Xacobeo::XS - Functions rewritten in XS.


use Xacobeo::XS;

Xacobeo::XS->load_text_buffer($textview->get_buffer, $node, $namespaces);
Xacobeo::XS->load_tree_store($treeview->get_store, $node, $namespaces);


This package provides some functions that are implemented through XS. These functions are much faster than their Perl counterpart.


The following class methods are available:


Populates a Gtk2::TextBuffer with the contents of an XML::LibXML::Node. The elements and attributes are displayed with the prefix corresponding to their respective namespaces. The XML document is also displayed with proper syntax highlighting.


  • $buffer

    The text buffer to fill. Must be an instance of Gtk2::TextBuffer.

  • $node

    The node to display in the the text view. Must be an instance of XML::LibXML::Node.

  • $namespaces

    The namespaces declared in the document. Must be an hash ref where the keys are the URIs and the values the prefixes of the namespaces.


Populates a Gtk2::TreeStore with the contents of an XML::LibXML::Node. The tree will display only the nodes of type element. Furthermore, the elements are displayed with the prefix corresponding to their respective namespaces.


  • $store

    The text store to fill. Must be an instance of Gtk2::TreeStore.

  • $node

    The node to display in the the tree view. Must be an instance of XML::LibXML::Node.

  • $namespaces

    The namespaces declared in the document. Must be an hash ref where the keys are the URIs and the values the prefixes of the namespaces.


Returns a unique identifier for the given node.



Returns a unique XPath path for the given XML::LibXML::Node. The path will use node names using the right prefixes.


  • $node

    The node for which the path has to be computed. Must be an instance of XML::LibXML::Node.

  • $namespaces

    The namespaces declared in the document. Must be an hash ref where the keys are the URIs and the values the prefixes of the namespaces.


Emmanuel Rodriguez <>.


Copyright (C) 2008,2009 by Emmanuel Rodriguez.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 64:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 100:

Expected '=item *'

Around line 155:

Expected '=item *'