Changes for version 0.05 - 2009-01-05

  • New release with all the changes from the 0.05_XX releases.

Changes for version 0.04_02 - 2008-11-28

  • Issue 15: In the README it says perl Makefile.PL but there is only Build.PL.
  • Issue 16: SVG icons are not supported by all installations of GTK.

Changes for version 0.04_01 - 2008-11-27

  • Speed improvement: the namespaces are found through XPath.
  • RT #41178: notify user that the xpath is not correct (patch by Jozef Kutej).
  • RT #41180: show tree element in results text view (patch by Jozef Kutej).
  • RT #41187: include filename in application title (patch by Jozef Kutej).


Graphical interface for running XPath queries.


XPath (XML Path Language) visualizer.
An XML document and it's related information.
The DOM model used for the TreeView.
A custom made timer.
The graphical interface of the application.
Utilities shared among the project.
Functions rewritten in XS.