
Zero::NWayTree - N-Way-Tree in Zero assembler language.


Create a tree, load it from an array of random numbers, then print out the results:

my $W = 3; my $N = 107; my @r = randomArray $N;

Start 1;
my $t = New($W);                                                              # Create tree at expected location in memory

my $a = Array "aaa";
for my $I(1..$N)                                                              # Load array
 {my $i = $I-1;
  Mov [$a, $i, "aaa"], $r[$i];

ForArray                                                                      # Create tree
 {my ($i, $k) = @_;
  my $n = Keys($t);
  AssertEq $n, $i;                                                            # Check tree size
  my $K = Add $k, $k;
  Tally 1;
  Insert($t, $k, $K);                                                         # Insert a new node
  Tally 0;
 } $a, q(aaa);

Iterate                                                                       # Iterate tree
 {my ($find) = @_;                                                            # Find result
  my $k = FindResult_key($find);
  Out $k;
  my $f = Find($t, $k);                                                       # Find
  my $d = FindResult_data($f);
  my $K = Add $k, $k;
  AssertEq $K, $d;                                                            # Check result
 } $t;

my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

is_deeply $e->out, [1..$N];                                                   # Expected sequence

is_deeply $e->tallyCount,  26177;                                             # Insertion instruction counts
is_deeply $e->tallyCounts->{1}, {
add        => 860,
array      => 607,
call       => 107,
free       => 360,
inc        => 1044,
jEq        => 631,
jGe        => 1667,
jLe        => 461,
jLt        => 565,
jmp        => 1436,
jNe        => 1095,
mov        => 12328,
not        => 695,
paramsGet  => 321,
paramsPut  => 321,
resize     => 12,
return     => 107,
shiftRight => 68,
shiftUp    => 300,
subtract   => 641,
tracePoint => 2551,


Version 20230513.

The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.


Create a new tree.


Create a variable referring to a new tree descriptor.

   Parameter  Description
1  $n         Maximum number of keys per node in this tree


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;

  Out New(3);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [1];
  is_deeply $e->memory, { 1 => bless([0, 0, 3, 0], "Tree") };

if (1)                                                                            
 {my $W = 3; my $N = 66;

  Start 1;

  my $t = New($W);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  for my $i(1..$N)
   {Insert($t, $i, my $d = $i+$i);
    for my $j(1..$i)
     {AssertEq $j+$j, FindResult_data(Find($t, $j));
    AssertNe FindResult_found, FindResult_cmp(Find($t, 0));
    AssertNe FindResult_found, FindResult_cmp(Find($t, $i+1));

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [];

if (1)                                                                            
 {my $W = 3; my $N = 66; my @r = randomArray $N;

  Start 1;

  my $t = New($W);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  for my $i(1..$N)
   {my $k = $r[$i-1]; my $d = $k*2;
    Insert($t, $k, $d);
    AssertEq $d, FindResult_data(Find($t, $k));

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply printTreeKeys($e->memory), <<END;
                                     13                                                                                           44                               55
                    7                                     20             25                                  37                                     50                               61
     2     4              9    11          15    17                23          27                33    35          39    41                47             52                58             63    65
  1     3     5  6     8    10    12    14    16    18 19    21 22    24    26    28 29    31 32    34    36    38    40    42 43    45 46    48 49    51    53 54    56 57    59 60    62    64    66


Get the number of keys in the tree..

   Parameter  Description
1  $tree      Tree to examine


if (1)                                                                              
 {my $W = 3; my $N = 107; my @r = randomArray $N;

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);                                                              # Create tree at expected location in memory

  my $a = Array "aaa";
  for my $I(1..$N)                                                              # Load array
   {my $i = $I-1;
    Mov [$a, $i, "aaa"], $r[$i];

  ForArray                                                                      # Create tree
   {my ($i, $k) = @_;

    my $n = Keys($t);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    AssertEq $n, $i;                                                            # Check tree size
    my $K = Add $k, $k;
    Tally 1;
    Insert($t, $k, $K);                                                         # Insert a new node
    Tally 0;
   } $a, q(aaa);

  Iterate                                                                       # Iterate tree
   {my ($find) = @_;                                                            # Find result
    my $k = FindResult_key($find);
    Out $k;
    my $f = Find($t, $k);                                                       # Find
    my $d = FindResult_data($f);
    my $K = Add $k, $k;
    AssertEq $K, $d;                                                            # Check result
   } $t;

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out, [1..$N];                                                   # Expected sequence

  is_deeply $e->tallyCount,  23612;                                             # Insertion instruction counts

", dump($e->tallyCounts->{1});

  is_deeply $e->tallyCounts->{1}, {
  add => 860,
  array => 607,
  arrayIndex => 7,
  call => 107,
  dec => 7,
  free => 360,
  inc => 1044,
  jEq => 631,
  jGe => 1660,
  jLe => 461,
  jLt => 565,
  jmp => 1436,
  jNe => 1088,
  mov => 12314,
  not => 695,
  paramsGet => 321,
  paramsPut => 321,
  resize => 12,
  return => 107,
  shiftRight => 68,
  shiftUp => 300,
  subtract => 641,


Get key from find result..

   Parameter  Description
1  $f         Find result


if (1)                                                                              
 {my $W = 3; my $N = 107; my @r = randomArray $N;

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);                                                              # Create tree at expected location in memory

  my $a = Array "aaa";
  for my $I(1..$N)                                                              # Load array
   {my $i = $I-1;
    Mov [$a, $i, "aaa"], $r[$i];

  ForArray                                                                      # Create tree
   {my ($i, $k) = @_;
    my $n = Keys($t);
    AssertEq $n, $i;                                                            # Check tree size
    my $K = Add $k, $k;
    Tally 1;
    Insert($t, $k, $K);                                                         # Insert a new node
    Tally 0;
   } $a, q(aaa);

  Iterate                                                                       # Iterate tree
   {my ($find) = @_;                                                            # Find result

    my $k = FindResult_key($find);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Out $k;
    my $f = Find($t, $k);                                                       # Find
    my $d = FindResult_data($f);
    my $K = Add $k, $k;
    AssertEq $K, $d;                                                            # Check result
   } $t;

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out, [1..$N];                                                   # Expected sequence

  is_deeply $e->tallyCount,  23612;                                             # Insertion instruction counts

", dump($e->tallyCounts->{1});

  is_deeply $e->tallyCounts->{1}, {
  add => 860,
  array => 607,
  arrayIndex => 7,
  call => 107,
  dec => 7,
  free => 360,
  inc => 1044,
  jEq => 631,
  jGe => 1660,
  jLe => 461,
  jLt => 565,
  jmp => 1436,
  jNe => 1088,
  mov => 12314,
  not => 695,
  paramsGet => 321,
  paramsPut => 321,
  resize => 12,
  return => 107,
  shiftRight => 68,
  shiftUp => 300,
  subtract => 641,


Get comparison from find result..

   Parameter  Description
1  $f         Find result


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $f = FindResult_new(1, 2, 3, 4);
  my $n = FindResult_node($f);
  my $k = FindResult_key($f);

  my $c = FindResult_cmp($f);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $i = FindResult_index($f);
  Out $_ for $n, $c, $k, $i;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out,    [1, 3, 2, 4];
  is_deeply $e->memory, {1=>[1, 3, 2, 4]};


Get data field from find results..

   Parameter  Description
1  $f         Find result


if (1)                                                                              
 {my $W = 3; my $N = 107; my @r = randomArray $N;

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);                                                              # Create tree at expected location in memory

  my $a = Array "aaa";
  for my $I(1..$N)                                                              # Load array
   {my $i = $I-1;
    Mov [$a, $i, "aaa"], $r[$i];

  ForArray                                                                      # Create tree
   {my ($i, $k) = @_;
    my $n = Keys($t);
    AssertEq $n, $i;                                                            # Check tree size
    my $K = Add $k, $k;
    Tally 1;
    Insert($t, $k, $K);                                                         # Insert a new node
    Tally 0;
   } $a, q(aaa);

  Iterate                                                                       # Iterate tree
   {my ($find) = @_;                                                            # Find result
    my $k = FindResult_key($find);
    Out $k;
    my $f = Find($t, $k);                                                       # Find

    my $d = FindResult_data($f);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    my $K = Add $k, $k;
    AssertEq $K, $d;                                                            # Check result
   } $t;

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out, [1..$N];                                                   # Expected sequence

  is_deeply $e->tallyCount,  23612;                                             # Insertion instruction counts

", dump($e->tallyCounts->{1});

  is_deeply $e->tallyCounts->{1}, {
  add => 860,
  array => 607,
  arrayIndex => 7,
  call => 107,
  dec => 7,
  free => 360,
  inc => 1044,
  jEq => 631,
  jGe => 1660,
  jLe => 461,
  jLt => 565,
  jmp => 1436,
  jNe => 1088,
  mov => 12314,
  not => 695,
  paramsGet => 321,
  paramsPut => 321,
  resize => 12,
  return => 107,
  shiftRight => 68,
  shiftUp => 300,
  subtract => 641,


Find a key in a tree.

Find($tree, $key, %options)

Find a key in a tree returning a FindResult describing the outcome of the search.

   Parameter  Description
1  $tree      Tree to search
2  $key       Key to find
3  %options   Options


if (1)                                                                            
 {my $W = 3; my $N = 66;

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);

  for my $i(1..$N)
   {Insert($t, $i, my $d = $i+$i);
    for my $j(1..$i)

     {AssertEq $j+$j, FindResult_data(Find($t, $j));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


    AssertNe FindResult_found, FindResult_cmp(Find($t, 0));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    AssertNe FindResult_found, FindResult_cmp(Find($t, $i+1));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [];

if (1)                                                                            
 {my $W = 3; my $N = 66; my @r = randomArray $N;

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);

  for my $i(1..$N)
   {my $k = $r[$i-1]; my $d = $k*2;
    Insert($t, $k, $d);

    AssertEq $d, FindResult_data(Find($t, $k));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply printTreeKeys($e->memory), <<END;
                                     13                                                                                           44                               55
                    7                                     20             25                                  37                                     50                               61
     2     4              9    11          15    17                23          27                33    35          39    41                47             52                58             63    65
  1     3     5  6     8    10    12    14    16    18 19    21 22    24    26    28 29    31 32    34    36    38    40    42 43    45 46    48 49    51    53 54    56 57    59 60    62    64    66

if (1)                                                                              
 {my $W = 3; my $N = 107; my @r = randomArray $N;

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);                                                              # Create tree at expected location in memory

  my $a = Array "aaa";
  for my $I(1..$N)                                                              # Load array
   {my $i = $I-1;
    Mov [$a, $i, "aaa"], $r[$i];

  ForArray                                                                      # Create tree
   {my ($i, $k) = @_;
    my $n = Keys($t);
    AssertEq $n, $i;                                                            # Check tree size
    my $K = Add $k, $k;
    Tally 1;
    Insert($t, $k, $K);                                                         # Insert a new node
    Tally 0;
   } $a, q(aaa);

  Iterate                                                                       # Iterate tree

   {my ($find) = @_;                                                            # Find result  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    my $k = FindResult_key($find);
    Out $k;

    my $f = Find($t, $k);                                                       # Find  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    my $d = FindResult_data($f);
    my $K = Add $k, $k;
    AssertEq $K, $d;                                                            # Check result
   } $t;

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out, [1..$N];                                                   # Expected sequence

  is_deeply $e->tallyCount,  23612;                                             # Insertion instruction counts

", dump($e->tallyCounts->{1});

  is_deeply $e->tallyCounts->{1}, {
  add => 860,
  array => 607,
  arrayIndex => 7,
  call => 107,
  dec => 7,
  free => 360,
  inc => 1044,
  jEq => 631,
  jGe => 1660,
  jLe => 461,
  jLt => 565,
  jmp => 1436,
  jNe => 1088,
  mov => 12314,
  not => 695,
  paramsGet => 321,
  paramsPut => 321,
  resize => 12,
  return => 107,
  shiftRight => 68,
  shiftUp => 300,
  subtract => 641,


Create a new entry ina tree connecting a key to data.

Insert($tree, $key, $data, %options)

Insert a key and its associated data into a tree.

   Parameter  Description
1  $tree      Tree
2  $key       Key
3  $data      Data
4  %options


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $t = New(3);                                                               # Create tree
  my $f = Find($t, 1);
  my $c = FindResult_cmp($f);
  AssertEq($c, FindResult_notFound);
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [];

if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $t = New(3);

  Insert($t, 1, 11);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->memory, {
  1 => bless([1, 1, 3, 2], "Tree"),
  2 => bless([1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0], "Node"),
  3 => bless([1], "Keys"),
  4 => bless([11], "Data")};

if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $t = New(3);

  Insert($t, 1, 11);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Insert($t, 2, 22);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->memory, {
  1 => bless([2, 1, 3, 2], "Tree"),
  2 => bless([2, 1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0], "Node"),
  3 => bless([1, 2], "Keys"),
  4 => bless([11, 22], "Data")};

if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $t = New(3);

  Insert($t, $_, "$_$_") for 1..3;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->memory, {
  1 => bless([3, 1, 3, 2], "Tree"),
  2 => bless([3, 1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0], "Node"),
  3 => bless([1, 2, 3], "Keys"),
  4 => bless([11, 22, 33], "Data")}

if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $t = New(3);

  Insert($t, $_, "$_$_") for 1..4;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->memory, {
  1  => bless([4, 3, 3, 2], "Tree"),
  2  => bless([1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 11], "Node"),
  3  => bless([2], "Keys"),
  4  => bless([22], "Data"),
  5  => bless([1, 2, 2, 1, 6, 7, 0], "Node"),
  6  => bless([1], "Keys"),
  7  => bless([11], "Data"),
  8  => bless([2, 3, 2, 1, 9, 10, 0], "Node"),
  9  => bless([3, 4], "Keys"),
  10 => bless([33, 44], "Data"),
  11 => bless([5, 8], "Down"),

if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $t = New(3);

  Insert($t, $_, "$_$_") for 1..5;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->memory, {
  1  => bless([5, 5, 3, 2], "Tree"),
  2  => bless([2, 1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 11], "Node"),
  3  => bless([2, 4], "Keys"),
  4  => bless([22, 44], "Data"),
  5  => bless([1, 2, 2, 1, 6, 7, 0], "Node"),
  6  => bless([1], "Keys"),
  7  => bless([11], "Data"),
  11 => bless([5, 14, 17], "Down"),
  14 => bless([1, 4, 2, 1, 15, 16, 0], "Node"),
  15 => bless([3], "Keys"),
  16 => bless([33], "Data"),
  17 => bless([1, 5, 2, 1, 18, 19, 0], "Node"),
  18 => bless([5], "Keys"),
  19 => bless([55], "Data")}

if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $t = New(3);

  Insert($t, $_, "$_$_") for 1..6;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->memory, {
  1  => bless([6, 5, 3, 2], "Tree"),
  2  => bless([2, 1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 11], "Node"),
  3  => bless([2, 4], "Keys"),
  4  => bless([22, 44], "Data"),
  5  => bless([1, 2, 2, 1, 6, 7, 0], "Node"),
  6  => bless([1], "Keys"),
  7  => bless([11], "Data"),
  11 => bless([5, 14, 17], "Down"),
  14 => bless([1, 4, 2, 1, 15, 16, 0], "Node"),
  15 => bless([3], "Keys"),
  16 => bless([33], "Data"),
  17 => bless([2, 5, 2, 1, 18, 19, 0], "Node"),
  18 => bless([5, 6], "Keys"),
  19 => bless([55, 66], "Data")};

if (1)                                                                            
 {my $W = 3; my $N = 66;

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);

  for my $i(1..$N)

   {Insert($t, $i, my $d = $i+$i);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    for my $j(1..$i)
     {AssertEq $j+$j, FindResult_data(Find($t, $j));
    AssertNe FindResult_found, FindResult_cmp(Find($t, 0));
    AssertNe FindResult_found, FindResult_cmp(Find($t, $i+1));

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [];

if (1)                                                                            
 {my $W = 3; my $N = 66; my @r = randomArray $N;

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);

  for my $i(1..$N)
   {my $k = $r[$i-1]; my $d = $k*2;

    Insert($t, $k, $d);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    AssertEq $d, FindResult_data(Find($t, $k));

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply printTreeKeys($e->memory), <<END;
                                     13                                                                                           44                               55
                    7                                     20             25                                  37                                     50                               61
     2     4              9    11          15    17                23          27                33    35          39    41                47             52                58             63    65
  1     3     5  6     8    10    12    14    16    18 19    21 22    24    26    28 29    31 32    34    36    38    40    42 43    45 46    48 49    51    53 54    56 57    59 60    62    64    66


Iterate over the keys and their associated data held in a tree.

Iterate($block, $tree)

Iterate over a tree.

   Parameter  Description
1  $block     Block of code to execute for each key in tree
2  $tree      Tree


if (1)                                                                              
 {my $W = 3; my $N = 107; my @r = randomArray $N;

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);                                                              # Create tree at expected location in memory

  my $a = Array "aaa";
  for my $I(1..$N)                                                              # Load array
   {my $i = $I-1;
    Mov [$a, $i, "aaa"], $r[$i];

  ForArray                                                                      # Create tree
   {my ($i, $k) = @_;
    my $n = Keys($t);
    AssertEq $n, $i;                                                            # Check tree size
    my $K = Add $k, $k;
    Tally 1;
    Insert($t, $k, $K);                                                         # Insert a new node
    Tally 0;
   } $a, q(aaa);

  Iterate                                                                       # Iterate tree  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {my ($find) = @_;                                                            # Find result
    my $k = FindResult_key($find);
    Out $k;
    my $f = Find($t, $k);                                                       # Find
    my $d = FindResult_data($f);
    my $K = Add $k, $k;
    AssertEq $K, $d;                                                            # Check result
   } $t;

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out, [1..$N];                                                   # Expected sequence

  is_deeply $e->tallyCount,  23612;                                             # Insertion instruction counts

", dump($e->tallyCounts->{1});

  is_deeply $e->tallyCounts->{1}, {
  add => 860,
  array => 607,
  arrayIndex => 7,
  call => 107,
  dec => 7,
  free => 360,
  inc => 1044,
  jEq => 631,
  jGe => 1660,
  jLe => 461,
  jLt => 565,
  jmp => 1436,
  jNe => 1088,
  mov => 12314,
  not => 695,
  paramsGet => 321,
  paramsPut => 321,
  resize => 12,
  return => 107,
  shiftRight => 68,
  shiftUp => 300,
  subtract => 641,


Print trees horizontally.


Print the keys held in a tree.

   Parameter  Description
1  $m         Memory


if (1)                                                                           
 {my $W = 7; my $N = 165; my @r = randomArray $N;

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);

  for my $i(0..$N-1)
   {Insert($t, $r[$i], $r[$i]);

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply printTreeKeys($e->memory),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲



Print the data held in a tree.

   Parameter  Description
1  $m         Memory


if (1)                                                                           
 {my $W = 7; my $N = 165; my @r = randomArray $N;

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);

  for my $i(0..$N-1)
   {Insert($t, $r[$i], $r[$i]);

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply printTreeKeys($e->memory),

            printTreeData($e->memory);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲



Utility functions.


Create a random array.

   Parameter  Description
1  $N         Size of array


if (1)                                                                          

 {my $W = 3; my $N = 76; my @r = randomArray $N;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Start 1;
  my $t = New($W);

  for my $i(0..$N-1)
   {Insert($t, $r[$i], $r[$i]);

  Iterate                                                                       # Iterate tree
   {my ($find) = @_;                                                            # Find result
    my $k = FindResult_key($find);
    Out $k;
   } $t;

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [1..$N];


1 Find - Find a key in a tree returning a FindResult describing the outcome of the search.

2 FindResult_cmp - Get comparison from find result.

3 FindResult_data - Get data field from find results.

4 FindResult_key - Get key from find result.

5 Insert - Insert a key and its associated data into a tree.

6 Iterate - Iterate over a tree.

7 Keys - Get the number of keys in the tree.

8 New - Create a variable referring to a new tree descriptor.

9 printTreeData - Print the data held in a tree.

10 printTreeKeys - Print the keys held in a tree.

11 randomArray - Create a random array.


This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:

sudo cpan install Zero::NWayTree



Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Philip R Brenan.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.