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Data::Table::Text - Write data in tabular text format.


use Data::Table::Text;

# Print a table:

my $d =
 [[qq(a), qq(b\nbb), qq(c\ncc\nccc\n)],
  [qq(1), qq(1\n22), qq(1\n22\n333\n)],

my $t = formatTable($d, [qw(A BB CCC)]);

ok $t eq <<END;
   A  BB  CCC
1  a  b   c
      bb  cc
2  1   1    1
      22   22

# Print a table containing tables and make it into a report:

my $D = [[qq(See the\ntable\nopposite), $t],
         [qq(Or\nthis\none),            $t],

my $T = formatTable($D, [qw(Description Table)], head=><<END);
Table of Tables.

Table has NNNN rows each of which contains a table.

ok $T eq <<END;
Table of Tables.

Table has 2 rows each of which contains a table.

   Description  Table
1  See the         A  BB  CCC
   table        1  a  b   c
   opposite           bb  cc
                2  1   1    1
                      22   22
2  Or              A  BB  CCC
   this         1  a  b   c
   one                bb  cc
                2  1   1    1
                      22   22

# Print an array of arrays:

my $aa = formatTable
 ([[qw(A   B   C  )],
   [qw(AA  BB  CC )],
   [qw(AAA BBB CCC)],
   [qw(1   22  333)]],
   [qw (aa  bb  cc)]);

ok $aa eq <<END;
   aa   bb   cc
1  A    B    C
2  AA   BB   CC
4    1   22  333

# Print an array of hashes:

my $ah = formatTable
 ([{aa=> "A",   bb => "B",   cc => "C" },
   {aa=> "AA",  bb => "BB",  cc => "CC" },
   {aa=> "AAA", bb => "BBB", cc => "CCC" },
   {aa=> 1,     bb => 22,    cc => 333 }]);

ok $ah eq <<END;
   aa   bb   cc
1  A    B    C
2  AA   BB   CC
4    1   22  333

# Print a hash of arrays:

my $ha = formatTable
 ({""     => ["aa",  "bb",  "cc"],
   "1"    => ["A",   "B",   "C"],
   "22"   => ["AA",  "BB",  "CC"],
   "333"  => ["AAA", "BBB", "CCC"],
   "4444" => [1,      22,    333]},
   [qw(Key A B C)]

ok $ha eq <<END;
Key   A    B    C
      aa   bb   cc
   1  A    B    C
  22  AA   BB   CC
 333  AAA  BBB  CCC
4444    1   22  333

# Print a hash of hashes:

my $hh = formatTable
 ({a    => {aa=>"A",   bb=>"B",   cc=>"C" },
   aa   => {aa=>"AA",  bb=>"BB",  cc=>"CC" },
   aaa  => {aa=>"AAA", bb=>"BBB", cc=>"CCC" },
   aaaa => {aa=>1,     bb=>22,    cc=>333 }});

ok $hh eq <<END;
      aa   bb   cc
a     A    B    C
aa    AA   BB   CC
aaa   AAA  BBB  CCC
aaaa    1   22  333

# Print an array of scalars:

my $a = formatTable(["a", "bb", "ccc", 4], [q(#), q(Col)]);

ok $a eq <<END;
#  Col
0  a
1  bb
2  ccc
3    4

# Print a hash of scalars:

my $h = formatTable({aa=>"AAAA", bb=>"BBBB", cc=>"333"}, [qw(Key Title)]);

ok $h eq <<END;
Key  Title
aa   AAAA
bb   BBBB
cc     333


Write data in tabular text format.

Version 20240203.

The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.

Immediately useful methods

These methods are the ones most likely to be of immediate use to anyone using this module for the first time:

absFromAbsPlusRel($a, $r)

Absolute file from an absolute file $a plus a relative file $r. In the event that the relative file $r is, in fact, an absolute file then it is returned as the result.

awsParallelProcessFiles($userData, $parallel, $results, $files, %options)

Process files in parallel across multiple Amazon Web Services instances if available or in series if not. The data located by $userData is transferred from the primary instance, as determined by awsParallelPrimaryInstanceId, to all the secondary instances. $parallel contains a reference to a sub, parameterized by array @_ = (a copy of the user data, the name of the file to process), which will be executed upon each session instance including the primary instance to update $userData. $results contains a reference to a sub, parameterized by array @_ = (the user data, an array of results returned by each execution of $parallel), that will be called on the primary instance to process the results folders from each instance once their results folders have been copied back and merged into the results folder of the primary instance. $results should update its copy of $userData with the information received from each instance. $files is a reference to an array of the files to be processed: each file will be copied from the primary instance to each of the secondary instances before parallel processing starts. %options contains any parameters needed to interact with EC2 via the Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface. The returned result is that returned by sub $results.

clearFolder($folder, $limitCount, $noMsg)

Remove all the files and folders under and including the specified $folder as long as the number of files to be removed is less than the specified $limitCount. Sometimes the folder can be emptied but not removed - perhaps because it a link, in this case a message is produced unless suppressed by the optional $nomsg parameter.


Year-monthNumber-day at hours:minute:seconds.

execPerlOnRemote($code, $ip)

Execute some Perl $code on the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.


Create a file name from a list of names the last of which is assumed to be the extension of the file name. Identical to fpe.


Remove the path and extension from a file name.

formatTable($data, $columnTitles, @options)

Format various $data structures as a table with titles as specified by $columnTitles: either a reference to an array of column titles or a string each line of which contains the column title as the first word with the rest of the line describing that column.

Optionally create a report from the table using the report %options described in formatTableCheckKeys.

genHash($bless, %attributes)

Return a $blessed hash with the specified $attributes accessible via lvalue method method calls. updateDocumentation will generate documentation at "Hash Definitions" for the hash defined by the call to genHash if the call is laid out as in the example below.


Return the content of a file residing on the local machine interpreting the content of the file as utf8.

readFileFromRemote($file, $ip)

Copy and read a $file from the remote machine whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp and return the content of $file interpreted as utf8 .

relFromAbsAgainstAbs($a, $b)

Relative file from one absolute file $a against another $b.

runInParallel($maximumNumberOfProcesses, $parallel, $results, @array)

Process the elements of an array in parallel using a maximum of $maximumNumberOfProcesses processes. sub &$parallel is forked to process each array element in parallel. The results returned by the forked copies of &$parallel are presented as a single array to sub &$results which is run in series. @array contains the elements to be processed. Returns the result returned by &$results.


Search the specified directory under the specified folder for sub folders.


Search the specified directory trees for the files (not folders) that match the specified extensions. The argument list should include at least one path name to be useful. If no file extensions are supplied then all the files below the specified paths are returned. Arguments wrapped in [] will be unwrapped.

writeFile($file, $string)

Write to a new $file, after creating a path to the $file with makePath if necessary, a $string of Unicode content encoded as utf8. Return the name of the $file written to on success else confess if the file already exists or any other error occurs.

writeFileToRemote($file, $string, $ip)

Write to a new $file, after creating a path to the file with makePath if necessary, a $string of Unicode content encoded as utf8 then copy the $file to the remote server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp. Return the name of the $file on success else confess if the file already exists or any other error occurs.

xxxr($cmd, $ip)

Execute a command $cmd via bash on the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp. The command will be run using the userid listed in .ssh/config.

Time stamps

Date and timestamps as used in logs of long running commands.

dateTimeStamp ()

Year-monthNumber-day at hours:minute:seconds.


ok dateTimeStamp     =~ m(\A\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d at \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\Z), q(dts);         # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

dateTimeStampName ()

Date time stamp without white space.


ok dateTimeStampName =~ m(\A_on_\d{4}_\d\d_\d\d_at_\d\d_\d\d_\d\d\Z);             # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

dateStamp ()



ok dateStamp         =~ m(\A\d{4}-\w{3}-\d\d\Z);                                  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

versionCode ()



ok versionCode       =~ m(\A\d{8}-\d{6}\Z);                                       # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

versionCodeDashed ()



ok versionCodeDashed =~ m(\A\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\Z);                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

timeStamp ()



ok timeStamp         =~ m(\A\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\Z);                                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

microSecondsSinceEpoch ()

Micro seconds since unix epoch.


ok microSecondsSinceEpoch > 47*365*24*60*60*1e6;                                  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Command execution

Various ways of processing commands and writing results.

ddd (@data)

Dump data.

   Parameter  Description
1  @data      Messages


ddd "Hello";                                                                      # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

fff ($line, $file, @m)

Confess a message with a line position and a file that Geany will jump to if clicked on.

   Parameter  Description
1  $line      Line
2  $file      File
3  @m         Messages


fff __LINE__, __FILE__, "Hello world";                                            # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

lll (@messages)

Log messages with a time stamp and originating file and line number.

   Parameter  Description
1  @messages  Messages


lll "Hello world";                                                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mmm (@messages)

Log messages with a differential time in milliseconds and originating file and line number.

   Parameter  Description
1  @messages  Messages


mmm "Hello world";                                                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

xxx (@cmd)

Execute a shell command optionally checking its response. The command to execute is specified as one or more strings which are joined together after removing any new lines. Optionally the last string can be a regular expression that is used to test any non blank output generated by the execution of the command: if the regular expression fails the command and the command output are printed, else it is suppressed as being uninteresting. If such a regular expression is not supplied then the command and its non blank output lines are always printed.

   Parameter  Description
1  @cmd       Command to execute followed by an optional regular expression to test the results


{ok xxx("echo aaa")       =~ /aaa/;                                              # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

xxxr($cmd, $ip)

Execute a command $cmd via bash on the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp. The command will be run using the userid listed in .ssh/config.

   Parameter  Description
1  $cmd       Command string
2  $ip        Optional ip address


if (0)

 {ok xxxr q(pwd);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


yyy ($cmd)

Execute a block of shell commands line by line after removing comments - stop if there is a non zero return code from any command.

   Parameter  Description
1  $cmd       Commands to execute separated by new lines


  ok !yyy <<END;                                                                  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

echo aaa
echo bbb

zzz ($cmd, $success, $returnCode, $message)

Execute lines of commands after replacing new lines with && then check that the pipeline execution results in a return code of zero and that the execution results match the optional regular expression if one has been supplied; confess() to an error if either check fails. To execute remotely, add "ssh ... 'echo start" as the first line and "echo end'" as the last line with the commands to be executed on the lines in between.

   Parameter    Description
1  $cmd         Commands to execute - one per line with no trailing &&
2  $success     Optional regular expression to check for acceptable results
3  $returnCode  Optional regular expression to check the acceptable return codes
4  $message     Message of explanation if any of the checks fail


ok zzz(<<END, qr(aaa\s*bbb)s);                                                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

echo aaa
echo bbb

execPerlOnRemote($code, $ip)

Execute some Perl $code on the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.

   Parameter  Description
1  $code      Code to execute
2  $ip        Optional ip address


  ok execPerlOnRemote(<<'END') =~ m(Hello from: t2.micro)i;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

#!/usr/bin/perl -I/home/phil/perl/cpan/DataTableText/lib/
use Data::Table::Text qw(:all);

say STDERR "Hello from: ", awsCurrentInstanceType;

parseCommandLineArguments ($sub, $args, $valid)

Call the specified $sub after classifying the specified array of [arguments] in $args into positional and keyword parameters. Keywords are always preceded by one or more - and separated from their values by =. $sub([$positional], {keyword=>value}) will be called with a reference to an array of positional parameters followed by a reference to a hash of keywords and their values. The value returned by $sub will be returned to the caller. The keywords names will be validated if $valid is either a reference to an array of valid keywords names or a hash of {valid keyword name => textual description}. Confess with a table of valid keywords definitions if $valid is specified and an invalid keyword argument is presented.

   Parameter  Description
1  $sub       Sub to call
2  $args      List of arguments to parse
3  $valid     Optional list of valid parameters else all parameters will be accepted


  my $r = parseCommandLineArguments {[@_]}  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   [qw( aaa bbb -c --dd --eee=EEEE -f=F), q(--gg=g g), q(--hh=h h)];
  is_deeply $r,
    [["aaa", "bbb"],
     {c=>undef, dd=>undef, eee=>"EEEE", f=>"F", gg=>"g g", hh=>"h h"},

if (1)

 {my $r = parseCommandLineArguments  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {ok 1;
   [qw(--aAa=AAA --bbB=BBB)], [qw(aaa bbb ccc)];
  is_deeply $r, {aaa=>'AAA', bbb=>'BBB'};

call($sub, @our)

Call the specified $sub in a separate child process, wait for it to complete, then copy back the named @our variables from the child process to the calling parent process effectively freeing any memory used during the call.

   Parameter  Description
1  $sub       Sub to call
2  @our       Names of our variable names with preceding sigils to copy back


our $a = q(1);
our @a = qw(1);
our %a = (a=>1);
our $b = q(1);
for(2..4) {

  call {$a = $_  x 1e3; $a[0] = $_ x 1e2; $a{a} = $_ x 1e1; $b = 2;} qw($a @a %a);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok $a    == $_ x 1e3;
  ok $a[0] == $_ x 1e2;
  ok $a{a} == $_ x 1e1;
  ok $b    == 1;

evalOrConfess (@c)

Evaluate some code successfully or confess as to why it failed to evaluate successfully.

   Parameter  Description
1  @c         Code to evaluate


ok evalOrConfess("1") == 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my $r = eval {evalOrConfess "++ ++"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $@ =~ m(syntax error);

Files and paths

Operations on files and paths.


Information about each file.


Get the size of a $file in bytes.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


my $f = writeFile("", "aaa");

ok fileSize($f) == 3;                                                           # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

fileLargestSize (@files)

Return the largest $file.

   Parameter  Description
1  @files     File names


  my $d = temporaryFolder;
  my @f = map {owf(fpe($d, $_, q(txt)), 'X' x ($_ ** 2 % 11))} 1..9;

  my $f = fileLargestSize(@f);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok fn($f) eq '3', 'aaa';

#  my $b = folderSize($d);                                                       # Needs du
#  ok $b > 0, 'bbb';

  my $c = processFilesInParallel(
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, (@f) x 12);

  ok 108 == $c, 'cc11';

  my $C = processSizesInParallel
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, map {[fileSize($_), $_]} (@f) x 12;

  ok 108 == $C, 'cc2';

  my $J = processJavaFilesInParallel
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, (@f) x 12;

  ok 108 == $J, 'cc3';

  clearFolder($d, 12);

folderSize ($folder)

Get the size of a $folder in bytes.

   Parameter  Description
1  $folder    Folder name


  my $d = temporaryFolder;
  my @f = map {owf(fpe($d, $_, q(txt)), 'X' x ($_ ** 2 % 11))} 1..9;

  my $f = fileLargestSize(@f);
  ok fn($f) eq '3', 'aaa';

#  my $b = folderSize($d);                                                       # Needs du  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

#  ok $b > 0, 'bbb';

  my $c = processFilesInParallel(
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, (@f) x 12);

  ok 108 == $c, 'cc11';

  my $C = processSizesInParallel
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, map {[fileSize($_), $_]} (@f) x 12;

  ok 108 == $C, 'cc2';

  my $J = processJavaFilesInParallel
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, (@f) x 12;

  ok 108 == $J, 'cc3';

  clearFolder($d, 12);

fileMd5Sum ($file)

Get the Md5 sum of the content of a $file.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File or string


  fileMd5Sum(q(/etc/hosts));                                                      # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $s = join '', 1..100;
  my $m = q(ef69caaaeea9c17120821a9eb6c7f1de);

  ok stringMd5Sum($s) eq $m;

  my $f = writeFile(undef, $s);

  ok fileMd5Sum($f) eq $m;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  unlink $f;

  ok guidFromString(join '', 1..100) eq

  ok guidFromMd5(stringMd5Sum(join('', 1..100))) eq

  ok md5FromGuid(q(GUID-ef69caaa-eea9-c171-2082-1a9eb6c7f1de)) eq

  ok stringMd5Sum(q(𝝰 𝝱 𝝲)) eq q(3c2b7c31b1011998bd7e1f66fb7c024d);

if (1)
 {ok arraySum   (1..10) ==  55;
  ok arrayProduct(1..5) == 120;
  is_deeply[arrayTimes(2, 1..5)], [qw(2 4 6 8 10)];

guidFromMd5 ($m)

Create a guid from an md5 hash.

   Parameter  Description
1  $m         Md5 hash


  my $s = join '', 1..100;
  my $m = q(ef69caaaeea9c17120821a9eb6c7f1de);

  ok stringMd5Sum($s) eq $m;

  my $f = writeFile(undef, $s);
  ok fileMd5Sum($f) eq $m;
  unlink $f;

  ok guidFromString(join '', 1..100) eq

  ok guidFromMd5(stringMd5Sum(join('', 1..100))) eq  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


  ok md5FromGuid(q(GUID-ef69caaa-eea9-c171-2082-1a9eb6c7f1de)) eq

  ok stringMd5Sum(q(𝝰 𝝱 𝝲)) eq q(3c2b7c31b1011998bd7e1f66fb7c024d);

if (1)
 {ok arraySum   (1..10) ==  55;
  ok arrayProduct(1..5) == 120;
  is_deeply[arrayTimes(2, 1..5)], [qw(2 4 6 8 10)];

md5FromGuid ($G)

Recover an md5 sum from a guid.

   Parameter  Description
1  $G         Guid


  my $s = join '', 1..100;
  my $m = q(ef69caaaeea9c17120821a9eb6c7f1de);

  ok stringMd5Sum($s) eq $m;

  my $f = writeFile(undef, $s);
  ok fileMd5Sum($f) eq $m;
  unlink $f;

  ok guidFromString(join '', 1..100) eq

  ok guidFromMd5(stringMd5Sum(join('', 1..100))) eq

  ok md5FromGuid(q(GUID-ef69caaa-eea9-c171-2082-1a9eb6c7f1de)) eq  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


  ok stringMd5Sum(q(𝝰 𝝱 𝝲)) eq q(3c2b7c31b1011998bd7e1f66fb7c024d);

if (1)
 {ok arraySum   (1..10) ==  55;
  ok arrayProduct(1..5) == 120;
  is_deeply[arrayTimes(2, 1..5)], [qw(2 4 6 8 10)];

guidFromString ($string)

Create a guid representation of the MD5 of the content of a string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String


  my $s = join '', 1..100;
  my $m = q(ef69caaaeea9c17120821a9eb6c7f1de);

  ok stringMd5Sum($s) eq $m;

  my $f = writeFile(undef, $s);
  ok fileMd5Sum($f) eq $m;
  unlink $f;

  ok guidFromString(join '', 1..100) eq  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


  ok guidFromMd5(stringMd5Sum(join('', 1..100))) eq

  ok md5FromGuid(q(GUID-ef69caaa-eea9-c171-2082-1a9eb6c7f1de)) eq

  ok stringMd5Sum(q(𝝰 𝝱 𝝲)) eq q(3c2b7c31b1011998bd7e1f66fb7c024d);

if (1)
 {ok arraySum   (1..10) ==  55;
  ok arrayProduct(1..5) == 120;
  is_deeply[arrayTimes(2, 1..5)], [qw(2 4 6 8 10)];

fileModTime ($file)

Get the modified time of a $file as seconds since the epoch.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


ok fileModTime($0) =~ m(\A\d+\Z)s;                                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

fileOutOfDate ($make, $target, @source)

Calls the specified sub $make for each source file that is missing and then again against the $target file if any of the @source files were missing or the $target file is older than any of the @source files or if the target does not exist. The file name is passed to the sub each time in $_. Returns the files to be remade in the order they should be made.

   Parameter  Description
1  $make      Make with this sub
2  $target    Target file
3  @source    Source files


my @Files = qw(a b c);
my @files = (@Files, qw(d));
writeFile($_, $_), sleep 1 for @Files;

my $a = '';

my @a = fileOutOfDate {$a .= $_} q(a), @files;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $a eq 'da';
is_deeply [@a], [qw(d a)];

my $b = '';

my @b = fileOutOfDate {$b .= $_} q(b), @files;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $b eq 'db';
is_deeply [@b], [qw(d b)];

my $c = '';

my @c = fileOutOfDate {$c .= $_} q(c), @files;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $c eq 'dc';
is_deeply [@c], [qw(d c)];

my $d = '';

my @d = fileOutOfDate {$d .= $_} q(d), @files;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $d eq 'd';
is_deeply [@d], [qw(d)];

my @A = fileOutOfDate {} q(a), @Files;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my @B = fileOutOfDate {} q(b), @Files;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my @C = fileOutOfDate {} q(c), @Files;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [@A], [qw(a)];
is_deeply [@B], [qw(b)];
is_deeply [@C], [];
unlink for @Files;

firstFileThatExists (@files)

Returns the name of the first file from @files that exists or undef if none of the named @files exist.

   Parameter  Description
1  @files     Files to check


my $d = temporaryFolder;

ok $d eq firstFileThatExists("$d/$d", $d);                                      # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

fileInWindowsFormat ($file)

Convert a unix $file name to windows format.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File


if (1)

 {ok fileInWindowsFormat(fpd(qw(/a b c d))) eq q(\a\b\c\d\\);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲



File names and components.


Create file names from file name components.


Create a file name from a list of names. Identical to fpf.

   Parameter  Description
1  @file      File name components


is_deeply filePath   (qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd.eee)) , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.eee";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply filePathDir(qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd))     , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/";
is_deeply filePathDir('', qw(aaa))              , prefferedFileName "aaa/";
is_deeply filePathDir('')                       , prefferedFileName "";
is_deeply filePathExt(qw(aaa xxx))              , prefferedFileName "";
is_deeply filePathExt(qw(aaa bbb xxx))          , prefferedFileName "aaa/";

is_deeply fpd        (qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd))     , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/";
is_deeply fpf        (qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd.eee)) , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.eee";
is_deeply fpe        (qw(aaa bbb xxx))          , prefferedFileName "aaa/";

fpf is a synonym for filePath.

filePathDir (@file)

Create a folder name from a list of names. Identical to fpd.

   Parameter  Description
1  @file      Directory name components


is_deeply filePath   (qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd.eee)) , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.eee";

is_deeply filePathDir(qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd))     , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply filePathDir('', qw(aaa))              , prefferedFileName "aaa/";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply filePathDir('')                       , prefferedFileName "";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply filePathExt(qw(aaa xxx))              , prefferedFileName "";
is_deeply filePathExt(qw(aaa bbb xxx))          , prefferedFileName "aaa/";

is_deeply fpd        (qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd))     , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/";
is_deeply fpf        (qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd.eee)) , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.eee";
is_deeply fpe        (qw(aaa bbb xxx))          , prefferedFileName "aaa/";

fpd is a synonym for filePathDir.

filePathExt (@File)

Create a file name from a list of names the last of which is assumed to be the extension of the file name. Identical to fpe.

   Parameter  Description
1  @File      File name components and extension


is_deeply filePath   (qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd.eee)) , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.eee";
is_deeply filePathDir(qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd))     , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/";
is_deeply filePathDir('', qw(aaa))              , prefferedFileName "aaa/";
is_deeply filePathDir('')                       , prefferedFileName "";

is_deeply filePathExt(qw(aaa xxx))              , prefferedFileName "";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply filePathExt(qw(aaa bbb xxx))          , prefferedFileName "aaa/";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply fpd        (qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd))     , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/";
is_deeply fpf        (qw(/aaa bbb ccc ddd.eee)) , prefferedFileName "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.eee";
is_deeply fpe        (qw(aaa bbb xxx))          , prefferedFileName "aaa/";

fpe is a synonym for filePathExt.


Get file name components from a file name.

fp ($file)

Get the path from a file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


ok fp (prefferedFileName q(a/b/c.d.e))  eq prefferedFileName q(a/b/);                               # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

fpn ($file)

Remove the extension from a file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


ok fpn(prefferedFileName q(a/b/c.d.e))  eq prefferedFileName q(a/b/c.d);                            # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

fn ($file)

Remove the path and extension from a file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


ok fn (prefferedFileName q(a/b/c.d.e))  eq prefferedFileName q(c.d);                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

fne ($file)

Remove the path from a file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


ok fne(prefferedFileName q(a/b/c.d.e))  eq prefferedFileName q(c.d.e);                              # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

fe ($file)

Get the extension of a file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


ok fe (prefferedFileName q(a/b/c.d.e))  eq prefferedFileName q(e);                                  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

checkFile ($file)

Return the name of the specified file if it exists, else confess the maximum extent of the path that does exist.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to check


my $d = filePath   (my @d = qw(a b c d));

my $f = filePathExt(qw(a b c d e x));

my $F = filePathExt(qw(a b c e d));


ok  eval{checkFile($d)};                                                        # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok  eval{checkFile($f)};                                                        # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

quoteFile ($file)

Quote a file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


is_deeply quoteFile(fpe(qw(a "b" c))), onWindows ? q("a\\\"b\".c") : q("a/\"b\".c");   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

removeFilePrefix($prefix, @files)

Removes a file $prefix from an array of @files.

   Parameter  Description
1  $prefix    File prefix
2  @files     Array of file names


is_deeply [qw(a b)], [&removeFilePrefix(qw(a/ a/a a/b))];                         # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [qw(b)],   [&removeFilePrefix("a/", "a/b")];                            # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

swapFilePrefix ($file, $known, $new)

Swaps the start of a $file name from a $known name to a $new one if the file does in fact start with the $known name otherwise returns the original file name as it is. If the optional $new prefix is omitted then the $known prefix is removed from the $file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name
2  $known     Existing prefix
3  $new       Optional new prefix defaults to q()


ok swapFilePrefix(q(/aaa/bbb.txt), q(/aaa/), q(/AAA/)) eq q(/AAA/bbb.txt);        # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

setFileExtension($file, $extension)

Given a $file, change its extension to $extension. Removes the extension if no $extension is specified.

   Parameter   Description
1  $file       File name
2  $extension  Optional new extension


ok setFileExtension(q(.c),     q(d)) eq q(.d);                                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok setFileExtension(q(b.c),    q(d)) eq q(b.d);                                   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok setFileExtension(q(/a/b.c), q(d)) eq q(/a/b.d);                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

swapFolderPrefix($file, $known, $new)

Given a $file, swap the folder name of the $file from $known to $new if the file $file starts with the $known folder name else return the $file as it is.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name
2  $known     Existing prefix
3  $new       New prefix


my $g = fpd(qw(a b c d));
my $h = fpd(qw(a b cc dd));
my $i = fpe($g, qw(aaa txt));

my $j = swapFolderPrefix($i, $g, $h);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $j =~ m(a/b/cc/dd/)s     unless onWindows;
ok $j =~ m(a\\b\\cc\\dd\\)s if     onWindows;

fullyQualifiedFile ($file, $prefix)

Check whether a $file name is fully qualified or not and, optionally, whether it is fully qualified with a specified $prefix or not.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name to test
2  $prefix    File name prefix


ok  fullyQualifiedFile(q(/a/b/c.d));                                              # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok  fullyQualifiedFile(q(/a/b/c.d), q(/a/b));                                     # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok !fullyQualifiedFile(q(/a/b/c.d), q(/a/c));                                     # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok !fullyQualifiedFile(q(c.d));                                                   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Return the fully qualified name of a file.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


if (0)

 {ok fullyQualifyFile(q(perl/cpan)) eq q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


removeDuplicatePrefixes ($file)

Remove duplicated leading directory names from a file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


ok q(a/b.c) eq removeDuplicatePrefixes("a/a/b.c");                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok q(a/b.c) eq removeDuplicatePrefixes("a/b.c");                                  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok q(b.c) eq removeDuplicatePrefixes("b.c");                                      # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


The name of a folder containing a file.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


ok containingFolderName(q(/a/b/c.d)) eq q(b);                                     # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Position in the file system.


Get the current working directory.


currentDirectory;                                                               # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

currentDirectoryAbove ()

Get the path to the folder above the current working folder.


currentDirectoryAbove;                                                          # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

parseFileName ($file)

Parse a file name into (path, name, extension) considering .. to be always part of the path and using undef to mark missing components. This differs from (fp, fn, fe) which return q() for missing components and do not interpret . or .. as anything special.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name to parse


if (1)

 {is_deeply [parseFileName "/home/phil/"], ["/home/phil/", "test", "data"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseFileName "/home/phil/test"],      ["/home/phil/", "test"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseFileName "phil/"],       ["phil/",       "test", "data"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseFileName "phil/test"],            ["phil/",       "test"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseFileName ""],            [undef,         "test", "data"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseFileName "phil/"],                [qw(phil/)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseFileName "/phil"],                [qw(/ phil)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseFileName "/"],                    [qw(/)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseFileName "/var/www/html/translations/"], [qw(/var/www/html/translations/)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseFileName "a.b/c.d.e"],            [qw(a.b/ c.d e)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseFileName "./a.b"],                [qw(./ a b)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseFileName "./../../a.b"],          [qw(./../../ a b)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲



Full name of a file.


fullFileName(fpe(qw(a txt)));                                                   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

relFromAbsAgainstAbs($a, $b)

Relative file from one absolute file $a against another $b.

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         Absolute file to be made relative
2  $b         Against this absolute file.


ok ""                 eq relFromAbsAgainstAbs("/home/la/perl/", "/home/la/perl/");    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok "../perl/"         eq relFromAbsAgainstAbs("/home/la/perl/", "/home/la/java/aaa.jv");    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

absFromAbsPlusRel ($a, $r)

Absolute file from an absolute file $a plus a relative file $r. In the event that the relative file $r is, in fact, an absolute file then it is returned as the result.

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         Absolute file
2  $r         Relative file


ok "/home/la/perl/"   eq absFromAbsPlusRel("/home/la/perl/bbb",      "");                   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok "/home/la/perl/"   eq absFromAbsPlusRel("/home/il/perl/",   "../../la/perl/");      # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

absFile ($file)

Return the name of the given file if it a fully qualified file name else returns undef. See: fullyQualifiedFile to check the initial prefix of the file name as well.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to test


ok "/aaa/"                  eq absFile(qw(/aaa/));                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Combine zero or more absolute and relative names of @files starting at the current working folder to get an absolute file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  @files     Absolute and relative file names


ok "/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd.txt"   eq sumAbsAndRel(qw(/aaa/AAA/ ../bbb/bbb/BBB/ ../../ccc/ddd.txt));   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Temporary files and folders

temporaryFile ()

Create a new, empty, temporary file.


my $d = fpd(my $D = temporaryDirectory, qw(a));
my $f = fpe($d, qw(bbb txt));
ok !-d $d;
eval q{checkFile($f)};
my $r = $@;
my $q = quotemeta($D);
ok nws($r) =~ m(Can only find.+?: $q)s;
ok -d $d;
ok -d $D;
rmdir $_ for $d, $D;

my $e = temporaryFolder;                                                      # Same as temporyDirectory
ok -d $e;
clearFolder($e, 2);

my $t = temporaryFile;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok  -f $t;
unlink $t;
ok !-f $t;

if (0)
 {makePathRemote($e);                                                         # Make a path on the remote system

temporaryFolder ()

Create a new, empty, temporary folder.


my $D = temporaryFolder;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok  -d $D;

my $d = fpd($D, q(ddd));
ok !-d $d;

my @f = map {createEmptyFile(fpe($d, $_, qw(txt)))} qw(a b c);
is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} findFiles($d, qr(txt\Z))], [qw(a.txt b.txt c.txt)];

my @D = findDirs($D);
my @e = ($D, $d);
my @E = sort @e;
is_deeply [@D], [@E];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} searchDirectoryTreesForMatchingFiles($d)],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} fileList(prefferedFileName "$d/*.txt")],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

ok -e $_ for @f;

is_deeply scalar(searchDirectoryTreeForSubFolders $D), 2;

my @g = fileList(qq($D/*/*.txt));
ok @g == 3;

clearFolder($D, 5);
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-e $_ for @f;
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-d $D;

my $d = fpd(my $D = temporaryDirectory, qw(a));
my $f = fpe($d, qw(bbb txt));
ok !-d $d;
eval q{checkFile($f)};
my $r = $@;
my $q = quotemeta($D);
ok nws($r) =~ m(Can only find.+?: $q)s;
ok -d $d;
ok -d $D;
rmdir $_ for $d, $D;

my $e = temporaryFolder;                                                      # Same as temporyDirectory  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok -d $e;
clearFolder($e, 2);

my $t = temporaryFile;
ok  -f $t;
unlink $t;
ok !-f $t;

if (0)
 {makePathRemote($e);                                                         # Make a path on the remote system

temporaryDirectory is a synonym for temporaryFolder.


Find files and folders below a folder.

findFiles ($folder, $filter)

Find all the files under a $folder and optionally $filter the selected files with a regular expression.

   Parameter  Description
1  $folder    Folder to start the search with
2  $filter    Optional regular expression to filter files


my $D = temporaryFolder;
ok  -d $D;

my $d = fpd($D, q(ddd));
ok !-d $d;

my @f = map {createEmptyFile(fpe($d, $_, qw(txt)))} qw(a b c);

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} findFiles($d, qr(txt\Z))], [qw(a.txt b.txt c.txt)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my @D = findDirs($D);
my @e = ($D, $d);
my @E = sort @e;
is_deeply [@D], [@E];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} searchDirectoryTreesForMatchingFiles($d)],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} fileList(prefferedFileName "$d/*.txt")],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

ok -e $_ for @f;

is_deeply scalar(searchDirectoryTreeForSubFolders $D), 2;

my @g = fileList(qq($D/*/*.txt));
ok @g == 3;

clearFolder($D, 5);
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-e $_ for @f;
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-d $D;

findDirs($folder, $filter)

Find all the folders under a $folder and optionally $filter the selected folders with a regular expression.

   Parameter  Description
1  $folder    Folder to start the search with
2  $filter    Optional regular expression to filter files


my $D = temporaryFolder;
ok  -d $D;

my $d = fpd($D, q(ddd));
ok !-d $d;

my @f = map {createEmptyFile(fpe($d, $_, qw(txt)))} qw(a b c);
is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} findFiles($d, qr(txt\Z))], [qw(a.txt b.txt c.txt)];

my @D = findDirs($D);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my @e = ($D, $d);
my @E = sort @e;
is_deeply [@D], [@E];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} searchDirectoryTreesForMatchingFiles($d)],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} fileList(prefferedFileName "$d/*.txt")],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

ok -e $_ for @f;

is_deeply scalar(searchDirectoryTreeForSubFolders $D), 2;

my @g = fileList(qq($D/*/*.txt));
ok @g == 3;

clearFolder($D, 5);
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-e $_ for @f;
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-d $D;


Files that match a given search pattern interpreted by "bsd_glob" in perlfunc.

   Parameter  Description
1  $pattern   Search pattern


my $D = temporaryFolder;
ok  -d $D;

my $d = fpd($D, q(ddd));
ok !-d $d;

my @f = map {createEmptyFile(fpe($d, $_, qw(txt)))} qw(a b c);
is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} findFiles($d, qr(txt\Z))], [qw(a.txt b.txt c.txt)];

my @D = findDirs($D);
my @e = ($D, $d);
my @E = sort @e;
is_deeply [@D], [@E];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} searchDirectoryTreesForMatchingFiles($d)],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} fileList(prefferedFileName "$d/*.txt")],  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

ok -e $_ for @f;

is_deeply scalar(searchDirectoryTreeForSubFolders $D), 2;

my @g = fileList(qq($D/*/*.txt));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok @g == 3;

clearFolder($D, 5);
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-e $_ for @f;
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-d $D;


Search the specified directory trees for the files (not folders) that match the specified extensions. The argument list should include at least one path name to be useful. If no file extensions are supplied then all the files below the specified paths are returned. Arguments wrapped in [] will be unwrapped.

   Parameter              Description
1  @FoldersandExtensions  Mixture of folder names and extensions


my $D = temporaryFolder;
ok  -d $D;

my $d = fpd($D, q(ddd));
ok !-d $d;

my @f = map {createEmptyFile(fpe($d, $_, qw(txt)))} qw(a b c);
is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} findFiles($d, qr(txt\Z))], [qw(a.txt b.txt c.txt)];

my @D = findDirs($D);
my @e = ($D, $d);
my @E = sort @e;
is_deeply [@D], [@E];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} searchDirectoryTreesForMatchingFiles($d)],  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} fileList(prefferedFileName "$d/*.txt")],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

ok -e $_ for @f;

is_deeply scalar(searchDirectoryTreeForSubFolders $D), 2;

my @g = fileList(qq($D/*/*.txt));
ok @g == 3;

clearFolder($D, 5);
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-e $_ for @f;
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-d $D;


Search the specified directory under the specified folder for sub folders.

   Parameter  Description
1  $folder    The folder at which to start the search


my $D = temporaryFolder;
ok  -d $D;

my $d = fpd($D, q(ddd));
ok !-d $d;

my @f = map {createEmptyFile(fpe($d, $_, qw(txt)))} qw(a b c);
is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} findFiles($d, qr(txt\Z))], [qw(a.txt b.txt c.txt)];

my @D = findDirs($D);
my @e = ($D, $d);
my @E = sort @e;
is_deeply [@D], [@E];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} searchDirectoryTreesForMatchingFiles($d)],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} fileList(prefferedFileName "$d/*.txt")],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

ok -e $_ for @f;

is_deeply scalar(searchDirectoryTreeForSubFolders $D), 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my @g = fileList(qq($D/*/*.txt));
ok @g == 3;

clearFolder($D, 5);
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-e $_ for @f;
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-d $D;

hashifyFolderStructure (@files)

Hashify a list of file names to get the corresponding folder structure.

   Parameter  Description
1  @files     File names


is_deeply hashifyFolderStructure(qw(/a/a/a /a/a/b /a/b/a /a/b/b)),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 {"" => {a => {a => { a => "/a/a/a", b => "/a/a/b" },
               b => { a => "/a/b/a", b => "/a/b/b" },

countFileExtensions (@folders)

Return a hash which counts the file extensions in and below the folders in the specified list.

   Parameter  Description
1  @folders   Folders to search


countFileExtensions(q(/home/phil/perl/));                                       # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

countFileTypes ($maximumNumberOfProcesses, @folders)

Return a hash which counts, in parallel with a maximum number of processes: $maximumNumberOfProcesses, the results of applying the file command to each file in and under the specified @folders.

   Parameter                  Description
1  $maximumNumberOfProcesses  Maximum number of processes to run in parallel
2  @folders                   Folders to search


countFileTypes(4, q(/home/phil/perl/));                                         # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

matchPath ($file)

Return the deepest folder that exists along a given file name path.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


my $d = filePath   (my @d = qw(a b c d));

ok matchPath($d) eq $d;                                                         # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

findFileWithExtension ($file, @ext)

Find the first file that exists with a path and name of $file and an extension drawn from <@ext>.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name minus extensions
2  @ext       Possible extensions


my $f = createEmptyFile(fpe(my $d = temporaryFolder, qw(a jpg)));

my $F = findFileWithExtension(fpf($d, q(a)), qw(txt data jpg));                 # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $F eq "jpg";

clearFolder ($folder, $limitCount, $noMsg)

Remove all the files and folders under and including the specified $folder as long as the number of files to be removed is less than the specified $limitCount. Sometimes the folder can be emptied but not removed - perhaps because it a link, in this case a message is produced unless suppressed by the optional $nomsg parameter.

   Parameter    Description
1  $folder      Folder
2  $limitCount  Maximum number of files to remove to limit damage
3  $noMsg       No message if the folder cannot be completely removed.


my $D = temporaryFolder;
ok  -d $D;

my $d = fpd($D, q(ddd));
ok !-d $d;

my @f = map {createEmptyFile(fpe($d, $_, qw(txt)))} qw(a b c);
is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} findFiles($d, qr(txt\Z))], [qw(a.txt b.txt c.txt)];

my @D = findDirs($D);
my @e = ($D, $d);
my @E = sort @e;
is_deeply [@D], [@E];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} searchDirectoryTreesForMatchingFiles($d)],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} fileList(prefferedFileName "$d/*.txt")],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

ok -e $_ for @f;

is_deeply scalar(searchDirectoryTreeForSubFolders $D), 2;

my @g = fileList(qq($D/*/*.txt));
ok @g == 3;

clearFolder($D, 5);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok onWindows ? 1 : !-e $_ for @f;
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-d $D;

Read and write files

Read and write strings from and to files creating paths to any created files as needed.


Return the content of a file residing on the local machine interpreting the content of the file as utf8.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      Name of file to read


my $f = writeFile(undef,  "aaa");

is_deeply [readFile $f], ["aaa"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

appendFile($f, "bbb");

is_deeply [readFile $f], ["aaabbb"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my $F = writeTempFile(qw(aaa bbb));

is_deeply [readFile $F], ["aaa
", "bbb
"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

eval {writeFile($f,  q(ccc))};
ok $@ =~ m(File already exists:)i;

overWriteFile($F,    q(ccc));

ok   readFile($F) eq q(ccc);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

unlink $f, $F;

readStdIn ()

Return the contents of STDIN and return the results as either an array or a string. Terminate with Ctrl-D if testing manually - STDIN remains open allowing this method to be called again to receive another block of data.


my $d = qq(aaaa);
open(STDIN, "<", writeTempFile($d));

ok qq($d
) eq readStdIn;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

readFileFromRemote ($file, $ip)

Copy and read a $file from the remote machine whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp and return the content of $file interpreted as utf8 .

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      Name of file to read
2  $ip        Optional ip address of server


my $f = writeFileToRemote(undef, q(aaaa));
unlink $f;

ok readFileFromRemote($f) eq q(aaaa);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

unlink $f;


Read a file containing Unicode content represented as utf8, "eval" in perlfunc the content, confess to any errors and then return any result with lvalue method methods to access each hash element.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to read


my $d = [qw(aaa bbb ccc), [{aaa=>'AAA', bbb=>'BBB'}]];
my $f = dumpFile(undef, $d);

is_deeply evalFile($f), $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply evalFile(my $F = dumpTempFile($d)), $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

unlink $f, $F;

my $j = dumpFileAsJson(undef, $d);
is_deeply evalFileAsJson($j), $d;
is_deeply evalFileAsJson(my $J = dumpTempFileAsJson($d)), $d;
unlink $j, $J;

evalFileAsJson ($file)

Read a $file containing Json and return the corresponding Perl data structure.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to read


my $d = [qw(aaa bbb ccc), [{aaa=>'AAA', bbb=>'BBB'}]];
my $f = dumpFile(undef, $d);
is_deeply evalFile($f), $d;
is_deeply evalFile(my $F = dumpTempFile($d)), $d;
unlink $f, $F;

my $j = dumpFileAsJson(undef, $d);

is_deeply evalFileAsJson($j), $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply evalFileAsJson(my $J = dumpTempFileAsJson($d)), $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

unlink $j, $J;


Read a file compressed with gzip containing Unicode content represented as utf8, "eval" in perlfunc the content, confess to any errors and then return any result with lvalue method methods to access each hash element. This is slower than using Storable but does produce much smaller files, see also: dumpGZipFile.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to read


my $d = [1, 2, 3=>{a=>4, b=>5}];
my $file = dumpGZipFile(q(, $d);
ok -e $file;

my $D = evalGZipFile($file);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply $d, $D;
unlink $file;


Retrieve a $file created via Storable. This is much faster than evalFile as the stored data is not in text format.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to read


my $f = storeFile(undef, my $d = [qw(aaa bbb ccc)]);

my $s = retrieveFile($f);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply $s, $d;
unlink $f;

readBinaryFile ($file)

Read a binary file on the local machine.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to read


my $f = writeBinaryFile(undef, 0xff x 8);

my $s = readBinaryFile($f);                                                      # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $s eq 0xff x 8;


Read the specified file containing compressed Unicode content represented as utf8 through gzip.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to read.


my $s = '𝝰'x1e3;
my $file = writeGZipFile(q(, $s);
ok -e $file;

my $S = readGZipFile($file);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $s eq $S;
ok length($s) == length($S);
unlink $file;


Make the path for the specified file name or folder on the local machine. Confess to any failure.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File or folder name


my $d = fpd(my $D = temporaryDirectory, qw(a));
my $f = fpe($d, qw(bbb txt));
ok !-d $d;
eval q{checkFile($f)};
my $r = $@;
my $q = quotemeta($D);
ok nws($r) =~ m(Can only find.+?: $q)s;

makePath($f);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok -d $d;
ok -d $D;
rmdir $_ for $d, $D;

my $e = temporaryFolder;                                                      # Same as temporyDirectory
ok -d $e;
clearFolder($e, 2);

my $t = temporaryFile;
ok  -f $t;
unlink $t;
ok !-f $t;

if (0)
 {makePathRemote($e);                                                         # Make a path on the remote system

makePathRemote ($file, $ip)

Make the path for the specified $file or folder on the Amazon Web Services instance whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp. Confess to any failures.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File or folder name
2  $ip        Optional ip address


my $d = fpd(my $D = temporaryDirectory, qw(a));
my $f = fpe($d, qw(bbb txt));
ok !-d $d;
eval q{checkFile($f)};
my $r = $@;
my $q = quotemeta($D);
ok nws($r) =~ m(Can only find.+?: $q)s;
ok -d $d;
ok -d $D;
rmdir $_ for $d, $D;

my $e = temporaryFolder;                                                      # Same as temporyDirectory
ok -d $e;
clearFolder($e, 2);

my $t = temporaryFile;
ok  -f $t;
unlink $t;
ok !-f $t;

if (0)

 {makePathRemote($e);                                                         # Make a path on the remote system  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


overWriteFile ($file, $string)

Write to a $file, after creating a path to the $file with makePath if necessary, a $string of Unicode content encoded as utf8. Return the name of the $file on success else confess to any failures. If the file already exists it will be overwritten.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to write to or B<undef> for a temporary file
2  $string    Unicode string to write


my $f = writeFile(undef,  "aaa");
is_deeply [readFile $f], ["aaa"];

appendFile($f, "bbb");
is_deeply [readFile $f], ["aaabbb"];

my $F = writeTempFile(qw(aaa bbb));
is_deeply [readFile $F], ["aaa
", "bbb

eval {writeFile($f,  q(ccc))};
ok $@ =~ m(File already exists:)i;

overWriteFile($F,    q(ccc));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok   readFile($F) eq q(ccc);

unlink $f, $F;

owf is a synonym for overWriteFile.

writeFile ($file, $string)

Write to a new $file, after creating a path to the $file with makePath if necessary, a $string of Unicode content encoded as utf8. Return the name of the $file written to on success else confess if the file already exists or any other error occurs.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      New file to write to or B<undef> for a temporary file
2  $string    String to write


my $f = writeFile(undef,  "aaa");  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [readFile $f], ["aaa"];

appendFile($f, "bbb");
is_deeply [readFile $f], ["aaabbb"];

my $F = writeTempFile(qw(aaa bbb));
is_deeply [readFile $F], ["aaa
", "bbb

eval {writeFile($f,  q(ccc))};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $@ =~ m(File already exists:)i;

overWriteFile($F,    q(ccc));
ok   readFile($F) eq q(ccc);

unlink $f, $F;

writeTempFile (@strings)

Write an array of strings as lines to a temporary file and return the file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  @strings   Array of lines


my $f = writeFile(undef,  "aaa");
is_deeply [readFile $f], ["aaa"];

appendFile($f, "bbb");
is_deeply [readFile $f], ["aaabbb"];

my $F = writeTempFile(qw(aaa bbb));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [readFile $F], ["aaa
", "bbb

eval {writeFile($f,  q(ccc))};
ok $@ =~ m(File already exists:)i;

overWriteFile($F,    q(ccc));
ok   readFile($F) eq q(ccc);

unlink $f, $F;

writeFileToRemote ($file, $string, $ip)

Write to a new $file, after creating a path to the file with makePath if necessary, a $string of Unicode content encoded as utf8 then copy the $file to the remote server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp. Return the name of the $file on success else confess if the file already exists or any other error occurs.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      New file to write to or B<undef> for a temporary file
2  $string    String to write
3  $ip        Optional ip address


my $f = writeFileToRemote(undef, q(aaaa));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

unlink $f;
ok readFileFromRemote($f) eq q(aaaa);
unlink $f;

overWriteBinaryFile ($file, $string)

Write to $file, after creating a path to the file with makePath if necessary, the binary content in $string. If the $file already exists it is overwritten. Return the name of the $file on success else confess.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to write to or B<undef> for a temporary file
2  $string    L<Unicode|> string to write


if (1)
 {vec(my $a = '', 0, 8) = 254;
  vec(my $b = '', 0, 8) = 255;
  ok dump($a) eq dump("FE");
  ok dump($b) eq dump("FF");
  ok length($a) == 1;
  ok length($b) == 1;

  my $s = $a.$a.$b.$b;
  ok length($s) == 4;

  my $f = eval {writeFile(undef, $s)};
  ok fileSize($f) == 8;

  eval {writeBinaryFile($f, $s)};
  ok $@ =~ m(Binary file already exists:)s;

  eval {overWriteBinaryFile($f, $s)};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok !$@;
  ok fileSize($f) == 4;

  ok $s eq eval {readBinaryFile($f)};

  copyBinaryFile($f, my $F = temporaryFile);
  ok $s eq readBinaryFile($F);
  unlink $f, $F;

writeBinaryFile ($file, $string)

Write to a new $file, after creating a path to the file with makePath if necessary, the binary content in $string. Return the name of the $file on success else confess if the file already exists or any other error occurs.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      New file to write to or B<undef> for a temporary file
2  $string    String to write


  my $f = writeBinaryFile(undef, 0xff x 8);                                        # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $s = readBinaryFile($f);

  ok $s eq 0xff x 8;

if (1)
 {vec(my $a = '', 0, 8) = 254;
  vec(my $b = '', 0, 8) = 255;
  ok dump($a) eq dump("FE");
  ok dump($b) eq dump("FF");
  ok length($a) == 1;
  ok length($b) == 1;

  my $s = $a.$a.$b.$b;
  ok length($s) == 4;

  my $f = eval {writeFile(undef, $s)};
  ok fileSize($f) == 8;

  eval {writeBinaryFile($f, $s)};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok $@ =~ m(Binary file already exists:)s;

  eval {overWriteBinaryFile($f, $s)};
  ok !$@;
  ok fileSize($f) == 4;

  ok $s eq eval {readBinaryFile($f)};

  copyBinaryFile($f, my $F = temporaryFile);
  ok $s eq readBinaryFile($F);
  unlink $f, $F;

dumpFile($file, $structure)

Dump to a $file the referenced data $structure.

   Parameter   Description
1  $file       File to write to or B<undef> for a temporary file
2  $structure  Address of data structure to write


my $d = [qw(aaa bbb ccc), [{aaa=>'AAA', bbb=>'BBB'}]];

my $f = dumpFile(undef, $d);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply evalFile($f), $d;
is_deeply evalFile(my $F = dumpTempFile($d)), $d;
unlink $f, $F;

my $j = dumpFileAsJson(undef, $d);
is_deeply evalFileAsJson($j), $d;
is_deeply evalFileAsJson(my $J = dumpTempFileAsJson($d)), $d;
unlink $j, $J;


Dump a data structure to a temporary file and return the name of the file created.

   Parameter   Description
1  $structure  Data structure to write


my $d = [qw(aaa bbb ccc), [{aaa=>'AAA', bbb=>'BBB'}]];
my $f = dumpFile(undef, $d);
is_deeply evalFile($f), $d;

is_deeply evalFile(my $F = dumpTempFile($d)), $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

unlink $f, $F;

my $j = dumpFileAsJson(undef, $d);
is_deeply evalFileAsJson($j), $d;
is_deeply evalFileAsJson(my $J = dumpTempFileAsJson($d)), $d;
unlink $j, $J;

dumpFileAsJson ($file, $structure)

Dump to a $file the referenced data $structure represented as Json string.

   Parameter   Description
1  $file       File to write to or B<undef> for a temporary file
2  $structure  Address of data structure to write


my $d = [qw(aaa bbb ccc), [{aaa=>'AAA', bbb=>'BBB'}]];
my $f = dumpFile(undef, $d);
is_deeply evalFile($f), $d;
is_deeply evalFile(my $F = dumpTempFile($d)), $d;
unlink $f, $F;

my $j = dumpFileAsJson(undef, $d);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply evalFileAsJson($j), $d;
is_deeply evalFileAsJson(my $J = dumpTempFileAsJson($d)), $d;
unlink $j, $J;

dumpTempFileAsJson ($structure)

Dump a data structure represented as Json string to a temporary file and return the name of the file created.

   Parameter   Description
1  $structure  Data structure to write


my $d = [qw(aaa bbb ccc), [{aaa=>'AAA', bbb=>'BBB'}]];
my $f = dumpFile(undef, $d);
is_deeply evalFile($f), $d;
is_deeply evalFile(my $F = dumpTempFile($d)), $d;
unlink $f, $F;

my $j = dumpFileAsJson(undef, $d);
is_deeply evalFileAsJson($j), $d;

is_deeply evalFileAsJson(my $J = dumpTempFileAsJson($d)), $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

unlink $j, $J;

storeFile ($file, $structure)

Store into a $file, after creating a path to the file with makePath if necessary, a data $structure via Storable. This is much faster than dumpFile but the stored results are not easily modified.

   Parameter   Description
1  $file       File to write to or B<undef> for a temporary file
2  $structure  Address of data structure to write


my $f = storeFile(undef, my $d = [qw(aaa bbb ccc)]);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my $s = retrieveFile($f);
is_deeply $s, $d;
unlink $f;

writeGZipFile ($file, $string)

Write to a $file, after creating a path to the file with makePath if necessary, through gzip a $string whose content is encoded as utf8.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to write to
2  $string    String to write


my $s = '𝝰'x1e3;

my $file = writeGZipFile(q(, $s);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok -e $file;
my $S = readGZipFile($file);
ok $s eq $S;
ok length($s) == length($S);
unlink $file;

dumpGZipFile($file, $structure)

Write to a $file a data $structure through gzip. This technique produces files that are a lot more compact files than those produced by Storable, but the execution time is much longer. See also: evalGZipFile.

   Parameter   Description
1  $file       File to write
2  $structure  Reference to data


my $d = [1, 2, 3=>{a=>4, b=>5}];

my $file = dumpGZipFile(q(, $d);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok -e $file;
my $D = evalGZipFile($file);
is_deeply $d, $D;
unlink $file;

writeFiles ($hash, $old, $new)

Write the values of a $hash reference into files identified by the key of each value using overWriteFile optionally swapping the prefix of each file from $old to $new.

   Parameter  Description
1  $hash      Hash of key value pairs representing files and data
2  $old       Optional old prefix
3  $new       New prefix


my $d = temporaryFolder;
my $a = fpd($d, q(aaa));
my $b = fpd($d, q(bbb));
my $c = fpd($d, q(ccc));
my ($a1, $a2) = map {fpe($a, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my ($b1, $b2) = map {fpe($b, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my $files = {$a1 => "1111", $a2 => "2222"};

writeFiles($files);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my $ra = readFiles($a);
is_deeply $files, $ra;
copyFolder($a, $b);
my $rb = readFiles($b);
is_deeply [sort values %$ra], [sort values %$rb];

unlink $a2;
mergeFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok  -e $b2;

copyFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok !-e $b2;

copyFile($a1, $a2);
ok readFile($a1) eq readFile($a2);

writeFiles($files);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok !moveFileNoClobber  ($a1, $a2);
ok  moveFileWithClobber($a1, $a2);
ok !-e $a1;
ok readFile($a2) eq q(1111);
ok  moveFileNoClobber  ($a2, $a1);
ok !-e $a2;
ok readFile($a1) eq q(1111);

clearFolder(q(aaa), 11);
clearFolder(q(bbb), 11);

readFiles (@folders)

Read all the files in the specified list of folders into a hash.

   Parameter  Description
1  @folders   Folders to read


my $d = temporaryFolder;
my $a = fpd($d, q(aaa));
my $b = fpd($d, q(bbb));
my $c = fpd($d, q(ccc));
my ($a1, $a2) = map {fpe($a, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my ($b1, $b2) = map {fpe($b, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my $files = {$a1 => "1111", $a2 => "2222"};


my $ra = readFiles($a);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply $files, $ra;
copyFolder($a, $b);

my $rb = readFiles($b);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [sort values %$ra], [sort values %$rb];

unlink $a2;
mergeFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok  -e $b2;

copyFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok !-e $b2;

copyFile($a1, $a2);
ok readFile($a1) eq readFile($a2);

ok !moveFileNoClobber  ($a1, $a2);
ok  moveFileWithClobber($a1, $a2);
ok !-e $a1;
ok readFile($a2) eq q(1111);
ok  moveFileNoClobber  ($a2, $a1);
ok !-e $a2;
ok readFile($a1) eq q(1111);

clearFolder(q(aaa), 11);
clearFolder(q(bbb), 11);


Read the given file and expand all lines that start "includeThisFile " with the file named by the rest of the line and keep doing this until all the included files have been expanded or a repetition is detected. Returns the expanded file or confesses if one of the included files cannot be located.

   Parameter  Description
1  $expand    File to expand


if (1)
 {my $d = temporaryFolder;
  my $a = "$d/a.txt";
  my $b = "$d/b.txt";
  my %d = ($a => <<END,
includeThisFile $d/b.txt
           $b => <<END,


  is_deeply [includeFiles($a)], ["aaa
", "bbb
", "ccc
"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  unlink $a, $b;

appendFile ($file, $string)

Append to $file a $string of Unicode content encoded with utf8, creating the $file first if necessary. Return the name of the $file on success else confess. The $file being appended to is locked before the write with "flock" in perlfunc to allow multiple processes to append linearly to the same file.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to append to
2  $string    String to append


my $f = writeFile(undef,  "aaa");
is_deeply [readFile $f], ["aaa"];

appendFile($f, "bbb");  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [readFile $f], ["aaabbb"];

my $F = writeTempFile(qw(aaa bbb));
is_deeply [readFile $F], ["aaa
", "bbb

eval {writeFile($f,  q(ccc))};
ok $@ =~ m(File already exists:)i;

overWriteFile($F,    q(ccc));
ok   readFile($F) eq q(ccc);

unlink $f, $F;

createEmptyFile ($file)

Create an empty file unless the file already exists and return the name of the file else confess if the file cannot be created.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to create or B<undef> for a temporary file


my $D = temporaryFolder;
ok  -d $D;

my $d = fpd($D, q(ddd));
ok !-d $d;

my @f = map {createEmptyFile(fpe($d, $_, qw(txt)))} qw(a b c);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} findFiles($d, qr(txt\Z))], [qw(a.txt b.txt c.txt)];

my @D = findDirs($D);
my @e = ($D, $d);
my @E = sort @e;
is_deeply [@D], [@E];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} searchDirectoryTreesForMatchingFiles($d)],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

is_deeply [sort map {fne $_} fileList(prefferedFileName "$d/*.txt")],
          ["a.txt", "b.txt", "c.txt"];

ok -e $_ for @f;

is_deeply scalar(searchDirectoryTreeForSubFolders $D), 2;

my @g = fileList(qq($D/*/*.txt));
ok @g == 3;

clearFolder($D, 5);
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-e $_ for @f;
ok onWindows ? 1 : !-d $D;

setPermissionsForFile ($file, $permissions)

Apply chmod to a $file to set its $permissions.

   Parameter     Description
1  $file         File
2  $permissions  Permissions settings per chmod


if (1)
 {my $f = temporaryFile();

  setPermissionsForFile($f, q(ugo=r));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $a = qx(ls -la $f);
  ok $a =~ m(-r--r--r--)s;

  setPermissionsForFile($f, q(u=rwx));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $b = qx(ls -la $f);
  ok $b =~ m(-rwxr--r--)s;

numberOfLinesInFile ($file)

Return the number of lines in a file.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File


my $f = writeFile(undef, "a

ok numberOfLinesInFile($f) == 2;                                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

overWriteHtmlFile ($file, $data)

Write an HTML file to /var/www/html and make it readable.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      Target file relative to /var/www/html
2  $data      Data to write


overWriteHtmlFile   (q(index.html), q(<html><h1>Hello</h1></html>));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

overWritePerlCgiFile(q(,     q(...));

overWritePerlCgiFile($file, $data)

Write a Perl file to /usr/lib/cgi-bin and make it executable after checking it for syntax errors.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      Target file relative to /var/www/html
2  $data      Data to write


overWriteHtmlFile   (q(index.html), q(<html><h1>Hello</h1></html>));

overWritePerlCgiFile(q(,     q(...));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Copy files and folders. The \Acopy.*Md5Normalized.*\Z methods can be used to ensure that files have collision proof names that collapse duplicate content even when copied to another folder.

copyFile($source, $target)

Copy the $source file encoded in utf8 to the specified $target file in and return $target.

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Source file
2  $target    Target file


my $d = temporaryFolder;
my $a = fpd($d, q(aaa));
my $b = fpd($d, q(bbb));
my $c = fpd($d, q(ccc));
my ($a1, $a2) = map {fpe($a, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my ($b1, $b2) = map {fpe($b, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my $files = {$a1 => "1111", $a2 => "2222"};

my $ra = readFiles($a);
is_deeply $files, $ra;
copyFolder($a, $b);
my $rb = readFiles($b);
is_deeply [sort values %$ra], [sort values %$rb];

unlink $a2;
mergeFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok  -e $b2;

copyFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok !-e $b2;

copyFile($a1, $a2);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok readFile($a1) eq readFile($a2);

ok !moveFileNoClobber  ($a1, $a2);
ok  moveFileWithClobber($a1, $a2);
ok !-e $a1;
ok readFile($a2) eq q(1111);
ok  moveFileNoClobber  ($a2, $a1);
ok !-e $a2;
ok readFile($a1) eq q(1111);

clearFolder(q(aaa), 11);
clearFolder(q(bbb), 11);

moveFileNoClobber ($source, $target)

Rename the $source file, which must exist, to the $target file but only if the $target file does not exist already. Returns 1 if the $source file was successfully renamed to the $target file else 0.

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Source file
2  $target    Target file


my $d = temporaryFolder;
my $a = fpd($d, q(aaa));
my $b = fpd($d, q(bbb));
my $c = fpd($d, q(ccc));
my ($a1, $a2) = map {fpe($a, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my ($b1, $b2) = map {fpe($b, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my $files = {$a1 => "1111", $a2 => "2222"};

my $ra = readFiles($a);
is_deeply $files, $ra;
copyFolder($a, $b);
my $rb = readFiles($b);
is_deeply [sort values %$ra], [sort values %$rb];

unlink $a2;
mergeFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok  -e $b2;

copyFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok !-e $b2;

copyFile($a1, $a2);
ok readFile($a1) eq readFile($a2);


ok !moveFileNoClobber  ($a1, $a2);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok  moveFileWithClobber($a1, $a2);
ok !-e $a1;
ok readFile($a2) eq q(1111);

ok  moveFileNoClobber  ($a2, $a1);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok !-e $a2;
ok readFile($a1) eq q(1111);

clearFolder(q(aaa), 11);
clearFolder(q(bbb), 11);

moveFileWithClobber ($source, $target)

Rename the $source file, which must exist, to the $target file but only if the $target file does not exist already. Returns 1 if the $source file was successfully renamed to the $target file else 0.

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Source file
2  $target    Target file


my $d = temporaryFolder;
my $a = fpd($d, q(aaa));
my $b = fpd($d, q(bbb));
my $c = fpd($d, q(ccc));
my ($a1, $a2) = map {fpe($a, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my ($b1, $b2) = map {fpe($b, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my $files = {$a1 => "1111", $a2 => "2222"};

my $ra = readFiles($a);
is_deeply $files, $ra;
copyFolder($a, $b);
my $rb = readFiles($b);
is_deeply [sort values %$ra], [sort values %$rb];

unlink $a2;
mergeFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok  -e $b2;

copyFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok !-e $b2;

copyFile($a1, $a2);
ok readFile($a1) eq readFile($a2);

ok !moveFileNoClobber  ($a1, $a2);

ok  moveFileWithClobber($a1, $a2);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok !-e $a1;
ok readFile($a2) eq q(1111);
ok  moveFileNoClobber  ($a2, $a1);
ok !-e $a2;
ok readFile($a1) eq q(1111);

clearFolder(q(aaa), 11);
clearFolder(q(bbb), 11);

copyFileToFolder($source, $targetFolder)

Copy the file named in $source to the specified $targetFolder/ or if $targetFolder/ is in fact a file into the folder containing this file and return the target file name. Confesses instead of copying if the target already exists.

   Parameter      Description
1  $source        Source file
2  $targetFolder  Target folder


my $sd = temporaryFolder;
my $td = temporaryFolder;
my $sf = writeFile fpe($sd, qw(test data)), q(aaaa);

my $tf = copyFileToFolder($sf, $td);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok readFile($tf) eq q(aaaa);
ok fp ($tf) eq $td;
ok fne($tf) eq q(;

nameFromString ($string, %options)

Create a readable name from an arbitrary string of text.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String
2  %options   Options


ok q(help) eq nameFromString(q(!@#$%^help___<>?><?>));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok q(bm_The_skyscraper_analogy) eq nameFromString(<<END);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

<bookmap id="b1">
<title>The skyscraper analogy</title>

ok q(bm_The_skyscraper_analogy_An_exciting_tale_of_two_skyscrapers_that_meet_in_downtown_Houston)

   eq nameFromString(<<END);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

<bookmap id="b1">
<title>The skyscraper analogy</title>
An exciting tale of two skyscrapers that meet in downtown Houston

ok q(bm_the_skyscraper_analogy) eq nameFromStringRestrictedToTitle(<<END);
<bookmap id="b1">
<title>The skyscraper analogy</title>
An exciting tale of two skyscrapers that meet in downtown Houston

nameFromStringRestrictedToTitle ($string, %options)

Create a readable name from a string of text that might contain a title tag - fall back to nameFromString if that is not possible.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String
2  %options   Options


ok q(help) eq nameFromString(q(!@#$%^help___<>?><?>));
ok q(bm_The_skyscraper_analogy) eq nameFromString(<<END);
<bookmap id="b1">
<title>The skyscraper analogy</title>

ok q(bm_The_skyscraper_analogy_An_exciting_tale_of_two_skyscrapers_that_meet_in_downtown_Houston)
   eq nameFromString(<<END);
<bookmap id="b1">
<title>The skyscraper analogy</title>
An exciting tale of two skyscrapers that meet in downtown Houston

ok q(bm_the_skyscraper_analogy) eq nameFromStringRestrictedToTitle(<<END);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

<bookmap id="b1">
<title>The skyscraper analogy</title>
An exciting tale of two skyscrapers that meet in downtown Houston

uniqueNameFromFile ($source)

Create a unique name from a file name and the md5 sum of its content.

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Source file


my $f = owf(q(test.txt), join "", 1..100);

ok uniqueNameFromFile($f) eq q(test_ef69caaaeea9c17120821a9eb6c7f1de.txt);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

unlink $f;

nameFromFolder ($file)

Create a name from the last folder in the path of a file name. Return undef if the file does not have a path.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File name


ok nameFromFolder(fpe(qw( a b c d e))) eq q(c);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

copyBinaryFile ($source, $target)

Copy the binary file $source to a file named <%target> and return the target file name,.

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Source file
2  $target    Target file


if (1)
 {vec(my $a = '', 0, 8) = 254;
  vec(my $b = '', 0, 8) = 255;
  ok dump($a) eq dump("FE");
  ok dump($b) eq dump("FF");
  ok length($a) == 1;
  ok length($b) == 1;

  my $s = $a.$a.$b.$b;
  ok length($s) == 4;

  my $f = eval {writeFile(undef, $s)};
  ok fileSize($f) == 8;

  eval {writeBinaryFile($f, $s)};
  ok $@ =~ m(Binary file already exists:)s;

  eval {overWriteBinaryFile($f, $s)};
  ok !$@;
  ok fileSize($f) == 4;

  ok $s eq eval {readBinaryFile($f)};

  copyBinaryFile($f, my $F = temporaryFile);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok $s eq readBinaryFile($F);
  unlink $f, $F;

copyFileToRemote($file, $ip)

Copy the specified local $file to the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      Source file
2  $ip        Optional ip address


if (0)

 {copyFileToRemote     (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/aaa.txt));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  copyFileFromRemote   (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/aaa.txt));
  copyFolderToRemote   (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/));

copyFileFromRemote ($file, $ip)

Copy the specified $file from the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      Source file
2  $ip        Optional ip address


if (0)
 {copyFileToRemote     (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/aaa.txt));

  copyFileFromRemote   (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/aaa.txt));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  copyFolderToRemote   (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/));

copyFolder ($source, $target)

Copy the $source folder to the $target folder after clearing the $target folder.

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Source file
2  $target    Target file


my $d = temporaryFolder;
my $a = fpd($d, q(aaa));
my $b = fpd($d, q(bbb));
my $c = fpd($d, q(ccc));
my ($a1, $a2) = map {fpe($a, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my ($b1, $b2) = map {fpe($b, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my $files = {$a1 => "1111", $a2 => "2222"};

my $ra = readFiles($a);
is_deeply $files, $ra;

copyFolder($a, $b);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my $rb = readFiles($b);
is_deeply [sort values %$ra], [sort values %$rb];

unlink $a2;
mergeFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok  -e $b2;

copyFolder($a, $b);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok -e $b1; ok !-e $b2;

copyFile($a1, $a2);
ok readFile($a1) eq readFile($a2);

ok !moveFileNoClobber  ($a1, $a2);
ok  moveFileWithClobber($a1, $a2);
ok !-e $a1;
ok readFile($a2) eq q(1111);
ok  moveFileNoClobber  ($a2, $a1);
ok !-e $a2;
ok readFile($a1) eq q(1111);

clearFolder(q(aaa), 11);
clearFolder(q(bbb), 11);

mergeFolder ($source, $target)

Copy the $source folder into the $target folder retaining any existing files not replaced by copied files.

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Source file
2  $target    Target file


my $d = temporaryFolder;
my $a = fpd($d, q(aaa));
my $b = fpd($d, q(bbb));
my $c = fpd($d, q(ccc));
my ($a1, $a2) = map {fpe($a, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my ($b1, $b2) = map {fpe($b, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my $files = {$a1 => "1111", $a2 => "2222"};

my $ra = readFiles($a);
is_deeply $files, $ra;
copyFolder($a, $b);
my $rb = readFiles($b);
is_deeply [sort values %$ra], [sort values %$rb];

unlink $a2;

mergeFolder($a, $b);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok -e $b1; ok  -e $b2;

copyFolder($a, $b);
ok -e $b1; ok !-e $b2;

copyFile($a1, $a2);
ok readFile($a1) eq readFile($a2);

ok !moveFileNoClobber  ($a1, $a2);
ok  moveFileWithClobber($a1, $a2);
ok !-e $a1;
ok readFile($a2) eq q(1111);
ok  moveFileNoClobber  ($a2, $a1);
ok !-e $a2;
ok readFile($a1) eq q(1111);

clearFolder(q(aaa), 11);
clearFolder(q(bbb), 11);

copyFolderToRemote ($Source, $ip)

Copy the specified local $Source folder to the corresponding remote folder on the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp. The default userid supplied by .ssh/config will be used on the remote server.

   Parameter  Description
1  $Source    Source file
2  $ip        Optional ip address of server


if (0)
 {copyFileToRemote     (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/aaa.txt));
  copyFileFromRemote   (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/aaa.txt));

  copyFolderToRemote   (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


mergeFolderFromRemote ($Source, $ip)

Merge the specified $Source folder from the corresponding remote folder on the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp. The default userid supplied by .ssh/config will be used on the remote server.

   Parameter  Description
1  $Source    Source file
2  $ip        Optional ip address of server


if (0)
 {copyFileToRemote     (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/aaa.txt));
  copyFileFromRemote   (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/aaa.txt));
  copyFolderToRemote   (q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/));

  mergeFolderFromRemote(q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲



Methods to assist with testing


Remove all file paths from a specified $structure to make said $structure testable with "is_deeply" in Test::More.

   Parameter   Description
1  $structure  Data structure reference


if (1)
 {my $d = {"/home/aaa/bbb.txt"=>1, "ccc/ddd.txt"=>2, "eee.txt"=>3};

  my $D = removeFilePathsFromStructure($d);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply removeFilePathsFromStructure($d),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {"bbb.txt"=>1, "ddd.txt"=>2, "eee.txt"=>3};

  ok writeStructureTest($d, q($d)) eq <<'END';

  is_deeply removeFilePathsFromStructure($d),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   { "bbb.txt" => 1, "ddd.txt" => 2, "eee.txt" => 3 };

writeStructureTest ($structure, $expr)

Write a test for a data $structure with file names in it.

   Parameter   Description
1  $structure  Data structure reference
2  $expr       Expression


if (1)
 {my $d = {"/home/aaa/bbb.txt"=>1, "ccc/ddd.txt"=>2, "eee.txt"=>3};
  my $D = removeFilePathsFromStructure($d);

  is_deeply removeFilePathsFromStructure($d),
   {"bbb.txt"=>1, "ddd.txt"=>2, "eee.txt"=>3};

  ok writeStructureTest($d, q($d)) eq <<'END';  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply removeFilePathsFromStructure($d),
   { "bbb.txt" => 1, "ddd.txt" => 2, "eee.txt" => 3 };


Find the names of the calling subroutines and return them as a blank separated string of names.


sub aaa

sub bbb

sub ccc

 {subNameTraceBack;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


ok aaa =~ s(Data::Table::Text::) ()gsr =~ m(\Accc bbb aaa);


Image operations.

imageSize ($image)

Return (width, height) of an $image.

   Parameter  Description
1  $image     File containing image


my ($width, $height) = imageSize(fpe(qw(a image jpg)));                         # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

convertDocxToFodt ($inputFile, $outputFile)

Convert a docx $inputFile file to a fodt $outputFile using unoconv which must not be running elsewhere at the time. Unoconv can be installed via:

sudo apt install sharutils unoconv


   Parameter    Description
1  $inputFile   Input file
2  $outputFile  Output file


convertDocxToFodt(fpe(qw(a docx)), fpe(qw(a fodt)));                            # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

cutOutImagesInFodtFile ($inputFile, $outputFolder, $imagePrefix)

Cut out the images embedded in a fodt file, perhaps produced via convertDocxToFodt, placing them in the specified folder and replacing them in the source file with:

<image href="$imageFile" outputclass="imageType">.

This conversion requires that you have both Imagemagick and unoconv installed on your system:

sudo apt install sharutils  imagemagick unoconv


   Parameter      Description
1  $inputFile     Input file
2  $outputFolder  Output folder for images
3  $imagePrefix   A prefix to be added to image file names


cutOutImagesInFodtFile(fpe(qw(source fodt)), fpd(qw(images)), q(image));        # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Encoding and Decoding

Encode and decode using Json and Mime.

unbless ($d)

Remove the effects of bless from a Perl data $structure enabling it to be converted to Json or compared with Test::More::is_deeply.

   Parameter  Description
1  $d         Unbless a L<Perl|> data structure.


if (1)
 {my $a = {};
  ok ref($a)      eq  q(HASH);
  my $b =   bless $a, q(aaaa);
  ok ref($a)      eq  q(aaaa);

  my $c = unbless $b;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok ref($c)      eq  q(HASH);

encodeJson ($structure)

Convert a Perl data $structure to a Json string.

   Parameter   Description
1  $structure  Data to encode


my $A = encodeJson(my $a = {a=>1,b=>2, c=>[1..2]});  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my $b = decodeJson($A);
is_deeply $a, $b;

decodeJson ($string)

Convert a Json $string to a Perl data structure.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    Data to decode


my $A = encodeJson(my $a = {a=>1,b=>2, c=>[1..2]});

my $b = decodeJson($A);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply $a, $b;


Encode an Ascii $string in base 64.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to encode


my $A = encodeBase64(my $a = "Hello World" x 10);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my $b = decodeBase64($A);
ok $a eq $b;


Encode a Unicode string of html as Ascii by replacing unicode characters with an expression.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to encode


  my $h = "a 𝝰 b 𝝱 g 𝝲";

  my $H = encodeUnicodeHtmlAsAscii $h;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply $H, "a &#120688; b &#120689; g &#120690;";


Decode an Ascii $string in base 64.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to decode


my $A = encodeBase64(my $a = "Hello World" x 10);

my $b = decodeBase64($A);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $a eq $b;

convertUnicodeToXml ($string)

Convert a $string with Unicode code points that are not directly representable in Ascii into string that replaces these code points with their representation in Xml making the string usable in Xml documents.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok convertUnicodeToXml('setenta e três') eq q(setenta e tr&#234;s);               # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Encode an Ascii string as a string of hexadecimal digits.

   Parameter  Description
1  $ascii     Ascii string


ok asciiToHexString("Hello World!") eq                  "48656c6c6f20576f726c6421";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok                  "Hello World!"  eq hexToAsciiString("48656c6c6f20576f726c6421");


Decode a string of hexadecimal digits as an Ascii string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $hex       Hexadecimal string


ok asciiToHexString("Hello World!") eq                  "48656c6c6f20576f726c6421";

ok                  "Hello World!"  eq hexToAsciiString("48656c6c6f20576f726c6421");  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

wwwEncode ($string)

Percent encode a url per:

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String


  ok wwwEncode(q(a  {b} <c>)) eq q(a%20%20%7bb%7d%20%3cc%3e);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok wwwEncode(q(../))        eq q(%2e%2e/);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok wwwDecode(wwwEncode $_)  eq $_ for q(a  {b} <c>), q(a  b|c),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    q(%), q(%%), q(%%.%%);

sub wwwEncode($)                                                                 # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 {my ($string) = @_;                                                            # String
  join '', map {$translatePercentEncoding{$_}//$_} split //, $string

wwwDecode ($string)

Percent decode a url $string per:

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String


  ok wwwEncode(q(a  {b} <c>)) eq q(a%20%20%7bb%7d%20%3cc%3e);
  ok wwwEncode(q(../))        eq q(%2e%2e/);

  ok wwwDecode(wwwEncode $_)  eq $_ for q(a  {b} <c>), q(a  b|c),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    q(%), q(%%), q(%%.%%);

sub wwwDecode($)                                                                 # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 {my ($string) = @_;                                                            # String
  my $r = '';
  my @s = split //, $string;
   {my $c = shift @s;
    if ($c eq q(%) and @s >= 2)
     {$c .= shift(@s).shift(@s);
      $r .= $TranslatePercentEncoding{$c}//$c;
     {$r .= $c;
  $r =~ s(%0d0a) (
)gs;                                                        # Awkward characters that appear in urls
  $r =~ s(\+)     ( )gs;


Numeric operations,

powerOfTwo ($n)

Test whether a number $n is a power of two, return the power if it is else undef.

   Parameter  Description
1  $n         Number to check


ok  powerOfTwo(1) == 0;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok  powerOfTwo(2) == 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok !powerOfTwo(3);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok  powerOfTwo(4) == 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Find log two of the lowest power of two greater than or equal to a number $n.

   Parameter  Description
1  $n         Number to check


ok containingPowerOfTwo(1) == 0;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok containingPowerOfTwo(2) == 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok containingPowerOfTwo(3) == 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok containingPowerOfTwo(4) == 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok containingPowerOfTwo(5) == 3;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok containingPowerOfTwo(7) == 3;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Place commas in a number.

   Parameter  Description
1  $n         Number to add commas to


is_deeply numberWithCommas(1),                 q(1);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply numberWithCommas(12345678), q(12,345,678);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Divide an array of integers into ranges.

   Parameter  Description
1  @s         Integers to be divided into ranges


is_deeply [divideIntegersIntoRanges   1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10], [[1], [3..5], [7..8], [10]];    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

divideCharactersIntoRanges ($s)

Divide a string of characters into ranges.

   Parameter  Description
1  $s         String


is_deeply [divideCharactersIntoRanges "jahiefcb"], [qw(abc ef hij)];                         # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Minima and Maxima

Find the smallest and largest elements of arrays.

min (@m)

Find the minimum number in a list of numbers confessing to any ill defined values.

   Parameter  Description
1  @m         Numbers


ok !max;
ok max(1) == 1;
ok max(1,4,2,3) == 4;

ok min(1) == 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok min(5,4,2,3) == 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

indexOfMin (@m)

Find the index of the minimum number in a list of numbers confessing to any ill defined values.

   Parameter  Description
1  @m         Numbers


ok indexOfMin(qw(2 3 1 2)) == 2;                                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

max (@m)

Find the maximum number in a list of numbers confessing to any ill defined values.

   Parameter  Description
1  @m         Numbers


ok !max;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok max(1) == 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok max(1,4,2,3) == 4;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok min(1) == 1;
ok min(5,4,2,3) == 2;

indexOfMax (@m)

Find the index of the maximum number in a list of numbers confessing to any ill defined values.

   Parameter  Description
1  @m         Numbers


{ok indexOfMax(qw(2 3 1 2)) == 1;                                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Find the sum of any strings that look like numbers in an array.

   Parameter  Description
1  @a         Array to sum


{ok arraySum   (1..10) ==  55;                                                   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Find the product of any strings that look like numbers in an array.

   Parameter  Description
1  @a         Array to multiply


ok arrayProduct(1..5) == 120;                                                   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

arrayTimes ($multiplier, @a)

Multiply by $multiplier each element of the array @a and return as the result.

   Parameter    Description
1  $multiplier  Multiplier
2  @a           Array to multiply and return


is_deeply[arrayTimes(2, 1..5)], [qw(2 4 6 8 10)];                               # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Set operations.

mergeHashesBySummingValues (@h)

Merge a list of hashes @h by summing their values.

   Parameter  Description
1  @h         List of hashes to be summed


is_deeply +{a=>1, b=>2, c=>3},

  mergeHashesBySummingValues  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    +{a=>1,b=>1, c=>1}, +{b=>1,c=>1}, +{c=>1};

invertHashOfHashes ($h)

Invert a hash of hashes: given {a}{b} = c return {b}{c} = c.

   Parameter  Description
1  $h         Hash of hashes


my $h =  {a=>{A=>q(aA), B=>q(aB)}, b=>{A=>q(bA), B=>q(bB)}};
my $g =  {A=>{a=>q(aA), b=>q(bA)}, B=>{a=>q(aB), b=>q(bB)}};

is_deeply invertHashOfHashes($h), $g;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply invertHashOfHashes($g), $h;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

unionOfHashKeys (@h)

Form the union of the keys of the specified hashes @h as one hash whose keys represent the union.

   Parameter  Description
1  @h         List of hashes to be united


if (1)

 {is_deeply  unionOfHashKeys  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   ({a=>1,b=>2}, {b=>1,c=>1}, {c=>2}),
    {a=>1, b=>2, c=>2};

  is_deeply  intersectionOfHashKeys

intersectionOfHashKeys (@h)

Form the intersection of the keys of the specified hashes @h as one hash whose keys represent the intersection.

   Parameter  Description
1  @h         List of hashes to be intersected


if (1)
 {is_deeply  unionOfHashKeys
   ({a=>1,b=>2}, {b=>1,c=>1}, {c=>2}),
    {a=>1, b=>2, c=>2};

  is_deeply  intersectionOfHashKeys  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


unionOfHashesAsArrays (@h)

Form the union of the specified hashes @h as one hash whose values are a array of corresponding values from each hash.

   Parameter  Description
1  @h         List of hashes to be united


if (1)

 {is_deeply  unionOfHashesAsArrays  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   ({a=>1,b=>2}, {b=>1,c=>1}, {c=>2}),
    {a=>[1], b=>[2,1], c=>[undef,1,2]};

  is_deeply  intersectionOfHashesAsArrays


Form the intersection of the specified hashes @h as one hash whose values are an array of corresponding values from each hash.

   Parameter  Description
1  @h         List of hashes to be intersected


if (1)
 {is_deeply  unionOfHashesAsArrays
   ({a=>1,b=>2}, {b=>1,c=>1}, {c=>2}),
    {a=>[1], b=>[2,1], c=>[undef,1,2]};

  is_deeply  intersectionOfHashesAsArrays  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲



Union of sets @s represented as arrays of strings and/or the keys of hashes.

   Parameter  Description
1  @s         Array of arrays of strings and/or hashes


is_deeply [qw(a b c)],     [setUnion(qw(a b c a a b b b))];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [qw(a b c d e)], [setUnion {a=>1, b=>2, e=>3}, [qw(c d e)], qw(e)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

setIntersection (@s)

Intersection of sets @s represented as arrays of strings and/or the keys of hashes.

   Parameter  Description
1  @s         Array of arrays of strings and/or hashes


is_deeply [qw(a b c)], [setIntersection[qw(e f g a b c )],[qw(a A b B c C)]];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [qw(e)],   [setIntersection {a=>1, b=>2, e=>3}, [qw(c d e)], qw(e)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

setDifference ($a, $b)

Subtract the keys in the second set represented as a hash from the first set represented as a hash to create a new hash showing the set difference between the two.

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First set as a hash
2  $b         Second set as a hash


is_deeply {a=>1}, setDifference({a=>1, b=>2}, {b=>3,c=>4});  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply {a=>1}, setDifference({a=>1, b=>2}, [qw(b c)]);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply {a=>1}, setDifference({a=>1, b=>2},   q(b c));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Returns the size of the intersection over the size of the union of one or more sets @s represented as arrays and/or hashes.

   Parameter  Description
1  @s         Array of arrays of strings and/or hashes


my $f = setIntersectionOverUnion {a=>1, b=>2, e=>3}, [qw(c d e)], qw(e);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $f > 0.199999 && $f < 0.200001;

setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnion ($confidence, @sets)

Partition, at a level of $confidence between 0 and 1, a set of sets @sets so that within each partition the setIntersectionOverUnion of any two sets in the partition is never less than the specified level of $confidence**2.

   Parameter    Description
1  $confidence  Minimum setIntersectionOverUnion
2  @sets        Array of arrays of strings and/or hashes representing sets


  is_deeply [setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnion  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

     [qw(a A   b c d e)],
     [qw(a A B b c d e)],
     [qw(a A B C b c d)],
  [[["A", "B", "a".."e"],
    ["A",      "a".."e"]],
   [["A".."C", "a".."d"]],

if (1) {
is_deeply [setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfSetsOfWords
     [qw(a A   b c d e)],
     [qw(a A B b c d e)],
     [qw(a A B C b c d)],
 [[["a", "A", "B", "C", "b", "c", "d"]],
  [["a", "A", "B", "b" .. "e"], ["a", "A", "b" .. "e"]],

setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfSetsOfWords($confidence, @sets)

Partition, at a level of $confidence between 0 and 1, a set of sets @sets of words so that within each partition the setIntersectionOverUnion of any two sets of words in the partition is never less than the specified $confidence**2.

   Parameter    Description
1  $confidence  Minimum setIntersectionOverUnion
2  @sets        Array of arrays of strings and/or hashes representing sets


is_deeply [setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfSetsOfWords  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

     [qw(a A   b c d e)],
     [qw(a A B b c d e)],
     [qw(a A B C b c d)],
 [[["a", "A", "B", "C", "b", "c", "d"]],
  [["a", "A", "B", "b" .. "e"], ["a", "A", "b" .. "e"]],

setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfStringSets ($confidence, @strings)

Partition, at a level of $confidence between 0 and 1, a set of sets @strings, each set represented by a string containing words and punctuation, each word possibly capitalized, so that within each partition the setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfSetsOfWords of any two sets of words in the partition is never less than the specified $confidence**2.

   Parameter    Description
1  $confidence  Minimum setIntersectionOverUnion
2  @strings     Sets represented by strings


is_deeply [setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfStringSets  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

     q(The Emu            are seen here sometimes.),
     q(The Emu, Gnu       are seen here sometimes.),
     q(The Emu, Gnu, Colt are seen here.),
 [["The Emu, Gnu, Colt are seen here."],
  ["The Emu, Gnu       are seen here sometimes.",
   "The Emu            are seen here sometimes.",

setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfHashStringSets ($confidence, $hashSet)

Partition, at a level of $confidence between 0 and 1, a set of sets $hashSet represented by a hash, each hash value being a string containing words and punctuation, each word possibly capitalized, so that within each partition the setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfSetsOfWords of any two sets of words in the partition is never less than the specified $confidence**2 and the partition entries are the hash keys of the string sets.

   Parameter    Description
1  $confidence  Minimum setIntersectionOverUnion
2  $hashSet     Sets represented by the hash value strings


 is_deeply [setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfHashStringSets  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    {e  =>q(The Emu            are seen here sometimes.),
     eg =>q(The Emu, Gnu       are seen here sometimes.),
     egc=>q(The Emu, Gnu, Colt are seen here.),
[["e", "eg"], ["egc"]];

setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfHashStringSetsInParallel ($confidence, $hashSet)

Partition, at a level of $confidence between 0 and 1, a set of sets $hashSet represented by a hash, each hash value being a string containing words and punctuation, each word possibly capitalized, so that within each partition the setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfSetsOfWords of any two sets of words in the partition is never less than the specified $confidence**2 and the partition entries are the hash keys of the string sets. The partition is performed in square root parallel.

   Parameter    Description
1  $confidence  Minimum setIntersectionOverUnion
2  $hashSet     Sets represented by the hash value strings


my $N = 8;
my %s;
for     my $a('a'..'z')
 {my @w;
  for   my $b('a'..'e')
   {for my $c('a'..'e')
     {push @w, qq($a$b$c);

  for   my $i(1..$N)
   {$s{qq($a$i)} = join ' ', @w;

my $expected =
 [["a1" .. "a8"],
  ["b1" .. "b8"],
  ["c1" .. "c8"],
  ["d1" .. "d8"],
  ["e1" .. "e8"],
  ["f1" .. "f8"],
  ["g1" .. "g8"],
  ["h1" .. "h8"],
  ["i1" .. "i8"],
  ["j1" .. "j8"],
  ["k1" .. "k8"],
  ["l1" .. "l8"],
  ["m1" .. "m8"],
  ["n1" .. "n8"],
  ["o1" .. "o8"],
  ["p1" .. "p8"],
  ["q1" .. "q8"],
  ["r1" .. "r8"],
  ["s1" .. "s8"],
  ["t1" .. "t8"],
  ["u1" .. "u8"],
  ["v1" .. "v8"],
  ["w1" .. "w8"],
  ["x1" .. "x8"],
  ["y1" .. "y8"],
  ["z1" .. "z8"],

is_deeply $expected,
 [setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfHashStringSets          (0.50, \%s)];

my $expectedInParallel =
 ["a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8",                                                  # Same strings in multiple parallel processes
  "b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8",
  "b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8",
  "c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8",
  "d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8",
  "d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8",
  "e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8",
  "f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8",
  "f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8",
  "g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8",
  "h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8",
  "h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8",
  "i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8",
  "j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8",
  "j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 j6 j7 j8",
  "k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7 k8",
  "l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8",
  "l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8",
  "m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8",
  "n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8",
  "n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8",
  "o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 o7 o8",
  "p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8",
  "q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8",
  "q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8",
  "r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8",
  "s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8",
  "s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8",
  "t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8",
  "u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 u8",
  "u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 u8",
  "v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8",
  "w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8",
  "w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8",
  "x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8",
  "y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8",
  "y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8",
  "z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 z8",

if (1)

 {my @p = setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfHashStringSetsInParallel  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   (0.50, \%s);

  is_deeply $expectedInParallel, [sort map {join ' ', @$_} @p];

contains($item, @array)

Returns the indices at which an $item matches elements of the specified @array. If the item is a regular expression then it is matched as one, else it is a number it is matched as a number, else as a string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $item      Item
2  @array     Array


is_deeply [1],       [contains(1,0..1)];                                          # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [1,3],     [contains(1, qw(0 1 0 1 0 0))];                              # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [0, 5],    [contains('a', qw(a b c d e a b c d e))];                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [0, 1, 5], [contains(qr(a+), qw(a baa c d e aa b c d e))];              # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

countOccurencesInString ($inString, $searchFor)

Returns the number of occurrences in $inString of $searchFor.

   Parameter   Description
1  $inString   String to search in
2  $searchFor  String to search for.


if (1)

 {ok countOccurencesInString(q(a<b>c<b><b>d), q(<b>)) == 3;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


partitionStringsOnPrefixBySize ()

Partition a hash of strings and associated sizes into partitions with either a maximum size $maxSize or only one element; the hash %Sizes consisting of a mapping {string=>size}; with each partition being named with the shortest string prefix that identifies just the strings in that partition. Returns a list of {prefix => size}... describing each partition.


if (1)

 {my $ps = \&partitionStringsOnPrefixBySize;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply {&$ps(1)}, {};
  is_deeply {&$ps(1, 1=>0)},      {q()=>0};
  is_deeply {&$ps(1, 1=>1)},      {q()=>1};
  is_deeply {&$ps(1, 1=>2)},      {1=>2};
  is_deeply {&$ps(1, 1=>1,2=>1)}, {1=>1,2=>1};
  is_deeply {&$ps(2, 11=>1,12=>1, 21=>1,22=>1)}, {1=>2, 2=>2};
  is_deeply {&$ps(2, 111=>1,112=>1,113=>1, 121=>1,122=>1,123=>1, 131=>1,132=>1,133=>1)}, { 111 => 1, 112 => 1, 113 => 1, 121 => 1, 122 => 1, 123 => 1, 131 => 1, 132 => 1, 133 => 1 };

   {is_deeply {&$ps($_, 111=>1,112=>1,113=>1, 121=>1,122=>1,123=>1, 131=>1,132=>1,133=>1)}, { 11 => 3, 12 => 3, 13 => 3 };

  is_deeply {&$ps(9, 111=>1,112=>1,113=>1, 121=>1,122=>1,123=>1, 131=>1,132=>1,133=>1)}, { q()=> 9};
  is_deeply {&$ps(3, 111=>1,112=>1,113=>1, 121=>1,122=>1,123=>1, 131=>1,132=>1,133=>2)}, { 11 => 3, 12 => 3, 131 => 1, 132 => 1, 133 => 2 };
  is_deeply {&$ps(4, 111=>1,112=>1,113=>1, 121=>1,122=>1,123=>1, 131=>1,132=>1,133=>2)}, { 11 => 3, 12 => 3, 13 => 4 };


transitiveClosure ($h)

Transitive closure of a hash of hashes.

   Parameter  Description
1  $h         Hash of hashes


if (1)

 {is_deeply transitiveClosure({a=>{b=>1, c=>2}, b=>{d=>3}, c=>{d=>4}}),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {end => [{ b => 1, c => 1, d => 4 }, { d => 1 }],
    start => { a => 0, b => 1, c => 1 },


Format data structures as tables.

maximumLineLength ($string)

Find the longest line in a $string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String of lines of text


ok 3 == maximumLineLength(<<END);                                                 # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲



Tabularize an array of arrays of text.

   Parameter  Description
1  $data      Reference to an array of arrays of data to be formatted as a table.


  my $d = [[qw(a 1)], [qw(bb 22)], [qw(ccc 333)], [qw(dddd 4444)]];

  ok formatTableBasic($d) eq <<END, q(ftb);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

a        1
bb      22
ccc    333
dddd  4444

if (0) {
  my %pids;
  sub{startProcess {} %pids, 1; ok 1 >= keys %pids}->() for 1..8;
  ok !keys(%pids)

formatTable ($data, $columnTitles, @options)

Format various $data structures as a table with titles as specified by $columnTitles: either a reference to an array of column titles or a string each line of which contains the column title as the first word with the rest of the line describing that column.

Optionally create a report from the table using the report %options described in formatTableCheckKeys.

   Parameter      Description
1  $data          Data to be formatted
2  $columnTitles  Optional reference to an array of titles or string of column descriptions
3  @options       Options


ok formatTable                                                                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 ([[qw(A    B    C    D   )],

   [qw(AA   BB   CC   DD  )],

   [qw(AAA  BBB  CCC  DDD )],


   [qw(1    22   333  4444)]], [qw(aa bb cc)]) eq <<END;
   aa    bb    cc
1  A     B     C     D
2  AA    BB    CC    DD
3  AAA   BBB   CCC   DDD
5     1    22   333  4444

ok formatTable                                                                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 ([[qw(1     B   C)],

   [qw(22    BB  CC)],

   [qw(333   BBB CCC)],

   [qw(4444  22  333)]], [qw(aa bb cc)]) eq <<END;
   aa    bb   cc
1     1  B    C
2    22  BB   CC
3   333  BBB  CCC
4  4444   22  333

ok formatTable                                                                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 ([{aa=>'A',   bb=>'B',   cc=>'C'},

   {aa=>'AA',  bb=>'BB',  cc=>'CC'},

   {aa=>'AAA', bb=>'BBB', cc=>'CCC'},

   {aa=>'1',   bb=>'22',  cc=>'333'}

   ]) eq <<END;
   aa   bb   cc
1  A    B    C
2  AA   BB   CC
4    1   22  333

ok formatTable                                                                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 ({''=>[qw(aa bb cc)],

    1=>[qw(A B C)],

    22=>[qw(AA BB CC)],

    333=>[qw(AAA BBB CCC)],

    4444=>[qw(1 22 333)]}) eq <<END;
      aa   bb   cc
   1  A    B    C
  22  AA   BB   CC
 333  AAA  BBB  CCC
4444    1   22  333

ok formatTable                                                                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 ({1=>{aa=>'A', bb=>'B', cc=>'C'},

   22=>{aa=>'AA', bb=>'BB', cc=>'CC'},

   333=>{aa=>'AAA', bb=>'BBB', cc=>'CCC'},

   4444=>{aa=>'1', bb=>'22', cc=>'333'}}) eq <<END;
      aa   bb   cc
   1  A    B    C
  22  AA   BB   CC
 333  AAA  BBB  CCC
4444    1   22  333

ok formatTable({aa=>'A', bb=>'B', cc=>'C'}, [qw(aaaa bbbb)]) eq <<END;            # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

aaaa  bbbb
aa    A
bb    B
cc    C

  my $d = temporaryFolder;
  my $f = fpe($d, qw(report txt));                                              # Create a report

  my $t = formatTable  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   ([["a",undef], [undef, "b0ac"]],                                           # Data - please replace 0a with a new line
    [undef, "BC"],                                                              # Column titles
    file=>$f,                                                                   # Output file
    head=><<END);                                                               # Header
Sample report.

Table has NNNN rows.
  ok -e $f;

  ok readFile($f) eq $t;
  is_deeply nws($t), nws(<<END);
Sample report.

Table has 2 rows.

This file: ${d}report.txt

1  a
2     b
  clearFolder($d, 2);

formattedTablesReport (@options)

Report of all the reports created. The optional parameters are the same as for formatTable.

   Parameter  Description
1  @options   Options


  @formatTables = ();

  for my $m(2..8)
   {formatTable([map {[$_, $_*$m]} 1..$m], [q(Single), qq(* $m)],
      title=>qq(Multiply by $m));

  ok nws(formattedTablesReport) eq nws(<<END);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   Rows  Title          File
1     2  Multiply by 2
2     3  Multiply by 3
3     4  Multiply by 4
4     5  Multiply by 5
5     6  Multiply by 6
6     7  Multiply by 7
7     8  Multiply by 8

summarizeColumn ($data, $column)

Count the number of unique instances of each value a column in a table assumes.

   Parameter  Description
1  $data      Table == array of arrays
2  $column    Column number to summarize.



   [summarizeColumn([map {[$_]} qw(A B D B C D C D A C D C B B D)], 0)],  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   [[5, "D"], [4, "B"], [4, "C"], [2, "A"]];

  ok nws(formatTable
   ([map {[split m//, $_]} qw(AA CB CD BC DC DD CD AD AA DC CD CC BB BB BD)],
    [qw(Col-1 Col-2)],
     summarize=>1)) eq nws(<<'END');

Summary_of_column                - Count of unique values found in each column                     Use the Geany flick capability by placing your cursor on the first word
Comma_Separated_Values_of_column - Comma separated list of the unique values found in each column  of these lines and pressing control + down arrow to see each sub report.

    Col-1  Col-2
 1  A      A
 2  C      B
 3  C      D
 4  B      C
 5  D      C
 6  D      D
 7  C      D
 8  A      D
 9  A      A
10  D      C
11  C      D
12  C      C
13  B      B
14  B      B
15  B      D

   Count  Col-1
1      5  C
2      4  B
3      3  A
4      3  D

Comma_Separated_Values_of_column_Col-1: "A","B","C","D"

   Count  Col-2
1      6  D
2      4  C
3      3  B
4      2  A

Comma_Separated_Values_of_column_Col-2: "A","B","C","D"

keyCount($maxDepth, $ref)

Count keys down to the specified level.

   Parameter  Description
1  $maxDepth  Maximum depth to count to
2  $ref       Reference to an array or a hash


my $a = [[1..3],       {map{$_=>1} 1..3}];

my $h = {a=>[1..3], b=>{map{$_=>1} 1..3}};

ok keyCount(2, $a) == 6;                                                        # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok keyCount(2, $h) == 6;                                                        # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

formatHtmlTable ($data, %options)

Format an array of arrays of scalars as an html table using the %options described in formatTableCheckKeys.

   Parameter  Description
1  $data      Data to be formatted
2  %options   Options


if (1)

 {my $t = formatHtmlTable  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

      [qw(1 a)],
      [qw(2 b)],
   title  => q(Sample html table),
   head   => q(Head NNNN rows),
   foot   => q(Footer),
   columns=> <<END,
source The source number
target The target letter

  my $T = <<'END';
<h1>Sample html table</h1>

<p>Head 2 rows</p>

<p><table borders="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="5">

<tr><th><span title="The source number">source</span><th><span title="The target letter">target</span>

source  The source number
target  The target letter



<span class="options" style="display: none">{
  columns => "source The source number
target The target letter
  foot    => "Footer",
  head    => "Head NNNN rows",
  rows    => 2,
  title   => "Sample html table",

  ok "$t
" eq $T;

formatHtmlTablesIndex ($reports, $title, $url, $columns)

Create an index of html reports.

   Parameter  Description
1  $reports   Reports folder
2  $title     Title of report of reports
3  $url       $url to get files
4  $columns   Number of columns - defaults to 1


if (1)
 {my $reports = temporaryFolder;

   ($reports, $reports, q(/cgi-bin/, q(/a/),
     [[qw(1 /a/a)],
      [qw(2 /a/b)],
   title   => q(Bad files),
   head    => q(Head NNNN rows),
   foot    => q(Footer),
   file    => q(bad.html),
   facet   => q(files), aspectColor => "red",
   columns => <<END,
source The source number
target The target letter

   ($reports, $reports, q(/cgi-bin/, q(/a/),
     [[qw(1 /a/a1)],
      [qw(2 /a/b2)],
      [qw(3 /a/b3)],
   title   => q(Good files),
   head    => q(Head NNNN rows),
   foot    => q(Footer),
   file    => q(good.html),
   facet   => q(files), aspectColor => "green",
   columns => <<END,
source The source number
target The target letter


  my $result = formatHtmlTablesIndex($reports, q(TITLE), q(/cgi-bin/;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok $result =~ m(3.*Good files);
  ok $result =~ m(2.*Bad files);
#  ok $result =~ m(green.*>3<.*>Good files);
#  ok $result =~ m(red.*>2<.*>Bad files);

  clearFolder($reports, 11);

formatHtmlAndTextTablesWaitPids ()

Wait on all table formatting pids to complete.


if (1)
 {my $reports = temporaryFolder;

   ($reports, $reports, q(/cgi-bin/, q(/a/),
     [[qw(1 /a/a)],
      [qw(2 /a/b)],
   title   => q(Bad files),
   head    => q(Head NNNN rows),
   foot    => q(Footer),
   file    => q(bad.html),
   facet   => q(files), aspectColor => "red",
   columns => <<END,
source The source number
target The target letter

   ($reports, $reports, q(/cgi-bin/, q(/a/),
     [[qw(1 /a/a1)],
      [qw(2 /a/b2)],
      [qw(3 /a/b3)],
   title   => q(Good files),
   head    => q(Head NNNN rows),
   foot    => q(Footer),
   file    => q(good.html),
   facet   => q(files), aspectColor => "green",
   columns => <<END,
source The source number
target The target letter

  formatHtmlAndTextTablesWaitPids;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $result = formatHtmlTablesIndex($reports, q(TITLE), q(/cgi-bin/;
  ok $result =~ m(3.*Good files);
  ok $result =~ m(2.*Bad files);
#  ok $result =~ m(green.*>3<.*>Good files);
#  ok $result =~ m(red.*>2<.*>Bad files);

  clearFolder($reports, 11);

formatHtmlAndTextTables ($reports, $html, $getFile, $filePrefix, $data, %options)

Create text and html versions of a tabular report.

   Parameter    Description
1  $reports     Folder to contain text reports
2  $html        Folder to contain html reports
3  $getFile     L<url|> to get files
4  $filePrefix  File prefix to be removed from file entries or array of file prefixes
5  $data        Data
6  %options     Options


if (1)
 {my $reports = temporaryFolder;

  formatHtmlAndTextTables  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   ($reports, $reports, q(/cgi-bin/, q(/a/),
     [[qw(1 /a/a)],
      [qw(2 /a/b)],
   title   => q(Bad files),
   head    => q(Head NNNN rows),
   foot    => q(Footer),
   file    => q(bad.html),
   facet   => q(files), aspectColor => "red",
   columns => <<END,
source The source number
target The target letter

  formatHtmlAndTextTables  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   ($reports, $reports, q(/cgi-bin/, q(/a/),
     [[qw(1 /a/a1)],
      [qw(2 /a/b2)],
      [qw(3 /a/b3)],
   title   => q(Good files),
   head    => q(Head NNNN rows),
   foot    => q(Footer),
   file    => q(good.html),
   facet   => q(files), aspectColor => "green",
   columns => <<END,
source The source number
target The target letter


  my $result = formatHtmlTablesIndex($reports, q(TITLE), q(/cgi-bin/;
  ok $result =~ m(3.*Good files);
  ok $result =~ m(2.*Bad files);
#  ok $result =~ m(green.*>3<.*>Good files);
#  ok $result =~ m(red.*>2<.*>Bad files);

  clearFolder($reports, 11);


Load data structures from lines.

loadArrayFromLines ($string)

Load an array from lines of text in a string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    The string of lines from which to create an array


  my $s = loadArrayFromLines <<END;                                               # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

a a
b b

  is_deeply $s, [q(a a), q(b b)];

  ok formatTable($s) eq <<END;
0  a a
1  b b

loadHashFromLines ($string)

Load a hash: first word of each line is the key and the rest is the value.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    The string of lines from which to create a hash


  my $s = loadHashFromLines <<END;                                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

a 10 11 12
b 20 21 22

  is_deeply $s, {a => q(10 11 12), b =>q(20 21 22)};

  ok formatTable($s) eq <<END;
a  10 11 12
b  20 21 22

loadArrayArrayFromLines ($string)

Load an array of arrays from lines of text: each line is an array of words.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    The string of lines from which to create an array of arrays


  my $s = loadArrayArrayFromLines <<END;                                          # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


  is_deeply $s, [[qw(A B C)], [qw(AA BB CC)]];

  ok formatTable($s) eq <<END;
1  A   B   C
2  AA  BB  CC

loadHashArrayFromLines ($string)

Load a hash of arrays from lines of text: the first word of each line is the key, the remaining words are the array contents.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    The string of lines from which to create a hash of arrays


  my $s = loadHashArrayFromLines <<END;                                           # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

a A B C

  is_deeply $s, {a =>[qw(A B C)], b => [qw(AA BB CC)] };

  ok formatTable($s) eq <<END;
a  A   B   C
b  AA  BB  CC

loadArrayHashFromLines ($string)

Load an array of hashes from lines of text: each line is a hash of words.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    The string of lines from which to create an array of arrays


  my $s = loadArrayHashFromLines <<END;                                           # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

A 1 B 2
AA 11 BB 22

  is_deeply $s, [{A=>1, B=>2}, {AA=>11, BB=>22}];

  ok formatTable($s) eq <<END;
   A  AA  B  BB
1  1      2
2     11     22

loadHashHashFromLines ($string)

Load a hash of hashes from lines of text: the first word of each line is the key, the remaining words are the sub hash contents.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    The string of lines from which to create a hash of arrays


  my $s = loadHashHashFromLines <<END;                                            # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

a A 1 B 2
b AA 11 BB 22

  is_deeply $s, {a=>{A=>1, B=>2}, b=>{AA=>11, BB=>22}};

  ok formatTable($s) eq <<END;
   A  AA  B  BB
a  1      2
b     11     22

checkKeys ($hash, $permitted)

Check the keys in a hash confirm to those $permitted.

   Parameter   Description
1  $hash       The hash to test
2  $permitted  A hash of the permitted keys and their meanings


eval q{checkKeys({a=>1, b=>2, d=>3}, {a=>1, b=>2, c=>3})};                      # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok nws($@) =~ m(\AInvalid options chosen: d Permitted.+?: a 1 b 2 c 3);

LVALUE methods

Replace $a->{value} = $b with $a->value = $b which reduces the amount of typing required, is easier to read and provides a hard check that {value} is spelled correctly.

genLValueScalarMethods (@names)

Generate lvalue method scalar methods in the current package, A method whose value has not yet been set will return a new scalar with value undef. Suffixing X to the scalar name will confess if a value has not been set.

   Parameter  Description
1  @names     List of method names


package Scalars;

my $a = bless{};

Data::Table::Text::genLValueScalarMethods(qw(aa bb cc));                        # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

$a->aa = 'aa';

Test::More::ok  $a->aa eq 'aa';

Test::More::ok !$a->bb;

Test::More::ok  $a->bbX eq q();

$a->aa = undef;

Test::More::ok !$a->aa;

addLValueScalarMethods (@names)

Generate lvalue method scalar methods in the current package if they do not already exist. A method whose value has not yet been set will return a new scalar with value undef. Suffixing X to the scalar name will confess if a value has not been set.

   Parameter  Description
1  @names     List of method names


my $class = "Data::Table::Text::Test";

my $a = bless{}, $class;

addLValueScalarMethods(qq(${class}::$_)) for qw(aa bb aa bb);                   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

$a->aa = 'aa';

ok  $a->aa eq 'aa';

ok !$a->bb;

ok  $a->bbX eq q();

$a->aa = undef;

ok !$a->aa;

genLValueScalarMethodsWithDefaultValues (@names)

Generate lvalue method scalar methods with default values in the current package. A reference to a method whose value has not yet been set will return a scalar whose value is the name of the method.

   Parameter  Description
1  @names     List of method names


package ScalarsWithDefaults;

my $a = bless{};

Data::Table::Text::genLValueScalarMethodsWithDefaultValues(qw(aa bb cc));       # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Test::More::ok $a->aa eq 'aa';

genLValueArrayMethods (@names)

Generate lvalue method array methods in the current package. A reference to a method that has no yet been set will return a reference to an empty array.

   Parameter  Description
1  @names     List of method names


package Arrays;

my $a = bless{};

Data::Table::Text::genLValueArrayMethods(qw(aa bb cc));                         # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

$a->aa->[1] = 'aa';

Test::More::ok $a->aa->[1] eq 'aa';


Generate lvalue method hash methods in the current package. A reference to a method that has no yet been set will return a reference to an empty hash.

   Parameter  Description
1  @names     Method names


package Hashes;

my $a = bless{};

Data::Table::Text::genLValueHashMethods(qw(aa bb cc));                          # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

$a->aa->{a} = 'aa';

Test::More::ok $a->aa->{a} eq 'aa';

genHash ($bless, %attributes)

Return a $blessed hash with the specified $attributes accessible via lvalue method method calls. updateDocumentation will generate documentation at "Hash Definitions" for the hash defined by the call to genHash if the call is laid out as in the example below.

   Parameter    Description
1  $bless       Package name
2  %attributes  Hash of attribute names and values


my $o = genHash(q(TestHash),                                                  # Definition of a blessed hash.  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    a=>q(aa),                                                                 # Definition of attribute aa.
    b=>q(bb),                                                                 # Definition of attribute bb.
ok $o->a eq q(aa);
is_deeply $o, {a=>"aa", b=>"bb"};

my $p = genHash(q(TestHash),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  c=>q(cc),                                                                   # Definition of attribute cc.
ok $p->c eq q(cc);
ok $p->a =  q(aa);
ok $p->a eq q(aa);
is_deeply $p, {a=>"aa", c=>"cc"};

loadHash($p, a=>11, b=>22);                                                   # Load the hash
is_deeply $p, {a=>11, b=>22, c=>"cc"};

my $r = eval {loadHash($p, d=>44)};                                           # Try to load the hash
ok $@ =~ m(Cannot load attribute: d);

loadHash($hash, %attributes)

Load the specified blessed $hash generated with genHash with %attributes. Confess to any unknown attribute names.

   Parameter    Description
1  $hash        Hash
2  %attributes  Hash of attribute names and values to be loaded


my $o = genHash(q(TestHash),                                                  # Definition of a blessed hash.
    a=>q(aa),                                                                 # Definition of attribute aa.
    b=>q(bb),                                                                 # Definition of attribute bb.
ok $o->a eq q(aa);
is_deeply $o, {a=>"aa", b=>"bb"};
my $p = genHash(q(TestHash),
  c=>q(cc),                                                                   # Definition of attribute cc.
ok $p->c eq q(cc);
ok $p->a =  q(aa);
ok $p->a eq q(aa);
is_deeply $p, {a=>"aa", c=>"cc"};

loadHash($p, a=>11, b=>22);                                                   # Load the hash  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply $p, {a=>11, b=>22, c=>"cc"};

my $r = eval {loadHash($p, d=>44)};                                           # Try to load the hash  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $@ =~ m(Cannot load attribute: d);


Ensures that all the hashes within a tower of data structures have LValue methods to get and set their current keys.

   Parameter  Description
1  $d         Data structure


if (1)
 {my $a = bless [bless {aaa=>42}, "AAAA"], "BBBB";
  eval {$a->[0]->aaa};
  ok $@ =~ m(\ACan.t locate object method .aaa. via package .AAAA.);

  reloadHashes($a);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok $a->[0]->aaa == 42;

if (1)
 {my $a = bless [bless {ccc=>42}, "CCCC"], "DDDD";
  eval {$a->[0]->ccc};
  ok $@ =~ m(\ACan.t locate object method .ccc. via package .CCCC.);

  reloadHashes($a);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok $a->[0]->ccc == 42;

setPackageSearchOrder ($set, @search)

Set a package search order for methods requested in the current package via AUTOLOAD.

   Parameter  Description
1  $set       Package to set
2  @search    Package names in search order.


if (1)
 {if (1)
   {package AAAA;

    sub aaaa{q(AAAAaaaa)}
    sub bbbb{q(AAAAbbbb)}
    sub cccc{q(AAAAcccc)}
  if (1)
   {package BBBB;

    sub aaaa{q(BBBBaaaa)}
    sub bbbb{q(BBBBbbbb)}
    sub dddd{q(BBBBdddd)}
  if (1)
   {package CCCC;

    sub aaaa{q(CCCCaaaa)}
    sub dddd{q(CCCCdddd)}
    sub eeee{q(CCCCeeee)}

  setPackageSearchOrder(__PACKAGE__, qw(CCCC BBBB AAAA));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok &aaaa eq q(CCCCaaaa);
  ok &bbbb eq q(BBBBbbbb);
  ok &cccc eq q(AAAAcccc);

  ok &aaaa eq q(CCCCaaaa);
  ok &bbbb eq q(BBBBbbbb);
  ok &cccc eq q(AAAAcccc);

  ok &dddd eq q(CCCCdddd);
  ok &eeee eq q(CCCCeeee);

  setPackageSearchOrder(__PACKAGE__, qw(AAAA BBBB CCCC));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok &aaaa eq q(AAAAaaaa);
  ok &bbbb eq q(AAAAbbbb);
  ok &cccc eq q(AAAAcccc);

  ok &aaaa eq q(AAAAaaaa);
  ok &bbbb eq q(AAAAbbbb);
  ok &cccc eq q(AAAAcccc);

  ok &dddd eq q(BBBBdddd);
  ok &eeee eq q(CCCCeeee);

isSubInPackage ($package, $sub)

Test whether the specified $package contains the subroutine <$sub>.

   Parameter  Description
1  $package   Package name
2  $sub       Subroutine name


if (1)
 {sub AAAA::Call {q(AAAA)}

  sub BBBB::Call {q(BBBB)}
  sub BBBB::call {q(bbbb)}

  if (1)
   {package BBBB;
    use Test::More;
    *ok = *Test::More::ok;

    *isSubInPackage = *Data::Table::Text::isSubInPackage;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok  isSubInPackage(q(AAAA), q(Call));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok !isSubInPackage(q(AAAA), q(call));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok  isSubInPackage(q(BBBB), q(Call));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok  isSubInPackage(q(BBBB), q(call));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok Call eq q(BBBB);
    ok call eq q(bbbb);
    &Data::Table::Text::overrideMethods(qw(AAAA BBBB Call call));

    *isSubInPackage = *Data::Table::Text::isSubInPackage;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok  isSubInPackage(q(AAAA), q(Call));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok  isSubInPackage(q(AAAA), q(call));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok  isSubInPackage(q(BBBB), q(Call));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok  isSubInPackage(q(BBBB), q(call));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    ok Call eq q(AAAA);
    ok call eq q(bbbb);
    package AAAA;
    use Test::More;
    *ok = *Test::More::ok;
    ok  Call eq q(AAAA);
    ok &call eq q(bbbb);

overrideMethods ($from, $to, @methods)

For each method, if it exists in package $from then export it to package $to replacing any existing method in $to, otherwise export the method from package $to to package $from in order to merge the behavior of the $from and $to packages with respect to the named methods with duplicates resolved if favour of package $from.

   Parameter  Description
1  $from      Name of package from which to import methods
2  $to        Package into which to import the methods
3  @methods   List of methods to try importing.


if (1)
 {sub AAAA::Call {q(AAAA)}

  sub BBBB::Call {q(BBBB)}
  sub BBBB::call {q(bbbb)}

  if (1)
   {package BBBB;
    use Test::More;
    *ok = *Test::More::ok;
    *isSubInPackage = *Data::Table::Text::isSubInPackage;
    ok  isSubInPackage(q(AAAA), q(Call));
    ok !isSubInPackage(q(AAAA), q(call));
    ok  isSubInPackage(q(BBBB), q(Call));
    ok  isSubInPackage(q(BBBB), q(call));
    ok Call eq q(BBBB);
    ok call eq q(bbbb);

    &Data::Table::Text::overrideMethods(qw(AAAA BBBB Call call));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    *isSubInPackage = *Data::Table::Text::isSubInPackage;
    ok  isSubInPackage(q(AAAA), q(Call));
    ok  isSubInPackage(q(AAAA), q(call));
    ok  isSubInPackage(q(BBBB), q(Call));
    ok  isSubInPackage(q(BBBB), q(call));
    ok Call eq q(AAAA);
    ok call eq q(bbbb);
    package AAAA;
    use Test::More;
    *ok = *Test::More::ok;
    ok  Call eq q(AAAA);
    ok &call eq q(bbbb);

This is a static method and so should either be imported or invoked as:


overrideAndReabsorbMethods (@packages)

Override methods down the list of @packages then reabsorb any unused methods back up the list of packages so that all the packages have the same methods as the last package with methods from packages mentioned earlier overriding methods from packages mentioned later. The methods to override and reabsorb are listed by the sub overridableMethods in the last package in the packages list. Confess to any errors.

   Parameter  Description
1  @packages  List of packages


ok overrideAndReabsorbMethods(qw(main Edit::Xml Data::Edit::Xml));              # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

This is a static method and so should either be imported or invoked as:


assertPackageRefs ($package, @refs)

Confirm that the specified references are to the specified package.

   Parameter  Description
1  $package   Package
2  @refs      References


eval q{assertPackageRefs(q(bbb), bless {}, q(aaa))};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $@ =~ m(\AWanted reference to bbb, but got aaa);

assertRef (@refs)

Confirm that the specified references are to the package into which this routine has been exported.

   Parameter  Description
1  @refs      References


eval q{assertRef(bless {}, q(aaa))};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $@ =~ m(\AWanted reference to Data::Table::Text, but got aaa);

arrayToHash (@array)

Create a hash reference from an array.

   Parameter  Description
1  @array     Array


is_deeply arrayToHash(qw(a b c)), {a=>1, b=>1, c=>1};                             # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

flattenArrayAndHashValues (@array)

Flatten an array of scalars, array and hash references to make an array of scalars by flattening the array references and hash values.

   Parameter  Description
1  @array     Array to flatten


is_deeply [1..5], [flattenArrayAndHashValues([1], [[2]], {a=>3, b=>[4, [5]]})], 'ggg';   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

getSubName ($sub)

Returns the (package, name, file, line) of a perl $sub reference.

   Parameter  Description
1  $sub       Reference to a sub with a name.


is_deeply [(getSubName(\&dateTime))[0,1]], ["Data::Table::Text", "dateTime"];     # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Actions on strings.


Get the Md5 sum of a $string that might contain utf8 code points.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String


  my $s = join '', 1..100;
  my $m = q(ef69caaaeea9c17120821a9eb6c7f1de);

  ok stringMd5Sum($s) eq $m;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $f = writeFile(undef, $s);
  ok fileMd5Sum($f) eq $m;
  unlink $f;

  ok guidFromString(join '', 1..100) eq

  ok guidFromMd5(stringMd5Sum(join('', 1..100))) eq  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


  ok md5FromGuid(q(GUID-ef69caaa-eea9-c171-2082-1a9eb6c7f1de)) eq

  ok stringMd5Sum(q(𝝰 𝝱 𝝲)) eq q(3c2b7c31b1011998bd7e1f66fb7c024d);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


if (1)
 {ok arraySum   (1..10) ==  55;
  ok arrayProduct(1..5) == 120;
  is_deeply[arrayTimes(2, 1..5)], [qw(2 4 6 8 10)];

indentString($string, $indent)

Indent lines contained in a string or formatted table by the specified string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    The string of lines to indent
2  $indent    The indenting string


  my $t = [qw(aa bb cc)];
  my $d = [[qw(A B C)], [qw(AA BB CC)], [qw(AAA BBB CCC)],  [qw(1 22 333)]];

  my $s = indentString(formatTable($d), '  ')."
";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok $s eq <<END;
  1  A    B    C
  2  AA   BB   CC
  3  AAA  BBB  CCC
  4    1   22  333

replaceStringWithString ($string, $source, $target)

Replace all instances in $string of $source with $target.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String in which to replace substrings
2  $source    The string to be replaced
3  $target    The replacement string


ok replaceStringWithString(q(abababZ), q(ab), q(c)) eq q(cccZ), 'eee';            # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

formatString($string, $width)

Format the specified $string so it can be displayed in $width columns.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    The string of text to format
2  $width     The formatted width.


ok formatString(<<END, 16) eq  <<END, 'fff';                                      # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Now is the time for all
good men to come to the rescue
of the ailing B<party>.

isBlank ($string)

Test whether a string is blank.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String


 ok isBlank("");                                                                   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 ok isBlank("
");                                                               # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Remove any white space from the front and end of a string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String


ok trim(" a b ") eq join ' ', qw(a b);                                            # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

pad ($string, $length, $padding)

Pad the specified $string to a multiple of the specified $length with blanks or the specified padding character to a multiple of a specified length.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String
2  $length    Tab width
3  $padding   Padding string


is_deeply pad('abc  ', 2).'='         , "abc =";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply pad('abc  ', 3).'='         , "abc=";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply pad('abc  ', 4, q(.)).'='   , "abc.=";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply pad('abc  ', 5).'='         , "abc  =";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply pad('abc  ', 6).'='         , "abc   =";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply  ppp(2, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc =";
is_deeply  ppp(3, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc=";
is_deeply  ppp(4, 'abc  ', q(.)).'='  , "abc.=";
is_deeply  ppp(5, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc  =";
is_deeply  ppp(6, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc   =";

is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 2).'='        , " abc=";
is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 3).'='        , "abc=";
is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 4, q(.)).'='  , ".abc=";
is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 5).'='        , "  abc=";
is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 6).'='        , "   abc=";

lpad($string, $length, $padding)

Left Pad the specified $string to a multiple of the specified $length with blanks or the specified padding character to a multiple of a specified length.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String
2  $length    Tab width
3  $padding   Padding string


is_deeply pad('abc  ', 2).'='         , "abc =";
is_deeply pad('abc  ', 3).'='         , "abc=";
is_deeply pad('abc  ', 4, q(.)).'='   , "abc.=";
is_deeply pad('abc  ', 5).'='         , "abc  =";
is_deeply pad('abc  ', 6).'='         , "abc   =";

is_deeply  ppp(2, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc =";
is_deeply  ppp(3, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc=";
is_deeply  ppp(4, 'abc  ', q(.)).'='  , "abc.=";
is_deeply  ppp(5, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc  =";
is_deeply  ppp(6, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc   =";

is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 2).'='        , " abc=";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 3).'='        , "abc=";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 4, q(.)).'='  , ".abc=";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 5).'='        , "  abc=";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 6).'='        , "   abc=";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ppp ($length, $string, $padding)

Pad the specified $string to a multiple of the specified $length with blanks or the specified padding character to a multiple of a specified length.

   Parameter  Description
1  $length    Tab width
2  $string    String
3  $padding   Padding string


is_deeply pad('abc  ', 2).'='         , "abc =";
is_deeply pad('abc  ', 3).'='         , "abc=";
is_deeply pad('abc  ', 4, q(.)).'='   , "abc.=";
is_deeply pad('abc  ', 5).'='         , "abc  =";
is_deeply pad('abc  ', 6).'='         , "abc   =";

is_deeply  ppp(2, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc =";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply  ppp(3, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc=";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply  ppp(4, 'abc  ', q(.)).'='  , "abc.=";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply  ppp(5, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc  =";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply  ppp(6, 'abc  ').'='        , "abc   =";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 2).'='        , " abc=";
is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 3).'='        , "abc=";
is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 4, q(.)).'='  , ".abc=";
is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 5).'='        , "  abc=";
is_deeply lpad('abc  ', 6).'='        , "   abc=";

firstNChars ($string, $length)

First N characters of a string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String
2  $length    Length


ok firstNChars(q(abc), 2) eq q(ab);                                               # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok firstNChars(q(abc), 4) eq q(abc);                                              # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

nws ($string, $length)

Normalize white space in a string to make comparisons easier. Leading and trailing white space is removed; blocks of white space in the interior are reduced to a single space. In effect: this puts everything on one long line with never more than one space at a time. Optionally a maximum length is applied to the normalized string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to normalize
2  $length    Maximum length of result


ok nws(qq(a  b    c)) eq q(a b c);                                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

deduplicateSequentialWordsInString ($s)

Remove sequentially duplicate words in a string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $s         String to deduplicate


  ok deduplicateSequentialWordsInString(<<END) eq qq(\(aa \[bb \-cc dd ee
);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

(aa [bb bb -cc cc dd dd dd dd ee ee ee ee

detagString ($string)

Remove HTML or Xml tags from a string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to detag


ok detagString(q(<a><a href="aaaa">a </a><a/>b </a>c)) eq q(a b c), 'hhh';        # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Parse a $string into words and quoted strings. A quote following a space introduces a string, else a quote is just part of the containing word.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to parse


if (1)

   [parseIntoWordsAndStrings(  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

q( aa12!    a'b   "aa !! ++ bb"  '  ',      '"'  "'"  ""   ''.))  ],
 ["aa12!", "a'b", "aa !! ++ bb", "  ", ",", '"', "'", "",  "", '.'];

stringsAreNotEqual ($a, $b)

Return the common start followed by the two non equal tails of two non equal strings or an empty list if the strings are equal.

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First string
2  $b         Second string


  ok        !stringsAreNotEqual(q(abc), q(abc));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok         stringsAreNotEqual(q(abc), q(abd));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [stringsAreNotEqual(q(abc), q(abd))], [qw(ab c d)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [stringsAreNotEqual(q(ab),  q(abd))], [q(ab), '', q(d)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply showGotVersusWanted("aaaa
"), <<END;
Comparing wanted with got failed at line: 3, character: 3
Want ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Got  ________________________________________________________________________________


showGotVersusWanted ($g, $e)

Show the difference between the wanted string and the wanted string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $g         First string
2  $e         Second string


  ok        !stringsAreNotEqual(q(abc), q(abc));
  ok         stringsAreNotEqual(q(abc), q(abd));
  is_deeply [stringsAreNotEqual(q(abc), q(abd))], [qw(ab c d)];
  is_deeply [stringsAreNotEqual(q(ab),  q(abd))], [q(ab), '', q(d)];

  is_deeply showGotVersusWanted("aaaa
",  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

"), <<END;
Comparing wanted with got failed at line: 3, character: 3
Want ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Got  ________________________________________________________________________________


printQw (@words)

Print an array of words in qw() format.

   Parameter  Description
1  @words     Array of words


is_deeply       printQw(qw(a b c)),    q(qw(a b c));                              # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

numberOfLinesInString ($string)

The number of lines in a string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String


ok numberOfLinesInString("a
") == 2;                                        # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

javaPackage ($java)

Extract the package name from a java string or file.

   Parameter  Description
1  $java      Java file if it exists else the string of java


  my $j = writeFile(undef, <<END);
// Test

  ok javaPackage($j)           eq "";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok javaPackageAsFileName($j) eq "com/xyz";
  unlink $j;

  my $p = writeFile(undef, <<END);
package a::b;
  ok perlPackage($p)           eq "a::b";
  unlink $p;

javaPackageAsFileName ($java)

Extract the package name from a java string or file and convert it to a file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $java      Java file if it exists else the string of java


  my $j = writeFile(undef, <<END);
// Test
  ok javaPackage($j)           eq "";

  ok javaPackageAsFileName($j) eq "com/xyz";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  unlink $j;

  my $p = writeFile(undef, <<END);
package a::b;
  ok perlPackage($p)           eq "a::b";
  unlink $p;

perlPackage ($perl)

Extract the package name from a perl string or file.

   Parameter  Description
1  $perl      Perl file if it exists else the string of perl


  my $j = writeFile(undef, <<END);
// Test
  ok javaPackage($j)           eq "";
  ok javaPackageAsFileName($j) eq "com/xyz";
  unlink $j;

  my $p = writeFile(undef, <<END);
package a::b;

  ok perlPackage($p)           eq "a::b";                                         # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  unlink $p;

  my $p = writeFile(undef, <<END);
package a::b;

  ok perlPackage($p)           eq "a::b";                                         # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

javaScriptExports ($fileOrString)

Extract the Javascript functions marked for export in a file or string. Functions are marked for export by placing function in column 1 followed by //E on the same line. The end of the exported function is located by }.

   Parameter      Description
1  $fileOrString  File or string


  ok javaScriptExports(<<END) eq <<END;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

function aaa()            //E


Choose a string at random from the list of @strings supplied.

   Parameter  Description
1  @strings   Strings to chose from


ok q(a) eq chooseStringAtRandom(qw(a a a a));                                     # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

randomizeArray (@a)

Randomize an array.

   Parameter  Description
1  @a         Array to randomize


is_deeply [randomizeArray(qw(a a a a))], [qw(a a a a)];                             # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

Arrays and Hashes

Operations on arrays and hashes and array of of hashesh and ghashes of arrays and so on a infinitum.

lengthOfLongestSubArray ($a)

Given an array of arrays find the length of the longest sub array.

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         Array reference


if (1)

 {ok 3 == lengthOfLongestSubArray [[1..2], [1..3], [1..3], []];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


cmpArrays ($a, $b)

Compare two arrays of strings.

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         Array A
2  $b         Array B


ok cmpArrays([qw(a b)],   [qw(a a)])   == +1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok cmpArrays([qw(a b)],   [qw(a c)])   == -1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok cmpArrays([qw(a b)],   [qw(a b a)]) == -1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok cmpArrays([qw(a b a)], [qw(a b)])   == +1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok cmpArrays([qw(a b)],   [qw(a b)])   ==  0;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok dump(compareArraysAndExplain([qw(a b c)], [qw(a B c)])) eq dump("Differs at index 1:
ok dump(compareArraysAndExplain([qw(a b)],   [qw(a b c)])) eq dump("Second array has an additional line at index: 2

compareArraysAndExplain ($A, $B)

Compare two arrays of strings and provide an explanation as to why they differ if they differ or undef if they do not.

   Parameter  Description
1  $A         Array A
2  $B         Array B

forEachKeyAndValue ($body, %hash)

Iterate over a hash for each key and value.

   Parameter  Description
1  $body      Body to be executed
2  %hash      Hash to be iterated


  forEachKeyAndValue  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {my ($letter, $number) = @_;
    push @t,  "Letter=$letter, number=$number";
   } %h;

  is_deeply join("
", @t, ''), <<END;
Letter=a, number=1
Letter=b, number=2
Letter=c, number=3

if (1) {
  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0x24),          0x24;
  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0xc2a2),        0xa2;
  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0xe0a4b9),      0x939;
  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0xe282ac),      0x20ac;
  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0xed959c),      0xd55c;
  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0xf0908d88),    0x10348;

  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0x24),    0x24;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0xa2),    0xc2a2;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0x939),   0xe0a4b9;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0x20ac),  0xe282ac;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0xd55c),  0xed959c;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0x10348), 0xf0908d88;

  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0x24),    0x24;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0xa2),    0xa2c2;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0x939),   0xb9a4e0;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0x20ac),  0xac82e2;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0xd55c),  0x9c95ed;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0x10348), 0x888d90f0;

if (1) {
  ok evalOrConfess("1") == 1;
  my $r = eval {evalOrConfess "++ ++"};
  ok $@ =~ m(syntax error);

validateHash($hash, @keys)

Confess if the specified hash does not have all of the specified keys.

   Parameter  Description
1  $hash      Hash
2  @keys      List of keys that the hash must contain


if (1)

 {eval {validateHash({1=>1, 2=>2}, 1..4)};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok $@ =~ m(\AMissing keys: 3, 4


Translate Ascii alphanumerics in strings to various Unicode blocks.


Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Italic.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalItalicString                 (q(APPLES and ORANGES)) eq q(𝐴𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐸𝑆 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑂𝑅𝐴𝑁𝐺𝐸𝑆);    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalBoldString ($string)

Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Bold.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalBoldString                   (q(APPLES and ORANGES)) eq q(𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒);    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalBoldStringUndo ($string)

Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Bold.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalBoldStringUndo               (q(𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒)) eq q(APPLES and ORANGES);    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Bold Italic.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalBoldItalicString             (q(APPLES and ORANGES)) eq q(𝑨𝑷𝑷𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑶𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑺);     # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Bold Italic.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalBoldItalicStringUndo         (q(𝑨𝑷𝑷𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑶𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑺))  eq q(APPLES and ORANGES);    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalSansSerifString ($string)

Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalSansSerifString              (q(APPLES and ORANGES)) eq q(𝖠𝖯𝖯𝖫𝖤𝖲 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖮𝖱𝖠𝖭𝖦𝖤𝖲);     # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalSansSerifStringUndo ($string)

Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalSansSerifStringUndo          (q(𝖠𝖯𝖯𝖫𝖤𝖲 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖮𝖱𝖠𝖭𝖦𝖤𝖲))  eq q(APPLES and ORANGES);    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalSansSerifBoldString ($string)

Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Bold.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalSansSerifBoldString          (q(APPLES and ORANGES)) eq q(𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗦 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗢𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗦);     # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalSansSerifBoldStringUndo ($string)

Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Bold.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalSansSerifBoldStringUndo      (q(𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗦 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗢𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗦)) eq q(APPLES and ORANGES);     # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalSansSerifItalicString ($string)

Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Italic.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalSansSerifItalicString        (q(APPLES and ORANGES)) eq q(𝘈𝘗𝘗𝘓𝘌𝘚 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘖𝘙𝘈𝘕𝘎𝘌𝘚);      # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalSansSerifItalicStringUndo ($string)

Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Italic.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalSansSerifItalicStringUndo    (q(𝘈𝘗𝘗𝘓𝘌𝘚 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘖𝘙𝘈𝘕𝘎𝘌𝘚)) eq q(APPLES and ORANGES);      # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalSansSerifBoldItalicString ($string)

Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Bold Italic.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalSansSerifBoldItalicString    (q(APPLES and ORANGES)) eq q(𝘼𝙋𝙋𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙍𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙀𝙎);     # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalSansSerifBoldItalicStringUndo ($string)

Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Bold Italic.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalSansSerifBoldItalicStringUndo(q(𝘼𝙋𝙋𝙇𝙀𝙎 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙍𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙀𝙎)) eq q(APPLES and ORANGES);     # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalMonoSpaceString ($string)

Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical MonoSpace.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalMonoSpaceString              (q(APPLES and ORANGES)) eq q(𝙰𝙿𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚂 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙾𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚂);    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

mathematicalMonoSpaceStringUndo ($string)

Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical MonoSpace.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok mathematicalMonoSpaceStringUndo          (q(𝙰𝙿𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚂 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙾𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚂)) eq q(APPLES and ORANGES);    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

boldString ($string)

Convert alphanumerics in a string to bold.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok boldString(q(zZ)) eq q(𝘇𝗭);                                                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

boldStringUndo ($string)

Undo alphanumerics in a string to bold.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


if (1)
 {my $n = 1234567890;

  ok boldStringUndo            (boldString($n))             == $n;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok enclosedStringUndo        (enclosedString($n))         == $n;
  ok enclosedReversedStringUndo(enclosedReversedString($n)) == $n;
  ok superScriptStringUndo     (superScriptString($n))      == $n;
  ok subScriptStringUndo       (subScriptString($n))        == $n;

enclosedString ($string)

Convert alphanumerics in a string to enclosed alphanumerics.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok enclosedString(q(hello world 1234)) eq q(ⓗⓔⓛⓛⓞ ⓦⓞⓡⓛⓓ ①②③④);           # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

enclosedStringUndo ($string)

Undo alphanumerics in a string to enclosed alphanumerics.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


if (1)
 {my $n = 1234567890;
  ok boldStringUndo            (boldString($n))             == $n;

  ok enclosedStringUndo        (enclosedString($n))         == $n;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok enclosedReversedStringUndo(enclosedReversedString($n)) == $n;
  ok superScriptStringUndo     (superScriptString($n))      == $n;
  ok subScriptStringUndo       (subScriptString($n))        == $n;

enclosedReversedString ($string)

Convert alphanumerics in a string to enclosed reversed alphanumerics.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok enclosedReversedString(q(hello world 1234)) eq q(🅗🅔🅛🅛🅞 🅦🅞🅡🅛🅓 ➊➋➌➍);   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

enclosedReversedStringUndo ($string)

Undo alphanumerics in a string to enclosed reversed alphanumerics.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


if (1)
 {my $n = 1234567890;
  ok boldStringUndo            (boldString($n))             == $n;
  ok enclosedStringUndo        (enclosedString($n))         == $n;

  ok enclosedReversedStringUndo(enclosedReversedString($n)) == $n;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok superScriptStringUndo     (superScriptString($n))      == $n;
  ok subScriptStringUndo       (subScriptString($n))        == $n;

superScriptString ($string)

Convert alphanumerics in a string to super scripts.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok superScriptString(1234567890) eq q(¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁰);                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

superScriptStringUndo ($string)

Undo alphanumerics in a string to super scripts.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


if (1)
 {my $n = 1234567890;
  ok boldStringUndo            (boldString($n))             == $n;
  ok enclosedStringUndo        (enclosedString($n))         == $n;
  ok enclosedReversedStringUndo(enclosedReversedString($n)) == $n;

  ok superScriptStringUndo     (superScriptString($n))      == $n;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok subScriptStringUndo       (subScriptString($n))        == $n;

subScriptString ($string)

Convert alphanumerics in a string to sub scripts.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


ok subScriptString(1234567890)   eq q(₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₀);                                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

subScriptStringUndo ($string)

Undo alphanumerics in a string to sub scripts.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String to convert


if (1)
 {my $n = 1234567890;
  ok boldStringUndo            (boldString($n))             == $n;
  ok enclosedStringUndo        (enclosedString($n))         == $n;
  ok enclosedReversedStringUndo(enclosedReversedString($n)) == $n;
  ok superScriptStringUndo     (superScriptString($n))      == $n;

  ok subScriptStringUndo       (subScriptString($n))        == $n;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


isFileUtf8 ($file)

Return the file name quoted if its contents are in utf8 else return undef.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to test


my $f = writeFile(undef, "aaa");

ok isFileUtf8 $f;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

convertUtf8ToUtf32 ($c)

Convert a number representing a single unicode point coded in utf8 to utf32.

   Parameter  Description
1  $c         Unicode point encoded as utf8


  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0x24),          0x24;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0xc2a2),        0xa2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0xe0a4b9),      0x939;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0xe282ac),      0x20ac;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0xed959c),      0xd55c;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply convertUtf8ToUtf32(0xf0908d88),    0x10348;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0x24),    0x24;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0xa2),    0xc2a2;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0x939),   0xe0a4b9;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0x20ac),  0xe282ac;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0xd55c),  0xed959c;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0x10348), 0xf0908d88;

  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0x24),    0x24;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0xa2),    0xa2c2;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0x939),   0xb9a4e0;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0x20ac),  0xac82e2;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0xd55c),  0x9c95ed;
  is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0x10348), 0x888d90f0;

if (1) {
  ok evalOrConfess("1") == 1;
  my $r = eval {evalOrConfess "++ ++"};
  ok $@ =~ m(syntax error);

convertUtf32ToUtf8 ($c)

Convert a number representing a single unicode point coded in utf32 to utf8 big endian.

   Parameter  Description
1  $c         Unicode point encoded as utf32


is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8(0x24),    0x24;                                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Convert a number representing a single unicode point coded in utf32 to utf8 little endian.

   Parameter  Description
1  $c         Unicode point encoded as utf32


is_deeply convertUtf32ToUtf8LE(0x24),    0x24;                                  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

System Constants

Extract system constants

getSystemConstantsFromIncludeFile ($file, @constants)

Get the value of the named system constants from an include file.

   Parameter   Description
1  $file       File to read
2  @constants  Constants to get


if (1)

 {my %c = (getSystemConstantsFromIncludeFile("linux/mman.h", qw(MAP_PRIVATE PROT_READ)),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

           getSystemConstantsFromIncludeFile("linux/mman.h", qw(MAP_PRIVATE PROT_WRITE)));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply \%c, { MAP_PRIVATE => 2, PROT_READ => 1, PROT_WRITE => 2 };

getStructureSizeFromIncludeFile ($file, $structure)

Get the size of a system structure from an include file.

   Parameter   Description
1  $file       File to read
2  $structure  Structure name


if (1)
 {my $o = getFieldOffsetInStructureFromIncludeFile("sys/stat.h", q(struct stat), q(st_size));
  is_deeply $o, 48;

getFieldOffsetInStructureFromIncludeFile($file, $structure, $field)

Get the offset of a field in a system structures from an include file.

   Parameter   Description
1  $file       File to read
2  $structure  Structure name
3  $field      Field name


if (1)
 {my $s = getStructureSizeFromIncludeFile("sys/stat.h", q(struct stat));
  is_deeply $s, 144;

Unix domain communications

Send messages between processes via a unix domain socket.

newUdsrServer (@parms)

Create a communications server - a means to communicate between processes on the same machine via Udsr::read and Udsr::write.

   Parameter  Description
1  @parms     Attributes per L<Udsr Definition|/Udsr Definition>


my $N = 20;

my $s = newUdsrServer(serverAction=>sub  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 {my ($u) = @_;
  my $r = $u->read;
  $u->write(qq(Hello from server $r));

my $p = newProcessStarter(min(100, $N));                                      # Run some clients
for my $i(1..$N)
   {my $count = 0;
    for my $j(1..$N)
     {my $c = newUdsrClient;
      my $m = qq(Hello from client $i x $j);
      my $r = $c->read;
      ++$count if $r eq qq(Hello from server $m);

my $count;
for my $r($p->finish)                                                         # Consolidate results
 {my ($c) = @$r;
  $count += $c;

ok $count == $N*$N;                                                           # Check results and kill

newUdsrClient (@parms)

Create a new communications client - a means to communicate between processes on the same machine via Udsr::read and Udsr::write.

   Parameter  Description
1  @parms     Attributes per L<Udsr Definition|/Udsr Definition>


my $N = 20;
my $s = newUdsrServer(serverAction=>sub
 {my ($u) = @_;
  my $r = $u->read;
  $u->write(qq(Hello from server $r));

my $p = newProcessStarter(min(100, $N));                                      # Run some clients
for my $i(1..$N)
   {my $count = 0;
    for my $j(1..$N)

     {my $c = newUdsrClient;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

      my $m = qq(Hello from client $i x $j);
      my $r = $c->read;
      ++$count if $r eq qq(Hello from server $m);

my $count;
for my $r($p->finish)                                                         # Consolidate results
 {my ($c) = @$r;
  $count += $c;

ok $count == $N*$N;                                                           # Check results and kill

Udsr::write ($u, $msg)

Write a communications message to the newUdsrServer or the newUdsrClient.

   Parameter  Description
1  $u         Communicator
2  $msg       Message


my $N = 20;
my $s = newUdsrServer(serverAction=>sub
 {my ($u) = @_;
  my $r = $u->read;
  $u->write(qq(Hello from server $r));

my $p = newProcessStarter(min(100, $N));                                      # Run some clients
for my $i(1..$N)
   {my $count = 0;
    for my $j(1..$N)
     {my $c = newUdsrClient;
      my $m = qq(Hello from client $i x $j);
      my $r = $c->read;
      ++$count if $r eq qq(Hello from server $m);

my $count;
for my $r($p->finish)                                                         # Consolidate results
 {my ($c) = @$r;
  $count += $c;

ok $count == $N*$N;                                                           # Check results and kill

Udsr::read ($u)

Read a message from the newUdsrServer or the newUdsrClient.

   Parameter  Description
1  $u         Communicator


my $N = 20;
my $s = newUdsrServer(serverAction=>sub
 {my ($u) = @_;
  my $r = $u->read;
  $u->write(qq(Hello from server $r));

my $p = newProcessStarter(min(100, $N));                                      # Run some clients
for my $i(1..$N)
   {my $count = 0;
    for my $j(1..$N)
     {my $c = newUdsrClient;
      my $m = qq(Hello from client $i x $j);
      my $r = $c->read;
      ++$count if $r eq qq(Hello from server $m);

my $count;
for my $r($p->finish)                                                         # Consolidate results
 {my ($c) = @$r;
  $count += $c;

ok $count == $N*$N;                                                           # Check results and kill

Udsr::kill ($u)

Kill a communications server.

   Parameter  Description
1  $u         Communicator


my $N = 20;
my $s = newUdsrServer(serverAction=>sub
 {my ($u) = @_;
  my $r = $u->read;
  $u->write(qq(Hello from server $r));

my $p = newProcessStarter(min(100, $N));                                      # Run some clients
for my $i(1..$N)
   {my $count = 0;
    for my $j(1..$N)
     {my $c = newUdsrClient;
      my $m = qq(Hello from client $i x $j);
      my $r = $c->read;
      ++$count if $r eq qq(Hello from server $m);

my $count;
for my $r($p->finish)                                                         # Consolidate results
 {my ($c) = @$r;
  $count += $c;

ok $count == $N*$N;                                                           # Check results and kill

Udsr::webUser ($u, $folder)

Create a systemd installed server that processes http requests using a specified userid. The systemd and CGI files plus an installation script are written to the specified folder after it has been cleared. The serverAction attribute contains the code to be executed by the server: it should contain a sub genResponse($hash) which will be called with a hash of the CGI variables. This sub should return the response to be sent back to the client. Returns the installation script file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $u         Communicator
2  $folder    Folder to contain server code


if (0)
 {my $fold = fpd(qw(/home phil zzz));                                           # Folder to contain server code
  my $name = q(test);                                                           # Service
  my $user = q(phil);                                                           # User

  my $udsr = newUdsr                                                            # Create a Udsr parameter list
   (serviceName => $name,
    serviceUser => $user,
    socketPath  => qq(/home/phil/$name.socket),
    serverAction=> <<'END'
my $user = userId;
my $list = qx(ls -l);
my $dtts = dateTimeStamp;
return <<END2;
Content-type: text/html

<h1>Hello World to you $user on $dtts!</h1>


  Udsr::webUser($udsr, $fold);                                                  # Create and install web service interface  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $ip = awsIp;
  say STDERR qx(curl http://$ip/cgi-bin/$name/;                       # Enable port 80 on AWS first


Web processing

wwwGitHubAuth ($saveUserDetails, $clientId, $clientSecret, $code, $state)

Logon as a GitHub Oauth app per: If no Oauth code is supplied then a web page is printed that allows the user to request that such a code be sent to the server. If a valid code is received, by the server then it is converted to a Oauth token which is handed to sub saveUserDetails.

   Parameter         Description
1  $saveUserDetails  Process user token once obtained from GitHub
2  $clientId         Client id
3  $clientSecret     Client secret
4  $code             Authorization code
5  $state            Random string



wwwGitHubAuth  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 {my ($user, $state, $token, $scope, $type) = @_;
q(12345678901234567890), q(1234567890123456789012345678901234567890),
q(12345678901234567890123456789012), q(12345678901234567890);

Cloud Cover

Useful for operating across the cloud.

makeDieConfess ()

Force die to confess where the death occurred.


makeDieConfess                                                                  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ipAddressOfHost ($host)

Get the first ip address of the specified host via Domain Name Services.

   Parameter  Description
1  $host      Host name


ok saveAwsIp(q( eq awsIp;
ok saveAwsIp(q(;
ok saveAwsDomain(q(;
ok awsR53a   (q(XXXXX), q(, q(;
ok awsR53aaaa(q(XXXXX), q(, q([1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:]));

awsIp ()

Get ip address of server at Amazon Web Services.


ok saveAwsIp(q( eq awsIp;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok saveAwsIp(q(;
ok saveAwsDomain(q(;
ok awsR53a   (q(XXXXX), q(, q(;
ok awsR53aaaa(q(XXXXX), q(, q([1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:]));

saveAwsIp ()

Make the server at Amazon Web Services with the given IP address the default primary server as used by all the methods whose names end in r or Remote. Returns the given IP address.


ok saveAwsIp(q( eq awsIp;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok saveAwsIp(q(;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok saveAwsDomain(q(;
ok awsR53a   (q(XXXXX), q(, q(;
ok awsR53aaaa(q(XXXXX), q(, q([1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:]));

saveAwsDomain ()

Make the server at Amazon Web Services with the given domain name the default primary server as used by all the methods whose names end in r or Remote. Returns the given IP address.


ok saveAwsIp(q( eq awsIp;
ok saveAwsIp(q(;

ok saveAwsDomain(q(;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok awsR53a   (q(XXXXX), q(, q(;
ok awsR53aaaa(q(XXXXX), q(, q([1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:]));

awsMetaData ($item)

Get an item of meta data for the Amazon Web Services server we are currently running on if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $item      Meta data field


ok awsMetaData(q(instance-id))    eq q(i-06a4b221b30bf7a37);                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Get the ip address of the AWS server we are currently running on if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.


awsCurrentIp;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


ok awsCurrentIp                   eq q(;                            # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Get the instance id of the Amazon Web Services server we are currently running on if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.


ok awsCurrentInstanceId           eq q(i-06a4b221b30bf7a37);                    # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

awsCurrentAvailabilityZone ()

Get the availability zone of the Amazon Web Services server we are currently running on if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.


ok awsCurrentAvailabilityZone     eq q(us-east-2a);                             # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Get the region of the Amazon Web Services server we are currently running on if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.


ok awsCurrentRegion               eq q(us-east-2);                              # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

awsCurrentInstanceType ()

Get the instance type of the Amazon Web Services server if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.


ok awsCurrentInstanceType         eq q(r4.4xlarge);                             # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

awsExecCli ($command, %options)

Execute an AWs command and return its response.

   Parameter  Description
1  $command   Command to execute
2  %options   Aws cli options


ok awsExecCli(q(aws s3 ls)) =~ m(ryffine)i;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my $p = awsExecCliJson(q(aws ec2 describe-vpcs), region=>q(us-east-1));
ok $p->Vpcs->[0]->VpcId =~ m(\Avpc-)i;

awsExecCliJson ($command, %options)

Execute an AWs command and decode the json so produced.

   Parameter  Description
1  $command   Command to execute
2  %options   Aws cli options


ok awsExecCli(q(aws s3 ls)) =~ m(ryffine)i;

my $p = awsExecCliJson(q(aws ec2 describe-vpcs), region=>q(us-east-1));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $p->Vpcs->[0]->VpcId =~ m(\Avpc-)i;

awsEc2DescribeInstances (%options)

Describe the Amazon Web Services instances running in a $region.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


my %options = (region => q(us-east-2), profile=>q(fmc));

my $r = awsEc2DescribeInstances              (%options);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my %i = awsEc2DescribeInstancesGetIPAddresses(%options);
is_deeply \%i, { "i-068a7176ba9140057" => { "" => 1 } };

awsEc2DescribeInstancesGetIPAddresses (%options)

Return a hash of {instanceId => public ip address} for all running instances on Amazon Web Services with ip addresses.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


my %options = (region => q(us-east-2), profile=>q(fmc));
my $r = awsEc2DescribeInstances              (%options);

my %i = awsEc2DescribeInstancesGetIPAddresses(%options);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply \%i, { "i-068a7176ba9140057" => { "" => 1 } };

awsEc2InstanceIpAddress ($instanceId, %options)

Return the IP address of a named instance on Amazon Web Services else return undef.

   Parameter    Description
1  $instanceId  Instance id
2  %options     Options


ok q( eq awsEc2InstanceIpAddress  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ("i-xxx", region => q(us-east-2), profile=>q(fmc));

awsEc2CreateImage ($name, %options)

Create an image snap shot with the specified $name of the AWS server we are currently running on if we are running on an AWS server else return false. It is safe to shut down the instance immediately after initiating the snap shot - the snap continues even though the instance has terminated.

   Parameter  Description
1  $name      Image name
2  %options   Options


awsEc2CreateImage(q(099 Gold));                                              # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

awsEc2FindImagesWithTagValue($value, %options)

Find images with a tag that matches the specified regular expression $value.

   Parameter  Description
1  $value     Regular expression
2  %options   Options



 [awsEc2FindImagesWithTagValue(qr(boot)i, region=>'us-east-2',  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲



Describe images available.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


awsEc2DescribeImages(region => q(us-east-2), profile=>q(fmc));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

awsCurrentLinuxSpotPrices (%options)

Return {instance type} = cheapest spot price in dollars per hour for the given region.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


awsCurrentLinuxSpotPrices(region => q(us-east-2), profile=>q(fmc));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

awsEc2DescribeInstanceType ($instanceType, %options)

Return details of the specified instance type.

   Parameter      Description
1  $instanceType  Instance type name
2  %options       Options


my $i = awsEc2DescribeInstanceType  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 ("m4.large", region=>'us-east-2', profile=>'fmc');

is_deeply $i->{VCpuInfo},
 {DefaultCores          => 1,
  DefaultThreadsPerCore => 2,
  DefaultVCpus          => 2,
  ValidCores            => [1],
  ValidThreadsPerCore   => [1, 2],

awsEc2ReportSpotInstancePrices ($instanceTypeRe, %options)

Report the prices of all the spot instances whose type matches a regular expression $instanceTypeRe. The report is sorted by price in millidollars per cpu ascending.

   Parameter        Description
1  $instanceTypeRe  Regular expression for instance type name
2  %options         Options


  my $a = awsEc2ReportSpotInstancePrices  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   (qr(\.metal), region=>'us-east-2', profile=>'fmc');
  ok $a->report eq <<END;
CPUs by price

10 instances types found on 2019-12-24 at 22:53:26

Cheapest Instance Type: m5.metal
Price Per Cpu hour    : 6.65      in millidollars per hour

   Column         Description
1  Instance_Type  Instance type name
2  Price          Price in millidollars per hour
3  CPUs           Number of Cpus
4  Price_per_CPU  The price per CPU in millidollars per hour

    Instance_Type  Price  CPUs  Price_per_CPU
 1  m5.metal         638    96           6.65
 2  r5.metal         668    96           6.97
 3  r5d.metal        668    96           6.97
 4  m5d.metal        826    96           8.61
 5  c5d.metal        912    96           9.50
 6  c5.metal        1037    96          10.81
 7  c5n.metal        912    72          12.67
 8  i3.metal        1497    72          20.80
 9  z1d.metal       1339    48          27.90
10  i3en.metal      3254    96          33.90

awsEc2RequestSpotInstances ($count, $instanceType, $ami, $price, $securityGroup, $key, %options)

Request spot instances as long as they can be started within the next minute. Return a list of spot instance request ids one for each instance requested.

   Parameter       Description
1  $count          Number of instances
2  $instanceType   Instance type
3  $ami            AMI
4  $price          Price in dollars per hour
5  $securityGroup  Security group
6  $key            Key name
7  %options        Options.


my $r = awsEc2RequestSpotInstances  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 (2, q(t2.micro), "ami-xxx", 0.01, q(xxx), q(yyy),
  region=>'us-east-2', profile=>'fmc');

awsEc2DescribeSpotInstances (%options)

Return a hash {spot instance request => spot instance details} describing the status of active spot instances.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options.


my $r = awsEc2DescribeSpotInstances(region => q(us-east-2), profile=>q(fmc));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

awsR53a ($zone, $server, $ip, %options)

Create/Update a A Domain Name System record for the specified server.

   Parameter  Description
1  $zone      Zone id from R53
2  $server    Fully qualified domain name
3  $ip        Ip address
4  %options   AWS CLI global options


ok saveAwsIp(q( eq awsIp;
ok saveAwsIp(q(;
ok saveAwsDomain(q(;

ok awsR53a   (q(XXXXX), q(, q(;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok awsR53aaaa(q(XXXXX), q(, q([1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:]));

awsR53aaaa ($zone, $server, $ip, %options)

Create/Update a AAAA Domain Name System record for the specified server.

   Parameter  Description
1  $zone      Zone id from R53
2  $server    Fully qualified domain name
3  $ip        Ip6 address
4  %options   AWS CLI global options


ok saveAwsIp(q( eq awsIp;
ok saveAwsIp(q(;
ok saveAwsDomain(q(;
ok awsR53a   (q(XXXXX), q(, q(;

ok awsR53aaaa(q(XXXXX), q(, q([1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:1232:]));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

awsEc2Tag ($resource, $name, $value, %options)

Tag an elastic compute resource with the supplied tags.

   Parameter  Description
1  $resource  Resource
2  $name      Tag name
3  $value     Tag value
4  %options   Options.


awsEc2Tag  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 ("i-xxxx", Name=>q(Conversion), region => q(us-east-2), profile=>q(fmc));

confirmHasCommandLineCommand($cmd, $noComplaints)

Check that the specified b<$cmd> is present on the current system. Use $ENV{PATH} to add folders containing commands as necessary.

   Parameter      Description
1  $cmd           Command to check for
2  $noComplaints  Do not complain if not found if this is true



confirmHasCommandLineCommand(q(find));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Number of cpus scaled by an optional factor - but only if you have nproc. If you do not have nproc but do have a convenient way for determining the number of cpus on your system please let me know.

   Parameter  Description
1  $scale     Scale factor


ok numberOfCpus(8) >= 8, 'ddd';                                                   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ipAddressViaArp ($hostName)

Get the ip address of a server on the local network by hostname via arp.

   Parameter  Description
1  $hostName  Host name


ipAddressViaArp(q(secarias));                                                   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

parseS3BucketAndFolderName ($name)

Parse an S3 bucket/folder name into a bucket and a folder name removing any initial s3://.

   Parameter  Description
1  $name      Bucket/folder name


if (1)

 {is_deeply [parseS3BucketAndFolderName(q(s3://bbbb/ffff/dddd/))], [qw(bbbb ffff/dddd/)], q(iii);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseS3BucketAndFolderName(q(s3://bbbb/))],           [qw(bbbb), q()];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseS3BucketAndFolderName(q(     bbbb/))],           [qw(bbbb), q()];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply [parseS3BucketAndFolderName(q(     bbbb))],            [qw(bbbb), q()];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


saveCodeToS3($saveCodeEvery, $folder, $zipFileName, $bucket, $S3Parms)

Save source code every $saveCodeEvery seconds by zipping folder $folder to zip file $zipFileName then saving this zip file in the specified S3 $bucket using any additional S3 parameters in $S3Parms.

   Parameter       Description
1  $saveCodeEvery  Save every seconds
2  $folder         Folder to save
3  $zipFileName    Zip file name
4  $bucket         Bucket/key
5  $S3Parms        Additional S3 parameters like profile or region as a string


saveCodeToS3(1200, q(.), q(projectName), q(bucket/folder), q(--quiet));         # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

addCertificate ($file)

Add a certificate to the current ssh session.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File containing certificate


addCertificate(fpf(qw(.ssh cert)));                                             # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


The name of the host we are running on.


hostName;                                                                       # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

userId ($user)

Get or confirm the userid we are currently running under.

   Parameter  Description
1  $user      Userid to confirm


userId;                                                                         # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

awsTranslateText($string, $language, $cacheFolder, $Options)

Translate $text from English to a specified $language using AWS Translate with the specified global $options and return the translated string. Translations are cached in the specified $cacheFolder for reuse where feasible.

   Parameter     Description
1  $string       String to translate
2  $language     Language code
3  $cacheFolder  Cache folder
4  $Options      Aws global options string


ok awsTranslateText("Hello", "it", ".translations/") eq q(Ciao);                # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

AWS parallel

Parallel computing across multiple instances running on Amazon Web Services.

onAws ()

Returns 1 if we are on AWS else return 0.


ok  onAws;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok !onAwsSecondary;
ok  onAwsPrimary;


Return 1 if we are on Amazon Web Services and we are on the primary session instance as defined by awsParallelPrimaryInstanceId, return 0 if we are on a secondary session instance, else return undef if we are not on Amazon Web Services.


ok  onAws;
ok !onAwsSecondary;

ok  onAwsPrimary;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

onAwsSecondary ()

Return 1 if we are on Amazon Web Services but we are not on the primary session instance as defined by awsParallelPrimaryInstanceId, return 0 if we are on the primary session instance, else return undef if we are not on Amazon Web Services.


ok  onAws;

ok !onAwsSecondary;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok  onAwsPrimary;


Return the instance id of the primary instance. The primary instance is the instance at Amazon Web Services that we communicate with - it controls all the secondary instances that form part of the parallel session. The primary instance is located by finding the first running instance in instance Id order whose Name tag contains the word primary. If no running instance has been identified as the primary instance, then the first viable instance is made the primary. The ip address of the primary is recorded in /tmp/ so that it can be quickly reused by xxxr, copyFolderToRemote, mergeFolderFromRemote etc. Returns the instanceId of the primary instance or undef if no suitable instance exists.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


ok "i-xxx" eq awsParallelPrimaryInstanceId  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 (region => q(us-east-2), profile=>q(fmc));

awsParallelSpreadFolder ($folder, %options)

On Amazon Web Services: copies a specified $folder from the primary instance, see: awsParallelPrimaryInstanceId, in parallel, to all the secondary instances in the session. If running locally: copies the specified folder to all Amazon Web Services session instances both primary and secondary.

   Parameter  Description
1  $folder    Fully qualified folder name
2  %options   Options


my $d = temporaryFolder;
my ($f1, $f2) = map {fpe($d, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my $files = {$f1 => "1111", $f2 => "2222"};


awsParallelSpreadFolder($d);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

clearFolder($d, 3);

my $r = readFiles($d);
is_deeply $files, $r;
clearFolder($d, 3);

awsParallelGatherFolder ($folder, %options)

On Amazon Web Services: merges all the files in the specified $folder on each secondary instance to the corresponding folder on the primary instance in parallel. If running locally: merges all the files in the specified folder on each Amazon Web Services session instance (primary and secondary) to the corresponding folder on the local machine. The folder merges are done in parallel which makes it impossible to rely on the order of the merges.

   Parameter  Description
1  $folder    Fully qualified folder name
2  %options   Options


my $d = temporaryFolder;
my ($f1, $f2) = map {fpe($d, $_, q(txt))} 1..2;
my $files = {$f1 => "1111", $f2 => "2222"};

clearFolder($d, 3);

awsParallelGatherFolder($d);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my $r = readFiles($d);
is_deeply $files, $r;
clearFolder($d, 3);

awsParallelPrimaryIpAddress (%options)

Return the IP addresses of any primary instance on Amazon Web Services.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


ok awsParallelPrimaryIpAddress eq      q(;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [awsParallelSecondaryIpAddresses], [qw(];

is_deeply [awsParallelIpAddresses],  [qw(];

awsParallelSecondaryIpAddresses (%options)

Return a list containing the IP addresses of any secondary instances on Amazon Web Services.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


ok awsParallelPrimaryIpAddress eq      q(;

is_deeply [awsParallelSecondaryIpAddresses], [qw(];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [awsParallelIpAddresses],  [qw(];

awsParallelIpAddresses (%options)

Return the IP addresses of all the Amazon Web Services session instances.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


ok awsParallelPrimaryIpAddress eq      q(;

is_deeply [awsParallelSecondaryIpAddresses], [qw(];

is_deeply [awsParallelIpAddresses],  [qw(];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

getCodeContext ($sub)

Recreate the code context for a referenced sub.

   Parameter  Description
1  $sub       Sub reference


 ok getCodeContext(\&getCodeContext) =~ m(use strict)ims;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


if (1) {
  my %a = (a=>1, b=>2);
  my %b = callSubInParallel {return %a};
  is_deeply \%a, \%b;

  my $f = temporaryFile;
  ok -e $f;

  my $a = callSubInOverlappedParallel
    sub {$a{a}++; owf($f, "Hello World")},
    sub {q(aaaa)};

  ok $a           =~ m(aaaa)i;
  ok $a{a}        == 1;
  ok readFile($f) =~ m(Hello World)i;

awsParallelProcessFiles ($userData, $parallel, $results, $files, %options)

Process files in parallel across multiple Amazon Web Services instances if available or in series if not. The data located by $userData is transferred from the primary instance, as determined by awsParallelPrimaryInstanceId, to all the secondary instances. $parallel contains a reference to a sub, parameterized by array @_ = (a copy of the user data, the name of the file to process), which will be executed upon each session instance including the primary instance to update $userData. $results contains a reference to a sub, parameterized by array @_ = (the user data, an array of results returned by each execution of $parallel), that will be called on the primary instance to process the results folders from each instance once their results folders have been copied back and merged into the results folder of the primary instance. $results should update its copy of $userData with the information received from each instance. $files is a reference to an array of the files to be processed: each file will be copied from the primary instance to each of the secondary instances before parallel processing starts. %options contains any parameters needed to interact with EC2 via the Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface. The returned result is that returned by sub $results.

   Parameter  Description
1  $userData  User data or undef
2  $parallel  Parallel sub reference
3  $results   Series sub reference
4  $files     [files to process]
5  %options   Aws cli options.


  my $N = 2001;                                                                 # Number of files to process
  my $options = q(region => q(us-east-2), profile=>q(fmc));                     # Aws cli options
  my %options = eval "($options)";

  for my $dir(q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/DataTableText/lib/Data/Table/),            # Folders we will need on aws
   {awsParallelSpreadFolder($dir, %options);

  my $d = temporaryFolder;                                                      # Create a temporary folder
  my $resultsFile = fpe($d, qw(results data));                                  # Save results in this temporary file

  if (my $r = execPerlOnRemote(join "
",                                       # Execute some code on a server
    getCodeContext(\&awsParallelProcessFilesTestParallel),                      # Get code context of the sub we want to call.
    <<SESSIONLEADER))                                                           # Launch code on session leader
use Data::Table::Text qw(:all);

my \$r = awsParallelProcessFiles                                                # Process files on multiple L<Amazon Web Services|> instances in parallel  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 ({file=>4, time=>timeStamp},                                                   # User data
  \\\&Data::Table::Text::awsParallelProcessFilesTestParallel,                   # Reference to code to execute in parallel on each session instance
  \\\&Data::Table::Text::awsParallelProcessFilesTestResults,                    # Reference to code to execute in series to merge the results of each parallel computation
  [map {writeFile(fpe(q($d), \$_, qw(txt)), \$_)} 1..$N],                       # Files to process
  $options);                                                                    # Aws cli options as we will be running on Aws

storeFile(q($resultsFile), \$r);                                                # Save results in a file


   {copyFileFromRemote($resultsFile);                                           # Retrieve user data

    my $userData = retrieveFile($resultsFile);                                  # Recover user data
    my @i = awsParallelSecondaryIpAddresses(%options);                          # Ip addresses of secondary instances
    my @I = keys $userData->{ip}->%*;
    is_deeply [sort @i], [sort @I];                                             # Each secondary ip address was used

    ok $userData->{file}  == 4;                                                 # Prove we can pass data in and get it back
    ok $userData->{merge} == 1 + @i, 'ii';                                      # Number of merges

    my %f; my %i;                                                               # Files processed on each ip
    for   my $i(sort keys $userData->{ipFile}->%*)                              # Ip
     {for my $f(sort keys $userData->{ipFile}{$i}->%*)                          # File
       {$f{fn($f)}++;                                                           # Files processed
        $i{$i}++;                                                               # Count files on each ip

    is_deeply \%f, {map {$_=>1} 1..$N};                                         # Check each file was processed

    if (1)
     {my @rc; my @ra;                                                           # Range of number of files processed on each ip - computed, actually counted
      my $l = $N/@i-1;                                                          # Lower limit of number of files per IP address
      my $h = $N/@i+1;                                                          # Upper limit of number of files per IP address
      for   my $i(keys %i)
       {my $nc = $i{$i};                                                        # Number of files processed on this ip - computed
        my $na = $userData->{ip}{$i};                                           # Number of files processed on this ip - actually counted
        push @rc, ($nc >= $l and $nc <= $h) ? 1 : 0;                            # 1 - in range, 0 - out of range
        push @ra, ($na >= $l and $na <= $h) ? 1 : 0;                            # 1 - in range, 0 - out of range
      ok @i == grep {$_} @ra;                                                   # Check each ip processed the expected number of files
      ok @i == grep {$_} @rc;

    ok $userData->{files}{&fpe($d, qw(4 txt))} eq                               # Check the computed MD5 sum for the specified file

if (0)                                                                           # Process files in series on local machine
 {my $N = 42;
  my $d = temporaryFolder;

  my $r = awsParallelProcessFiles                                               # Process files in series on local machine  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   ({file => 4},                                                                # User data
    \&Data::Table::Text::awsParallelProcessFilesTestParallel,                   # Code to execute on each session instance including the session leader written as a string because it has to be shipped to each instance
    \&Data::Table::Text::awsParallelProcessFilesTestResults,                    # Code to execute in series on the session leader to analyze the results of the parallel runs
    [map {writeFile(fpe($d, $_, qw(txt)), $_)} 1..$N],                          # Files to process
    ());                                                                        # No Aws cli options as we are running locally

  ok $r->{file}            ==  4, 'aaa';                                        # Prove we can pass data in and get it back
  ok $r->{merge}           ==  1, 'bbb';                                        # Only one merge as we are running locally

  ok $r->{ip}{localHost}   == $N, 'ccc';                                        # Number of files processed locally
  ok keys($r->{files}->%*) == $N;                                               # Number of files processed
  ok $r->{files}{fpe($d, qw(4 txt))} eq q(a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c);    # Check the computed MD5 sum for the specified file

  clearFolder($d, $N+2);


Work with S3 as if it were a file system.

s3ListFilesAndSizes ($folderOrFile, %options)

Return {file=>size} for all the files in a specified $folderOrFile on S3 using the specified %options if any.

   Parameter      Description
1  $folderOrFile  Source on S3 - which will be truncated to a folder name
2  %options       Options


my %options = (profile => q(fmc));

 (q(s3://bucket/folder/), q(home/phil/s3/folder/), %options, delete=>1);

s3ZipFolder ( q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/),  %options);

s3ZipFolders({q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/)}, %options);


 {s3ListFilesAndSizes(q(s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images), %options)  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 {"s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/business_plan_sections.png" =>
  "s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/non-referenced.png" =>

my $data = q(0123456789);
my $file = q(s3://salesforce.dita/zzz/111.txt);

if (1)
 {       s3WriteString($file, $data, %options);
  my $r = s3ReadString($file,        %options);
  ok $r eq $data;

if (1)
 {my @r = s3FileExists($file, %options);
  ok $r[0] eq "zzz/111.txt";
  ok $r[1] ==  10;

if (1)
 {my $d = $data x 2;
  my $f = writeFile(undef, $d);

  s3WriteFile($file, $f, %options);
  unlink $f;
  s3ReadFile ($file, $f, %options);
  ok readFile($f) eq $d;
  unlink $f;

s3FileExists($file, %options)

Return (name, size, date, time) for a $file that exists on S3 else () using the specified %options if any.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File on S3 - which will be truncated to a folder name
2  %options   Options


my %options = (profile => q(fmc));

 (q(s3://bucket/folder/), q(home/phil/s3/folder/), %options, delete=>1);

s3ZipFolder ( q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/),  %options);

s3ZipFolders({q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/)}, %options);

 {s3ListFilesAndSizes(q(s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images), %options)
 {"s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/business_plan_sections.png" =>
  "s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/non-referenced.png" =>

my $data = q(0123456789);
my $file = q(s3://salesforce.dita/zzz/111.txt);

if (1)
 {       s3WriteString($file, $data, %options);
  my $r = s3ReadString($file,        %options);
  ok $r eq $data;

if (1)

 {my @r = s3FileExists($file, %options);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok $r[0] eq "zzz/111.txt";
  ok $r[1] ==  10;

if (1)
 {my $d = $data x 2;
  my $f = writeFile(undef, $d);

  s3WriteFile($file, $f, %options);
  unlink $f;
  s3ReadFile ($file, $f, %options);
  ok readFile($f) eq $d;
  unlink $f;

s3WriteFile ($fileS3, $fileLocal, %options)

Write to a file $fileS3 on S3 the contents of a local file $fileLocal using the specified %options if any. $fileLocal will be removed if %options contains a key cleanUp with a true value.

   Parameter   Description
1  $fileS3     File to write to on S3
2  $fileLocal  String to write into file
3  %options    Options


my %options = (profile => q(fmc));

 (q(s3://bucket/folder/), q(home/phil/s3/folder/), %options, delete=>1);

s3ZipFolder ( q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/),  %options);

s3ZipFolders({q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/)}, %options);

 {s3ListFilesAndSizes(q(s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images), %options)
 {"s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/business_plan_sections.png" =>
  "s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/non-referenced.png" =>

my $data = q(0123456789);
my $file = q(s3://salesforce.dita/zzz/111.txt);

if (1)
 {       s3WriteString($file, $data, %options);
  my $r = s3ReadString($file,        %options);
  ok $r eq $data;

if (1)
 {my @r = s3FileExists($file, %options);
  ok $r[0] eq "zzz/111.txt";
  ok $r[1] ==  10;

if (1)
 {my $d = $data x 2;
  my $f = writeFile(undef, $d);

  s3WriteFile($file, $f, %options);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  unlink $f;
  s3ReadFile ($file, $f, %options);
  ok readFile($f) eq $d;
  unlink $f;

s3WriteString ($file, $string, %options)

Write to a $file on S3 the contents of $string using the specified %options if any.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to write to on S3
2  $string    String to write into file
3  %options   Options


my %options = (profile => q(fmc));

 (q(s3://bucket/folder/), q(home/phil/s3/folder/), %options, delete=>1);

s3ZipFolder ( q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/),  %options);

s3ZipFolders({q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/)}, %options);

 {s3ListFilesAndSizes(q(s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images), %options)
 {"s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/business_plan_sections.png" =>
  "s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/non-referenced.png" =>

my $data = q(0123456789);
my $file = q(s3://salesforce.dita/zzz/111.txt);

if (1)

 {       s3WriteString($file, $data, %options);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $r = s3ReadString($file,        %options);
  ok $r eq $data;

if (1)
 {my @r = s3FileExists($file, %options);
  ok $r[0] eq "zzz/111.txt";
  ok $r[1] ==  10;

if (1)
 {my $d = $data x 2;
  my $f = writeFile(undef, $d);

  s3WriteFile($file, $f, %options);
  unlink $f;
  s3ReadFile ($file, $f, %options);
  ok readFile($f) eq $d;
  unlink $f;

s3ReadFile ($file, $local, %options)

Read from a $file on S3 and write the contents to a local file $local using the specified %options if any. Any pre existing version of the local file $local will be deleted. Returns whether the local file exists after completion of the download.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to read from on S3
2  $local     Local file to write to
3  %options   Options


my %options = (profile => q(fmc));

 (q(s3://bucket/folder/), q(home/phil/s3/folder/), %options, delete=>1);

s3ZipFolder ( q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/),  %options);

s3ZipFolders({q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/)}, %options);

 {s3ListFilesAndSizes(q(s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images), %options)
 {"s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/business_plan_sections.png" =>
  "s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/non-referenced.png" =>

my $data = q(0123456789);
my $file = q(s3://salesforce.dita/zzz/111.txt);

if (1)
 {       s3WriteString($file, $data, %options);
  my $r = s3ReadString($file,        %options);
  ok $r eq $data;

if (1)
 {my @r = s3FileExists($file, %options);
  ok $r[0] eq "zzz/111.txt";
  ok $r[1] ==  10;

if (1)
 {my $d = $data x 2;
  my $f = writeFile(undef, $d);

  s3WriteFile($file, $f, %options);
  unlink $f;

  s3ReadFile ($file, $f, %options);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok readFile($f) eq $d;
  unlink $f;

s3ReadString($file, %options)

Read from a $file on S3 and return the contents as a string using specified %options if any. Any pre existing version of $local will be deleted. Returns whether the local file exists after completion of the download.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File to read from on S3
2  %options   Options


my %options = (profile => q(fmc));

 (q(s3://bucket/folder/), q(home/phil/s3/folder/), %options, delete=>1);

s3ZipFolder ( q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/),  %options);

s3ZipFolders({q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/)}, %options);

 {s3ListFilesAndSizes(q(s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images), %options)
 {"s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/business_plan_sections.png" =>
  "s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/non-referenced.png" =>

my $data = q(0123456789);
my $file = q(s3://salesforce.dita/zzz/111.txt);

if (1)
 {       s3WriteString($file, $data, %options);

  my $r = s3ReadString($file,        %options);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok $r eq $data;

if (1)
 {my @r = s3FileExists($file, %options);
  ok $r[0] eq "zzz/111.txt";
  ok $r[1] ==  10;

if (1)
 {my $d = $data x 2;
  my $f = writeFile(undef, $d);

  s3WriteFile($file, $f, %options);
  unlink $f;
  s3ReadFile ($file, $f, %options);
  ok readFile($f) eq $d;
  unlink $f;

s3DownloadFolder($folder, $local, %options)

Download a specified $folder on S3 to a $local folder using the specified %options if any. Any existing data in the $local folder will be will be deleted if delete=>1 is specified as an option. Returns undef on failure else the name of the $local on success.

   Parameter  Description
1  $folder    Folder to read from on S3
2  $local     Local folder to write to
3  %options   Options


my %options = (profile => q(fmc));

s3DownloadFolder  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 (q(s3://bucket/folder/), q(home/phil/s3/folder/), %options, delete=>1);

s3ZipFolder ( q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/),  %options);

s3ZipFolders({q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/)}, %options);

 {s3ListFilesAndSizes(q(s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images), %options)
 {"s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/business_plan_sections.png" =>
  "s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/non-referenced.png" =>

my $data = q(0123456789);
my $file = q(s3://salesforce.dita/zzz/111.txt);

if (1)
 {       s3WriteString($file, $data, %options);
  my $r = s3ReadString($file,        %options);
  ok $r eq $data;

if (1)
 {my @r = s3FileExists($file, %options);
  ok $r[0] eq "zzz/111.txt";
  ok $r[1] ==  10;

if (1)
 {my $d = $data x 2;
  my $f = writeFile(undef, $d);

  s3WriteFile($file, $f, %options);
  unlink $f;
  s3ReadFile ($file, $f, %options);
  ok readFile($f) eq $d;
  unlink $f;

s3ZipFolder ($source, $target, %options)

Zip the specified $source folder and write it to the named $target file on S3.

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Source folder
2  $target    Target file on S3
3  %options   S3 options


s3ZipFolder(q(home/phil/r/), q(s3://bucket/;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my %options = (profile => q(fmc));

 (q(s3://bucket/folder/), q(home/phil/s3/folder/), %options, delete=>1);

s3ZipFolder ( q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/),  %options);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

s3ZipFolders({q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/)}, %options);

 {s3ListFilesAndSizes(q(s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images), %options)
 {"s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/business_plan_sections.png" =>
  "s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/non-referenced.png" =>

my $data = q(0123456789);
my $file = q(s3://salesforce.dita/zzz/111.txt);

if (1)
 {       s3WriteString($file, $data, %options);
  my $r = s3ReadString($file,        %options);
  ok $r eq $data;

if (1)
 {my @r = s3FileExists($file, %options);
  ok $r[0] eq "zzz/111.txt";
  ok $r[1] ==  10;

if (1)
 {my $d = $data x 2;
  my $f = writeFile(undef, $d);

  s3WriteFile($file, $f, %options);
  unlink $f;
  s3ReadFile ($file, $f, %options);
  ok readFile($f) eq $d;
  unlink $f;

s3ZipFolders($map, %options)

Zip local folders and upload them to S3 in parallel. $map maps source folder names on the local machine to target folders on S3. %options contains any additional Amazon Web Services cli options.

   Parameter  Description
1  $map       Source folder to S3 mapping
2  %options   S3 options


my %options = (profile => q(fmc));

 (q(s3://bucket/folder/), q(home/phil/s3/folder/), %options, delete=>1);

s3ZipFolder ( q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/),  %options);

s3ZipFolders({q(home/phil/s3/folder/) => q(s3://bucket/folder/)}, %options);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 {s3ListFilesAndSizes(q(s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images), %options)
 {"s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/business_plan_sections.png" =>
  "s3://salesforce.dita/originals4/images/non-referenced.png" =>

my $data = q(0123456789);
my $file = q(s3://salesforce.dita/zzz/111.txt);

if (1)
 {       s3WriteString($file, $data, %options);
  my $r = s3ReadString($file,        %options);
  ok $r eq $data;

if (1)
 {my @r = s3FileExists($file, %options);
  ok $r[0] eq "zzz/111.txt";
  ok $r[1] ==  10;

if (1)
 {my $d = $data x 2;
  my $f = writeFile(undef, $d);

  s3WriteFile($file, $f, %options);
  unlink $f;
  s3ReadFile ($file, $f, %options);
  ok readFile($f) eq $d;
  unlink $f;


Simple interactions with GitHub - for more complex interactions please use GitHub::Crud.

downloadGitHubPublicRepo($user, $repo)

Get the contents of a public repo on GitHub and place them in a temporary folder whose name is returned to the caller or confess if no such repo exists.

   Parameter  Description
1  $user      GitHub user
2  $repo      GitHub repo


downloadGitHubPublicRepo(q(philiprbrenan), q(psr));                          # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

downloadGitHubPublicRepoFile($user, $repo, $file)

Get the contents of a $user $repo $file from a public repo on GitHub and return them as a string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $user      GitHub user
2  $repo      GitHub repository
3  $file      File name in repository


ok &downloadGitHubPublicRepoFile(qw(philiprbrenan pleaseChangeDita index.html));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Load verilog into a field programmable gate array

fpgaGowin (%options)

Compile verilog to a gowin device.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Parameters


Start processes, wait for them to terminate and retrieve their results

startProcess($sub, $pids, $maximum)

Start new processes while the number of child processes recorded in %$pids is less than the specified $maximum. Use waitForAllStartedProcessesToFinish to wait for all these processes to finish.

   Parameter  Description
1  $sub       Sub to start
2  $pids      Hash in which to record the process ids
3  $maximum   Maximum number of processes to run at a time


my %pids;

sub{startProcess {} %pids, 1; ok 1 >= keys %pids}->() for 1..8;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok !keys(%pids)

waitForAllStartedProcessesToFinish ($pids)

Wait until all the processes started by startProcess have finished.

   Parameter  Description
1  $pids      Hash of started process ids


my %pids;
sub{startProcess {} %pids, 1; ok 1 >= keys %pids}->() for 1..8;

waitForAllStartedProcessesToFinish(%pids);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok !keys(%pids)

newProcessStarter ($maximumNumberOfProcesses, %options)

Create a new process starter with which to start parallel processes up to a specified $maximumNumberOfProcesses maximum number of parallel processes at a time, wait for all the started processes to finish and then optionally retrieve their saved results as an array from the folder named by $transferArea.

   Parameter                  Description
1  $maximumNumberOfProcesses  Maximum number of processes to start
2  %options                   Options


if (1)
 {my $N = 100;
  my $l = q(logFile.txt);
  unlink $l;

  my $s = newProcessStarter(4);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

     $s->processingTitle   = q(Test processes);
     $s->totalToBeStarted  = $N;
     $s->processingLogFile = $l;

  for my $i(1..$N)
   {Data::Table::Text::Starter::start($s, sub{$i*$i});

   [sort {$a <=> $b} Data::Table::Text::Starter::finish($s)],
   [map {$_**2} 1..$N];

  ok readFile($l) =~ m(Finished $N processes for: Test processes)s;
  clearFolder($s->transferArea, 1e3);
  unlink $l;

Data::Table::Text::Starter::start ($starter, $sub)

Start a new process to run the specified $sub.

   Parameter  Description
1  $starter   Starter
2  $sub       Sub to be run.


if (1)
 {my $N = 100;
  my $l = q(logFile.txt);
  unlink $l;
  my $s = newProcessStarter(4);
     $s->processingTitle   = q(Test processes);
     $s->totalToBeStarted  = $N;
     $s->processingLogFile = $l;

  for my $i(1..$N)

   {Data::Table::Text::Starter::start($s, sub{$i*$i});  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


   [sort {$a <=> $b} Data::Table::Text::Starter::finish($s)],
   [map {$_**2} 1..$N];

  ok readFile($l) =~ m(Finished $N processes for: Test processes)s;
  clearFolder($s->transferArea, 1e3);
  unlink $l;

Data::Table::Text::Starter::finish ($starter)

Wait for all started processes to finish and return their results as an array.

   Parameter  Description
1  $starter   Starter


if (1)
 {my $N = 100;
  my $l = q(logFile.txt);
  unlink $l;
  my $s = newProcessStarter(4);
     $s->processingTitle   = q(Test processes);
     $s->totalToBeStarted  = $N;
     $s->processingLogFile = $l;

  for my $i(1..$N)
   {Data::Table::Text::Starter::start($s, sub{$i*$i});


   [sort {$a <=> $b} Data::Table::Text::Starter::finish($s)],  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   [map {$_**2} 1..$N];

  ok readFile($l) =~ m(Finished $N processes for: Test processes)s;
  clearFolder($s->transferArea, 1e3);
  unlink $l;

squareArray (@array)

Create a two dimensional square array from a one dimensional linear array.

   Parameter  Description
1  @array     Array


is_deeply [squareArray @{[1..4]} ], [[1, 2], [3, 4]];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [squareArray @{[1..22]}],  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 [[1 .. 5], [6 .. 10], [11 .. 15], [16 .. 20], [21, 22]];

is_deeply [1..$_], [deSquareArray squareArray @{[1..$_]}] for 1..22;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $_ == countSquareArray         squareArray @{[1..$_]}  for 222;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..11)],
          [[1, 4, 7, 10],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..12)],
          [[1, 4, 7, 10],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9, 12]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..13)],
          [[1, 4, 7, 10, 13],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9, 12]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..5)],
          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..6)],
          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5, 6]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..7)],
          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5, 6],

deSquareArray (@square)

Create a one dimensional array from a two dimensional array of arrays.

   Parameter  Description
1  @square    Array of arrays


is_deeply [squareArray @{[1..4]} ], [[1, 2], [3, 4]];
is_deeply [squareArray @{[1..22]}],
 [[1 .. 5], [6 .. 10], [11 .. 15], [16 .. 20], [21, 22]];

is_deeply [1..$_], [deSquareArray squareArray @{[1..$_]}] for 1..22;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok $_ == countSquareArray         squareArray @{[1..$_]}  for 222;

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..11)],
          [[1, 4, 7, 10],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..12)],
          [[1, 4, 7, 10],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9, 12]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..13)],
          [[1, 4, 7, 10, 13],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9, 12]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..5)],
          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..6)],
          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5, 6]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..7)],
          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5, 6],

rectangularArray($first, @array)

Create a two dimensional rectangular array whose first dimension is $first from a one dimensional linear array.

   Parameter  Description
1  $first     First dimension size
2  @array     Array


is_deeply [squareArray @{[1..4]} ], [[1, 2], [3, 4]];
is_deeply [squareArray @{[1..22]}],
 [[1 .. 5], [6 .. 10], [11 .. 15], [16 .. 20], [21, 22]];

is_deeply [1..$_], [deSquareArray squareArray @{[1..$_]}] for 1..22;
ok $_ == countSquareArray         squareArray @{[1..$_]}  for 222;

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..11)],  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

          [[1, 4, 7, 10],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..12)],  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

          [[1, 4, 7, 10],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9, 12]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..13)],  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

          [[1, 4, 7, 10, 13],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9, 12]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..5)],
          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..6)],
          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5, 6]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..7)],
          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5, 6],

rectangularArray2 ($second, @array)

Create a two dimensional rectangular array whose second dimension is $second from a one dimensional linear array.

   Parameter  Description
1  $second    Second dimension size
2  @array     Array


is_deeply [squareArray @{[1..4]} ], [[1, 2], [3, 4]];
is_deeply [squareArray @{[1..22]}],
 [[1 .. 5], [6 .. 10], [11 .. 15], [16 .. 20], [21, 22]];

is_deeply [1..$_], [deSquareArray squareArray @{[1..$_]}] for 1..22;
ok $_ == countSquareArray         squareArray @{[1..$_]}  for 222;

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..11)],
          [[1, 4, 7, 10],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..12)],
          [[1, 4, 7, 10],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9, 12]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray(3, 1..13)],
          [[1, 4, 7, 10, 13],
           [2, 5, 8, 11],
           [3, 6, 9, 12]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..5)],  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..6)],  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5, 6]];

is_deeply [rectangularArray2(3, 1..7)],  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

          [[1, 2, 3],
           [4, 5, 6],

callSubInParallel ($sub)

Call a sub reference in parallel to avoid memory fragmentation and return its results.

   Parameter  Description
1  $sub       Sub reference


my %a = (a=>1, b=>2);

my %b = callSubInParallel {return %a};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply \%a, \%b;

my $f = temporaryFile;
ok -e $f;

my $a = callSubInOverlappedParallel
  sub {$a{a}++; owf($f, "Hello World")},
  sub {q(aaaa)};

ok $a           =~ m(aaaa)i;
ok $a{a}        == 1;
ok readFile($f) =~ m(Hello World)i;

callSubInOverlappedParallel ($child, $parent)

Call the $child sub reference in parallel in a separate child process and ignore its results while calling the $parent sub reference in the parent process and returning its results.

   Parameter  Description
1  $child     Sub reference to call in child process
2  $parent    Sub reference to call in parent process


my %a = (a=>1, b=>2);
my %b = callSubInParallel {return %a};
is_deeply \%a, \%b;

my $f = temporaryFile;
ok -e $f;

my $a = callSubInOverlappedParallel  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  sub {$a{a}++; owf($f, "Hello World")},
  sub {q(aaaa)};

ok $a           =~ m(aaaa)i;
ok $a{a}        == 1;
ok readFile($f) =~ m(Hello World)i;

runInParallel ($maximumNumberOfProcesses, $parallel, $results, @array)

Process the elements of an array in parallel using a maximum of $maximumNumberOfProcesses processes. sub &$parallel is forked to process each array element in parallel. The results returned by the forked copies of &$parallel are presented as a single array to sub &$results which is run in series. @array contains the elements to be processed. Returns the result returned by &$results.

   Parameter                  Description
1  $maximumNumberOfProcesses  Maximum number of processes
2  $parallel                  Parallel sub
3  $results                   Optional sub to process results
4  @array                     Array of items to process


my @N = 1..100;
my $N = 100;
my $R = 0; $R += $_*$_ for 1..$N;

ok 338350 == $R;

ok $R == runInSquareRootParallel
    sub {my ($p) = @_; $p * $p},
    sub {my $p = 0; $p += $_ for @_; $p},

ok $R == runInParallel  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    sub {my ($p) = @_; $p * $p},
    sub {my $p = 0; $p += $_ for @_; $p},

runInSquareRootParallel ($maximumNumberOfProcesses, $parallel, $results, @array)

Process the elements of an array in square root parallel using a maximum of $maximumNumberOfProcesses processes. sub &$parallel is forked to process each block of array elements in parallel. The results returned by the forked copies of &$parallel are presented as a single array to sub &$results which is run in series. @array contains the elements to be processed. Returns the result returned by &$results.

   Parameter                  Description
1  $maximumNumberOfProcesses  Maximum number of processes
2  $parallel                  Parallel sub
3  $results                   Results sub
4  @array                     Array of items to process


my @N = 1..100;
my $N = 100;
my $R = 0; $R += $_*$_ for 1..$N;

ok 338350 == $R;

ok $R == runInSquareRootParallel  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    sub {my ($p) = @_; $p * $p},
    sub {my $p = 0; $p += $_ for @_; $p},

ok $R == runInParallel
    sub {my ($p) = @_; $p * $p},
    sub {my $p = 0; $p += $_ for @_; $p},

packBySize ($N, @sizes)

Given $N buckets and a list @sizes of ([size of file, name of file]...) pack the file names into buckets so that each bucket contains approximately the same number of bytes. In general this is an NP problem. Packing largest first into emptiest bucket produces an N**2 heuristic if the buckets are scanned linearly, or N*log(N) if a binary tree is used. This solution is a compromise at N**3/2 which has the benefits of simple code yet good performance. Returns ([file names ...]).

   Parameter  Description
1  $N         Number of buckets
2  @sizes     Sizes


my $M = 7;
my $N = 15;

my @b = packBySize($M, map {[$_, $_]} 1..$N);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

my @B; my $B = 0;
for my $b(@b)
 {my $n = 0;
   {$n += $_;
    $B += $_;
  push @B, $n;
ok $B == $N * ($N + 1) / 2;
is_deeply [@B], [16, 20, 16, 18, 16, 18, 16];

processSizesInParallel ($parallel, $results, @sizes)

Process items of known size in parallel using (8 * the number of CPUs) processes with the process each item is assigned to depending on the size of the item so that each process is loaded with approximately the same number of bytes of data in total from the items it processes.

Each item is processed by sub $parallel and the results of processing all items is processed by $results where the items are taken from @sizes. Each &$parallel() receives an item from @files. &$results() receives an array of all the results returned by &$parallel().

   Parameter  Description
1  $parallel  Parallel sub
2  $results   Results sub
3  @sizes     Array of [size; item] to process by size


  my $d = temporaryFolder;
  my @f = map {owf(fpe($d, $_, q(txt)), 'X' x ($_ ** 2 % 11))} 1..9;

  my $f = fileLargestSize(@f);
  ok fn($f) eq '3', 'aaa';

#  my $b = folderSize($d);                                                       # Needs du
#  ok $b > 0, 'bbb';

  my $c = processFilesInParallel(
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, (@f) x 12);

  ok 108 == $c, 'cc11';

  my $C = processSizesInParallel  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, map {[fileSize($_), $_]} (@f) x 12;

  ok 108 == $C, 'cc2';

  my $J = processJavaFilesInParallel
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, (@f) x 12;

  ok 108 == $J, 'cc3';

  clearFolder($d, 12);

processFilesInParallel ($parallel, $results, @files)

Process files in parallel using (8 * the number of CPUs) processes with the process each file is assigned to depending on the size of the file so that each process is loaded with approximately the same number of bytes of data in total from the files it processes.

Each file is processed by sub $parallel and the results of processing all files is processed by $results where the files are taken from @files. Each &$parallel receives a file from @files. &$results receives an array of all the results returned by &$parallel.

   Parameter  Description
1  $parallel  Parallel sub
2  $results   Results sub
3  @files     Array of files to process by size


  my $d = temporaryFolder;
  my @f = map {owf(fpe($d, $_, q(txt)), 'X' x ($_ ** 2 % 11))} 1..9;

  my $f = fileLargestSize(@f);
  ok fn($f) eq '3', 'aaa';

#  my $b = folderSize($d);                                                       # Needs du
#  ok $b > 0, 'bbb';

  my $c = processFilesInParallel(  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, (@f) x 12);

  ok 108 == $c, 'cc11';

  my $C = processSizesInParallel
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, map {[fileSize($_), $_]} (@f) x 12;

  ok 108 == $C, 'cc2';

  my $J = processJavaFilesInParallel
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, (@f) x 12;

  ok 108 == $J, 'cc3';

  clearFolder($d, 12);

processJavaFilesInParallel ($parallel, $results, @files)

Process java files of known size in parallel using (the number of CPUs) processes with the process each item is assigned to depending on the size of the java item so that each process is loaded with approximately the same number of bytes of data in total from the java files it processes.

Each java item is processed by sub $parallel and the results of processing all java files is processed by $results where the java files are taken from @sizes. Each &$parallel() receives a java item from @files. &$results() receives an array of all the results returned by &$parallel().

   Parameter  Description
1  $parallel  Parallel sub
2  $results   Results sub
3  @files     Array of [size; java item] to process by size


  my $d = temporaryFolder;
  my @f = map {owf(fpe($d, $_, q(txt)), 'X' x ($_ ** 2 % 11))} 1..9;

  my $f = fileLargestSize(@f);
  ok fn($f) eq '3', 'aaa';

#  my $b = folderSize($d);                                                       # Needs du
#  ok $b > 0, 'bbb';

  my $c = processFilesInParallel(
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, (@f) x 12);

  ok 108 == $c, 'cc11';

  my $C = processSizesInParallel
     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, map {[fileSize($_), $_]} (@f) x 12;

  ok 108 == $C, 'cc2';

  my $J = processJavaFilesInParallel  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

     {my ($file) = @_;
      [&fileSize($file), $file]
     {scalar @_;
     }, (@f) x 12;

  ok 108 == $J, 'cc3';

  clearFolder($d, 12);

syncFromS3InParallel($maxSize, $source, $target, $Profile, $options)

Download from S3 by using "aws s3 sync --exclude '*' --include '...'" in parallel to sync collections of two or more files no greater then $maxSize or single files greater than $maxSize from the $source folder on S3 to the local folder $target using the specified $Profile and $options - then execute the entire command again without the --exclude and --include options in series which might now run faster due to the prior downloads.

   Parameter  Description
1  $maxSize   The maximum collection size
2  $source    The source folder on S3
3  $target    The target folder locally
4  $Profile   Aws cli profile
5  $options   Aws cli options


if (0)

 {syncFromS3InParallel 1e5,  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    q(phil), q(--quiet);

  syncToS3InParallel 1e5,
    q(phil), q(--quiet);

syncToS3InParallel ($maxSize, $source, $target, $Profile, $options)

Upload to S3 by using "aws s3 sync --exclude '*' --include '...'" in parallel to sync collections of two or more files no greater then $maxSize or single files greater than $maxSize from the $source folder locally to the target folder $target on S3 using the specified $Profile and $options - then execute the entire command again without the --exclude and --include options in series which might now run faster due to the prior uploads.

   Parameter  Description
1  $maxSize   The maximum collection size
2  $source    The target folder locally
3  $target    The source folder on S3
4  $Profile   Aws cli profile
5  $options   Aws cli options


if (0)
 {syncFromS3InParallel 1e5,
    q(phil), q(--quiet);

  syncToS3InParallel 1e5,  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    q(phil), q(--quiet);

childPids ($p)

Recursively find the pids of all the sub processes of a $process and all their sub processes and so on returning the specified pid and all its child pids as a list.

   Parameter  Description
1  $p         Process


is_deeply [childPids(2702)], [2702..2705];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

newServiceIncarnation ($service, $file)

Create a new service incarnation to record the start up of a new instance of a service and return the description as a Data::Exchange::Service Definition hash.

   Parameter  Description
1  $service   Service name
2  $file      Optional details file


if (1)

 {my $s = newServiceIncarnation("aaa", q(bbb.txt));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply $s->check, $s;

  my $t = newServiceIncarnation("aaa", q(bbb.txt));  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply $t->check, $t;
  ok $t->start >= $s->start+1;
  ok !$s->check(1);
  unlink q(bbb.txt);

Data::Exchange::Service::check ($service, $continue)

Check that we are the current incarnation of the named service with details obtained from newServiceIncarnation. If the optional $continue flag has been set then return the service details if this is the current service incarnation else undef. Otherwise if the $continue flag is false confess unless this is the current service incarnation thus bringing the earlier version of this service to an abrupt end.

   Parameter  Description
1  $service   Current service details
2  $continue  Return result if B<$continue> is true else confess if the service has been replaced


if (1)
 {my $s = newServiceIncarnation("aaa", q(bbb.txt));
  is_deeply $s->check, $s;
  my $t = newServiceIncarnation("aaa", q(bbb.txt));
  is_deeply $t->check, $t;
  ok $t->start >= $s->start+1;
  ok !$s->check(1);
  unlink q(bbb.txt);


Perform various conversions from STDIN to STDOUT

convertPerlToJavaScript ($in, $out)

Convert Perl to Javascript.

   Parameter  Description
1  $in        Input file name or STDIN if undef
2  $out       Output file name or STDOUT if undefined


if (1)
 {my $i = writeTempFile(<<'END');
sub test($$)                                                                    #P A test method.
 {my ($file, $data) = @_;                                                       # Parameter 1, parameter 2
  if (fullyQualifiedFile($file)) {return qq($data)}                             # File is already fully qualified
 } # test


Extract, format and update documentation for a perl module.

parseDitaRef($ref, $File, $TopicId)

Parse a dita reference $ref into its components (file name, topic id, id) . Optionally supply a base file name $File> to make the the file component absolute and/or a a default the topic id $TopicId to use if the topic id is not present in the reference.

   Parameter  Description
1  $ref       Reference to parse
2  $File      Default absolute file
3  $TopicId   Default topic id


is_deeply [parseDitaRef(q(a#b/c))], [qw(a b c)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [parseDitaRef(q(a#./c))], [q(a), q(), q(c)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [parseDitaRef(q(a#/c))],  [q(a), q(), q(c)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [parseDitaRef(q(a#c))],   [q(a), q(), q(c)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [parseDitaRef(q(#b/c))],  [q(),  qw(b c)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [parseDitaRef(q(#b))],    [q(),  q(), q(b)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [parseDitaRef(q(#./c))],  [q(),  q(), q(c)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [parseDitaRef(q(#/c))],   [q(),  q(), q(c)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

is_deeply [parseDitaRef(q(#c))],    [q(),  q(), q(c)];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

parseXmlDocType ($string)

Parse an Xml DOCTYPE and return a hash indicating its components.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String containing a DOCTYPE


if (1)

 {is_deeply parseXmlDocType(<<END),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

<!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd">
   {localDtd => "reference.dtd",
    public   => 1,
    publicId => "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN",
    root     => "reference",

  is_deeply parseXmlDocType(<<END),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "concept.dtd" []>
     {localDtd => "concept.dtd",
      public   => 1,
      publicId => "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN",
      root     => "concept",

reportSettings ($sourceFile, $reportFile)

Report the current values of parameterless subs.

   Parameter    Description
1  $sourceFile  Source file
2  $reportFile  Optional report file


reportSettings($0);                                                               # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


Report the attributes present in a $sourceFile.

   Parameter    Description
1  $sourceFile  Source file


  my $d = temporaryFile;

  my $f = writeFile(undef, <<'END'.<<END2);
#!perl -I/home/phil/perl/cpan/DataTableText/lib/
use Data::Table::Text qw(reportAttributeSettings);
sub attribute {1}                                                               # An attribute.
sub replaceable($)                                                              #r A replaceable method.

reportAttributeSettings ($reportFile)

Report the current values of the attribute methods in the calling file and optionally write the report to $reportFile. Return the text of the report.

   Parameter    Description
1  $reportFile  Optional report file


  my $d = temporaryFile;

  my $f = writeFile(undef, <<'END'.<<END2);
#!perl -I/home/phil/perl/cpan/DataTableText/lib/

use Data::Table::Text qw(reportAttributeSettings);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

sub attribute {1}                                                               # An attribute.
sub replaceable($)                                                              #r A replaceable method.

reportReplacableMethods ($sourceFile)

Report the replaceable methods marked with #r in a $sourceFile.

   Parameter    Description
1  $sourceFile  Source file


  my $d = temporaryFile;

  my $f = writeFile(undef, <<'END'.<<END2);
#!perl -I/home/phil/perl/cpan/DataTableText/lib/
use Data::Table::Text qw(reportAttributeSettings);
sub attribute {1}                                                               # An attribute.
sub replaceable($)                                                              #r A replaceable method.

sub reportReplacableMethods($)                                                   # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 {my ($sourceFile) = @_;                                                        # Source file
  my $s = readFile($sourceFile);
  my %s;
  for my $l(split /
/, $s)                                                     # Find the attribute subs
   {if ($l =~ m(\Asub\s*(\w+).*?#\w*r\w*\s+(.*)\Z))
     {$s{$1} = $2;

reportExportableMethods ($sourceFile)

Report the exportable methods marked with #e in a $sourceFile.

   Parameter    Description
1  $sourceFile  Source file


  my $d = temporaryFile;

  my $f = writeFile(undef, <<'END'.<<END2);
#!perl -I/home/phil/perl/cpan/DataTableText/lib/
use Data::Table::Text qw(reportAttributeSettings);
sub attribute {1}                                                               # An attribute.
sub replaceable($)                                                              #r A replaceable method.

htmlToc ($key, $value)

Generate a table of contents for some html held in a file or a string. If the given parameter is a file the file is read, a table of contents constructed and the the file updated with the new table of contents. Otherwise a table of contents is created for the html in the supplied string. Each head level to be included in the table of contents must have a unique id, put there by you, as its first attribute. The table of contents will replace <div id=toc>...</div>. In either cae this function retires the table of contents as a string.

   Parameter  Description
1  $key       Either : "file" from file  or "string" from string or "update" for from file with update in place
2  $value     The file or string of html to be processed


  my $h = owf(undef, <<END);
<h1 id="1">Chapter 1</h1>
  <h2 id="11">Section 11</h1>
<h1 id="2">Chapter 2</h1>

 htmlToc(update => $h);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

 is_deeply scalar(readFile($h)), <<END;
<div id=toc>
  <table cellspacing=10 border=0>
    <tr><td align=right>1<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#1">Chapter 1</a>
    <tr><td align=right>2<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#11">Section 11</a>
    <tr><td align=right>3<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#2">Chapter 2</a>
<h1 id="1">Chapter 1</h1>
  <h2 id="11">Section 11</h1>
<h1 id="2">Chapter 2</h1>

 unlink $h;


if (1) {
  my $h = "a 𝝰 b 𝝱 g 𝝲";
  my $H = encodeUnicodeHtmlAsAscii $h;
  is_deeply $H, "a &#120688; b &#120689; g &#120690;";

expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInHtmlFormat ($string)

Expand words found in a string using the html a tag to supply a definition of that word.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String containing url names to expand


ok expandWellKnownUrlsInDitaFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<xref scope="external" format="html" href="">GitHub</xref>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(github))    eq q(github);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFromPerl(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  q(go to <a href="">GitHub</a> and press enter.), 'ex1';

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInMdFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to [GitHub]( and press enter.), 'ex2';

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPod2Html(<<END) eq eval '"aaa

bbb "'; aaa GitHub bbb END

expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsAndAddTocToMakeANewHtmlFile ($file)

Expand well known words found in a '.htm' file of html and add a table of contents to create a new '.html' file.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      File


Expand words found in a string using the md url to supply a definition of that word.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String containing url names to expand


ok expandWellKnownUrlsInDitaFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<xref scope="external" format="html" href="">GitHub</xref>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(github))    eq q(github);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFromPerl(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to <a href="">GitHub</a> and press enter.), 'ex1';

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInMdFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  q(go to [GitHub]( and press enter.), 'ex2';

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPod2Html(<<END) eq eval '"aaa

bbb "'; aaa GitHub bbb END

expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat ($string)

Expand short url names found in a string in the format L<url-name> using the Perl POD syntax.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String containing url names to expand


ok expandWellKnownUrlsInDitaFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<xref scope="external" format="html" href="">GitHub</xref>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(github))    eq q(github);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFromPerl(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to <a href="">GitHub</a> and press enter.), 'ex1';

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInMdFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to [GitHub]( and press enter.), 'ex2';

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPod2Html(<<END) eq eval '"aaa

bbb "'; aaa GitHub bbb END

expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFormat ($string)

Expand short url names found in a string in the format L[url-name] using the html a tag.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String containing url names to expand


ok expandWellKnownUrlsInDitaFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<xref scope="external" format="html" href="">GitHub</xref>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(L[github])) eq  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(github))    eq q(github);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFromPerl(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to <a href="">GitHub</a> and press enter.), 'ex1';

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInMdFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to [GitHub]( and press enter.), 'ex2';

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPod2Html(<<END) eq eval '"aaa

bbb "'; aaa GitHub bbb END

expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFromPerl ($string)

Expand short url names found in a string in the format L[url-name] using the html a tag.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String containing url names to expand


ok expandWellKnownUrlsInDitaFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<xref scope="external" format="html" href="">GitHub</xref>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(github))    eq q(github);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFromPerl(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to <a href="">GitHub</a> and press enter.), 'ex1';

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInMdFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to [GitHub]( and press enter.), 'ex2';

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPod2Html(<<END) eq eval '"aaa

bbb "'; aaa GitHub bbb END

expandWellKnownUrlsInPod2Html ($string)

Expand short url names found in a string in the format =begin html format.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String containing url names to expand


ok expandWellKnownUrlsInDitaFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<xref scope="external" format="html" href="">GitHub</xref>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(github))    eq q(github);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFromPerl(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to <a href="">GitHub</a> and press enter.), 'ex1';

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInMdFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to [GitHub]( and press enter.), 'ex2';

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPod2Html(<<END) eq eval '"aaa

bbb "'; # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

aaa L<GitHub|> bbb

expandWellKnownUrlsInDitaFormat ($string)

Expand short url names found in a string in the format L[url-name] in the L[Dita] xrefformat.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String containing url names to expand


ok expandWellKnownUrlsInDitaFormat(q(L[github])) eq  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  q(<xref scope="external" format="html" href="">GitHub</xref>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(L[github])) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat(q(github))    eq q(github);

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFromPerl(q(L<GitHub|>)) eq
  q(<a format="html" href="">GitHub</a>);

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInHtmlFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to <a href="">GitHub</a> and press enter.), 'ex1';

is_deeply expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInMdFormat(q(go to gitHub and press w[enter].)),
  q(go to [GitHub]( and press enter.), 'ex2';

ok expandWellKnownUrlsInPod2Html(<<END) eq eval '"aaa

bbb "'; aaa GitHub bbb END

expandNewLinesInDocumentation ($s)

Expand new lines in documentation, specifically for new line and

for two new lines.

    Parameter  Description
 1  $s         String to be expanded


ok expandNewLinesInDocumentation(q(a

)) eq <<END;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲



extractCodeBlock($comment, $file)

Extract the block of code delimited by $comment, starting at qq($comment-begin), ending at qq($comment-end) from the named $file else the current Perl program $0 and return it as a string or confess if this is not possible.

   Parameter  Description
1  $comment   Comment delimiting the block of code
2  $file      File to read from if not $0


ok extractCodeBlock(q(#CODEBLOCK), $INC{"Data/Table/"}) eq <<'END';  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $a = 1;
  my $b = 2;

updateDocumentation ($perlModule)

Update the documentation for a Perl module from the comments in its source code. Comments between the lines marked with:

#Dn title # description



where n is either 1, 2 or 3 indicating the heading level of the section and the # is in column 1.

Methods are formatted as:

sub name(signature)      #FLAGS comment describing method
 {my ($parameters) = @_; # comments for each parameter separated by commas.

FLAGS can be chosen from:


method of interest to new users


private method


optionally replaceable method


required replaceable method


static method


die rather than received a returned undef result

Other flags will be handed to the method extractDocumentationFlags(flags to process, method name) found in the file being documented, this method should return [the additional documentation for the method, the code to implement the flag].

Text following 'Example:' in the comment (if present) will be placed after the parameters list as an example. Lines containing comments consisting of '#[T#]'.methodName will also be aggregated and displayed as examples for that method.

Lines formatted as:


starting in column 1 will define a synonym for a method.

Lines formatted as:

#C emailAddress text

will be aggregated in the acknowledgments section at the end of the documentation.

The character sequence \n in the comment will be expanded to one new line, \m to two new lines and L<$_>,L<confess>,L<die>,L<eval>,L<lvalueMethod> to links to the perl documentation.

Search for '#D1': in to see more examples of such documentation in action - although it is quite difficult to see as it looks just like normal comments placed in the code.

Parameters: .

   Parameter    Description
1  $perlModule  Optional file name with caller's file being the default


 {my $s = updateDocumentation(<<'END' =~ s(#) (#)gsr =~ s(~) ()gsr);              # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

package Sample::Module;

#D1 Samples                                                                      # Sample methods.

sub sample($@)                                                                  #R Documentation for the:  sample() method.  See also L<Data::Table::Text::sample2|/Data::Table::Text::sample2>. #Tsample .
 {my ($node, @context) = @_;                                                    # Node, optional context


sub Data::Table::Text::sample2(\&@)                                             #PS Documentation for the sample2() method.
 {my ($sub, @context) = @_;                                                     # Sub to call, context.

ok sample(undef, qw(a b c)) == 1;                                               #Tsample

if (1)                                                                          #Tsample
 {ok sample(q(a), qw(a b c))  == 2;
  ok sample(undef, qw(a b c)) == 1;

ok sample(<<END2)) == 1;                                                        #Tsample
sample data

  ok $s =~ m/=head2 Data::Table::Text::sample2.+?\$sub, \@context/;

extractPodDocumentation ($perl)

Extract pod from a file

   Parameter  Description
1  $perl      Perl source file


if (1)
 {my $p = owf(undef, <<END);

  my $s = extractPodDocumentation $p;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply $s, <<END;
  unlink $p;

Hash Definitions

Data::Exchange::Service Definition

Service details.

Output fields


The file in which the service start details is being recorded.


The name of the service.


The time this service was started time plus a minor hack to simplify testing.

Data::Table::Text::AwsEc2Price Definition

Prices of selected aws elastic compute instance types

Output fields


The instance type that has the lowest CPU cost


The cost of the cheapest CPU In millidollars per hour


Report showing the cost of other selected instances

Data::Table::Text::Python::Documentation Definition

Documentation extracted from Python source files

Output fields


Class definitions


Class files


Comments for each def


Errors encountered


Parameters for each def


Tests for each def


Common line for tests

Data::Table::Text::Starter Definition

Process starter definition.

Input fields


Optional: name of a file to which process start and end information should be appended


Optional: title describing the processing being performed.


Optionally: the total number of processes to be started - if this is supplied then an estimate of the finish time for this processing is printed to the log file every time a process starts or finishes.

Output fields


If true then automatically clear the transfer area at the end of processing.


The maximum number of processes to start in parallel at one time. If this limit is exceeded, the start of subsequent processes will be delayed until processes started earlier have finished.


A hash of pids representing processes started but not yet completed.


Hash of {pid} == time the process finished.


Hash of {pid} == time the process was started.


Handle for log file if a log file was supplied


Consolidated array of results.


Start time


The name of the folder in which files transferring results from the child to the parent process will be stored.

TestHash Definition

Definition of a blessed hash.

Output fields


Definition of attribute aa.


Definition of attribute bb.


Definition of attribute cc.

Udsr Definition

Package name

Input fields


Length of fixed header which carries the length of the following message


Server action sub, which receives a communicator every time a client creates a new connection. If this server is going to be started by systemd as a service with the specified serverName then this is the a actual text of the code that will be installed as a CGI script and run in response to an incoming transaction in a separate process with the userid set to serviceUser. It receives the text of the http request from the browser as parameter 1 and should return the text to be sent back to the browser.


Service name for install by systemd


Userid for service


Socket file

Output fields


Client socket and connection socket


Server pid which can be used to kill the server via kill q(kill), $pid


The following is a list of all the attributes in this package. A method coded with the same name in your package will over ride the method of the same name in this package and thus provide your value for the attribute in place of the default value supplied for this attribute by this package.

Replaceable Attribute List

awsEc2DescribeInstancesCache awsIpFile nameFromStringMaximumLength wwwHeader


File in which to cache latest results from describe instances to avoid being throttled.


File in which to save IP address of primary instance on Aws.


Maximum length of a name generated from a string.


Html header.

Private Methods

onWindows ()

Are we on windows.

onMac ()

Are we on mac.

filePathSeparatorChar ()

File path separator.

denormalizeFolderName ($name)

Remove any trailing folder separator from a folder name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $name      Folder name

renormalizeFolderName ($name)

Normalize a folder name by ensuring it has a single trailing directory separator.

   Parameter  Description
1  $name      Name

prefferedFileName ($name)

Normalize a file name.

   Parameter  Description
1  $name      Name

findAllFilesAndFolders ($folder, $dirs)

Find all the files and folders under a folder.

   Parameter  Description
1  $folder    Folder to start the search with
2  $dirs      True if only folders are required

readUtf16File ($file)

Read a file containing Unicode encoded in utf-16.

   Parameter  Description
1  $file      Name of file to read

binModeAllUtf8 ()

Set STDOUT and STDERR to accept utf8 without complaint.


binModeAllUtf8;                                                                 # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

convertImageToJpx690($Source, $target, $Size, $Tiles)

Convert a $source image to a $target image in jpx format using versions of Imagemagick version 6.9.0 and above. The size in pixels of each jpx tile may be specified by the optional $Size parameter which defaults to 256. $Tiles optionally provides an upper limit on the number of each tiles in each dimension.

   Parameter  Description
1  $Source    Source file
2  $target    Target folder (as multiple files will be created)
3  $Size      Optional size of each tile - defaults to 256
4  $Tiles     Optional limit on the number of tiles in either dimension

convertImageToJpx ($Source, $target, $Size, $Tiles)

Convert a $source image to a $target image in jpx format. The size in pixels of each jpx tile may be specified by the optional $Size parameter which defaults to 256. $Tiles optionally provides an upper limit on the number of each tiles in each dimension.

   Parameter  Description
1  $Source    Source file
2  $target    Target folder (as multiple files will be created)
3  $Size      Optional size of each tile - defaults to 256
4  $Tiles     Optional limit in either direction on the number of tiles


convertImageToJpx(fpe(qw(a image jpg)), fpe(qw(a image jpg)), 256);             # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

setCombination (@s)

Count the elements in sets @s represented as arrays of strings and/or the keys of hashes.

   Parameter  Description
1  @s         Array of arrays of strings and/or hashes

formatTableMultiLine($data, $separator)

Tabularize text that has new lines in it.

   Parameter   Description
1  $data       Reference to an array of arrays of data to be formatted as a table
2  $separator  Optional line separator to use instead of new line for each row.

formatTableClearUpLeft ($data)

Blank identical column values up and left.

   Parameter  Description
1  $data      Array of arrays

formatTableAA ($data, $title, %options)

Tabularize an array of arrays.

   Parameter  Description
1  $data      Data to be formatted
2  $title     Reference to an array of titles
3  %options   Options


 ok formatTable
  ([[1,1,1],[1,1,2],[1,2,2],[1,2,3]], [], clearUpLeft=>1) eq <<END;             # Clear matching columns

1  1  1  1
2        2
3     2  2
4        3

formatTableHA ($data, $title)

Tabularize a hash of arrays.

   Parameter  Description
1  $data      Data to be formatted
2  $title     Optional titles

formatTableAH ($data)

Tabularize an array of hashes.

   Parameter  Description
1  $data      Data to be formatted

formatTableHH ($data)

Tabularize a hash of hashes.

   Parameter  Description
1  $data      Data to be formatted

formatTableA($data, $title)

Tabularize an array.

   Parameter  Description
1  $data      Data to be formatted
2  $title     Optional title

formatTableH($data, $title)

Tabularize a hash.

   Parameter  Description
1  $data      Data to be formatted
2  $title     Optional title


Options available for formatting tables.

reloadHashes2 ($d, $progress)

Ensures that all the hashes within a tower of data structures have LValue methods to get and set their current keys.

   Parameter  Description
1  $d         Data structure
2  $progress  Progress

showHashes2 ($d, $keys, $progress)

Create a map of all the keys within all the hashes within a tower of data structures.

   Parameter  Description
1  $d         Data structure
2  $keys      Keys found
3  $progress  Progress

showHashes ($d)

Create a map of all the keys within all the hashes within a tower of data structures.

   Parameter  Description
1  $d         Data structure

newUdsr (@parms)

Create a communicator - a means to communicate between processes on the same machine via Udsr::read and Udsr::write.

   Parameter  Description
1  @parms     Attributes per L<Udsr Definition|/Udsr Definition>

awsInstanceId (%options)

Create an instance-id from the specified %options.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options

awsProfile (%options)

Create a profile keyword from the specified %options.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options

awsRegion (%options)

Create a region keyword from the specified %options.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


Return the name of the C compiler on this system.

getNumberOfCpus ()

Number of cpus.

saveSourceToS3 ($aws, $saveIntervalInSeconds)

Save source code.

   Parameter               Description
1  $aws                    Aws target file and keywords
2  $saveIntervalInSeconds  Save internal

awsParallelProcessFilesTestParallel ($userData, $file)

Test running on Amazon Web Services in parallel.

   Parameter  Description
1  $userData  User data
2  $file      File to process.


  my $N = 2001;                                                                 # Number of files to process
  my $options = q(region => q(us-east-2), profile=>q(fmc));                     # Aws cli options
  my %options = eval "($options)";

  for my $dir(q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/DataTableText/lib/Data/Table/),            # Folders we will need on aws
   {awsParallelSpreadFolder($dir, %options);

  my $d = temporaryFolder;                                                      # Create a temporary folder
  my $resultsFile = fpe($d, qw(results data));                                  # Save results in this temporary file

  if (my $r = execPerlOnRemote(join "
",                                       # Execute some code on a server

    getCodeContext(\&awsParallelProcessFilesTestParallel),                      # Get code context of the sub we want to call.  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    <<SESSIONLEADER))                                                           # Launch code on session leader
use Data::Table::Text qw(:all);

my \$r = awsParallelProcessFiles                                                # Process files on multiple L<Amazon Web Services|> instances in parallel
 ({file=>4, time=>timeStamp},                                                   # User data

  \\\&Data::Table::Text::awsParallelProcessFilesTestParallel,                   # Reference to code to execute in parallel on each session instance  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  \\\&Data::Table::Text::awsParallelProcessFilesTestResults,                    # Reference to code to execute in series to merge the results of each parallel computation
  [map {writeFile(fpe(q($d), \$_, qw(txt)), \$_)} 1..$N],                       # Files to process
  $options);                                                                    # Aws cli options as we will be running on Aws

storeFile(q($resultsFile), \$r);                                                # Save results in a file


   {copyFileFromRemote($resultsFile);                                           # Retrieve user data

    my $userData = retrieveFile($resultsFile);                                  # Recover user data
    my @i = awsParallelSecondaryIpAddresses(%options);                          # Ip addresses of secondary instances
    my @I = keys $userData->{ip}->%*;
    is_deeply [sort @i], [sort @I];                                             # Each secondary ip address was used

    ok $userData->{file}  == 4;                                                 # Prove we can pass data in and get it back
    ok $userData->{merge} == 1 + @i, 'ii';                                      # Number of merges

    my %f; my %i;                                                               # Files processed on each ip
    for   my $i(sort keys $userData->{ipFile}->%*)                              # Ip
     {for my $f(sort keys $userData->{ipFile}{$i}->%*)                          # File
       {$f{fn($f)}++;                                                           # Files processed
        $i{$i}++;                                                               # Count files on each ip

    is_deeply \%f, {map {$_=>1} 1..$N};                                         # Check each file was processed

    if (1)
     {my @rc; my @ra;                                                           # Range of number of files processed on each ip - computed, actually counted
      my $l = $N/@i-1;                                                          # Lower limit of number of files per IP address
      my $h = $N/@i+1;                                                          # Upper limit of number of files per IP address
      for   my $i(keys %i)
       {my $nc = $i{$i};                                                        # Number of files processed on this ip - computed
        my $na = $userData->{ip}{$i};                                           # Number of files processed on this ip - actually counted
        push @rc, ($nc >= $l and $nc <= $h) ? 1 : 0;                            # 1 - in range, 0 - out of range
        push @ra, ($na >= $l and $na <= $h) ? 1 : 0;                            # 1 - in range, 0 - out of range
      ok @i == grep {$_} @ra;                                                   # Check each ip processed the expected number of files
      ok @i == grep {$_} @rc;

    ok $userData->{files}{&fpe($d, qw(4 txt))} eq                               # Check the computed MD5 sum for the specified file

awsParallelProcessFilesTestResults ($userData, @results)

Test results of running on Amazon Web Services in parallel.

   Parameter  Description
1  $userData  User data from primary instance instance or process
2  @results   Results from each parallel instance or process


  my $N = 2001;                                                                 # Number of files to process
  my $options = q(region => q(us-east-2), profile=>q(fmc));                     # Aws cli options
  my %options = eval "($options)";

  for my $dir(q(/home/phil/perl/cpan/DataTableText/lib/Data/Table/),            # Folders we will need on aws
   {awsParallelSpreadFolder($dir, %options);

  my $d = temporaryFolder;                                                      # Create a temporary folder
  my $resultsFile = fpe($d, qw(results data));                                  # Save results in this temporary file

  if (my $r = execPerlOnRemote(join "
",                                       # Execute some code on a server
    getCodeContext(\&awsParallelProcessFilesTestParallel),                      # Get code context of the sub we want to call.
    <<SESSIONLEADER))                                                           # Launch code on session leader
use Data::Table::Text qw(:all);

my \$r = awsParallelProcessFiles                                                # Process files on multiple L<Amazon Web Services|> instances in parallel
 ({file=>4, time=>timeStamp},                                                   # User data
  \\\&Data::Table::Text::awsParallelProcessFilesTestParallel,                   # Reference to code to execute in parallel on each session instance

  \\\&Data::Table::Text::awsParallelProcessFilesTestResults,                    # Reference to code to execute in series to merge the results of each parallel computation  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  [map {writeFile(fpe(q($d), \$_, qw(txt)), \$_)} 1..$N],                       # Files to process
  $options);                                                                    # Aws cli options as we will be running on Aws

storeFile(q($resultsFile), \$r);                                                # Save results in a file


   {copyFileFromRemote($resultsFile);                                           # Retrieve user data

    my $userData = retrieveFile($resultsFile);                                  # Recover user data
    my @i = awsParallelSecondaryIpAddresses(%options);                          # Ip addresses of secondary instances
    my @I = keys $userData->{ip}->%*;
    is_deeply [sort @i], [sort @I];                                             # Each secondary ip address was used

    ok $userData->{file}  == 4;                                                 # Prove we can pass data in and get it back
    ok $userData->{merge} == 1 + @i, 'ii';                                      # Number of merges

    my %f; my %i;                                                               # Files processed on each ip
    for   my $i(sort keys $userData->{ipFile}->%*)                              # Ip
     {for my $f(sort keys $userData->{ipFile}{$i}->%*)                          # File
       {$f{fn($f)}++;                                                           # Files processed
        $i{$i}++;                                                               # Count files on each ip

    is_deeply \%f, {map {$_=>1} 1..$N};                                         # Check each file was processed

    if (1)
     {my @rc; my @ra;                                                           # Range of number of files processed on each ip - computed, actually counted
      my $l = $N/@i-1;                                                          # Lower limit of number of files per IP address
      my $h = $N/@i+1;                                                          # Upper limit of number of files per IP address
      for   my $i(keys %i)
       {my $nc = $i{$i};                                                        # Number of files processed on this ip - computed
        my $na = $userData->{ip}{$i};                                           # Number of files processed on this ip - actually counted
        push @rc, ($nc >= $l and $nc <= $h) ? 1 : 0;                            # 1 - in range, 0 - out of range
        push @ra, ($na >= $l and $na <= $h) ? 1 : 0;                            # 1 - in range, 0 - out of range
      ok @i == grep {$_} @ra;                                                   # Check each ip processed the expected number of files
      ok @i == grep {$_} @rc;

    ok $userData->{files}{&fpe($d, qw(4 txt))} eq                               # Check the computed MD5 sum for the specified file

s3Profile (%options)

Return an S3 profile keyword from an S3 option set.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


Return an S3 --delete keyword from an S3 option set.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options

Data::Table::Text::Starter::logEntry($starter, $finish)

Create a log entry showing progress and eta.

   Parameter  Description
1  $starter   Starter
2  $finish    0 - start; 1 - finish

Data::Table::Text::Starter::averageProcessTime ($starter)

Average elapsed time spent by each process.

   Parameter  Description
1  $starter   Starter

Data::Table::Text::Starter::say ($starter, @message)

Write to the log file if it is available.

   Parameter  Description
1  $starter   Starter
2  @message   Text to write to log file.

Data::Table::Text::Starter::waitOne ($starter)

Wait for at least one process to finish and consolidate its results.

   Parameter  Description
1  $starter   Starter


Count the number of elements in a square array.

   Parameter  Description
1  @square    Array of arrays

processSizesInParallelN ($N, $parallel, $results, @sizes)

Process items of known size in parallel using the specified number $N processes with the process each file is assigned to depending on the size of the file so that each process is loaded with approximately the same number of bytes of data in total from the files it processes.

Each file is processed by sub $parallel and the results of processing all files is processed by $results where the files are taken from @files. Each &$parallel receives a file from @files. &$results receives an array of all the results returned by &$parallel.

   Parameter  Description
1  $N         Number of processes
2  $parallel  Parallel sub
3  $results   Results sub
4  @sizes     Array of [size; item] to process by size

wellKnownUrls ()

Short names for some well known urls.

spellCheck ($Text, %options)

Spell checker

   Parameter  Description
1  $Text      Text to check
2  %options   Options

reinstateWellKnown ($string)

Contract references to well known Urls to their abbreviated form.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    Source string

expandWellKnownWordsInMarkDownFile ($s, $t)

Expand well known words in a mark down file.

   Parameter  Description
1  $s         Source file
2  $t         Target file

formatSourcePodAsHtml ()

Format the POD in the current source file as HTML.

extractTest ($string)

Remove example markers from test code.

   Parameter  Description
1  $string    String containing test line

docUserFlags($flags, $perlModule, $package, $name)

Generate documentation for a method by calling the extractDocumentationFlags method in the package being documented, passing it the flags for a method and the name of the method. The called method should return the documentation to be inserted for the named method.

   Parameter    Description
1  $flags       Flags
2  $perlModule  File containing documentation
3  $package     Package containing documentation
4  $name        Name of method to be processed

updatePerlModuleDocumentation ($perlModule)

Update the documentation in a $perlModule and display said documentation in a web browser.

   Parameter    Description
1  $perlModule  File containing the code of the perl module

extractPythonDocumentationFromFiles (@sources)

Extract python documentation from the specified files.

   Parameter  Description
1  @sources   Python source files


fpd is a synonym for filePathDir - Create a folder name from a list of names.

fpe is a synonym for filePathExt - Create a file name from a list of names the last of which is assumed to be the extension of the file name.

fpf is a synonym for filePath - Create a file name from a list of names.

owf is a synonym for overWriteFile - Write to a $file, after creating a path to the $file with makePath if necessary, a $string of Unicode content encoded as utf8.

temporaryDirectory is a synonym for temporaryFolder - Create a new, empty, temporary folder.


1 absFile - Return the name of the given file if it a fully qualified file name else returns undef.

2 absFromAbsPlusRel - Absolute file from an absolute file $a plus a relative file $r.

3 addCertificate - Add a certificate to the current ssh session.

4 addLValueScalarMethods - Generate lvalue method scalar methods in the current package if they do not already exist.

5 appendFile - Append to $file a $string of Unicode content encoded with utf8, creating the $file first if necessary.

6 arrayProduct - Find the product of any strings that look like numbers in an array.

7 arraySum - Find the sum of any strings that look like numbers in an array.

8 arrayTimes - Multiply by $multiplier each element of the array @a and return as the result.

9 arrayToHash - Create a hash reference from an array.

10 asciiToHexString - Encode an Ascii string as a string of hexadecimal digits.

11 assertPackageRefs - Confirm that the specified references are to the specified package.

12 assertRef - Confirm that the specified references are to the package into which this routine has been exported.

13 awsCurrentAvailabilityZone - Get the availability zone of the Amazon Web Services server we are currently running on if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.

14 awsCurrentInstanceId - Get the instance id of the Amazon Web Services server we are currently running on if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.

15 awsCurrentInstanceType - Get the instance type of the Amazon Web Services server if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.

16 awsCurrentIp - Get the ip address of the AWS server we are currently running on if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.

17 awsCurrentLinuxSpotPrices - Return {instance type} = cheapest spot price in dollars per hour for the given region.

18 awsCurrentRegion - Get the region of the Amazon Web Services server we are currently running on if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.

19 awsEc2CreateImage - Create an image snap shot with the specified $name of the AWS server we are currently running on if we are running on an AWS server else return false.

20 awsEc2DescribeImages - Describe images available.

21 awsEc2DescribeInstances - Describe the Amazon Web Services instances running in a $region.

22 awsEc2DescribeInstancesGetIPAddresses - Return a hash of {instanceId => public ip address} for all running instances on Amazon Web Services with ip addresses.

23 awsEc2DescribeInstanceType - Return details of the specified instance type.

24 awsEc2DescribeSpotInstances - Return a hash {spot instance request => spot instance details} describing the status of active spot instances.

25 awsEc2FindImagesWithTagValue - Find images with a tag that matches the specified regular expression $value.

26 awsEc2InstanceIpAddress - Return the IP address of a named instance on Amazon Web Services else return undef.

27 awsEc2ReportSpotInstancePrices - Report the prices of all the spot instances whose type matches a regular expression $instanceTypeRe.

28 awsEc2RequestSpotInstances - Request spot instances as long as they can be started within the next minute.

29 awsEc2Tag - Tag an elastic compute resource with the supplied tags.

30 awsExecCli - Execute an AWs command and return its response.

31 awsExecCliJson - Execute an AWs command and decode the json so produced.

32 awsInstanceId - Create an instance-id from the specified %options.

33 awsIp - Get ip address of server at Amazon Web Services.

34 awsMetaData - Get an item of meta data for the Amazon Web Services server we are currently running on if we are running on an Amazon Web Services server else return a blank string.

35 awsParallelGatherFolder - On Amazon Web Services: merges all the files in the specified $folder on each secondary instance to the corresponding folder on the primary instance in parallel.

36 awsParallelIpAddresses - Return the IP addresses of all the Amazon Web Services session instances.

37 awsParallelPrimaryInstanceId - Return the instance id of the primary instance.

38 awsParallelPrimaryIpAddress - Return the IP addresses of any primary instance on Amazon Web Services.

39 awsParallelProcessFiles - Process files in parallel across multiple Amazon Web Services instances if available or in series if not.

40 awsParallelProcessFilesTestParallel - Test running on Amazon Web Services in parallel.

41 awsParallelProcessFilesTestResults - Test results of running on Amazon Web Services in parallel.

42 awsParallelSecondaryIpAddresses - Return a list containing the IP addresses of any secondary instances on Amazon Web Services.

43 awsParallelSpreadFolder - On Amazon Web Services: copies a specified $folder from the primary instance, see: awsParallelPrimaryInstanceId, in parallel, to all the secondary instances in the session.

44 awsProfile - Create a profile keyword from the specified %options.

45 awsR53a - Create/Update a A Domain Name System record for the specified server.

46 awsR53aaaa - Create/Update a AAAA Domain Name System record for the specified server.

47 awsRegion - Create a region keyword from the specified %options.

48 awsTranslateText - Translate $text from English to a specified $language using AWS Translate with the specified global $options and return the translated string.

49 binModeAllUtf8 - Set STDOUT and STDERR to accept utf8 without complaint.

50 boldString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to bold.

51 boldStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to bold.

52 call - Call the specified $sub in a separate child process, wait for it to complete, then copy back the named @our variables from the child process to the calling parent process effectively freeing any memory used during the call.

53 callSubInOverlappedParallel - Call the $child sub reference in parallel in a separate child process and ignore its results while calling the $parent sub reference in the parent process and returning its results.

54 callSubInParallel - Call a sub reference in parallel to avoid memory fragmentation and return its results.

55 checkFile - Return the name of the specified file if it exists, else confess the maximum extent of the path that does exist.

56 checkKeys - Check the keys in a hash confirm to those $permitted.

57 childPids - Recursively find the pids of all the sub processes of a $process and all their sub processes and so on returning the specified pid and all its child pids as a list.

58 chooseStringAtRandom - Choose a string at random from the list of @strings supplied.

59 clearFolder - Remove all the files and folders under and including the specified $folder as long as the number of files to be removed is less than the specified $limitCount.

60 cmpArrays - Compare two arrays of strings.

61 compareArraysAndExplain - Compare two arrays of strings and provide an explanation as to why they differ if they differ or undef if they do not.

62 confirmHasCommandLineCommand - Check that the specified b<$cmd> is present on the current system.

63 containingFolderName - The name of a folder containing a file.

64 containingPowerOfTwo - Find log two of the lowest power of two greater than or equal to a number $n.

65 contains - Returns the indices at which an $item matches elements of the specified @array.

66 convertDocxToFodt - Convert a docx $inputFile file to a fodt $outputFile using unoconv which must not be running elsewhere at the time.

67 convertImageToJpx - Convert a $source image to a $target image in jpx format.

68 convertImageToJpx690 - Convert a $source image to a $target image in jpx format using versions of Imagemagick version 6.

69 convertPerlToJavaScript - Convert Perl to Javascript.

70 convertUnicodeToXml - Convert a $string with Unicode code points that are not directly representable in Ascii into string that replaces these code points with their representation in Xml making the string usable in Xml documents.

71 convertUtf32ToUtf8 - Convert a number representing a single unicode point coded in utf32 to utf8 big endian.

72 convertUtf32ToUtf8LE - Convert a number representing a single unicode point coded in utf32 to utf8 little endian.

73 convertUtf8ToUtf32 - Convert a number representing a single unicode point coded in utf8 to utf32.

74 copyBinaryFile - Copy the binary file $source to a file named <%target> and return the target file name,.

75 copyFile - Copy the $source file encoded in utf8 to the specified $target file in and return $target.

76 copyFileFromRemote - Copy the specified $file from the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.

77 copyFileToFolder - Copy the file named in $source to the specified $targetFolder/ or if $targetFolder/ is in fact a file into the folder containing this file and return the target file name.

78 copyFileToRemote - Copy the specified local $file to the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.

79 copyFolder - Copy the $source folder to the $target folder after clearing the $target folder.

80 copyFolderToRemote - Copy the specified local $Source folder to the corresponding remote folder on the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.

81 countFileExtensions - Return a hash which counts the file extensions in and below the folders in the specified list.

82 countFileTypes - Return a hash which counts, in parallel with a maximum number of processes: $maximumNumberOfProcesses, the results of applying the file command to each file in and under the specified @folders.

83 countOccurencesInString - Returns the number of occurrences in $inString of $searchFor.

84 countSquareArray - Count the number of elements in a square array.

85 createEmptyFile - Create an empty file unless the file already exists and return the name of the file else confess if the file cannot be created.

86 currentDirectory - Get the current working directory.

87 currentDirectoryAbove - Get the path to the folder above the current working folder.

88 cutOutImagesInFodtFile - Cut out the images embedded in a fodt file, perhaps produced via convertDocxToFodt, placing them in the specified folder and replacing them in the source file with:

<image href="$imageFile" outputclass="imageType">.

89 Data::Exchange::Service::check - Check that we are the current incarnation of the named service with details obtained from newServiceIncarnation.

90 Data::Table::Text::Starter::averageProcessTime - Average elapsed time spent by each process.

91 Data::Table::Text::Starter::finish - Wait for all started processes to finish and return their results as an array.

92 Data::Table::Text::Starter::logEntry - Create a log entry showing progress and eta.

93 Data::Table::Text::Starter::say - Write to the log file if it is available.

94 Data::Table::Text::Starter::start - Start a new process to run the specified $sub.

95 Data::Table::Text::Starter::waitOne - Wait for at least one process to finish and consolidate its results.

96 dateStamp - Year-monthName-day.

97 dateTimeStamp - Year-monthNumber-day at hours:minute:seconds.

98 dateTimeStampName - Date time stamp without white space.

99 ddd - Dump data.

100 decodeBase64 - Decode an Ascii $string in base 64.

101 decodeJson - Convert a Json $string to a Perl data structure.

102 deduplicateSequentialWordsInString - Remove sequentially duplicate words in a string.

103 denormalizeFolderName - Remove any trailing folder separator from a folder name.

104 deSquareArray - Create a one dimensional array from a two dimensional array of arrays.

105 detagString - Remove HTML or Xml tags from a string.

106 divideCharactersIntoRanges - Divide a string of characters into ranges.

107 divideIntegersIntoRanges - Divide an array of integers into ranges.

108 docUserFlags - Generate documentation for a method by calling the extractDocumentationFlags method in the package being documented, passing it the flags for a method and the name of the method.

109 downloadGitHubPublicRepo - Get the contents of a public repo on GitHub and place them in a temporary folder whose name is returned to the caller or confess if no such repo exists.

110 downloadGitHubPublicRepoFile - Get the contents of a $user $repo $file from a public repo on GitHub and return them as a string.

111 dumpFile - Dump to a $file the referenced data $structure.

112 dumpFileAsJson - Dump to a $file the referenced data $structure represented as Json string.

113 dumpGZipFile - Write to a $file a data $structure through gzip.

114 dumpTempFile - Dump a data structure to a temporary file and return the name of the file created.

115 dumpTempFileAsJson - Dump a data structure represented as Json string to a temporary file and return the name of the file created.

116 enclosedReversedString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to enclosed reversed alphanumerics.

117 enclosedReversedStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to enclosed reversed alphanumerics.

118 enclosedString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to enclosed alphanumerics.

119 enclosedStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to enclosed alphanumerics.

120 encodeBase64 - Encode an Ascii $string in base 64.

121 encodeJson - Convert a Perl data $structure to a Json string.

122 encodeUnicodeHtmlAsAscii - Encode a Unicode string of html as Ascii by replacing unicode characters with an expression.

123 evalFile - Read a file containing Unicode content represented as utf8, "eval" in perlfunc the content, confess to any errors and then return any result with lvalue method methods to access each hash element.

124 evalFileAsJson - Read a $file containing Json and return the corresponding Perl data structure.

125 evalGZipFile - Read a file compressed with gzip containing Unicode content represented as utf8, "eval" in perlfunc the content, confess to any errors and then return any result with lvalue method methods to access each hash element.

126 evalOrConfess - Evaluate some code successfully or confess as to why it failed to evaluate successfully.

127 execPerlOnRemote - Execute some Perl $code on the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.

128 expandNewLinesInDocumentation - Expand new lines in documentation, specifically for new line and

for two new lines.

129 expandWellKnownUrlsInDitaFormat - Expand short url names found in a string in the format L[url-name] in the L[Dita] xrefformat.

130 expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFormat - Expand short url names found in a string in the format L[url-name] using the html a tag.

131 expandWellKnownUrlsInHtmlFromPerl - Expand short url names found in a string in the format L[url-name] using the html a tag.

132 expandWellKnownUrlsInPerlFormat - Expand short url names found in a string in the format L<url-name> using the Perl POD syntax.

133 expandWellKnownUrlsInPod2Html - Expand short url names found in a string in the format =begin html format.

134 expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsAndAddTocToMakeANewHtmlFile - Expand well known words found in a '.

135 expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInHtmlFormat - Expand words found in a string using the html a tag to supply a definition of that word.

136 expandWellKnownWordsAsUrlsInMdFormat - Expand words found in a string using the md url to supply a definition of that word.

137 expandWellKnownWordsInMarkDownFile - Expand well known words in a mark down file.

138 extractCodeBlock - Extract the block of code delimited by $comment, starting at qq($comment-begin), ending at qq($comment-end) from the named $file else the current Perl program $0 and return it as a string or confess if this is not possible.

139 extractPodDocumentation - Extract pod from a file

140 extractPythonDocumentationFromFiles - Extract python documentation from the specified files.

141 extractTest - Remove example markers from test code.

142 fe - Get the extension of a file name.

143 fff - Confess a message with a line position and a file that Geany will jump to if clicked on.

144 fileInWindowsFormat - Convert a unix $file name to windows format.

145 fileLargestSize - Return the largest $file.

146 fileList - Files that match a given search pattern interpreted by "bsd_glob" in perlfunc.

147 fileMd5Sum - Get the Md5 sum of the content of a $file.

148 fileModTime - Get the modified time of a $file as seconds since the epoch.

149 fileOutOfDate - Calls the specified sub $make for each source file that is missing and then again against the $target file if any of the @source files were missing or the $target file is older than any of the @source files or if the target does not exist.

150 filePath - Create a file name from a list of names.

151 filePathDir - Create a folder name from a list of names.

152 filePathExt - Create a file name from a list of names the last of which is assumed to be the extension of the file name.

153 filePathSeparatorChar - File path separator.

154 fileSize - Get the size of a $file in bytes.

155 findAllFilesAndFolders - Find all the files and folders under a folder.

156 findDirs - Find all the folders under a $folder and optionally $filter the selected folders with a regular expression.

157 findFiles - Find all the files under a $folder and optionally $filter the selected files with a regular expression.

158 findFileWithExtension - Find the first file that exists with a path and name of $file and an extension drawn from <@ext>.

159 firstFileThatExists - Returns the name of the first file from @files that exists or undef if none of the named @files exist.

160 firstNChars - First N characters of a string.

161 flattenArrayAndHashValues - Flatten an array of scalars, array and hash references to make an array of scalars by flattening the array references and hash values.

162 fn - Remove the path and extension from a file name.

163 fne - Remove the path from a file name.

164 folderSize - Get the size of a $folder in bytes.

165 forEachKeyAndValue - Iterate over a hash for each key and value.

166 formatHtmlAndTextTables - Create text and html versions of a tabular report.

167 formatHtmlAndTextTablesWaitPids - Wait on all table formatting pids to complete.

168 formatHtmlTable - Format an array of arrays of scalars as an html table using the %options described in formatTableCheckKeys.

169 formatHtmlTablesIndex - Create an index of html reports.

170 formatSourcePodAsHtml - Format the POD in the current source file as HTML.

171 formatString - Format the specified $string so it can be displayed in $width columns.

172 formatTable - Format various $data structures as a table with titles as specified by $columnTitles: either a reference to an array of column titles or a string each line of which contains the column title as the first word with the rest of the line describing that column.

173 formatTableA - Tabularize an array.

174 formatTableAA - Tabularize an array of arrays.

175 formatTableAH - Tabularize an array of hashes.

176 formatTableBasic - Tabularize an array of arrays of text.

177 formatTableCheckKeys - Options available for formatting tables.

178 formatTableClearUpLeft - Blank identical column values up and left.

179 formatTableH - Tabularize a hash.

180 formatTableHA - Tabularize a hash of arrays.

181 formatTableHH - Tabularize a hash of hashes.

182 formatTableMultiLine - Tabularize text that has new lines in it.

183 formattedTablesReport - Report of all the reports created.

184 fp - Get the path from a file name.

185 fpgaGowin - Compile verilog to a gowin device.

186 fpn - Remove the extension from a file name.

187 fullFileName - Full name of a file.

188 fullyQualifiedFile - Check whether a $file name is fully qualified or not and, optionally, whether it is fully qualified with a specified $prefix or not.

189 fullyQualifyFile - Return the fully qualified name of a file.

190 genHash - Return a $blessed hash with the specified $attributes accessible via lvalue method method calls.

191 genLValueArrayMethods - Generate lvalue method array methods in the current package.

192 genLValueHashMethods - Generate lvalue method hash methods in the current package.

193 genLValueScalarMethods - Generate lvalue method scalar methods in the current package, A method whose value has not yet been set will return a new scalar with value undef.

194 genLValueScalarMethodsWithDefaultValues - Generate lvalue method scalar methods with default values in the current package.

195 getCCompiler - Return the name of the C compiler on this system.

196 getCodeContext - Recreate the code context for a referenced sub.

197 getFieldOffsetInStructureFromIncludeFile - Get the offset of a field in a system structures from an include file.

198 getNumberOfCpus - Number of cpus.

199 getStructureSizeFromIncludeFile - Get the size of a system structure from an include file.

200 getSubName - Returns the (package, name, file, line) of a perl $sub reference.

201 getSystemConstantsFromIncludeFile - Get the value of the named system constants from an include file.

202 guidFromMd5 - Create a guid from an md5 hash.

203 guidFromString - Create a guid representation of the MD5 of the content of a string.

204 hashifyFolderStructure - Hashify a list of file names to get the corresponding folder structure.

205 hexToAsciiString - Decode a string of hexadecimal digits as an Ascii string.

206 hostName - The name of the host we are running on.

207 htmlToc - Generate a table of contents for some html held in a file or a string.

208 imageSize - Return (width, height) of an $image.

209 includeFiles - Read the given file and expand all lines that start "includeThisFile " with the file named by the rest of the line and keep doing this until all the included files have been expanded or a repetition is detected.

210 indentString - Indent lines contained in a string or formatted table by the specified string.

211 indexOfMax - Find the index of the maximum number in a list of numbers confessing to any ill defined values.

212 indexOfMin - Find the index of the minimum number in a list of numbers confessing to any ill defined values.

213 intersectionOfHashesAsArrays - Form the intersection of the specified hashes @h as one hash whose values are an array of corresponding values from each hash.

214 intersectionOfHashKeys - Form the intersection of the keys of the specified hashes @h as one hash whose keys represent the intersection.

215 invertHashOfHashes - Invert a hash of hashes: given {a}{b} = c return {b}{c} = c.

216 ipAddressOfHost - Get the first ip address of the specified host via Domain Name Services.

217 ipAddressViaArp - Get the ip address of a server on the local network by hostname via arp.

218 isBlank - Test whether a string is blank.

219 isFileUtf8 - Return the file name quoted if its contents are in utf8 else return undef.

220 isSubInPackage - Test whether the specified $package contains the subroutine <$sub>.

221 javaPackage - Extract the package name from a java string or file.

222 javaPackageAsFileName - Extract the package name from a java string or file and convert it to a file name.

223 javaScriptExports - Extract the Javascript functions marked for export in a file or string.

224 keyCount - Count keys down to the specified level.

225 lengthOfLongestSubArray - Given an array of arrays find the length of the longest sub array.

226 lll - Log messages with a time stamp and originating file and line number.

227 loadArrayArrayFromLines - Load an array of arrays from lines of text: each line is an array of words.

228 loadArrayFromLines - Load an array from lines of text in a string.

229 loadArrayHashFromLines - Load an array of hashes from lines of text: each line is a hash of words.

230 loadHash - Load the specified blessed $hash generated with genHash with %attributes.

231 loadHashArrayFromLines - Load a hash of arrays from lines of text: the first word of each line is the key, the remaining words are the array contents.

232 loadHashFromLines - Load a hash: first word of each line is the key and the rest is the value.

233 loadHashHashFromLines - Load a hash of hashes from lines of text: the first word of each line is the key, the remaining words are the sub hash contents.

234 lpad - Left Pad the specified $string to a multiple of the specified $length with blanks or the specified padding character to a multiple of a specified length.

235 makeDieConfess - Force die to confess where the death occurred.

236 makePath - Make the path for the specified file name or folder on the local machine.

237 makePathRemote - Make the path for the specified $file or folder on the Amazon Web Services instance whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.

238 matchPath - Return the deepest folder that exists along a given file name path.

239 mathematicalBoldItalicString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Bold Italic.

240 mathematicalBoldItalicStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Bold Italic.

241 mathematicalBoldString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Bold.

242 mathematicalBoldStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Bold.

243 mathematicalItalicString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Italic.

244 mathematicalMonoSpaceString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical MonoSpace.

245 mathematicalMonoSpaceStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical MonoSpace.

246 mathematicalSansSerifBoldItalicString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Bold Italic.

247 mathematicalSansSerifBoldItalicStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Bold Italic.

248 mathematicalSansSerifBoldString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Bold.

249 mathematicalSansSerifBoldStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Bold.

250 mathematicalSansSerifItalicString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Italic.

251 mathematicalSansSerifItalicStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif Italic.

252 mathematicalSansSerifString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif.

253 mathematicalSansSerifStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to Unicode Mathematical Sans Serif.

254 max - Find the maximum number in a list of numbers confessing to any ill defined values.

255 maximumLineLength - Find the longest line in a $string.

256 md5FromGuid - Recover an md5 sum from a guid.

257 mergeFolder - Copy the $source folder into the $target folder retaining any existing files not replaced by copied files.

258 mergeFolderFromRemote - Merge the specified $Source folder from the corresponding remote folder on the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.

259 mergeHashesBySummingValues - Merge a list of hashes @h by summing their values.

260 microSecondsSinceEpoch - Micro seconds since unix epoch.

261 min - Find the minimum number in a list of numbers confessing to any ill defined values.

262 mmm - Log messages with a differential time in milliseconds and originating file and line number.

263 moveFileNoClobber - Rename the $source file, which must exist, to the $target file but only if the $target file does not exist already.

264 moveFileWithClobber - Rename the $source file, which must exist, to the $target file but only if the $target file does not exist already.

265 nameFromFolder - Create a name from the last folder in the path of a file name.

266 nameFromString - Create a readable name from an arbitrary string of text.

267 nameFromStringRestrictedToTitle - Create a readable name from a string of text that might contain a title tag - fall back to nameFromString if that is not possible.

268 newProcessStarter - Create a new process starter with which to start parallel processes up to a specified $maximumNumberOfProcesses maximum number of parallel processes at a time, wait for all the started processes to finish and then optionally retrieve their saved results as an array from the folder named by $transferArea.

269 newServiceIncarnation - Create a new service incarnation to record the start up of a new instance of a service and return the description as a Data::Exchange::Service Definition hash.

270 newUdsr - Create a communicator - a means to communicate between processes on the same machine via Udsr::read and Udsr::write.

271 newUdsrClient - Create a new communications client - a means to communicate between processes on the same machine via Udsr::read and Udsr::write.

272 newUdsrServer - Create a communications server - a means to communicate between processes on the same machine via Udsr::read and Udsr::write.

273 numberOfCpus - Number of cpus scaled by an optional factor - but only if you have nproc.

274 numberOfLinesInFile - Return the number of lines in a file.

275 numberOfLinesInString - The number of lines in a string.

276 numberWithCommas - Place commas in a number.

277 nws - Normalize white space in a string to make comparisons easier.

278 onAws - Returns 1 if we are on AWS else return 0.

279 onAwsPrimary - Return 1 if we are on Amazon Web Services and we are on the primary session instance as defined by awsParallelPrimaryInstanceId, return 0 if we are on a secondary session instance, else return undef if we are not on Amazon Web Services.

280 onAwsSecondary - Return 1 if we are on Amazon Web Services but we are not on the primary session instance as defined by awsParallelPrimaryInstanceId, return 0 if we are on the primary session instance, else return undef if we are not on Amazon Web Services.

281 onMac - Are we on mac.

282 onWindows - Are we on windows.

283 overrideAndReabsorbMethods - Override methods down the list of @packages then reabsorb any unused methods back up the list of packages so that all the packages have the same methods as the last package with methods from packages mentioned earlier overriding methods from packages mentioned later.

284 overrideMethods - For each method, if it exists in package $from then export it to package $to replacing any existing method in $to, otherwise export the method from package $to to package $from in order to merge the behavior of the $from and $to packages with respect to the named methods with duplicates resolved if favour of package $from.

285 overWriteBinaryFile - Write to $file, after creating a path to the file with makePath if necessary, the binary content in $string.

286 overWriteFile - Write to a $file, after creating a path to the $file with makePath if necessary, a $string of Unicode content encoded as utf8.

287 overWriteHtmlFile - Write an HTML file to /var/www/html and make it readable.

288 overWritePerlCgiFile - Write a Perl file to /usr/lib/cgi-bin and make it executable after checking it for syntax errors.

289 packBySize - Given $N buckets and a list @sizes of ([size of file, name of file].

290 pad - Pad the specified $string to a multiple of the specified $length with blanks or the specified padding character to a multiple of a specified length.

291 parseCommandLineArguments - Call the specified $sub after classifying the specified array of [arguments] in $args into positional and keyword parameters.

292 parseDitaRef - Parse a dita reference $ref into its components (file name, topic id, id) .

293 parseFileName - Parse a file name into (path, name, extension) considering .

294 parseIntoWordsAndStrings - Parse a $string into words and quoted strings.

295 parseS3BucketAndFolderName - Parse an S3 bucket/folder name into a bucket and a folder name removing any initial s3://.

296 parseXmlDocType - Parse an Xml DOCTYPE and return a hash indicating its components.

297 partitionStringsOnPrefixBySize - Partition a hash of strings and associated sizes into partitions with either a maximum size $maxSize or only one element; the hash %Sizes consisting of a mapping {string=>size}; with each partition being named with the shortest string prefix that identifies just the strings in that partition.

298 perlPackage - Extract the package name from a perl string or file.

299 powerOfTwo - Test whether a number $n is a power of two, return the power if it is else undef.

300 ppp - Pad the specified $string to a multiple of the specified $length with blanks or the specified padding character to a multiple of a specified length.

301 prefferedFileName - Normalize a file name.

302 printQw - Print an array of words in qw() format.

303 processFilesInParallel - Process files in parallel using (8 * the number of CPUs) processes with the process each file is assigned to depending on the size of the file so that each process is loaded with approximately the same number of bytes of data in total from the files it processes.

304 processJavaFilesInParallel - Process java files of known size in parallel using (the number of CPUs) processes with the process each item is assigned to depending on the size of the java item so that each process is loaded with approximately the same number of bytes of data in total from the java files it processes.

305 processSizesInParallel - Process items of known size in parallel using (8 * the number of CPUs) processes with the process each item is assigned to depending on the size of the item so that each process is loaded with approximately the same number of bytes of data in total from the items it processes.

306 processSizesInParallelN - Process items of known size in parallel using the specified number $N processes with the process each file is assigned to depending on the size of the file so that each process is loaded with approximately the same number of bytes of data in total from the files it processes.

307 quoteFile - Quote a file name.

308 randomizeArray - Randomize an array.

309 readBinaryFile - Read a binary file on the local machine.

310 readFile - Return the content of a file residing on the local machine interpreting the content of the file as utf8.

311 readFileFromRemote - Copy and read a $file from the remote machine whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp and return the content of $file interpreted as utf8 .

312 readFiles - Read all the files in the specified list of folders into a hash.

313 readGZipFile - Read the specified file containing compressed Unicode content represented as utf8 through gzip.

314 readStdIn - Return the contents of STDIN and return the results as either an array or a string.

315 readUtf16File - Read a file containing Unicode encoded in utf-16.

316 rectangularArray - Create a two dimensional rectangular array whose first dimension is $first from a one dimensional linear array.

317 rectangularArray2 - Create a two dimensional rectangular array whose second dimension is $second from a one dimensional linear array.

318 reinstateWellKnown - Contract references to well known Urls to their abbreviated form.

319 relFromAbsAgainstAbs - Relative file from one absolute file $a against another $b.

320 reloadHashes - Ensures that all the hashes within a tower of data structures have LValue methods to get and set their current keys.

321 reloadHashes2 - Ensures that all the hashes within a tower of data structures have LValue methods to get and set their current keys.

322 removeDuplicatePrefixes - Remove duplicated leading directory names from a file name.

323 removeFilePathsFromStructure - Remove all file paths from a specified $structure to make said $structure testable with "is_deeply" in Test::More.

324 removeFilePrefix - Removes a file $prefix from an array of @files.

325 renormalizeFolderName - Normalize a folder name by ensuring it has a single trailing directory separator.

326 replaceStringWithString - Replace all instances in $string of $source with $target.

327 reportAttributes - Report the attributes present in a $sourceFile.

328 reportAttributeSettings - Report the current values of the attribute methods in the calling file and optionally write the report to $reportFile.

329 reportExportableMethods - Report the exportable methods marked with #e in a $sourceFile.

330 reportReplacableMethods - Report the replaceable methods marked with #r in a $sourceFile.

331 reportSettings - Report the current values of parameterless subs.

332 retrieveFile - Retrieve a $file created via Storable.

333 runInParallel - Process the elements of an array in parallel using a maximum of $maximumNumberOfProcesses processes.

334 runInSquareRootParallel - Process the elements of an array in square root parallel using a maximum of $maximumNumberOfProcesses processes.

335 s3Delete - Return an S3 --delete keyword from an S3 option set.

336 s3DownloadFolder - Download a specified $folder on S3 to a $local folder using the specified %options if any.

337 s3FileExists - Return (name, size, date, time) for a $file that exists on S3 else () using the specified %options if any.

338 s3ListFilesAndSizes - Return {file=>size} for all the files in a specified $folderOrFile on S3 using the specified %options if any.

339 s3Profile - Return an S3 profile keyword from an S3 option set.

340 s3ReadFile - Read from a $file on S3 and write the contents to a local file $local using the specified %options if any.

341 s3ReadString - Read from a $file on S3 and return the contents as a string using specified %options if any.

342 s3WriteFile - Write to a file $fileS3 on S3 the contents of a local file $fileLocal using the specified %options if any.

343 s3WriteString - Write to a $file on S3 the contents of $string using the specified %options if any.

344 s3ZipFolder - Zip the specified $source folder and write it to the named $target file on S3.

345 s3ZipFolders - Zip local folders and upload them to S3 in parallel.

346 saveAwsDomain - Make the server at Amazon Web Services with the given domain name the default primary server as used by all the methods whose names end in r or Remote.

347 saveAwsIp - Make the server at Amazon Web Services with the given IP address the default primary server as used by all the methods whose names end in r or Remote.

348 saveCodeToS3 - Save source code every $saveCodeEvery seconds by zipping folder $folder to zip file $zipFileName then saving this zip file in the specified S3 $bucket using any additional S3 parameters in $S3Parms.

349 saveSourceToS3 - Save source code.

350 searchDirectoryTreeForSubFolders - Search the specified directory under the specified folder for sub folders.

351 searchDirectoryTreesForMatchingFiles - Search the specified directory trees for the files (not folders) that match the specified extensions.

352 setCombination - Count the elements in sets @s represented as arrays of strings and/or the keys of hashes.

353 setDifference - Subtract the keys in the second set represented as a hash from the first set represented as a hash to create a new hash showing the set difference between the two.

354 setFileExtension - Given a $file, change its extension to $extension.

355 setIntersection - Intersection of sets @s represented as arrays of strings and/or the keys of hashes.

356 setIntersectionOverUnion - Returns the size of the intersection over the size of the union of one or more sets @s represented as arrays and/or hashes.

357 setPackageSearchOrder - Set a package search order for methods requested in the current package via AUTOLOAD.

358 setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnion - Partition, at a level of $confidence between 0 and 1, a set of sets @sets so that within each partition the setIntersectionOverUnion of any two sets in the partition is never less than the specified level of $confidence**2.

359 setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfHashStringSets - Partition, at a level of $confidence between 0 and 1, a set of sets $hashSet represented by a hash, each hash value being a string containing words and punctuation, each word possibly capitalized, so that within each partition the setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfSetsOfWords of any two sets of words in the partition is never less than the specified $confidence**2 and the partition entries are the hash keys of the string sets.

360 setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfHashStringSetsInParallel - Partition, at a level of $confidence between 0 and 1, a set of sets $hashSet represented by a hash, each hash value being a string containing words and punctuation, each word possibly capitalized, so that within each partition the setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfSetsOfWords of any two sets of words in the partition is never less than the specified $confidence**2 and the partition entries are the hash keys of the string sets.

361 setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfSetsOfWords - Partition, at a level of $confidence between 0 and 1, a set of sets @sets of words so that within each partition the setIntersectionOverUnion of any two sets of words in the partition is never less than the specified $confidence**2.

362 setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfStringSets - Partition, at a level of $confidence between 0 and 1, a set of sets @strings, each set represented by a string containing words and punctuation, each word possibly capitalized, so that within each partition the setPartitionOnIntersectionOverUnionOfSetsOfWords of any two sets of words in the partition is never less than the specified $confidence**2.

363 setPermissionsForFile - Apply chmod to a $file to set its $permissions.

364 setUnion - Union of sets @s represented as arrays of strings and/or the keys of hashes.

365 showGotVersusWanted - Show the difference between the wanted string and the wanted string.

366 showHashes - Create a map of all the keys within all the hashes within a tower of data structures.

367 showHashes2 - Create a map of all the keys within all the hashes within a tower of data structures.

368 spellCheck - Spell checker

369 squareArray - Create a two dimensional square array from a one dimensional linear array.

370 startProcess - Start new processes while the number of child processes recorded in %$pids is less than the specified $maximum.

371 storeFile - Store into a $file, after creating a path to the file with makePath if necessary, a data $structure via Storable.

372 stringMd5Sum - Get the Md5 sum of a $string that might contain utf8 code points.

373 stringsAreNotEqual - Return the common start followed by the two non equal tails of two non equal strings or an empty list if the strings are equal.

374 subNameTraceBack - Find the names of the calling subroutines and return them as a blank separated string of names.

375 subScriptString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to sub scripts.

376 subScriptStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to sub scripts.

377 sumAbsAndRel - Combine zero or more absolute and relative names of @files starting at the current working folder to get an absolute file name.

378 summarizeColumn - Count the number of unique instances of each value a column in a table assumes.

379 superScriptString - Convert alphanumerics in a string to super scripts.

380 superScriptStringUndo - Undo alphanumerics in a string to super scripts.

381 swapFilePrefix - Swaps the start of a $file name from a $known name to a $new one if the file does in fact start with the $known name otherwise returns the original file name as it is.

382 swapFolderPrefix - Given a $file, swap the folder name of the $file from $known to $new if the file $file starts with the $known folder name else return the $file as it is.

383 syncFromS3InParallel - Download from S3 by using "aws s3 sync --exclude '*' --include '.

384 syncToS3InParallel - Upload to S3 by using "aws s3 sync --exclude '*' --include '.

385 temporaryFile - Create a new, empty, temporary file.

386 temporaryFolder - Create a new, empty, temporary folder.

387 timeStamp - Hours:minute:seconds.

388 transitiveClosure - Transitive closure of a hash of hashes.

389 trim - Remove any white space from the front and end of a string.

390 Udsr::kill - Kill a communications server.

391 Udsr::read - Read a message from the newUdsrServer or the newUdsrClient.

392 Udsr::webUser - Create a systemd installed server that processes http requests using a specified userid.

393 Udsr::write - Write a communications message to the newUdsrServer or the newUdsrClient.

394 unbless - Remove the effects of bless from a Perl data $structure enabling it to be converted to Json or compared with Test::More::is_deeply.

395 unionOfHashesAsArrays - Form the union of the specified hashes @h as one hash whose values are a array of corresponding values from each hash.

396 unionOfHashKeys - Form the union of the keys of the specified hashes @h as one hash whose keys represent the union.

397 uniqueNameFromFile - Create a unique name from a file name and the md5 sum of its content.

398 updateDocumentation - Update the documentation for a Perl module from the comments in its source code.

399 updatePerlModuleDocumentation - Update the documentation in a $perlModule and display said documentation in a web browser.

400 userId - Get or confirm the userid we are currently running under.

401 validateHash - Confess if the specified hash does not have all of the specified keys.

402 versionCode - YYYYmmdd-HHMMSS.

403 versionCodeDashed - YYYY-mm-dd-HH:MM:SS.

404 waitForAllStartedProcessesToFinish - Wait until all the processes started by startProcess have finished.

405 wellKnownUrls - Short names for some well known urls.

406 writeBinaryFile - Write to a new $file, after creating a path to the file with makePath if necessary, the binary content in $string.

407 writeFile - Write to a new $file, after creating a path to the $file with makePath if necessary, a $string of Unicode content encoded as utf8.

408 writeFiles - Write the values of a $hash reference into files identified by the key of each value using overWriteFile optionally swapping the prefix of each file from $old to $new.

409 writeFileToRemote - Write to a new $file, after creating a path to the file with makePath if necessary, a $string of Unicode content encoded as utf8 then copy the $file to the remote server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.

410 writeGZipFile - Write to a $file, after creating a path to the file with makePath if necessary, through gzip a $string whose content is encoded as utf8.

411 writeStructureTest - Write a test for a data $structure with file names in it.

412 writeTempFile - Write an array of strings as lines to a temporary file and return the file name.

413 wwwDecode - Percent decode a url $string per: https://en.

414 wwwEncode - Percent encode a url per: https://en.

415 wwwGitHubAuth - Logon as a GitHub Oauth app per: https://github.

416 xxx - Execute a shell command optionally checking its response.

417 xxxr - Execute a command $cmd via bash on the server whose ip address is specified by $ip or returned by awsIp.

418 yyy - Execute a block of shell commands line by line after removing comments - stop if there is a non zero return code from any command.

419 zzz - Execute lines of commands after replacing new lines with && then check that the pipeline execution results in a return code of zero and that the execution results match the optional regular expression if one has been supplied; confess() to an error if either check fails.


This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:

sudo cpan install Data::Table::Text



Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Philip R Brenan.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.


Thanks to the following people for their help with this module:

Testing on windows

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 20840:

Unterminated L<...> sequence

Around line 24113:

=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 2 lines of content

Around line 24117:

=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 2 lines of content