Perlbug::Object::Template - Template class
Applies a template to the data generated by Perlbug::Format.
Each user may apply a template to each object | type.
Defaults for a particular type of object (eg; mail, flag, ...) may be applied by enabling the type column instead of the object one.
For inherited methods, see Perlbug::Object
use Perlbug::Object::Template;
my $o_tmp = Perlbug::Object:;Template->new();
print $o_tmp->object('bug')->read('19870502.007')->template('h');
- format
See Perlbug::Format
Placeholders in templates look like this: <{datacol}> and <{rel_ids}> etc.
Example using bug object:
Column names:
bugid: <{bugid}>
created: <{created}>
author: <{sourceaddr}>
subject: <{subject}>
message count(<{message_count}>)
messageids: <{message_ids}>
patch ids: <{patch_ids}>
admins: <{user_names}>
CC list: <{address_names}>
status: <{status_names}>
this bit only if admin
To assist with formatting of ascii templates, an integer followed by white space may be placed between the last two special characters of the placeholders. The (internal) white space will be stripped, and the number will be used to pad out the given variable, with spaces, using sprintf to that length.
N.B. this will not trim the field, but pad it.
bugid: <{bugid}15 > status: <{status_names}>
severity: <{severity_names} 15 > osname: <{osname_names}>
messages: <{message_count} 15 > <{message_ids}>
will produce
bugid: 19870502.007 status: open
severity: high osname: linux aix etc.
messages: 5 22 23 41 72 102
- new
Create new Template object:
my $o_merge = Perlbug::Object::Template->new();
- object2id
Return template id given current object key type and perhaps format and/or user
my $templateid = $o_tmp->object2id('bug', ['a', ['perlbug']]);
- _merge
Return catchall object data laid out against format(a).
Long lines will be wrapped - if you want a better format, define a template :-)
my $str = $o_tmp->_merge($h_data, $h_rels); my $str = $o_tmp->_merge($h_data, $h_rels, [$fmt]);
- merge
Return object in template layout according to format(a), relations are called from the object given.
my ($hdr, $str, $ftr) = $o_tmp->merge($o_obj, $fmt, [\%data]);
If no template found, calls _merge()
- xtra
Add a little extra to the data, as a helper for default templates
my $h_data = $o_tmp->xtra($key, $o_obj->oid, $h_attr);
Richard Foley 2001
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 104:
=back without =over