Perlbug::Object - Object handler for Perlbug database
Handles Perlbug database objects, typically bug, group, message, patch, note, test, user, and severity, status etc....
Methods included to recognise objects by their id or by their also unique name.
my $o_obj = Perlbug::Object->new(\%init); # see L<new()>
$o_obj = $o_obj->read($oid); # data
my $name = $o_obj->data('name'); # Bug
# ALL bugids (optionally) constrained by sql 'where' clause
my @ids = $o_obj->ids($where); # where
# Relation ids
my @patchids = $o_obj->rel_ids('patch'); # relids
print = $o_obj->format('h');
- new
Create a new object, you need to supply up to three (3) things:
1. A pre-initialised Perlbug::Base->new() object: 2. Attribute pairs: 3. Relation array refs: b<float> is a straight column related to our id and has no distinct object handler, b<from> and B<to> are related with full ids, handlers, etc. treatment.
my $o_obj = Perlbug::Object->new( # Optional base object, useful to maintain transactions $o_Perlbug_Base_Object, # # Attributes 'name' => 'Bug', # mandatory key # Relationships 'float' => [qw(change)], 'from' => [], 'to' => [qw(message note patch test user)], };
- init_data
Initialise generic object attr, columns and column_types from table in db (specific).
my $o_obj = $o_obj->init_data($table);
- init_types
Initialise generic object attr based on table from db, returns relation names.
my @rels = $o_obj->init_types(@rel_types);
- reinit
Reset object to default values, with optional object_id where different, returns object
To check whether the object was succesfully reinit, ask:
my $i_isok = $o_obj->REINIT; # ?
- refresh_relations
Refresh relation data, optionally restricted to only those given, others are cleared.
- check
Check all attr are initialised
my $i_ok = $o_obj->check(\%attributes);
Returns 0|1 depending on whether object has been reinit
my $i_isok = $o_obj->REINIT;
- exists
Examines the database to see if current object exists already.
Second optional parameter overrides sql caching
Return @ids
print "yup\n" if $o_obj->exists([$oid]);
- _exists
Examines the database to see if current object exists by identifier already.
Second optional parameter overrides sql caching
print "yup\n" if $o_obj->_exists(\@ids);
- data_fields
Returns all valid data field names for this object
my @fields = $o_obj->data_fields;
- str2ids
Return appropriate (match_oid)s found in given string
my @ids = $o_obj->str2ids($str);
- ok_ids
Checks to see if given oid/s look anything like we are expecting them to.
Returns list of acceptable object ids
my @ok_ids = $o_obj->ok_ids(\@some_ids);
- primary_key
Wrapper to only get primary_key.
my $pri = $o_obj->primary_key;
- key
Wrapper to get and set key.
my $key = $o_obj->key($key);
- objectid
Wrapper to get and set objectid, (and data(<objectid>) at the same time.
my $oid = $o_obj->objectid($id);
- ids
Gets DISTINCT ids, for this object
my @all_ids = $o_obj->ids();
Which is a bit like an unrestricted col($primary_key, '') call.
More useful are the following examples, restrained by object, or sql WHERE statement:
my @rel_ids = $o_obj->ids($o_rel, [$further_restrained_by_sql], 'refresh'); my @selected = $o_obj->ids($where);
- names
Get DISTINCT names for this object.
If there is no ident=name, or no names, for the object, returns empty list().
For restraints/parameters see ids()
my @names = $o_obj->names();
- col
Gets DISTINCT column, from all or with a where sql statement
my @all_cols = $o_obj->cols('name'); my @rel_cols = $o_obj->cols('name, $o_rel); my @selected = $o_obj->cols('name', $where);
- identifier
Return identifying string key for this object, 'name' or whatever
- id2name
Convert ids to names
my @names = $o_obj->id2name(\@ids);
- name2id
Convert names to ids
my @ids = $o_obj->name2id(\@names);
- count
Return number of objects, optionally restrained by argument given
my $i_cnt = $o_obj->count; my $i_cnt = $o_obj->count($o_rel); # uses o_rel(objectid) my $i_cnt = $o_obj->count("$objectid LIKE '$criteria'");
- trim
Return args trimmed of whitespace, ready for comparison checks
my @trimmed = $o_obj->trim([qw(this and that)]);
- keys_sorted_by_value
Return list of keys sorted by values
my @sorted = $o_obj->keys_sorted_by_value(\%hash);
- choice
Returns appropriate popup() or selector() for object, based on prejudicial setting.
print $o_obj->choice($unique_name, [$selected]); # or none('')
- popup
Create scrolling web list popup with given pre-selection (or any), with (alphabetically sorted) names where possible
my $popup = $o_obj->popup('unique_name', $selected); # or none('')
- selector
Create scrolling web list selector with given pre-selections, with names where possible. Also appends simple list of selected items.
my $selctr = $o_obj->selector('unique_name', \@pre_selected);
- text_area
Create text_area with given args, prep for select(js)
my $ta = $o_obj->text_area('unique_name', 'value', [etc.]);
- text_field
Create text_field with given args, prep for select(js)
my $tf = $o_obj->text_field('unique_name', 'value', [etc.]);
- _gen_field_handler
Generate code to handle get and set object fields, returns 1|0
my $i_ok = $o_obj->_gen_field_handler('header'); my $var = $o_obj->header($msg); # var has msg
- base
Return application specific Perlbug::Base object, given as $o_obj->new($o_base) or new object altogether.
Object relations are handled by a group of methods:
my @rellies = $o_obj->relations('to'); # patch, message, note, test, user,
my $o_patch = $o_obj->relation('patch'); # handler
my @pids = $o_patch->ids($o_obj); # or
my @pids = $o_obj->relation_ids('patch');# ids
Note that relations are between one object and (from or to) another, or of a 'floating' kind.
If it's another object you want, see "object()".
- relation_types
Return relation types for current object
my @types = $self->relation_types; # from, to
- isarel
Returns 1|0 dependant on whether relation($rel), is of given type (or any), or not
print "yup\n" if $o_obj->isarel($rel);
print "patch is related to a bug\n" if $o_pat->isarel('bug'); print "patch is related to a bug\n" if $o_pat->isarel('bug');
- relations
Return relations, filtered by arg, or all if none given
my @rellies = $self->relations('from'); # patch, user, etc.
- relation
Return object handler for given relation
my $o_b2p = $o_bug->relation('patch'); print $o_b2p->assign(\@list_new_patch_ids_2_bug);
If the original (in this case bug) object had already an oid() assigned, (it knew which bug it represented), the relation will be pre-initialised with the relevant bugid, by for example a read() call. Note, however, that where the sourceid is unknown, then only a generic relationship object is returned. eg; this should explicitly work:
print $o_bug->read('19870502.007')->relation('patch')->assign(\@pids);
Note that the read() method takes a single liberty, in that it calls Perlbug::Relation::set_source() on the retrieved relation, thus ensuring said relation knows which object, (of the two that it holds) to regard as source.
See Perlbug::Relation for more info on relation methods.
- relation_ids
Return relation IDs for given object
my @patch_ids = $o_obj->relation_ids('patch');
- _rel_ids
Refresh rel_ids
- relation_names
Return relation names for given object, or empty list() if no names, or not ident=name
my @os_names = $o_obj->relation_names('osname');
- relate
Work through the given hash using the objects' relations():
B<assign()>ing any relation-ids found B<_assign()>ing any relation-names found
Prejudicial against $o_rel->attr('prejudicial') relationships, and is designed to take the output of Perlbug::Base::parse_str().
Returns name of objects assigned to.
my $i_rels = my @rels = $o_obj->relate(\%relationships); where B<%relationships> = ( 'address' => { 'ids' => [qw(7 223 78 26 13)], }, 'address' => { 'names' => [qw(], }, 'bug' => { 'ids' => [qw(19870502.007)], }, 'group' => { 'ids' => [qw()], }, 'osname' => { 'ids' => [qw(3 7 21 23)], 'names' => [qw(aix irix macos win32)], }, 'status' => { 'names' => [qw(open)], }, 'version' => { 'ids' => [qw(4 28 273)], 'names' => [qw(5.7.3)], }, );
See also rtrack()
- appropriate
Attempts to relate relatable bug relations to relevant bugs :-)
The idea is that a test can call appropriate() after a relate(), and this will apply appropriate status flags to any bugids found, etc.
See "relate()" for more info.
my @bugids = $o_obj->appropriate(\%rels);
Record handling methods for Perlbug::Object::\w+'s
- read
Read the data, from the db, by id, and load into current object.
After this it is possible to get to meaningful relations via rel_ids(), and correct format()ing
Returns object so it is possible to chain calls.
print $o_obj->read($id)->format('h'); # etc.
To check whether the object was succesfully read, ask:
my $i_isok = $o_obj->READ;
Returns 0|1 depending on whether object has had a successful read, post new/init/reinit
my $i_isok = $o_obj->READ;
- _read
Wrap read() call to operate by name (if possible)
print $o_obj->_read($name)->format('h'); # etc.
- column_type
Return sql type for given column name
my $datetime = $o_obj->column_type('created'); # DATETIME my $integer = $o_obj->column_type('created'); # INTEGER my $varchar = $o_obj->column_type('created'); # VARCHAR <default>
- to_date
Currently redundant, because Mysql takes care of this, but Oracle may want to do more than this...
my $sql_date = $o_obj->to_date($date_string);
- prep
Quote (or not) given data, ready to go into our table
my $sql = $o_obj->prep('insert', $h_data); # or 'update'
- create
Creates a new system object via inserting the given data into the db, loaded from current object, or given data.
Returns $o_object->read($id).
$o_obj->create(); # using object data $o_obj->create($h_data); # using given data, note B<only> this data is used! $o_obj->create($h_data, 'relation'); # ignore exists call
N.B. caller must set up the appropriate objectid (\d+|<bugid>|NULL|Sequence|...) previously.
To check whether the object was succesfully created, ask:
my $i_isok = $o_obj->CREATED; #
Returns 0|1 depending on whether object has been succesfully created
my $i_isok = $o_obj->CREATED;
- store
Stores the given data into the db, (creates new data record), loaded from current object, or given data.
Executes an insert() or update() dependent on whether the object pre-exists or not.
For more info see create() and update().
Returns $o_object->read($id).
$o_obj->store(); # using object data $o_obj->store($h_data); # using given data, note B<only> this data is used!
To check whether the object was succesfully stored, ask:
my $i_isok = $o_obj->STORED; # ?
Returns 0|1 depending on whether object has been succesfully stored
my $i_isok = $o_obj->STORED;
- update
Update the given data into the db, loaded from current object, or given data.
$o_obj->update(); # using object data $o_obj->update($h_data); # using given data, note B<only> this data is used!
To check whether the object was succesfully updated, ask:
my $i_isok = $o_obj->UPDATED; # ?
Returns 0|1 depending on whether object has been succesfully updated
my $i_isok = $o_obj->UPDATED;
- delete
Delete the given objectid/s or current object, and all it's relationships
$o_obj->delete(); # this object $o_obj->delete(\@oids); # list ref
To check whether the object/s was succesfully deleted, ask:
my $i_isok = $o_obj->DELETED; # 0|1
Returns 0|1 depending on whether object has been succesfully deleted
my $i_isok = $o_obj->DELETED;
- updatable
Check if current object(type) is allowed to be updated
Returns updatable ids
print 'updatable: '.join(', ', $o_obj->updatable(\@ids));
- insertid
Returns newly inserted id from database statement handle
my $new_oid = $o_obj->insertid($sth, $oid);
- new_id
Return valid new object id for given object, usually NULL, as Mysql generates own.
my $new_oid = $o_obj->new_id # Bug expected to generate it's own # Mysql specific # Oracle requires SELECT FROM SEQUENCE ... # Relations map differently...
Convenient wrappers for the following methods are supported, for more details see Perlbug::Base
- error
Wrapper for $o_obj->base->error()
- debug
Wrapper for $o_obj->base->method()
- object
Wrapper for $o_obj->base->method()
- format
Simple wrapper for FORMAT()
my $str = $o_obj->format('h');
- template
Applies appropriate template to this object, based on optional format.
my $str = $o_obj->template($fmt); # [ahl...]
- diff
Returns differences between two (format|templat)ed strings, on a per line basis.
Note that multiple blank lines are reduced to a single blank line.
my $diff = $o_obj->diff("this\nand\that", "this\nor\nthat\netc.");
old: 2 and 4 new: 2 or 4 etc.
- rtrack
Tracks object administration (relations), where %entry is the relevant relate() data, etc.
$o_obj = $o_obj->rtrack(\%data, [$obj, [$objectid]]);
Returns 0|1 depending on whether object has been succesfully TRACKED
my $i_isok = $o_obj->TRACKED;
- attr
Get and set attributes
my $objectid = $o_obj->attr('objectid'); # get my $newobjid = $o_obj->attr({'objectid', $newid}); # set
- data
Get and set data by hash ref.
Returns data values, all if none specified.
$o_obj->data({ 'this' => 'that', 'and' => 'so on', }); my $name = $o_obj->data('name'); my @vals = $o_obj->data;
- flag
Get and set flags
my $i_read = $o_obj->flag('read'); # get
- attr
- data
- flag
Note that to set any of these you have to send in a hashref!
Returns keys of succesful updates
my $attr = $self->attr('objectid'); # get my @keys = $self->data(); # get my $data = $self->flag({'created' => 1}); # set $data=created my @data = $self->data({'name' => 'newname', 'body' => 'stuff'}); # set
Richard Foley 2000 2001