The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Author image Ivan Baidakou

All Releases by Ivan Baidakou

River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Alien-AntTweakBar-0.03 perl5 alien library for AntTweakBar 30 Jul 2014 18:12:38 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Alien-libgeos- geos C++ library (alien, without perl-adapters). 31 Jan 2020 18:35:55 UTC
River stage zero No dependents AntTweakBar-0.05 Perl bindings for AntTweakBar 06 Sep 2014 10:02:43 UTC
River stage zero No dependents CPP-geos- geos C++ library (alien, without perl-adapters). 01 Nov 2019 07:50:44 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Data-DynamicValidator-0.05 JSON pointer-like and Perl union for flexible perlish structures validation 10 Aug 2017 17:20:02 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Font-FreeType-0.16 read font files and render glyphs from Perl using FreeType2 12 May 2020 05:56:08 UTC
River stage zero No dependents GDB-bt-0.01 Get perl backtraces from coredump files 21 Aug 2020 10:27:47 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Geo-Geos-1.0.6 Perl interface for GEOS C++ library 22 Jun 2020 16:29:31 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Keybinder-0.03 Perl extension that wraps libkeybinder for GTK apps 29 Dec 2013 20:23:55 UTC
River stage zero No dependents XS-Manifesto-1.0.3 Shared XS modules manifesto 07 Apr 2020 08:44:57 UTC
Favorites Author Date
AI-DecisionTree KWILLIAMS 13 Aug 2015 13:17:18 UTC
Algorithm-Combinatorics FXN 14 Jan 2017 16:18:13 UTC
Alien-SDL FROGGS 08 Jul 2014 22:40:05 UTC
AnyEvent MLEHMANN 12 May 2013 19:43:48 UTC
AnyEvent-Future PEVANS 27 Jun 2017 13:29:19 UTC
AnyEvent-HTTP MLEHMANN 26 May 2013 15:25:32 UTC
AnyEvent-HTTPD ELMEX 10 Jun 2013 22:14:34 UTC
AnyEvent-RabbitMQ DLAMBLEY 04 Dec 2017 13:45:55 UTC
AnyEvent-Redis DGL 04 Feb 2017 17:02:09 UTC
App-DBBrowser KUERBIS 28 Jan 2014 17:13:33 UTC
App-PureProxy DEXTER 01 Sep 2017 20:28:53 UTC
App-cpanminus MIYAGAWA 27 Jun 2013 18:49:41 UTC
App-cpanminus-reporter GARU 02 Aug 2013 14:21:50 UTC
App-cpm SKAJI 20 Aug 2020 16:11:54 UTC
App-fsql SHARYANTO 06 Oct 2014 17:43:38 UTC
App-lcpan PERLANCAR 11 Jan 2019 19:54:40 UTC
App-perlbrew GUGOD 02 May 2013 17:29:51 UTC
Archive-Zip PHRED 22 Jun 2015 11:06:09 UTC
Async-Chain REZNIKOV 15 Dec 2014 11:20:31 UTC
Beam-Wire PREACTION 07 Feb 2015 21:58:21 UTC
CPAN-Changes BRICAS 29 Nov 2014 18:06:01 UTC
CPAN-Uploader RJBS 23 Aug 2014 19:29:12 UTC
Carp ZEFRAM 08 Jul 2013 12:58:01 UTC
Carton MIYAGAWA 11 Dec 2017 11:12:31 UTC
Class-Method-Modifiers ETHER 14 Dec 2014 11:31:19 UTC
DBD-Pg TURNSTEP 26 Dec 2016 18:41:18 UTC
DBD-SQLite ISHIGAKI 23 Jan 2014 16:18:18 UTC
DBIx-Class RIBASUSHI 05 Dec 2013 12:06:49 UTC
DBIx-Class-Candy FREW 29 Mar 2015 15:34:28 UTC
DBIx-Class-OptimisticLocking BPHILLIPS 29 Oct 2014 12:37:59 UTC
DBIx-Connector DWHEELER 11 Oct 2018 08:40:32 UTC
Data-Dump GAAS 10 Oct 2013 18:36:53 UTC
Data-Dumper-Concise FREW 03 Nov 2014 08:02:42 UTC
Data-Uniqid MWX 27 Aug 2015 10:06:52 UTC
DataDog-DogStatsd BINARY 07 Dec 2017 14:12:35 UTC
Devel-CheckLib MATTN 08 Jul 2014 21:01:35 UTC
Devel-Comments XIONG 11 May 2013 11:55:59 UTC
Devel-LexAlias RCLAMP 18 Jan 2014 19:40:47 UTC
Devel-MAT PEVANS 06 Aug 2018 07:05:02 UTC
Devel-NYTProf TIMB 04 Oct 2014 22:28:54 UTC
Devel-REPL ETHER 15 Jun 2013 11:10:49 UTC
Devel-hdb BRUMMETT 31 Jul 2013 10:37:19 UTC
Dist-Zilla RJBS 27 Jun 2013 18:02:01 UTC
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodWeaver RJBS 04 Aug 2013 19:32:15 UTC
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Compile ETHER 13 Oct 2013 19:00:10 UTC
Dist-Zilla-Plugins-CJM CJM 14 Oct 2014 19:46:31 UTC
EV MLEHMANN 21 Apr 2015 16:35:41 UTC
Email-Sender RJBS 19 Aug 2013 14:47:53 UTC
Email-Stuffer RJBS 19 Aug 2013 14:48:03 UTC
Eval-Closure DOY 26 Jan 2014 16:16:06 UTC
FSA-Rules DWHEELER 28 Aug 2013 15:25:58 UTC
File-Find-Rule RCLAMP 19 Oct 2014 11:56:04 UTC
File-ReadBackwards URI 11 May 2013 17:34:46 UTC
File-ShareDir ADAMK 29 Jul 2013 07:22:16 UTC
File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir KENTNL 01 Jul 2013 10:34:14 UTC
File-Temp DAGOLDEN 09 Sep 2013 08:19:57 UTC
File-chdir DAGOLDEN 06 Jul 2014 14:26:46 UTC
Function-Parameters MAUKE 06 Nov 2013 15:28:29 UTC
Furl SYOHEX 27 Oct 2016 14:26:55 UTC
Future PEVANS 14 Oct 2013 21:14:01 UTC
Gazelle KAZEBURO 05 Apr 2015 19:29:04 UTC
Google-ProtocolBuffers-Dynamic MBARBON 03 Nov 2021 04:23:06 UTC
Graphics-ColorUtils JANERT 13 Apr 2015 17:23:43 UTC
Gtk2 XAOC 15 Dec 2013 16:27:56 UTC
Gtk2-TrayIcon BORUP 21 Jun 2013 18:40:00 UTC
Guard MLEHMANN 23 Jan 2014 15:52:58 UTC
HTTP-Cookies GAAS 21 Dec 2014 13:38:20 UTC
IO-Async PEVANS 04 Jan 2018 07:34:43 UTC
IO-Async-SSL PEVANS 28 Oct 2017 08:41:37 UTC
IO-Interface LDS 26 Nov 2013 19:49:55 UTC
IO-Socket-SSL SULLR 14 Sep 2017 11:40:49 UTC
IO-Vectored FRACTAL 31 Oct 2014 10:50:01 UTC
IPC-Run TODDR 24 Aug 2013 13:55:35 UTC
IPC-Run3 RJBS 02 Apr 2015 15:25:07 UTC
Image-Base-Gtk2 KRYDE 02 Dec 2013 20:52:50 UTC
Inline-C ETJ 09 Nov 2014 21:30:31 UTC
JE SPROUT 24 Aug 2015 14:32:59 UTC
JSON-XS MLEHMANN 26 Nov 2013 21:19:40 UTC
Kelp MINIMAL 11 Dec 2014 20:09:50 UTC
Lexical-Persistence RCAPUTO 18 Jan 2014 18:46:08 UTC
Linux-Inotify2 MLEHMANN 11 May 2013 12:24:33 UTC
List-MoreUtils ADAMK 03 Feb 2014 09:06:30 UTC
Log-Any JSWARTZ 20 Apr 2013 16:36:13 UTC
Log-Dispatch DROLSKY 23 Dec 2014 12:02:32 UTC
Log-Log4perl MSCHILLI 24 Apr 2013 18:25:26 UTC
MIDI-Perl CONKLIN 19 Jul 2016 18:45:06 UTC
Marpa-R2 JKEGL 06 Jan 2015 23:15:54 UTC
MarpaX-Languages-C-AST JDDPAUSE 09 Jan 2015 14:14:07 UTC
Math-BaseCalc KWILLIAMS 29 Mar 2017 09:43:10 UTC
Math-Expression-Evaluator MORITZ 06 Jun 2019 09:29:09 UTC
Math-MatrixReal LETO 13 Jan 2014 09:48:26 UTC
Mock-Quick EXODIST 24 Mar 2018 08:35:25 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-I18N SHARIFULN 13 Dec 2013 13:25:50 UTC
Monjon TOBYINK 24 Sep 2014 20:00:41 UTC
Moo HAARG 29 Jul 2013 18:31:52 UTC
Net-IMAP-Simple JETTERO 09 Sep 2021 05:55:41 UTC
Net-Ping SMPETERS 10 May 2013 20:06:49 UTC
Net-Ping-External CHORNY 27 Aug 2013 18:57:43 UTC
Net-SockAddr SYBER 20 Nov 2020 15:28:56 UTC
Net-TFTPd VINSWORLD 27 Sep 2022 16:47:12 UTC
OpenGL CHM 10 May 2014 10:38:29 UTC
PAR-Packer RSCHUPP 13 May 2014 13:50:21 UTC
PDF-API2 SSIMMS 22 Apr 2014 12:21:05 UTC
PEF-Front-WebSocket ANTONPETR 05 Feb 2018 07:56:45 UTC
PSGI MIYAGAWA 13 Feb 2014 16:46:30 UTC
PadWalker ROBIN 18 Jan 2014 19:41:08 UTC
Path-Tiny DAGOLDEN 26 Dec 2013 18:42:22 UTC
Perl-LanguageServer GRICHTER 10 May 2019 13:42:15 UTC
PerlX-Maybe TOBYINK 09 Nov 2014 10:53:23 UTC
PkgConfig PLICEASE 20 Nov 2020 07:13:41 UTC
Plack MIYAGAWA 13 Feb 2014 16:46:35 UTC
Plack-Middleware-Session MIYAGAWA 15 Dec 2014 19:40:29 UTC
Pod-Markdown RWSTAUNER 30 Dec 2015 12:17:58 UTC
Pod-Weaver RJBS 04 Aug 2013 19:31:55 UTC
Pry TOBYINK 08 Sep 2014 07:28:20 UTC
Redis MELO 14 Apr 2013 11:40:52 UTC
Redis-DistLock JANUS 06 May 2019 19:57:03 UTC
Ryu TEAM 12 Jul 2017 08:01:09 UTC
SDL FROGGS 22 Jun 2014 14:10:44 UTC
SPVM KIMOTO 24 Sep 2018 18:07:41 UTC
SQL-Translator FREW 23 Jan 2014 16:47:46 UTC
Safe-Isa ETHER 10 Nov 2014 14:12:31 UTC
Scalar-List-Utils PEVANS 19 Nov 2014 18:59:34 UTC
Scalar-Readonly GOZER 20 Feb 2019 20:25:58 UTC
Server-Starter KAZUHO 28 Apr 2014 19:46:30 UTC
Spreadsheet-ParseXLSX DOY 17 Jun 2020 19:52:00 UTC
Spreadsheet-XLSX MIKEB 17 Jun 2020 19:44:54 UTC
Statocles PREACTION 19 Aug 2019 19:26:59 UTC
Storable AMS 02 Aug 2013 14:06:26 UTC
Sub-Override OVID 23 Mar 2018 17:10:31 UTC
Term-ReadLine-Gnu HAYASHI 28 Aug 2014 20:34:48 UTC
Test-Fatal RJBS 15 Jan 2016 03:29:12 UTC
Test-File-ShareDir KENTNL 08 Nov 2017 12:38:03 UTC
Test-HTTP-Server SPARKY 29 May 2013 19:23:18 UTC
Test-Harness OVID 27 Jun 2013 18:21:52 UTC
Test-LeakTrace GFUJI 14 Nov 2013 10:22:15 UTC
Test-LongString RGARCIA 14 Sep 2018 09:07:39 UTC
Test-MockModule SIMONFLK 06 Aug 2013 20:17:18 UTC
Test-NeedsDisplay ADAMK 19 Dec 2013 23:40:06 UTC
Test-RedisServer TYPESTER 09 Oct 2013 16:33:20 UTC
Test-Requires TOKUHIROM 22 Dec 2014 10:49:11 UTC
Test-Simple RJBS 27 Oct 2013 13:38:26 UTC
Test-Synopsis-Expectation MOZNION 27 Aug 2018 09:49:13 UTC
Test-TCP TOKUHIROM 01 Apr 2013 18:06:49 UTC
Test-Warnings ETHER 16 Oct 2013 18:16:50 UTC
Test-XML SEMANTICO 03 Jun 2014 11:14:16 UTC
Text-CSV MAKAMAKA 15 May 2014 17:48:27 UTC
Text-MicroTemplate KAZUHO 09 Jan 2015 22:11:31 UTC
Text-Xslate SYOHEX 09 Jan 2015 22:11:17 UTC
Throwable RJBS 10 Nov 2014 16:33:36 UTC
Time-HiRes JHI 29 Nov 2016 02:10:49 UTC
Try-Tiny DOY 19 Nov 2014 18:59:12 UTC
Type-Tiny TOBYINK 07 Jan 2014 14:25:43 UTC
URI GAAS 26 May 2013 10:00:43 UTC
URI-Template BRICAS 23 Aug 2014 08:21:14 UTC
UUID-Tiny CAUGUSTIN 22 Aug 2017 13:06:52 UTC
Ubic MMCLERIC 28 Apr 2014 20:55:51 UTC
Ubic-Service-Hypnotoad KARJALA 28 Apr 2014 22:16:16 UTC
Variable-Magic VPIT 29 Jun 2014 11:41:49 UTC
Win32-Daemon JDB 15 Jun 2013 10:31:54 UTC
XML-Fast MONS 06 Jun 2014 21:34:35 UTC
XML-XPath MSERGEANT 31 Jul 2013 11:19:48 UTC
XS-Install SYBER 30 Dec 2019 14:21:26 UTC
Xacobeo POTYL 07 Apr 2015 23:11:39 UTC
ack PETDANCE 12 Jul 2013 18:34:57 UTC
aliased OVID 29 Jul 2013 10:23:18 UTC
cpan-outdated TOKUHIROM 20 May 2014 11:23:58 UTC
curry MSTROUT 08 Jun 2017 05:53:39 UTC
jsonpretty MSTROUT 01 Dec 2014 12:26:04 UTC
perl RJBS 10 Oct 2013 22:34:21 UTC
syntax PHAYLON 11 Aug 2017 15:08:38 UTC