)

ln / log

ln(x)                                         #=> Float | Complex
log(x)                                        #=> Float | Complex
log(x, y)                                     #=> Float | Complex

Logarithm of x to base y (or base e when y is omitted).

NOTE: log(x, y) is equivalent with log(x) / log(y).

log2 / log10

log2(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
log10(x)                                      #=> Float | Complex

Logarithm of x to base 2 and base 10, respectively.


lgrt(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex

Logarithmic-root of x, which is the solution to a**a = x, where x is known. When the value of x is less than e**(-1/e), it returns a complex number.

It also accepts a complex number as input.


lgrt(100)          # solves for x in `x**x = 100` and returns: `3.59728...`

This function is related to the Lambert-W function via the following identities:

log(lgrt(exp(x)))     = LambertW(x)
exp(LambertW(log(x))) = lgrt(x)


LambertW(x)                                   #=> Float | Complex

The Lambert-W function. When the value of x is less than -1/e, it returns a complex number.

It also accepts a complex number as input.

Identities (assuming x>0):

LambertW(exp(x)*x) = x
LambertW(log(x)*x) = log(x)


bernreal(n)                                   #=> Float

Returns the n-th Bernoulli number, as a floating-point approximation, with bernreal(1) = 0.5.


lnbern(n)                                     #=> Float | Complex

Returns the natural logarithm of the n-th Bernoulli number.


harmreal(n)                                   #=> Float

Returns the n-th Harmonic number, as a floating-point approximation, for any real value of n.

Returns NaN for negative integers.

Defined as:

harmreal(n) = digamma(n+1) + γ

where γ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.


agm(x, y)                                     #=> Float | Complex

Arithmetic-geometric mean of x and y. Also defined for complex numbers.


hypot(x, y)                                   #=> Float | Complex

The value of the hypotenuse for catheti x and y. Equivalent to sqrt(x**2 + y**2). Also defined for complex numbers.


gamma(x)                                      #=> Float

The Gamma function on x. Returns Inf when x is zero, and NaN when x is a negative integer.


lgamma(x)                                     #=> Float

Natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function.


lngamma(x)                                    #=> Float

Natural logarithm of the Gamma function for which the logarithm is a real number. Returns NaN otherwise.


lnsuperfactorial(n)                           #=> Float

Natural logarithm of superfactorial(n), where n is a non-negative integer.


lnsuperfactorial(n)                           #=> Float

Natural logarithm of hyperfactorial(n), where n is a non-negative integer.


digamma(x)                                    #=> Float

The Digamma function (sometimes called Psi). Returns NaN when x is negative, and -Inf when x is 0.


beta(x, y)                                    #=> Float

The beta function (also called the Euler integral of the first kind).

Defined as:

beta(x, y) = gamma(x)*gamma(y) / gamma(x+y)


zeta(x)                                       #=> Float

The Riemann zeta function at x. Returns Inf when x is 1.


eta(x)                                        #=> Float

The Dirichlet eta function at x.

Defined as:

eta(1) = ln(2)
eta(x) = (1 - 2**(1-x)) * zeta(x)


BesselJ(x, n)                                 #=> Float

The first order Bessel function, J_n(x), where n is a signed integer.


BesselJ(x, n)        # represents J_n(x)


BesselY(x, n)                                 #=> Float

The second order Bessel function, Y_n(x), where n is a signed integer. Returns NaN for negative values of x.


BesselY(x, n)        # represents Y_n(x)


erf(x)                                        #=> Float

The error function on x.


erfc(x)                                       #=> Float

Complementary error function on x.


Ai(x)                                         #=> Float

The Airy function on x.


Ei(x)                                         #=> Float

Exponential integral of x. Returns -Inf when x is zero, and NaN when x is negative.


Li(x)                                         #=> Float

The logarithmic integral of x, defined as: Ei(ln(x)). Returns -Inf when x is 1, and NaN when x is less than or equal to 0.


Li2(x)                                        #=> Float

The dilogarithm function, defined as the integral of -log(1-t)/t from 0 to x.


sin / sinh / asin / asinh

sin(x)                                        #=> Float | Complex
sinh(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
asin(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
asinh(x)                                      #=> Float | Complex

Sine, hyperbolic sine, inverse sine and inverse hyperbolic sine.

cos / cosh / acos / acosh

cos(x)                                        #=> Float | Complex
cosh(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
acos(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
acosh(x)                                      #=> Float | Complex

Cosine, hyperbolic cosine, inverse cosine and inverse hyperbolic cosine.

tan / tanh / atan / atanh

tan(x)                                        #=> Float | Complex
tanh(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
atan(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
atanh(x)                                      #=> Float | Complex

Tangent, hyperbolic tangent, inverse tangent and inverse hyperbolic tangent.

cot / coth / acot / acoth

cot(x)                                        #=> Float | Complex
coth(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
acot(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
acoth(x)                                      #=> Float | Complex

Cotangent, hyperbolic cotangent, inverse cotangent and inverse hyperbolic cotangent.

sec / sech / asec / asech

sec(x)                                        #=> Float | Complex
sech(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
asec(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
asech(x)                                      #=> Float | Complex

Secant, hyperbolic secant, inverse secant and inverse hyperbolic secant.

csc / csch / acsc / acsch

csc(x)                                        #=> Float | Complex
csch(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
acsc(x)                                       #=> Float | Complex
acsch(x)                                      #=> Float | Complex

Cosecant, hyperbolic cosecant, inverse cosecant and inverse hyperbolic cosecant.


atan2(x, y)                                   #=> Float | Complex

The arc tangent of x and y, defined as:

atan2(x, y) = -i * log((y + x*i) / sqrt(x^2 + y^2))


deg2rad(x)                                    #=> Float | Complex

Returns the value of x converted from degrees to radians.


deg2rad(180) = pi


rad2deg(x)                                    #=> Float | Complex

Returns the value of x converted from radians to degrees.


rad2deg(pi) = 180


All operations in this section are done with integers.

iadd / isub / imul / idiv / ipow

iadd(x, y)                                    #=> Int | NaN
isub(x, y)                                    #=> Int | NaN
imul(x, y)                                    #=> Int | NaN
idiv(x, y)                                    #=> Int | NaN
ipow(x, y)                                    #=> Int | NaN

Integer addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation.


ipow2(n)                                      #=> Int

Raises 2 to the power n, by first truncating n to an integer. Returns 0 when n is negative.


ipow10(n)                                     #=> Int

Raises 10 to the power n, by first truncating n to an integer. Returns 0 when n is negative.


imod(x, y)                                    #=> Int | NaN

The integer modulus operation. Returns NaN when y is zero.


divmod(x, y)                                  #=> (Int, Int) | (NaN, NaN)

Returns the quotient and the remainder from division of x by y, where both are integers. When y is zero, it returns two NaN values.


invmod(x, y)                                  #=> Int | NaN

Computes the multiplicative inverse of x modulo y and returns the result.

When no inverse exists (i.e.: gcd(x, y) != 1), the NaN value is returned.


powmod(x, y, z)                               #=> Int | NaN

Computes (x ** y) % z, where all three values are integers.

Returns NaN when the third argument is 0, or when y is negative and gcd(x, z) != 1.

isqrt / icbrt

isqrt(n)                                      #=> Int | NaN
icbrt(n)                                      #=> Int | NaN

The integer square root of n and the integer cube root of n. Returns NaN when a real root does not exists.


isqrtrem(n)                                   #=> (Int, Int) | (NaN, NaN)

The integer part of the square root of n and the remainder n - isqrt(n)**2, which will be zero when n is a perfect square.


iroot(n, m)                                   #=> Int | NaN

The integer m-th root of n. Returns NaN when a real does not exists.


irootrem(n, m)                                #=> (Int, Int) | (NaN, NaN)

The integer part of the root of n and the remainder n - iroot(n,m)**m.

Returns (NaN,NaN) when a real root does not exists.


ilog(n)                                       #=> Int | NaN
ilog(n, m)                                    #=> Int | NaN

The integer part of the logarithm of n to base m or base e when m is not specified.

n must be greater than 0 and m must be greater than 1. Returns NaN otherwise.

ilog2 / ilog10

ilog2(n)                                      #=> Int | NaN
ilog10(n)                                     #=> Int | NaN

The integer part of the logarithm of n to base 2 or base 10, respectively.

and / or / xor / not / lsft / rsft

x & y                                         #=> Int
x | y                                         #=> Int
x ^ y                                         #=> Int
~x                                            #=> Int
x << y                                        #=> Int
x >> y                                        #=> Int

The bitwise integer operations.


lcm(@list)                                    #=> Int

The least common multiple of a list of integers.


gcd(@list)                                    #=> Int

The greatest common divisor of a list of integers.


gcdext(n, k)                                  #=> (Int, Int, Int)

The extended greatest common divisor of n and k, returning (u, v, d), where d is the greatest common divisor of n and k, while u and v are the coefficients satisfying u*n + v*k = d. The value of d is always non-negative.


valuation(n, k)                               #=> Scalar

Returns the number of times n is divisible by k.


remdiv(n, k)                                  #=> Int

Removes all occurrences of the divisor k from integer n.

In general, the following statement holds true:

remdiv(n, k) == n / k**(valuation(n, k))


kronecker(n, m)                               #=> Scalar

Returns the Kronecker symbol (n|m), which is a generalization of the Jacobi symbol for all integers m.


faulhaber_sum(n, k)                           #=> Int | NaN

Computes the power sum 1^k + 2^k + 3^k +...+ n^k, using Faulhaber's formula.

k must be a non-negative integer. Returns NaN otherwise.


faulhaber_sum(5, 8) = 1^8 + 2^8 + 3^8 + 4^8 + 5^8 = 462979


geometric_sum(n, r)                           #=> Any

Computes the geometric sum 1 + r + r^2 + r^3 + ... + r^n, using the following formula:

geometric_sum(n, r) = (r^(n+1) - 1) / (r - 1)


geometric_sum(5, 8) = 8^0 + 8^1 + 8^2 + 8^3 + 8^4 + 8^5 = 37449

harmonic / harmfrac

harmonic(n)                                   #=> Rat | NaN

Returns the n-th Harmonic number H_n. The harmonic numbers are the sum of reciprocals of the first n natural numbers: 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n.

For values greater than 7000, binary splitting (Fredrik Johansson's elegant formulation) is used.


secant_number(n)                              #=> Int

Returns the n-th secant number (A000364), starting with secant_number(0) = 1.


tangent_number(n)                             #=> Int

Returns the n-th tangent number (A000182), starting with tangent_number(1) = 1.


bernoulli_polynomial(n, x)                    #=> Any

Returns the n-th Bernoulli polynomial: B_n(x).


euler_polynomial(n, x)                        #=> Any

Returns the n-th Euler polynomial: E_n(x).

bernoulli / bernfrac

bernoulli(n)                                  #=> Rat | NaN
bernoulli(n, x)                               #=> Any

Returns the n-th Bernoulli number B_n as an exact fraction, with bernoulli(1) = 1/2.

When an additional argument is provided, it returns the the n-th Bernoulli polynomial: B_n(x).


euler(n)                                      #=> Rat | NaN
euler(n, x)                                   #=> Any

Returns the n-th Euler number E_n, starting with euler(0) = 1.

When an additional argument is provided, it returns the the n-th Euler polynomial: E_n(x).


lucas(n)                                      #=> Int | NaN

The n-th Lucas number. Returns NaN when n is negative.


lucasU(P, Q, n)                               #=> Int | NaN

The Lucas U_n(P, Q) function.


lucasU(1, -1, $n)       # the Fibonacci numbers
lucasU(2, -1, $n)       # the Pell numbers
lucasU(1, -2, $n)       # the Jacobsthal numbers


lucasV(P, Q, n)                               #=> Int | NaN

The Lucas V_n(P, Q) function.


lucasV(1, -1, $n)       # the Lucas numbers
lucasV(2, -1, $n)       # the Pell-Lucas numbers
lucasV(1, -2, $n)       # the Jacobsthal-Lucas numbers


lucasmod(n, m)                                #=> Int | NaN

Efficiently compute the n-th Lucas number modulo m.


lucasUmod(P, Q, n, m)                         #=> Int | NaN

Efficiently compute the Lucas U_n(P, Q) function modulo m.


lucasVmod(P, Q, n, m)                         #=> Int | NaN

Efficiently compute the Lucas V_n(P, Q) function modulo m.


fibonacci(n)                                  #=> Int | NaN
fibonacci(n, k)                               #=> Int | NaN

The n-th Fibonacci number. Returns NaN when n is negative.

When k is specified, it returns the k-th order Fibonacci number.


say fibonacci(100, 3);        # 100th Tribonacci number
say fibonacci(100, 4);        # 100th Tetranacci number
say fibonacci(100, 5);        # 100th Pentanacci number


fibmod(n, m)                                  #=> Int | NaN

Efficiently compute the n-th Fibonacci number modulo m.


chebyshevT(n, x)                              #=> Any

Compute the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind: T_n(x), where n must be a native integer.

Defined as:

T(0, x) = 1
T(1, x) = x
T(n, x) = 2*x*T(n-1, x) - T(n-2, x)


chebyshevU(n, x)                              #=> Any

Compute the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind: U_n(x), where n must be a native integer.

Defined as:

U(0, x) = 1
U(1, x) = 2*x
U(n, x) = 2*x*U(n-1, x) - U(n-2, x)


laguerreL(n, x)                               #=> Any

Compute the Laguerre polynomials: L_n(x), where n must be a non-negative native integer.


legendreP(n, x)                               #=> Any

Compute the Legendre polynomials: P_n(x), where n must be a non-negative native integer.


hermiteH(n, x)                                #=> Any

Compute the physicists' Hermite polynomials: H_n(x), where n must be a non-negative native integer.


hermiteHe(n, x)                               #=> Any

Compute the probabilists' Hermite polynomials: He_n(x), where n must be a non-negative native integer.


factorial(n)                                  #=> Int | NaN

Factorial of n (denoted as n!). Returns NaN when n is negative. (1*2*3*...*n)


dfactorial(n)                                 #=> Int | NaN

Double-factorial of n (denoted as n!!). Returns NaN when n is negative. (requires GMP>=5.1.0)


dfactorial(7)     # 1*3*5*7 = 105
dfactorial(8)     # 2*4*6*8 = 384


mfactorial(n, m)                              #=> Int | NaN

Generalized m-factorial of n. Returns NaN when n or m is negative. (requires GMP>=5.1.0)


subfactorial(n)                               #=> Int | NaN
subfactorial(n, k)                            #=> Int | NaN

The number of permutations of {1, ..., n} that have exactly k fixed points, given a positive integer n and an optional integer k (if k is omitted, then k=0).

See also:


superfactorial(n)                               #=> Int | NaN

Product of first n factorials: Prod_{k=1..n} k!.


hyperfactorial(n)                               #=> Int | NaN

Hyperfactorial of n, defined as: Prod_{k=1..n} k^k.


bell(n)                                       #=> Int | NaN

Returns the n-th Bell number.


catalan(n)                                    #=> Int | NaN
catalan(n, k)                                 #=> Int | NaN

Returns the n-th Catalan number.

If two arguments are provided, it returns the C(n,k) entry in Catalan's triangle.


binomial(n, k)                                #=> Int | NaN

Computes the binomial coefficient n over k, also called the "choose" function. The result is equivalent to:

binomial(n, k) = -------


multinomial(a, b, c, ...)                     #=> Int | NaN

Computes the multinomial coefficient, given a list of native integers.


multinomial(1, 4, 4, 2) = 34650

See also:


rising_factorial(n, k)                        #=> Int | Rat | NaN

Rising factorial, n * (n + 1) * ... * (n + k - 1), defined as:

binomial(n + k - 1, k) * k!

For negative values of k, rising factorial is defined as:

rising_factorial(n, -k) = 1/rising_factorial(n - k, k)

When the denominator is zero, NaN is returned.


falling_factorial(n, k)                       #=> Int | Rat | NaN

Falling factorial, n * (n - 1) * ... * (n - k + 1), defined as:

binomial(n, k) * k!

For negative values of k, falling factorial is defined as:

falling_factorial(n, -k) = 1/falling_factorial(n + k, k)

When the denominator is zero, NaN is returned.


primorial(n)                                  #=> Int | NaN

Returns the product of all the primes less than or equal to n. (requires GMP>=5.1.0)


next_prime(n)                                 #=> Int | NaN

Returns the next prime after n.


is_prime(n)                                   #=> Scalar
is_prime(n, r)                                #=> Scalar

Returns 2 if n is definitely prime, 1 if n is probably prime (without being certain), or 0 if n is definitely composite. This method does some trial divisions, then some Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality tests. It also accepts an optional argument for specifying the accuracy of the test. By default, it uses an accuracy value of 20.

Reasonable accuracy values are between 15 and 50.

See also:


is_coprime(n, k)                              #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n and k are relatively prime to each other. That is, when gcd(n, k) == 1.


is_smooth(n, k)                               #=> Bool

Returns a true value when all the prime factors of n are less than or equal to k, where n and k are positive integers.


is_smooth(36, 3)    # true  : 36 = 2^2 * 3^2
is_smooth(39, 6)    # false : 39 = 3 * 13, where 13 > 6


is_smooth_over_prod(n, k)                     #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n is the product of a subset of powers of prime factors of k, where k is a square-free integer, whose prime factors represent a set A, such that n is said to be smooth over a set A if there exists a factorization of n where the factors are powers of elements in A.


is_smooth_over_prod($n, 3*5*7*11)   # true for odd 11-smooth numbers $n


is_power(n, k)                                #=> Bool

Return a true value when n is a perfect power of a given integer k.

When n is not an integer, it always returns false. On the other hand, when k is not an integer, it will implicitly be truncated to an integer. If k is not positive after truncation, 0 is returned.

A true value is returned iff there exists some integer a satisfying the equation: a**k = n.

When k is not specified, it returns true if n can be expressed as a**b for some integers a and b, with b greater than 1.


is_power(100, 2)       # true: 100 is a square (10**2)
is_power(125, 3)       # true: 125 is a cube   ( 5**3)
is_power(279841)       # true: 279841 is 23**4


is_square(n)                                  #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n is a perfect square. When n is not an integer, a false value is returned.


polygonal(n, k)                               #=> Int

Returns the nth k-gonal number. When n is negative, it returns the second k-gonal number.


say join(' ', map { polygonal( $_, 3) } 1..10);  # triangular numbers
say join(' ', map { polygonal( $_, 5) } 1..10);  # pentagonal numbers
say join(' ', map { polygonal(-$_, 5) } 1..10);  # second pentagonal numbers


ipolygonal_root(n, k)                         #=> Int | NaN

Integer k-gonal root of n. Returns NaN when a real root does not exists.


say ipolygonal_root($n, 5);                  # integer pentagonal root
say ipolygonal_root(polygonal(10, 5), 5);    # prints: "10"


ipolygonal_root2(n, k)                        #=> Int | NaN

Second integer k-gonal root of n. Returns NaN when a real root does not exists.


say ipolygonal_root2($n, 5);                   # second integer pentagonal root
say ipolygonal_root2(polygonal(-10, 5), 5);    # prints: "-10"


is_polygonal(n, k)                            #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n is a k-gonal number.

The values of n and k can be any arbitrary large integers.


say is_polygonal(145, 5);      #=> 1 ("145" is a pentagonal number)
say is_polygonal(155, 5);      #=> 0


is_polygonal2(n, k)                           #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n is a second k-gonal number.

The values of n and k can be any arbitrary large integers.


say is_polygonal2(145, 5);      #=> 0
say is_polygonal2(155, 5);      #=> 1 ("155" is a second-pentagonal number)


This section includes various useful methods.


sum(@list)                                    #=>  Any

Sum of a list of numbers.


prod(@list)                                   #=> Any

Product of a list of numbers.


bsearch(n, \&f)                               #=> Int | undef
bsearch(a, b, \&f)                            #=> Int | undef

Binary search from to 0 to n, or from a to b, which can be any arbitrary large integers.

The last argument is a subroutine reference which does the comparisons.

This function finds a value k such that f(k) = 0. Returns undef otherwise.

bsearch(20,      sub { $_*$_  <=> 49   });   #=> 7   (7*7  = 49)
bsearch(3, 1000, sub { $_**$_ <=> 3125 });   #=> 5   (5**5 = 3125)


bsearch_le(n, \&f)                               #=> Int | undef
bsearch_le(a, b, \&f)                            #=> Int | undef

Binary search from to 0 to n, or from a to b, which can be any arbitrary large integers.

The last argument is a subroutine reference which does the comparisons.

This function finds a value k such that f(k) <= 0 and f(k+1) > 0. Returns undef otherwise.

bsearch_le(10**6,         sub { exp($_) <=> 1e+9 });  #=>  20   (exp( 20) <= 1e+9)
bsearch_le(-10**6, 10**6, sub { exp($_) <=> 1e-9 });  #=> -21   (exp(-21) <= 1e-9)


bsearch_ge(n, \&f)                               #=> Int | undef
bsearch_ge(a, b, \&f)                            #=> Int | undef

Binary search from to 0 to n, or from a to b, which can be any arbitrary large integers.

The last argument is a subroutine reference which does the comparisons.

This function finds a value k such that f(k-1) < 0 and f(k) >= 0. Returns undef otherwise.

bsearch_ge(10**6,         sub { exp($_) <=> 1e+9 });  #=>  21   (exp( 21) >= 1e+9)
bsearch_ge(-10**6, 10**6, sub { exp($_) <=> 1e-9 });  #=> -20   (exp(-20) >= 1e-9)


floor(x)                                      #=> Any

Returns x if x is an integer, otherwise it rounds x towards -Infinity.


floor( 2.5) =  2
floor(-2.5) = -3


ceil(x)                                       #=> Any

Returns x if x is an integer, otherwise it rounds x towards +Infinity.


ceil( 2.5) =  3
ceil(-2.5) = -2


round(x)                                      #=> Any
round(x, p)                                   #=> Any

Rounds x to the nth place. A negative argument rounds that many digits after the decimal point, while a positive argument rounds that many digits before the decimal point.


round('1234.567')         = 1235
round('1234.567', 2)      = 1200
round('3.123+4.567i', -2) = 3.12+4.57*i


rand(x)                                       #=> Float
rand(x, y)                                    #=> Float

Returns a pseudorandom floating-point value. When an additional argument is provided, it returns a number between x (inclusive) and y (exclusive). Otherwise, returns a number between 0 (inclusive) and x (exclusive).

If x is greater than y, the returned value will be in the range [y, x).

The PRNG behind this function is called the "Mersenne Twister". Although it generates pseudorandom numbers of very good quality, it is NOT cryptographically secure. You should not rely on it in security-sensitive situations.


rand(10)        # a pseudorandom floating-point in the interval [0, 10)
rand(10, 20)    # a pseudorandom floating-point in the interval [10, 20)


irand(x)                                      #=> Int
irand(x, y)                                   #=> Int

Returns a pseudorandom integer. Unlike the rand() function, irand() is inclusive in both sides.

When an additional argument is provided, it returns an integer between x (inclusive) and y (inclusive), otherwise returns an integer between 0 (inclusive) and x (inclusive).

If x is greater than y, the returned integer will be in the range [y, x].

The PRNG behind this function is called the "Mersenne Twister". Although it generates high-quality pseudorandom integers, it is NOT cryptographically secure. You should not rely on it in security-sensitive situations.


irand(10)        # a pseudorandom integer in the interval [0, 10]
irand(10, 20)    # a pseudorandom integer in the interval [10, 20]

seed / iseed

seed(n)                                       #=> Int
iseed(n)                                      #=> Int

Reseeds the rand() and the irand() function, respectively, with the value of n, which can be any arbitrary large integer.

Returns back the integer part of n. If n cannot be truncated to an integer, the method dies with an appropriate error message.


sgn(x)                                        #=> Scalar | Complex

Returns -1 when x is negative, 1 when x is positive, and 0 when x is zero.

When x is a complex number, it computes the sign using the identity:

sgn(x) = x / abs(x)


$n->length                                    #=> Scalar

Returns the number of digits of the integer part of n.

Returns undef when n cannot be truncated to an integer.

For -1234.56, it returns 4, which is the length of 1234.


++$x                                          #=> Any
$x++                                          #=> Any

Returns x + 1.


--$x                                          #=> Any
$x--                                          #=> Any

Return x - 1.


$x->copy                                      #=> Any

Returns a deep-copy of the self-object.


popcount(n)                                   #=> Scalar

Returns the population count of the positive integer part of x, which is the number of 1's in its binary representation.

Return undef when n cannot be truncated to an integer.

This value is also known as the Hamming weight value.


popcount(0b1011) = 3


hamdist(n, k)                                 #=> Scalar

Returns the Hamming distance (number of bit-positions where the bits differ) between integers n and k.

Return undef when n or k cannot be truncated to an integer.


getbit(n, k)                                  #=> Bool

Returns 1 if bit k of n is set, and 0 if it is not set.

Return undef when n cannot be truncated to an integer or when k is negative.


getbit(0b1001, 0) = 1
getbit(0b1000, 0) = 0


setbit(n, k)                                  #=> Int

Returns a copy of n with bit k set to 1.


setbit(0b1000, 0) = 0b1001
setbit(0b1000, 2) = 0b1100


flipbit(n, k)                                 #=> Int

Returns a copy of n with bit k inverted.


flipbit(0b1000, 0) = 0b1001
flipbit(0b1001, 0) = 0b1000


clearbit(n, k)                                #=> Int

Returns a copy of n with bit k set to 0.


clearbit(0b1001, 0) = 0b1000
clearbit(0b1100, 2) = 0b1000

bit_scan0 / bit_scan1

bit_scan0(n, k)                               #=> Scalar
bit_scan1(n, k)                               #=> Scalar

Scan n, starting from bit index k, towards more significant bits, until 0 or 1 bit (respectively) is found.

When k is omitted, k=0 is assumed.

Returns undef if n cannot be truncated to an integer or if k is negative.

* Introspection


is_int(x)                                     #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x is an integer.


is_rat(x)                                     #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x is a rational number.


is_real(x)                                    #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x is a real number (i.e.: when the imaginary part is zero and it holds a real value in the real part).


is_real(complex('4'))           # true
is_real(complex('4i'))          # false (is imaginary)
is_real(complex('3+4i'))        # false (is complex)


Returns a true value when x is an imaginary number (i.e.: when the real part is zero and it has a non-zero imaginary part).


is_imag(complex('4'))           # false (is real)
is_imag(complex('4i'))          # true
is_imag(complex('3+4i'))        # false (is complex)


is_complex(x)                                 #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x is a complex number (i.e.: when the real part and the imaginary part are non-zero).


is_complex(complex('4'))        # false (is real)
is_complex(complex('4i'))       # false (is imaginary)
is_complex(complex('3+4i'))     # true


is_even(n)                                    #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n is a real integer divisible by 2.


is_odd(n)                                     #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n is a real integer not divisible by 2.


is_div(n, k)                                  #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n is exactly divisible by k (i.e.: when the remainder n % k is zero).

Also defined for rationals, floats and complex numbers.


is_congruent(n, k, m)                         #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n is congruent to k modulo m (i.e.: when the remainder n % m equals k % m).

Also defined for rationals, floats and complex numbers.


is_pos(x)                                     #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x is positive.


is_neg(x)                                     #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x is negative.


is_zero(n)                                    #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n equals 0.


is_one(n)                                     #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n equals 1.


is_mone(n)                                    #=> Bool

Returns a true value when n equals -1.


is_inf(x)                                     #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x holds the positive Infinity special value.


is_ninf(x)                                    #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x holds the negative Infinity special value.


is_nan(x)                                     #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x holds the Not-a-Number special value.

* Conversions


int(x)                                        #=> Int | NaN

Returns the integer part of x. Returns NaN when x cannot be truncated to an integer.


rat(x)                                        #=> Rat | NaN
rat(str)                                      #=> Rat | NaN

Converts x to a rational number. Returns NaN when this conversion is not possible.

When the given argument is a decimal expansion string, it will be specially parsed as an exact fraction.

If x is a floating-point real number, consider using rat_approx() instead.


rat('0.5')       = 1/2
rat('1234/5678') = 617/2839


rat_approx(n)                                 #=> Rat | NaN

Given a real number n, it returns a very good (sometimes exact) rational approximation to n, computed with continued fractions.


rat_approx(3.14)     = 22/7
rat_approx(zeta(-5)) = -1/252

Return NaN when n is not a real number.


float(x)                                      #=> Float | Complex
float(str)                                    #=> Float | Complex

Converts x to a real or a complex floating-point number (in this order).


float(3.1415926) = 3.1415926   (as Float)
float('777/222') = 3.5         (as Float)
float('123+45i') = 123 + 45*i  (as Complex)


complex(x)                                    #=> Complex
complex(str)                                  #=> Complex
complex(x, y)                                 #=> Complex

Converts x to a complex number. When a second argument is given, it sets x as the real part and y as the imaginary part.

If x or y are complex numbers, the function returns the result of x + y*i.


complex("3+4i")        = 3+4*i
complex(3, 4)          = 3+4*i
complex("5+2i", "-4i") = 9+2*i


"$x"                                          #=> Scalar

Returns a string representing the value of x, in base 10.


!!$x                                          #=> Bool

Returns a false value when the number is zero or when the value of the number is NaN. True otherwise.


$x->numify                                    #=> Scalar

Returns a Perl numerical scalar containing the value of x, truncated if necessary.

If x is an integer that fits inside a native signed or unsigned integer, the returned result will be exact, otherwise the result is returned as a double, with possible truncation.

If x is a complex number, only the real part is considered.


as_bin(n)                                     #=> Scalar

Returns a string representing the integer part of n in binary (base 2).


as_bin(42) = "101010"

Returns undef when n cannot be converted to an integer.


as_oct(n)                                     #=> Scalar

Returns a string representing the integer part of n in octal (base 8).


as_oct(42) = "52"

Returns undef when n cannot be converted to an integer.


as_hex(n)                                     #=> Scalar

Returns a string representing the integer part of n in hexadecimal (base 16).


as_hex(42) = "2a"

Returns undef when n cannot be converted to an integer.


as_int(n)                                     #=> Scalar
as_int(n, b)                                  #=> Scalar

Returns the integer part of n as a string, in a given base, where the base must be between 2 and 62.

When the base is omitted, it defaults to base 10.


as_int(255)     = "255"
as_int(255, 16) = "ff"

Returns undef when n cannot be converted to an integer.


as_rat(n)                                     #=> Scalar
as_rat(n, b)                                  #=> Scalar

Returns n as a rational string-representation in a given base, where the base must be between 2 and 62.

When the base is omitted, it defaults to base 10.


as_rat(42)      = "42"
as_rat("2/4")   = "1/2"
as_rat(255, 16) = "ff"

Returns undef when n cannot be converted to a rational number.


as_frac(n)                                    #=> Scalar | undef
as_frac(n, b)                                 #=> Scalar | undef

Returns n as a fraction in a given base, where the base must be between 2 and 62.

When the base is omitted, it defaults to base 10.


as_frac(42)      = "42/1"
as_frac("2/4")   = "1/2"
as_frac(255, 16) = "ff/1"

Returns undef when n cannot be converted to a rational number.


as_dec(n)                                     #=> Scalar
as_dec(n, digits)                             #=> Scalar

Returns n as a decimal expansion string, with an optional number of digits.

When the second argument is undefined, it uses the default precision.

The value of n can also be a complex number.


as_dec(1/2)        = "0.5"
as_dec(sqrt(2), 3) = "1.41"

* Dissections


numerator(x)                                  #=> Int | NaN

Returns the numerator of x as a signed Math::AnyNum object. When x is not a rational number, it tries to convert it to a rational. Returns NaN when this conversion is not possible.


numerator("-42")  = -42
numerator("-3/4") = -3


denominator(x)                                #=> Int | NaN

Returns the denominator of x as an unsigned Math::AnyNum object. When x is not a rational number, it tries to convert it to a rational. Returns NaN when this conversion is not possible.


denominator("-42")  = 1
denominator("-3/4") = 4


nude(x)                                       #=> (Int | NaN, Int | NaN)

Returns the numerator and the denominator of x.


nude("42")   = (42, 1)
nude("-3/4") = (-3, 4)


real(x)                                       #=> Any

Returns the real part of x.


real("42")   = 42
real("42i")  = 0
real("3-4i") = 3


imag(x)                                       #=> Any

Returns the imaginary part of x, if any. Otherwise, returns zero.


imag("42")   =  0
imag("42i")  = 42
imag("3-4i") = -4


reals(x)                                      #=> (Any, Any)

Return the real and the imaginary part of x as real numbers.


reals("42")   = (42, 0)
reals("42i")  = (0, 42)
reals("3-4i") = (3, -4)


digits(n)                                     #=> (Scalar, Scalar, ...)
digits(n, b)                                  #=> (Scalar | Int, Scalar | Int, ...)

Returns a list with the digits of n in a given base. When no base is specified, it defaults to base 10.

Only the absolute integer part of n is considered.

The value of b must be greater than 1. Returns an empty list otherwise.


digits(12345)      = (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
digits(12345, 100) = (45, 23, 1)


sumdigits(n)                                  #=> Int | NaN
sumdigits(n, b)                               #=> Int | NaN

Sum the digits of n in a given base. When no base is specified, it defaults to base 10.

Only the absolute integer part of n is considered.

The value of b must be greater than 1. Returns NaN otherwise.


sumdigits(12345)      = 15
sumdigits(12345, 100) = 69

* Comparisons


x == y                                        #=> Bool

Equality check: returns a true value when x and y are equal.


x != y                                        #=> Bool

Inequality check: returns a true value when x and y are not equal.


x > y                                         #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x is greater than y.


x >= y                                        #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x is equal or greater than y.


x < y                                         #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x is less than y.


x <= y                                        #=> Bool

Returns a true value when x is equal or less than y.


x <=> y                                       #=> Scalar

Compares x to y and returns a negative value when x is less than y, 0 when x and y are equal, and a positive value when x is greater than y.

Complex numbers are compared as:

(real(x) <=> real(y)) ||
(imag(x) <=> imag(y))

Comparing anything to NaN (including NaN itself), returns undef.


acmp(x, y)                                    #=> Scalar

Absolute comparison of x and y.

Defined as:

acmp(x, y) = abs(x) <=> abs(y)


approx_cmp(x, y)                              #=> Scalar
approx_cmp(x, y, k)                           #=> Scalar

Approximate comparison, by rounding the values of x and y at a given number of decimal places.

A negative value for k rounds that many digits after the decimal point, while a positive value rounds before the decimal point.

When no value is given for k, it uses the default precision - 1.


The performance varies greatly, but, in most cases, Math::AnyNum is between 2x up to 10x faster than Math::BigFloat with the GMP backend, and about 100x faster than Math::BigFloat without the GMP backend (to be modest).

Math::AnyNum is fast because of the following facts:

  • minimal overhead in object creations and conversions.

  • minimal Perl code is executed per operation.

  • the GMP, MPFR and MPC libraries are extremely efficient.

To achieve the best performance, try to:

  • use the i* functions/methods wherever applicable.

  • use floating-point numbers when accuracy is not important.

  • pass Perl integers as arguments to methods, if you can.


This module came into existence as a response to Dana Jacobsen's request for a transparent interface to Math::GMPz and Math::MPFR, which he talked about at the YAPC NA, in 2015.

See his great presentation at:

The main aim of this module is to provide a fast and correct alternative to Math::BigInt, Maht::BigFloat and Math::BigRat, as well as to bigint, bignum and bigrat pragmas.

The original project was called Math::BigNum, but because of some design flaws, that project was abandoned and much of its code ended up in this module.


Daniel Șuteu, <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Math::AnyNum

You can also look for information at:


  • Fast math libraries

    Math::GMP - High speed arbitrary size integer math.

    Math::GMPz - perl interface to the GMP library's integer (mpz) functions.

    Math::GMPq - perl interface to the GMP library's rational (mpq) functions.

    Math::MPFR - perl interface to the MPFR (floating point) library.

    Math::MPC - perl interface to the MPC (multi precision complex) library.

  • Portable math libraries

    Math::BigInt - Arbitrary size integer/float math package.

    Math::BigFloat - Arbitrary size floating point math package.

    Math::BigRat - Arbitrary big rational numbers.

  • Math utilities

    Math::Prime::Util - Utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring.

    Math::GComplex - Generic library for complex number operations, with support for Gaussian integers.


Copyright 2017-2018 Daniel Șuteu.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at:

Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license.

If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license.

This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder.

This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed.