
Zero::Emulator - Assemble and emulate a program in the Zero assembly programming language


Say "hello world":

Start 1;

Out "hello World";

my $e = Execute;

is_deeply $e->out, ["hello World"];


Version 20230513.

The following sections describe the methods in each functional area of this module. For an alphabetic listing of all methods by name see Index.




Access memory


Execute assembly code in the emulator


Start the current assembly using the specified version of the Zero language. At the moment only version 1 works..

   Parameter  Description
1  $version   Version desired - at the moment only 1


if (1)                                                                            

 {Start 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out "hello World";
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["hello World"];

Add($target, $s1, $s2)

Add the source locations together and store in the result in the target area.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target address
2  $s1        Source one
3  $s2        Source two


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;

  my $a = Add 3, 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out  $a;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [5];

if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Subtract 4, 2;
  Out $a;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [2];

Subtract($target, $s1, $s2)

Subtract the second source address from the first and store in the result in the target area.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target address
2  $s1        Source one
3  $s2        Source two


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;

  my $a = Subtract 4, 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out $a;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [2];


Create a new memory area and write its number into the address named by the target operand.

   Parameter  Description
1  $name      Name of allocation


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;

  my $a = Array "aaa";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Mov [$a, 0, "aaa"], 1;
    Mov [$a, 1, "aaa"], 22;
    Mov [$a, 2, "aaa"], 333;
  my $n = ArraySize $a, "aaa";
  Out $n;

   {my ($i, $e, $check, $next, $end) = @_;
    IfGt $i, 1,
     {Trace 1;
    Out $i; Out $e;
   }  $a, "aaa";

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->memory, {1=>[1, 22, 333]};

  is_deeply $e->out,
 [3, 0, 1, 1, 22,
  "Trace: 1",
  "  37    14     1         trace                      
  "  38    15     3         label                      
  "  39    16     3           out                      
  "  40    17     3           out                      
  "  41    18     3         label                      
  "  42    19     3           inc  [0, 3, stackArea] = 3 was 2
  "  43    20     3           jmp                      
  "  44     9     4         label                      
  "  45    10     4           jGe                      
  "  46    21     1         label                      
  "  47    22     1           nop                      

Free($target, $source)

Free the memory area named by the target operand after confirming that it has the name specified on the source operand.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target area yielding the id of the area to be freed
2  $source    Source area yielding the name of the area to be freed


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "node";

  Free $a, "aaa";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out, [
  "Wrong name: aaa for array with name: node",
  "    1     2 free",

if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "node";
  Out $a;
  Mov [$a, 1, 'node'], 1;
  Mov [$a, 2, 'node'], 2;
  Mov 1, [$a, \1, 'node'];
  Dump "dddd";

  Free $a, "node";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out, [
  "-2=bless([], \"return\")",
  "-1=bless([], \"params\")",
  "0=bless([1, 1], \"stackArea\")",
  "1=bless([undef, 1, 2], \"node\")",
  "Stack trace",
  "    1     6 dump",

ArraySize($area, $name)

The current size of an array

   Parameter  Description
1  $area      Location of area
2  $name      Name of area


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
    Mov [$a, 0, "aaa"], 1;
    Mov [$a, 1, "aaa"], 22;
    Mov [$a, 2, "aaa"], 333;

  my $n = ArraySize $a, "aaa";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out $n;

   {my ($i, $e, $check, $next, $end) = @_;
    IfGt $i, 1,
     {Trace 1;
    Out $i; Out $e;
   }  $a, "aaa";

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->memory, {1=>[1, 22, 333]};

  is_deeply $e->out,
 [3, 0, 1, 1, 22,
  "Trace: 1",
  "  37    14     1         trace                      
  "  38    15     3         label                      
  "  39    16     3           out                      
  "  40    17     3           out                      
  "  41    18     3         label                      
  "  42    19     3           inc  [0, 3, stackArea] = 3 was 2
  "  43    20     3           jmp                      
  "  44     9     4         label                      
  "  45    10     4           jGe                      
  "  46    21     1         label                      
  "  47    22     1           nop                      


Find the 1 based index of the second source operand in the array referenced by the first source operand if it is present in the array else 0 into the target location. The business of returning -1 leads to the inferno of try catch.


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  Mov [$a, 0, "aaa"], 10;
  Mov [$a, 1, "aaa"], 20;
  Mov [$a, 2, "aaa"], 30;

  Out ArrayIndex $a, 30;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out ArrayIndex $a, 20;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out ArrayIndex $a, 10;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out ArrayIndex $a, 15;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out ArrayCountLess $a, 35;
  Out ArrayCountLess $a, 25;
  Out ArrayCountLess $a, 15;
  Out ArrayCountLess $a,  5;

  Out ArrayCountGreater $a, 35;
  Out ArrayCountGreater $a, 25;
  Out ArrayCountGreater $a, 15;
  Out ArrayCountGreater $a,  5;

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [3,2,1,0,  3,2,1,0, 0,1,2,3];


Count the number of elements in the array specified by the first source operand that are less than the element supplied by the second source operand and place the result in the target location


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  Mov [$a, 0, "aaa"], 10;
  Mov [$a, 1, "aaa"], 20;
  Mov [$a, 2, "aaa"], 30;

  Out ArrayIndex $a, 30;
  Out ArrayIndex $a, 20;
  Out ArrayIndex $a, 10;
  Out ArrayIndex $a, 15;

  Out ArrayCountLess $a, 35;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out ArrayCountLess $a, 25;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out ArrayCountLess $a, 15;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out ArrayCountLess $a,  5;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out ArrayCountGreater $a, 35;
  Out ArrayCountGreater $a, 25;
  Out ArrayCountGreater $a, 15;
  Out ArrayCountGreater $a,  5;

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [3,2,1,0,  3,2,1,0, 0,1,2,3];


Count the number of elements in the array specified by the first source operand that are greater than the element supplied by the second source operand and place the result in the target location


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  Mov [$a, 0, "aaa"], 10;
  Mov [$a, 1, "aaa"], 20;
  Mov [$a, 2, "aaa"], 30;

  Out ArrayIndex $a, 30;
  Out ArrayIndex $a, 20;
  Out ArrayIndex $a, 10;
  Out ArrayIndex $a, 15;

  Out ArrayCountLess $a, 35;
  Out ArrayCountLess $a, 25;
  Out ArrayCountLess $a, 15;
  Out ArrayCountLess $a,  5;

  Out ArrayCountGreater $a, 35;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out ArrayCountGreater $a, 25;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out ArrayCountGreater $a, 15;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out ArrayCountGreater $a,  5;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [3,2,1,0,  3,2,1,0, 0,1,2,3];


Call the subroutine at the target address.

   Parameter  Description
1  $p         Procedure description


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $w = Procedure 'write', sub
   {Out 'aaa';

  Call $w;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["aaa"];

if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $w = Procedure 'write', sub
   {my $a = ParamsGet 0;
    Out $a;
  ParamsPut 0, 'bbb';

  Call $w;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["bbb"];

if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $w = Procedure 'write', sub
   {ReturnPut 0, "ccc";

  Call $w;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ReturnGet \0, 0;
  Out \0;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["ccc"];

if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  Dump "dddd";
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [
  "-2=bless([], \"return\")",
  "-1=bless([], \"params\")",
  "0=bless([1], \"stackArea\")",
  "1=bless([], \"aaa\")",
  "Stack trace",
  "    1     2 dump",

if (1)                                                                              
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  my $i = Mov 1;
  my $v = Mov 11;
  ParamsPut 0, $a;
  ParamsPut 1, $i;
  ParamsPut 2, $v;
  my $set = Procedure 'set', sub
   {my $a = ParamsGet 0;
    my $i = ParamsGet 1;
    my $v = ParamsGet 2;
    Mov [$a, \$i, 'aaa'], $v;

  Call $set;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $V = Mov [$a, \$i, 'aaa'];
  AssertEq $v, $V;
  Out [$a, \$i, 'aaa'];
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [11];

if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $set = Procedure 'set', sub
   {my $a = ParamsGet 0;
  ParamsPut 0, 1;

  Call $set;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ParamsPut 0, 1;

  Call $set;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [];




if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $c = Procedure 'confess', sub

   {Confess;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Call $c;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out, ["Confess at:", "    2     3 confess", "    1     6 call"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲



Dump memory.

   Parameter  Description
1  $title     Title


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "node";
  Out $a;
  Mov [$a, 1, 'node'], 1;
  Mov [$a, 2, 'node'], 2;
  Mov 1, [$a, \1, 'node'];

  Dump "dddd";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Free $a, "node";
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out, [
  "-2=bless([], \"return\")",
  "-1=bless([], \"params\")",
  "0=bless([1, 1], \"stackArea\")",
  "1=bless([undef, 1, 2], \"node\")",
  "Stack trace",
  "    1     6 dump",

DumpArray($target, $title)

Dump an array.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Array to dump
2  $title     Title of dump


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
    Mov [$a, 0, "aaa"], 1;
    Mov [$a, 1, "aaa"], 22;
    Mov [$a, 2, "aaa"], 333;

  DumpArray $a, "AAAA";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out,
  "bless([1, 22, 333], \"aaa\")",
  "Stack trace",
  "    1     5 dumpArray",



   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Trace setting


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;

  Trace 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfEq 1, 2,
   {Mov 1, 1;
    Mov 2, 1;
   {Mov 3, 3;
    Mov 4, 4;
  IfEq 2, 2,
   {Mov 1, 1;
    Mov 2, 1;
   {Mov 3, 3;
    Mov 4, 4;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply scalar($e->out->@*), 14;


Enable trace points.

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Trace points if true


if (1)                                                                          
 {my $N = 5;
  Start 1;

  TracePoints 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {my $a = Mov 1;
    Inc $a;
   } $N;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [

  "TracePoints: 1",  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  "    1     6 tracePoint",
  "    1     6 tracePoint",
  "    1     6 tracePoint",
  "    1     6 tracePoint",
  "    1     6 tracePoint",


Decrement the target.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target address


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 3;

  Dec $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out $a;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [2];


Increment the target.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target address


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 3;

  Inc $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out $a;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [4];


Jump to a label.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target address


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;

  Jmp (my $a = label);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Out  1;

    Jmp (my $b = label);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Out  2;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [2];

Jle($target, $source, $source2)

Jump to a target label if the first source field is less than or equal to the second source field.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target label
2  $source    Source to test
3  $source2


if (1)                                                                                 
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  my $b = Array "bbb";
  Mov [$a, 0, 'aaa'], $b;
  Mov [$b, 0, 'bbb'], 99;
   {my ($i, $check, $next, $end) = @_;
    my $c = Mov [$a, \0, 'aaa'];
    my $d = Mov [$c, \0, 'bbb'];
    Jeq $next, $d, $d;
    Jne $next, $d, $d;

    Jle $next, $d, $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Jlt $next, $d, $d;
    Jge $next, $d, $d;
    Jgt $next, $d, $d;
   } 3;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->analyzeExecutionResults(doubleWrite=>3), "#       24 instructions executed";
  is_deeply $e->memory, { 1=>  bless([2], "aaa"), 2=>  bless([99], "bbb") };

Jlt($target, $source, $source2)

Jump to a target label if the first source field is less than the second source field.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target label
2  $source    Source to test
3  $source2


if (1)                                                                                 
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  my $b = Array "bbb";
  Mov [$a, 0, 'aaa'], $b;
  Mov [$b, 0, 'bbb'], 99;
   {my ($i, $check, $next, $end) = @_;
    my $c = Mov [$a, \0, 'aaa'];
    my $d = Mov [$c, \0, 'bbb'];
    Jeq $next, $d, $d;
    Jne $next, $d, $d;
    Jle $next, $d, $d;

    Jlt $next, $d, $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Jge $next, $d, $d;
    Jgt $next, $d, $d;
   } 3;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->analyzeExecutionResults(doubleWrite=>3), "#       24 instructions executed";
  is_deeply $e->memory, { 1=>  bless([2], "aaa"), 2=>  bless([99], "bbb") };

Jge($target, $source, $source2)

Jump to a target label if the first source field is greater than or equal to the second source field.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target label
2  $source    Source to test
3  $source2


if (1)                                                                                 
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  my $b = Array "bbb";
  Mov [$a, 0, 'aaa'], $b;
  Mov [$b, 0, 'bbb'], 99;
   {my ($i, $check, $next, $end) = @_;
    my $c = Mov [$a, \0, 'aaa'];
    my $d = Mov [$c, \0, 'bbb'];
    Jeq $next, $d, $d;
    Jne $next, $d, $d;
    Jle $next, $d, $d;
    Jlt $next, $d, $d;

    Jge $next, $d, $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Jgt $next, $d, $d;
   } 3;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->analyzeExecutionResults(doubleWrite=>3), "#       24 instructions executed";
  is_deeply $e->memory, { 1=>  bless([2], "aaa"), 2=>  bless([99], "bbb") };

Jgt($target, $source, $source2)

Jump to a target label if the first source field is greater than the second source field.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target label
2  $source    Source to test
3  $source2


if (1)                                                                                 
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  my $b = Array "bbb";
  Mov [$a, 0, 'aaa'], $b;
  Mov [$b, 0, 'bbb'], 99;
   {my ($i, $check, $next, $end) = @_;
    my $c = Mov [$a, \0, 'aaa'];
    my $d = Mov [$c, \0, 'bbb'];
    Jeq $next, $d, $d;
    Jne $next, $d, $d;
    Jle $next, $d, $d;
    Jlt $next, $d, $d;
    Jge $next, $d, $d;

    Jgt $next, $d, $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   } 3;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->analyzeExecutionResults(doubleWrite=>3), "#       24 instructions executed";
  is_deeply $e->memory, { 1=>  bless([2], "aaa"), 2=>  bless([99], "bbb") };

Jeq($target, $source, $source2)

Jump to a target label if the first source field is equal to the second source field.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target label
2  $source    Source to test
3  $source2


if (1)                                                                                 
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  my $b = Array "bbb";
  Mov [$a, 0, 'aaa'], $b;
  Mov [$b, 0, 'bbb'], 99;
   {my ($i, $check, $next, $end) = @_;
    my $c = Mov [$a, \0, 'aaa'];
    my $d = Mov [$c, \0, 'bbb'];

    Jeq $next, $d, $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Jne $next, $d, $d;
    Jle $next, $d, $d;
    Jlt $next, $d, $d;
    Jge $next, $d, $d;
    Jgt $next, $d, $d;
   } 3;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->analyzeExecutionResults(doubleWrite=>3), "#       24 instructions executed";
  is_deeply $e->memory, { 1=>  bless([2], "aaa"), 2=>  bless([99], "bbb") };

Jne($target, $source, $source2)

Jump to a target label if the first source field is not equal to the second source field.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target label
2  $source    Source to test
3  $source2


if (1)                                                                                 
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  my $b = Array "bbb";
  Mov [$a, 0, 'aaa'], $b;
  Mov [$b, 0, 'bbb'], 99;
   {my ($i, $check, $next, $end) = @_;
    my $c = Mov [$a, \0, 'aaa'];
    my $d = Mov [$c, \0, 'bbb'];
    Jeq $next, $d, $d;

    Jne $next, $d, $d;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Jle $next, $d, $d;
    Jlt $next, $d, $d;
    Jge $next, $d, $d;
    Jgt $next, $d, $d;
   } 3;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->analyzeExecutionResults(doubleWrite=>3), "#       24 instructions executed";
  is_deeply $e->memory, { 1=>  bless([2], "aaa"), 2=>  bless([99], "bbb") };

JFalse($target, $source)

Jump to a target label if the first source field is equal to zero

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target label
2  $source    Source to test


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;
    JTrue $end, $a;
    Out 1;
   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;

    JFalse $end, $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Out 2;
  Mov $a, 0;
   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;
    JTrue $end, $a;
    Out 3;
   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;

    JFalse $end, $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Out 4;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [2, 3];

JTrue($target, $source)

Jump to a target label if the first source field is not equal to zero

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target label
2  $source    Source to test


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;

    JTrue $end, $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Out 1;
   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;
    JFalse $end, $a;
    Out 2;
  Mov $a, 0;
   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;

    JTrue $end, $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Out 3;
   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;
    JFalse $end, $a;
    Out 4;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [2, 3];


Create a label..

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Name of label


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  Mov 0, 1;
  Jlt ((my $a = label), \0, 2);
    Out  1;
    Jmp (my $b = label);
    Out  2;

  Jgt ((my $c = label), \0, 3);
    Out  1;
    Jmp (my $d = label);
    Out  2;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [2,1];

if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  Mov 0, 0;
  my $a = setLabel;
    Out \0;
    Inc \0;
  Jlt $a, \0, 10;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [0..9];


Clear the first bytes of an area. The area is specified by the first element of the address, the number of locations to clear is specified by the second element of the target address..

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target address


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";

  Clear [$a, 10, 'aaa'];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->memory->{1}, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];


Load the address component.


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "array";
  my $b = Mov 2;
  my $c = Mov 5;

  my $d = LeAddress $c;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $f = LeArea    [$a, \0, 'array'];
  Out $d;
  Out $f;
  Mov [$a, \$b, 'array'], 22;
  Mov [$a, \$c, 'array'], 33;
  Mov [$f, \$d, 'array'], 44;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out,    [2,1];
  is_deeply $e->memory, {1=>[undef, undef, 44, undef, undef, 33]};


Load the address component.


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "array";
  my $b = Mov 2;
  my $c = Mov 5;
  my $d = LeAddress $c;

  my $f = LeArea    [$a, \0, 'array'];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out $d;
  Out $f;
  Mov [$a, \$b, 'array'], 22;
  Mov [$a, \$c, 'array'], 33;
  Mov [$f, \$d, 'array'], 44;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out,    [2,1];
  is_deeply $e->memory, {1=>[undef, undef, 44, undef, undef, 33]};


Copy a constant or memory address to the target address.


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;

  my $a = Mov 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out $a;

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [2];

 {Start 1;                                                                      

if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";

  Mov     [$a,  1, "aaa"],  11;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Mov  1, [$a, \1, "aaa"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out \1;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [11];

if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "alloc";

  my $b = Mov 99;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $c = Mov $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Mov [$a, 0, 'alloc'], $b;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Mov [$c, 1, 'alloc'], 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok Execute(memory=>  { 1=>  bless([99, 2], "alloc") });

if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  Dump "dddd";
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [
  "-2=bless([], \"return\")",
  "-1=bless([], \"params\")",
  "0=bless([1], \"stackArea\")",
  "1=bless([], \"aaa\")",
  "Stack trace",
  "    1     2 dump",

if (1)                                                                              
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";

  my $i = Mov 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $v = Mov 11;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ParamsPut 0, $a;
  ParamsPut 1, $i;
  ParamsPut 2, $v;
  my $set = Procedure 'set', sub
   {my $a = ParamsGet 0;
    my $i = ParamsGet 1;
    my $v = ParamsGet 2;

    Mov [$a, \$i, 'aaa'], $v;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Call $set;

  my $V = Mov [$a, \$i, 'aaa'];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  AssertEq $v, $V;
  Out [$a, \$i, 'aaa'];
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [11];

if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $set = Procedure 'set', sub
   {my $a = ParamsGet 0;
  ParamsPut 0, 1;
  Call $set;
  ParamsPut 0, 1;
  Call $set;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [];

if (1)                                                                                 
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  my $b = Array "bbb";

  Mov [$a, 0, 'aaa'], $b;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Mov [$b, 0, 'bbb'], 99;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {my ($i, $check, $next, $end) = @_;

    my $c = Mov [$a, \0, 'aaa'];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    my $d = Mov [$c, \0, 'bbb'];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Jeq $next, $d, $d;
    Jne $next, $d, $d;
    Jle $next, $d, $d;
    Jlt $next, $d, $d;
    Jge $next, $d, $d;
    Jgt $next, $d, $d;
   } 3;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->analyzeExecutionResults(doubleWrite=>3), "#       24 instructions executed";
  is_deeply $e->memory, { 1=>  bless([2], "aaa"), 2=>  bless([99], "bbb") };

if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array 'aaa';

  my $b = Mov 2;                                                                # Location to move to in a  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {my ($i, $check, $next, $end) = @_;

    Mov [$a, \$b, 'aaa'], 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Jeq $next, [$a, \$b, 'aaa'], 1;
   } 3;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->analyzeExecutionResults(doubleWrite=>3), "#       19 instructions executed";
  is_deeply $e->memory, {1=>  bless([undef, undef, 1], "aaa")};

if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";

    Mov [$a, 0, "aaa"], 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Mov [$a, 1, "aaa"], 22;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Mov [$a, 2, "aaa"], 333;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  DumpArray $a, "AAAA";
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out,
  "bless([1, 22, 333], \"aaa\")",
  "Stack trace",
  "    1     5 dumpArray",


Move and not.


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 3;

  my $b = Not $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $c = Not $b;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out $a;
  Out $b;
  Out $c;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [3, "", 1];


Do nothing (but do it well!).


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;

  Nop;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ok Execute(out=>[]);


Write memory contents to out.

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Either a scalar constant or memory address to output


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;

  Out "hello World";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["hello World"];

Procedure($name, $source)

Define a procedure.

   Parameter  Description
1  $name      Name of procedure
2  $source    Source code as a subroutine# $assembly->instruction(action=>"procedure"


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;

  my $add = Procedure 'add2', sub  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {my $a = ParamsGet 0;
    my $b = Add $a, 2;
    ReturnPut 0, $b;
  ParamsPut 0, 2;
  Call $add;
  my $c = ReturnGet 0;
  Out $c;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [4];

if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  for my $i(1..10)
   {Out $i;
  IfTrue 0,
   {Out 99;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [1..10];


Get a word from the parameters in the previous frame and store it in the current frame.


if (1)                                                                              
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  my $i = Mov 1;
  my $v = Mov 11;
  ParamsPut 0, $a;
  ParamsPut 1, $i;
  ParamsPut 2, $v;
  my $set = Procedure 'set', sub

   {my $a = ParamsGet 0;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    my $i = ParamsGet 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    my $v = ParamsGet 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Mov [$a, \$i, 'aaa'], $v;
  Call $set;
  my $V = Mov [$a, \$i, 'aaa'];
  AssertEq $v, $V;
  Out [$a, \$i, 'aaa'];
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [11];

ParamsPut($target, $source)

Put a word into the parameters list to make it visible in a called procedure.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Parameter number
2  $source    Address to fetch parameter from


if (1)                                                                              
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  my $i = Mov 1;
  my $v = Mov 11;

  ParamsPut 0, $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ParamsPut 1, $i;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  ParamsPut 2, $v;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $set = Procedure 'set', sub
   {my $a = ParamsGet 0;
    my $i = ParamsGet 1;
    my $v = ParamsGet 2;
    Mov [$a, \$i, 'aaa'], $v;
  Call $set;
  my $V = Mov [$a, \$i, 'aaa'];
  AssertEq $v, $V;
  Out [$a, \$i, 'aaa'];
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [11];


Return from a procedure via the call stack.


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $w = Procedure 'write', sub
   {Out 'aaa';

    Return;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Call $w;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["aaa"];

ReturnGet(if (@_ == 1))

Get a word from the return area and save it.

   Parameter     Description
1  if (@_ == 1)  Create a variable


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $w = Procedure 'write', sub
   {ReturnPut 0, "ccc";
  Call $w;

  ReturnGet \0, 0;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out \0;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["ccc"];

ReturnPut($target, $source)

Put a word into the return area.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Offset in return area to write to
2  $source    Memory address whose contents are to be placed in the return area


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $w = Procedure 'write', sub

   {ReturnPut 0, "ccc";  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Call $w;
  ReturnGet \0, 0;
  Out \0;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["ccc"];

Resize($target, $source)

Resize the target area to the source size.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target address
2  $source    Source address


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array 'aaa';
  Mov [$a, 0, 'aaa'], 1;
  Mov [$a, 1, 'aaa'], 2;
  Mov [$a, 2, 'aaa'], 3;

  Resize $a, 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->memory, {1=>  [1, 2]};

Pop(if (@_ == 0))

Pop the memory area specified by the source operand into the memory address specified by the target operand.

   Parameter     Description
1  if (@_ == 0)  Pop current stack frame into a local variable


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
  Push $a, 1;
  Push $a, 2;

  my $c = Pop $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $d = Pop $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out $c;
  Out $d;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out,    [2, 1];
  is_deeply $e->memory, { 1=>  []};


Push the value in the current stack frame specified by the source operand onto the memory area identified by the target operand..


if (1)                                                                           
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";

  Push $a, 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Push $a, 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $c = Pop $a;
  my $d = Pop $a;

  Out $c;
  Out $d;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out,    [2, 1];
  is_deeply $e->memory, { 1=>  []};

ShiftLeft(my ($target, $source)

Shift left within an element.

   Parameter    Description
1  my ($target  Target to shift
2  $source      Amount to shift


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;

  ShiftLeft $a, $a;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out $a;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [2];

ShiftRight(my ($target, $source)

Shift right with an element.

   Parameter    Description
1  my ($target  Target to shift
2  $source      Amount to shift


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 4;

  ShiftRight $a, 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out $a;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [2];

ShiftUp($target, $source)

Shift an element up one in an area.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Target to shift
2  $source    Amount to shift


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "array";
  Mov [$a, 0, 'array'], 0;
  Mov [$a, 1, 'array'], 1;
  Mov [$a, 2, 'array'], 2;

  ShiftUp [$a, 1, 'array'], 99;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->memory, {1=>[0, 99, 1, 2]};

ShiftDown(if (@_ == 1))

Shift an element down one in an area.

   Parameter     Description
1  if (@_ == 1)  Create a variable


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "array";
  Mov [$a, 0, 'array'], 0;
  Mov [$a, 1, 'array'], 99;
  Mov [$a, 2, 'array'], 2;

  my $b = ShiftDown [$a, \1, 'array'];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Out $b;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->memory, {1=>[0, 2]};
  is_deeply $e->out,    [99];


Shift an element down one in an area.

   Parameter  Description
1  $target    Memory address to watch


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  my $c = Mov 3;

  Watch $b;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  Mov $a, 4;
  Mov $b, 5;
  Mov $c, 6;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out,
  "Change at watched area: 0 (stackArea), address: 1
  "    1     6 mov",
  "Current value: 2",
  "New     value: 5",
  "-2=bless([], \"return\")",
  "-1=bless([], \"params\")",
  "0=bless([4, 2, 3], \"stackArea\")",


Counts instructions when enabled.

   Parameter  Description
1  $source    Tally instructions when true


if (1)                                                                           
 {my $N = 5;
  Start 1;

   {Tally 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    my $a = Mov 1;

    Tally 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

    Inc $a;

    Tally 0;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   } $N;
  my $e = Execute;

  is_deeply $e->tallyCount, 2 * $N;
  is_deeply $e->tallyCounts,{ 1 => {mov => $N}, 2 => {inc => $N}};


Then block.

   Parameter  Description
1  $t         Then block subroutine


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  Trace 1;
  IfEq 1, 2,

  Then  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {Mov 1, 1;
    Mov 2, 1;
   {Mov 3, 3;
    Mov 4, 4;
  IfEq 2, 2,

  Then  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {Mov 1, 1;
    Mov 2, 1;
   {Mov 3, 3;
    Mov 4, 4;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply scalar($e->out->@*), 14;


Else block.

   Parameter  Description
1  $e         Else block subroutine


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  Trace 1;
  IfEq 1, 2,
   {Mov 1, 1;
    Mov 2, 1;

  Else  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {Mov 3, 3;
    Mov 4, 4;
  IfEq 2, 2,
   {Mov 1, 1;
    Mov 2, 1;

  Else  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {Mov 3, 3;
    Mov 4, 4;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply scalar($e->out->@*), 14;

IfFalse($a, %options)

Execute then clause if the specified memory address is zero representing false.

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         Memory address
2  %options   Then block


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;

  IfFalse 1,  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {Out 1
   {Out 0
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [0];

IfTrue($a, %options)

Execute then clause if the specified memory address is not zero representing true.

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         Memory address
2  %options   Then block


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;

  IfTrue 1,  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {Out 1
   {Out 0
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [1];

IfEq($a, $b, %options)

Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are equal..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options   Then block


if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;

  IfEq $a, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfNe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $a, $a, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $a, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $a, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Eq", "Le", "Ge"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;

  IfEq $a, $b, Then {Out "Eq"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfNe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $a, $b, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $a, $b, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $a, $b, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Le", "Lt"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;

  IfEq $b, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfNe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $b, $a, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $b, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $b, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Ge", "Gt"];

IfNe($a, $b, %options)

Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are not equal..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options   Then block


if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $a, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};

  IfNe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfLe $a, $a, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $a, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $a, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Eq", "Le", "Ge"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $a, $b, Then {Out "Eq"};

  IfNe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ne"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfLe $a, $b, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $a, $b, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $a, $b, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Le", "Lt"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $b, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};

  IfNe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfLe $b, $a, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $b, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $b, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Ge", "Gt"];

IfLt($a, $b, %options)

Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are less than..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options   Then block


if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $a, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $a, $a, Then {Out "Le"};

  IfLt $a, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfGe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $a, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Eq", "Le", "Ge"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $a, $b, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $a, $b, Then {Out "Le"};

  IfLt $a, $b, Then {Out "Lt"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfGe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $a, $b, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Le", "Lt"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $b, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $b, $a, Then {Out "Le"};

  IfLt $b, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfGe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $b, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Ge", "Gt"];

IfLe($a, $b, %options)

Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are less than or equal..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options   Then block


if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $a, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};

  IfLe $a, $a, Then {Out "Le"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfLt $a, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $a, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Eq", "Le", "Ge"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $a, $b, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ne"};

  IfLe $a, $b, Then {Out "Le"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfLt $a, $b, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $a, $b, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Le", "Lt"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $b, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};

  IfLe $b, $a, Then {Out "Le"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfLt $b, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};
  IfGt $b, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Ge", "Gt"];

IfGt($a, $b, %options)

Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are greater than..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options   Then block


if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $a, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $a, $a, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $a, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};

  IfGt $a, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Eq", "Le", "Ge"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $a, $b, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $a, $b, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $a, $b, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ge"};

  IfGt $a, $b, Then {Out "Gt"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Le", "Lt"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $b, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $b, $a, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $b, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};
  IfGe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};

  IfGt $b, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Ge", "Gt"];

IfGe($a, $b, %options)

Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are greater than or equal..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options   Then block


if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $a, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $a, $a, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $a, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};

  IfGe $a, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfGt $a, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Eq", "Le", "Ge"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $a, $b, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $a, $b, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $a, $b, Then {Out "Lt"};

  IfGe $a, $b, Then {Out "Ge"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfGt $a, $b, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Le", "Lt"];

if (1)                                                                                   
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Mov 1;
  my $b = Mov 2;
  IfEq $b, $a, Then {Out "Eq"};
  IfNe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ne"};
  IfLe $b, $a, Then {Out "Le"};
  IfLt $b, $a, Then {Out "Lt"};

  IfGe $b, $a, Then {Out "Ge"};  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  IfGt $b, $a, Then {Out "Gt"};
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Ne", "Ge", "Gt"];


Assert regardless.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;

  Assert;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);

  is_deeply $e->out, ["Assert failed", "    1     1 assert"];  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲


AssertEq($a, $b, %options)

Assert two memory locations are equal..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  Mov 0, 1;

  AssertEq \0, 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Assert 1 == 2 failed", "    1     2 assertEq"];

AssertNe($a, $b, %options)

Assert two memory locations are not equal..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  Mov 0, 1;

  AssertNe \0, 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Assert 1 != 1 failed", "    1     2 assertNe"];

AssertLt($a, $b, %options)

Assert two memory locations are less than..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  Mov 0, 1;

  AssertLt \0, 0;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Assert 1 <  0 failed", "    1     2 assertLt"];

AssertLe($a, $b, %options)

Assert two memory locations are less than or equal..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  Mov 0, 1;

  AssertLe \0, 0;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Assert 1 <= 0 failed", "    1     2 assertLe"];

AssertGt($a, $b, %options)

Assert two memory locations are greater than..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  Mov 0, 1;

  AssertGt \0, 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Assert 1 >  2 failed", "    1     2 assertGt"];

AssertGe($a, $b, %options)

Assert are greater than or equal..

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         First memory address
2  $b         Second memory address
3  %options


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  Mov 0, 1;

  AssertGe \0, 2;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, ["Assert 1 >= 2 failed", "    1     2 assertGe"];

AssertTrue($a, %options)

Assert true

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         Source operand
2  %options


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  AssertFalse 0;

  AssertTrue  0;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1, trace=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out,
[ "   1     0     1   assertFalse                      

  "AssertTrue 0 failed",  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  "    1     2 assertTrue",
  "   2     1     1    assertTrue                      

AssertFalse($a, %options)

Assert false

   Parameter  Description
1  $a         Source operand
2  %options


if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;
  AssertTrue  1;

  AssertFalse 1;  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1, trace=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out,
[ "   1     0     1    assertTrue                      

  "AssertFalse 1 failed",  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  "    1     2 assertFalse",
  "   2     1     1   assertFalse                      


For($block, $range, %options)

For loop 0..range-1 or in reverse.

   Parameter  Description
1  $block     Block
2  $range     Limit
3  %options   Options


if (1)                                                                           
 {my $N = 5;
  Start 1;

  For  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {Tally 1;
    my $a = Mov 1;
    Tally 2;
    Inc $a;
    Tally 0;
   } $N;
  my $e = Execute;

  is_deeply $e->tallyCount, 2 * $N;
  is_deeply $e->tallyCounts,{ 1 => {mov => $N}, 2 => {inc => $N}};

ForArray($block, $area, $name, %options)

For loop to process each element of the named area.

   Parameter  Description
1  $block     Block of code
2  $area      Area
3  $name      Area name
4  %options   Options


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  my $a = Array "aaa";
    Mov [$a, 0, "aaa"], 1;
    Mov [$a, 1, "aaa"], 22;
    Mov [$a, 2, "aaa"], 333;
  my $n = ArraySize $a, "aaa";
  Out $n;

  ForArray  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {my ($i, $e, $check, $next, $end) = @_;
    IfGt $i, 1,
     {Trace 1;
    Out $i; Out $e;
   }  $a, "aaa";

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->memory, {1=>[1, 22, 333]};

  is_deeply $e->out,
 [3, 0, 1, 1, 22,
  "Trace: 1",
  "  37    14     1         trace                      
  "  38    15     3         label                      
  "  39    16     3           out                      
  "  40    17     3           out                      
  "  41    18     3         label                      
  "  42    19     3           inc  [0, 3, stackArea] = 3 was 2
  "  43    20     3           jmp                      
  "  44     9     4         label                      
  "  45    10     4           jGe                      
  "  46    21     1         label                      
  "  47    22     1           nop                      


A good ending.

   Parameter  Description
1  $good      What to do on a good ending


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;
    Out 1;
    Jmp $good;

  Good  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {Out 2;
   {Out 3;
  Out 4;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [1,2,4];


A bad ending.

   Parameter  Description
1  $bad       What to do on a bad ending


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;
    Out 1;
    Jmp $good;
   {Out 2;

  Bad  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {Out 3;
  Out 4;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [1,2,4];

Block($block, %options)

Block of code that can either be restarted or come to a good or a bad ending.

   Parameter  Description
1  $block     Block
2  %options   Options


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;

  Block  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;
    Out 1;
    Jmp $good;
   {Out 2;
   {Out 3;
  Out 4;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [1,2,4];

if (1)                                                                          
 {Start 1;

  Block  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

   {my ($start, $good, $bad, $end) = @_;
    Out 1;
    Jmp $bad;
   {Out 2;
   {Out 3;
  Out 4;
  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);
  is_deeply $e->out, [1,3,4];


Execute the current assembly.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Options


if (1)                                                                            
 {Start 1;
  Out "hello World";

  my $e = Execute(suppressOutput=>1);  # 𝗘𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲

  is_deeply $e->out, ["hello World"];



Private Methods

Zero::Emulator::Execution::areaContent($exec, $address)

Content of an area containing a address in memory in the specified execution.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $address   Address specification


Dump memory.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment

Zero::Emulator::Execution::analyzeExecutionResultsLeast($exec, %options)

Analyze execution results for least used code.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution results
2  %options   Options

Zero::Emulator::Execution::analyzeExecutionResultsMost($exec, %options)

Analyze execution results for most used code.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution results
2  %options   Options

Zero::Emulator::Execution::analyzeExecutionNotRead($exec, %options)

Analyze execution results for variables never read.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution results
2  %options   Options

Zero::Emulator::Execution::analyzeExecutionResultsDoubleWrite($exec, %options)

Analyze execution results - double writes.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution results
2  %options   Options

Zero::Emulator::Execution::analyzeExecutionResults($exec, %options)

Analyze execution results.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution results
2  %options   Options

Zero::Emulator::Execution::check($exec, $area, $name)

Check that a user area access is valid.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $area      Area
3  $name      Expected area name

Zero::Emulator::Execution::getMemory($exec, $area, $address, $name, %options)

Get from memory.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $area      Area
3  $address   Address
4  $name      Expected name of area
5  %options   Options

Zero::Emulator::Execution::get($exec, $area, $address)

Get from memory.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $area      Area
3  $address   Address

Zero::Emulator::Execution::set($exec, $address, $value)

Set the value of an address at the specified address in memory in the current execution environment.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $address   Address specification
3  $value     Value


Current stack frame.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment

Zero::Emulator::Execution::address($exec, $area, $address, $name)

Record a reference to memory.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $area      Area
3  $address   Address in area
4  $name      Memory

Zero::Emulator::Execution::stackTrace($exec, $title)

Create a stack trace.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $title     Title

Zero::Emulator::Execution::stackTraceAndExit($exec, $title, %options)

Create a stack trace and exit from the emulated program.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $title     Title
3  %options   Options

Zero::Emulator::Execution::allocMemory($exec, $name, $stacked)

Create the name of a new memory area.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $name      Name of allocation
3  $stacked   Stacked if true

Zero::Emulator::Execution::setMemoryType($exec, $area, $name)

Set the type of a memory area - a name that can be used to confirm the validity of reads and writes to that array represented by that area.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $area      Area name
3  $name      Name of allocation


Record the unused memory locations in the current stack frame.

Zero::Emulator::Execution::rwWrite($exec, $area, $address)

Observe write to memory.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Area in memory
2  $area      Address within area
3  $address

Zero::Emulator::Execution::markAsRead($exec, $area, $address)

Mark a memory address as having been read from.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Area in memory
2  $area      Address within area
3  $address

Zero::Emulator::Execution::rwRead($exec, $area, $address)

Observe read from memory.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Area in memory
2  $area      Address within area
3  $address

Zero::Emulator::Execution::left($exec, $ref, $extra)

Address a memory address.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Reference
2  $ref       An optional extra offset to add or subtract to the final memory address
3  $extra

Zero::Emulator::Execution::leftSuppress($exec, $ref)

Indicate that a memory address has been read.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $ref       Reference

Zero::Emulator::Execution::right($exec, $ref)

Get a constant or a memory address.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Location
2  $ref       Optional area

Zero::Emulator::Execution::jumpOp($exec, $i, $check)

Jump to the target address if the tested memory area if the condition is matched.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $i         Instruction
3  $check     Check

Zero::Emulator::Execution::assert1($exec, $test, $sub)

Assert true or false

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $test      Text of test
3  $sub       Subroutine of test

Zero::Emulator::Execution::assert($exec, $test, $sub)

Assert generically.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $test      Text of test
3  $sub       Subroutine of test

Zero::Emulator::Execution::assign($exec, $target, $value)

Assign - check for pointless assignments.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $target    Target of assign
3  $value     Value to assign


Allocate system areas for a new stack frame.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment

Zero::Emulator::Execution::freeSystemAreas($exec, $c)

Free system areas for the specified stack frame.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $c         Stack frame


Locate current instruction.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment


Create the initial stack frame.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment

Zero::Emulator::Execution::checkArrayName($exec, $area, $name)

Check the name of an array

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $area      Array
3  $name      Array name

Zero::Emulator::Execution::locateAreaElement($exec, $area, $op)

Locate an element in an array

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $area      Array
3  $op        Operation

Zero::Emulator::Execution::countAreaElement($exec, $area, $op)

Count the number of elements in array that meet some specification

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution environment
2  $area      Array
3  $op        Operation

Zero::Emulator::Code::execute($block, %options)

Execute a block of code.

   Parameter  Description
1  $block     Block of code
2  %options   Execution options


Describe last memory assignment.

   Parameter  Description
1  $exec      Execution


Trace point - a point in the code where the flow of execution might change.

   Parameter  Description
1  %options   Parameters

Ifx($cmp, $a, $b, %options)

Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are equal..

   Parameter  Description
1  $cmp       Comparison
2  $a         First memory address
3  $b         Second memory address
4  %options   Then block

Assert1($op, $a)

Assert operation.

   Parameter  Description
1  $op        Operation
2  $a         Source operand

Assert2($op, $a, $b)

Assert operation.

   Parameter  Description
1  $op        Operation
2  $a         First memory address
3  $b         Second memory address


Create a variable initialized to the specified value.

   Parameter  Description
1  $value     Value


1 Add - Add the source locations together and store in the result in the target area.

2 Array - Create a new memory area and write its number into the address named by the target operand.

3 ArrayCountGreater - Count the number of elements in the array specified by the first source operand that are greater than the element supplied by the second source operand and place the result in the target location

4 ArrayCountLess - Count the number of elements in the array specified by the first source operand that are less than the element supplied by the second source operand and place the result in the target location

5 ArrayIndex - Find the 1 based index of the second source operand in the array referenced by the first source operand if it is present in the array else 0 into the target location.

6 ArraySize - The current size of an array

7 Assert - Assert regardless.

8 Assert1 - Assert operation.

9 Assert2 - Assert operation.

10 AssertEq - Assert two memory locations are equal.

11 AssertFalse - Assert false

12 AssertGe - Assert are greater than or equal.

13 AssertGt - Assert two memory locations are greater than.

14 AssertLe - Assert two memory locations are less than or equal.

15 AssertLt - Assert two memory locations are less than.

16 AssertNe - Assert two memory locations are not equal.

17 AssertTrue - Assert true

18 Bad - A bad ending.

19 Block - Block of code that can either be restarted or come to a good or a bad ending.

20 Call - Call the subroutine at the target address.

21 Clear - Clear the first bytes of an area.

22 Confess - Confess.

23 Dec - Decrement the target.

24 Dump - Dump memory.

25 DumpArray - Dump an array.

26 Else - Else block.

27 Execute - Execute the current assembly.

28 For - For loop 0.

29 ForArray - For loop to process each element of the named area.

30 Free - Free the memory area named by the target operand after confirming that it has the name specified on the source operand.

31 Good - A good ending.

32 IfEq - Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are equal.

33 IfFalse - Execute then clause if the specified memory address is zero representing false.

34 IfGe - Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are greater than or equal.

35 IfGt - Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are greater than.

36 IfLe - Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are less than or equal.

37 IfLt - Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are less than.

38 IfNe - Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are not equal.

39 IfTrue - Execute then clause if the specified memory address is not zero representing true.

40 Ifx - Execute then or else clause depending on whether two memory locations are equal.

41 Inc - Increment the target.

42 Jeq - Jump to a target label if the first source field is equal to the second source field.

43 JFalse - Jump to a target label if the first source field is equal to zero

44 Jge - Jump to a target label if the first source field is greater than or equal to the second source field.

45 Jgt - Jump to a target label if the first source field is greater than the second source field.

46 Jle - Jump to a target label if the first source field is less than or equal to the second source field.

47 Jlt - Jump to a target label if the first source field is less than the second source field.

48 Jmp - Jump to a label.

49 Jne - Jump to a target label if the first source field is not equal to the second source field.

50 JTrue - Jump to a target label if the first source field is not equal to zero

51 Label - Create a label.

52 LeAddress - Load the address component.

53 LeArea - Load the address component.

54 Mov - Copy a constant or memory address to the target address.

55 Nop - Do nothing (but do it well!).

56 Not - Move and not.

57 Out - Write memory contents to out.

58 ParamsGet - Get a word from the parameters in the previous frame and store it in the current frame.

59 ParamsPut - Put a word into the parameters list to make it visible in a called procedure.

60 Pop - Pop the memory area specified by the source operand into the memory address specified by the target operand.

61 Procedure - Define a procedure.

62 Push - Push the value in the current stack frame specified by the source operand onto the memory area identified by the target operand.

63 Resize - Resize the target area to the source size.

64 Return - Return from a procedure via the call stack.

65 ReturnGet - Get a word from the return area and save it.

66 ReturnPut - Put a word into the return area.

67 ShiftDown - Shift an element down one in an area.

68 ShiftLeft - Shift left within an element.

69 ShiftRight - Shift right with an element.

70 ShiftUp - Shift an element up one in an area.

71 Start - Start the current assembly using the specified version of the Zero language.

72 Subtract - Subtract the second source address from the first and store in the result in the target area.

73 Tally - Counts instructions when enabled.

74 Then - Then block.

75 Trace - Trace.

76 TracePoint - Trace point - a point in the code where the flow of execution might change.

77 TracePoints - Enable trace points.

78 Var - Create a variable initialized to the specified value.

79 Watch - Shift an element down one in an area.

80 Zero::Emulator::Code::execute - Execute a block of code.

81 Zero::Emulator::Execution::address - Record a reference to memory.

82 Zero::Emulator::Execution::allocateSystemAreas - Allocate system areas for a new stack frame.

83 Zero::Emulator::Execution::allocMemory - Create the name of a new memory area.

84 Zero::Emulator::Execution::analyzeExecutionNotRead - Analyze execution results for variables never read.

85 Zero::Emulator::Execution::analyzeExecutionResults - Analyze execution results.

86 Zero::Emulator::Execution::analyzeExecutionResultsDoubleWrite - Analyze execution results - double writes.

87 Zero::Emulator::Execution::analyzeExecutionResultsLeast - Analyze execution results for least used code.

88 Zero::Emulator::Execution::analyzeExecutionResultsMost - Analyze execution results for most used code.

89 Zero::Emulator::Execution::areaContent - Content of an area containing a address in memory in the specified execution.

90 Zero::Emulator::Execution::assert - Assert generically.

91 Zero::Emulator::Execution::assert1 - Assert true or false

92 Zero::Emulator::Execution::assign - Assign - check for pointless assignments.

93 Zero::Emulator::Execution::check - Check that a user area access is valid.

94 Zero::Emulator::Execution::checkArrayName - Check the name of an array

95 Zero::Emulator::Execution::countAreaElement - Count the number of elements in array that meet some specification

96 Zero::Emulator::Execution::createInitialStackEntry - Create the initial stack frame.

97 Zero::Emulator::Execution::currentInstruction - Locate current instruction.

98 Zero::Emulator::Execution::dumpMemory - Dump memory.

99 Zero::Emulator::Execution::formatTrace - Describe last memory assignment.

100 Zero::Emulator::Execution::freeSystemAreas - Free system areas for the specified stack frame.

101 Zero::Emulator::Execution::get - Get from memory.

102 Zero::Emulator::Execution::getMemory - Get from memory.

103 Zero::Emulator::Execution::jumpOp - Jump to the target address if the tested memory area if the condition is matched.

104 Zero::Emulator::Execution::left - Address a memory address.

105 Zero::Emulator::Execution::leftSuppress - Indicate that a memory address has been read.

106 Zero::Emulator::Execution::locateAreaElement - Locate an element in an array

107 Zero::Emulator::Execution::markAsRead - Mark a memory address as having been read from.

108 Zero::Emulator::Execution::notRead - Record the unused memory locations in the current stack frame.

109 Zero::Emulator::Execution::right - Get a constant or a memory address.

110 Zero::Emulator::Execution::rwRead - Observe read from memory.

111 Zero::Emulator::Execution::rwWrite - Observe write to memory.

112 Zero::Emulator::Execution::set - Set the value of an address at the specified address in memory in the current execution environment.

113 Zero::Emulator::Execution::setMemoryType - Set the type of a memory area - a name that can be used to confirm the validity of reads and writes to that array represented by that area.

114 Zero::Emulator::Execution::stackArea - Current stack frame.

115 Zero::Emulator::Execution::stackTrace - Create a stack trace.

116 Zero::Emulator::Execution::stackTraceAndExit - Create a stack trace and exit from the emulated program.


This module is written in 100% Pure Perl and, thus, it is easy to read, comprehend, use, modify and install via cpan:

sudo cpan install Zero::Emulator



Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Philip R Brenan.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.