Changes for version 4.000 - 2024-08-19
- New features
- Ryu::Source->emit_batch provides initial support for batches, for more efficient handling of larger volumes of data. Use `on_batch` to deal with the results.
- Ryu::Source->as_void gives you an empty result, useful if you want to await without caring about the result
- Ryu::Source->as_last allows you to wait for the last emitted value
- Ryu::Sink->drain_from allow sequential processing of sources as inputs to a sink
- Bugs fixed
- passing an arrayref to `$src->from` probably didn't work as expected before
- some potential memory leaks addressed, particularly in source/sink interaction and for code using flow control (e.g. `$src->unblocked`)
using Ryu in network protocols
using Ryu for dealing with network protocols
reactive programming using Ryu
asynchronous stream building blocks
accumulate data
support for Future-style failure information
generic node
plus ça change
base representation for a thing that receives events
base representation for a source of events
combines a source and a sink