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orgadb-sel - Select entries and fields from Org addressbook


This document describes version 0.017 of orgadb-sel (from Perl distribution App-orgadb), released on 2023-08-05.


orgadb-sel [--category=str_or_re|-c=str_or_re] [--clipboard=str|-Y|--clipboard-only|-y] [--color-theme=perl::colortheme::modname_with_optional_args] [--color=str] [(--config-path=path)+|--no-config] [--config-profile=profile|-P] [--count] [--debug|--log-level=level|--quiet|--trace|--verbose] [--detail|-l|--no-detail|--nodetail] [--field-value-formatter-rules=hash] [(--field-value-formatter=str)+|(-f=str)+|--format-phone|(--fvfmt=str)+|--remove-comments|--remove-nondigits|--remove-whitespaces] [(--field=str_or_re)+] [(--file=filename)+] [(--filter-entries-by-field=str)+] [--format=name|--json] [--hide-category|-C] [--hide-entry|-E] [--hide-field-name|-N] [--(no)naked-res] [--no-env] [--no-field-value-formatters|-F|--raw-field-values] [--num-entries=uint] [--num-fields=uint|-1|-n=uint] [--page-result[=program]|--view-result[=program]] [--reload-files-on-change|--no-reload-files-on-change|--noreload-files-on-change] [--shell|-s] -- [entry] [field] ...

First, create a configuration file ~/.config/orgadb.conf containing something like the following (use INI syntax, or IOD to be more exact):

; specify your addressbook files here
files = ~/
files = /path/to/

Suppose you have ~/ like the following (entries are written as level-2 headings, level 1 is used for categories, hierarchical categories can be written using breadcrumb-style notation with ">" separator):

* family
** iwan
- home phone :: 555-1234-567
- cell :: 555-8765-432
- address ::
  + street :: Jl Mangga 123
  + city :: Bandung
  + postcode :: 40123
  + country :: Indonesia
** restu
- cell :: 555-1234-568
** satya

* family > wife's
** roger
** emily
** cynthia

* work > acme inc
** bugs
** daffy

* work > acme inc > ex
** marvin

* work > newsradio
** dave
** lisa
- cell :: 555-1234-710
- home phone :: 555-1234-712
- note ::
  + [2022-07-03] :: do not call after office hours
** joe
- cell :: 555-1234-569
- cell :: 555-1234-570
** beth

* work > newsradio > ex
** matthew

Listing all entries

To list all entries (categories will be shown as path prefix):

% orgadb-sel
** family/iwan
** family/restu
** family/satya
** family > wife's/roger
** family > wife's/emily
** family > wife's/cynthia
** work > acme inc/bugs
** work > acme inc/daffy
** work > acme inc > ex/ marvin
** work > newsradio/dave
** work > newsradio/lisa
** work > newsradio/joe
** work > newsradio/beth
** work > newsradio > ex/matthew

Searching entries by name

To list entries that match the string 'sa':

% orgadb-sel sa
** family/satya
** work > newsradio/lisa

To hide the category prefix, use -C (--hide-category):

% orgadb-sel -C sa
** satya
** lisa

Filtering entries by categories

To only include entries that have certain category name, use the -c option:

% orgadb-sel sa -c work; # search for entries 'sa' from category 'work'
** work > newsradio/lisa

% orgadb-sel -c work; # list all entries from category 'work'
** work > newsradio/dave
** work > newsradio/lisa
** work > newsradio/joe
** work > newsradio/beth
** work > newsradio > ex/matthew

To display Lisa's full entry:

% orgadb-sel lisa -l
** work > newsradio/lisa
- cell :: 555-1234-710
- home phone :: 555-1234-712
- note ::
  + [2022-07-03] :: do not call after office hours

% orgadb-sel lisa -Cl  ;# do not show the category
** lisa
- cell :: 555-1234-710
- home phone :: 555-1234-712
- note ::
  + [2022-07-03] :: do not call after office hours

% orgadb-sel lisa -El  ;# do not show the entry line
- cell :: 555-1234-710
- home phone :: 555-1234-712
- note ::
  + [2022-07-03] :: do not call after office hours

Filtering entries by the fields they have

Aside from by category, we can filter entries by the fields they have. For example, to only list entries that have 'bank information' field:

% orgadb-sel --filter-entries-by-fields '/bank information/'

Another example, to only include entries that have 'deceased' field set to 'true' or 'y/'yes':

% orgadb-sel --filter-entries-by-fields '/deceased/ = /(?:true|yes|y)/i'

Searching fields

To get Lisa's cell phone number (search against field name):

% orgadb-sel lisa cell
** work > newsradio/lisa
- cell :: 555-1234-710

To get Lisa's cell phone number (only the number, without the entry headline or the field name):

% orgadb-sel lisa cell -E -N

To get all Lisa's phone numbers:

% orgadb-sel lisa -E '/phone|cell/'
- cell :: 555-1234-710
- home phone :: 555-1234-712

You can also search subfields. For example, to show Iwan's postcode field value under the address field:

% orgadb-sel iwan address postcode -EN


You can apply one or more formatters to field values:

% orgadb-sel lisa cell --formatter Str::remove_non_digit -EN

Copying to clipboard

Instead of just displaying result to terminal, you can instruct to also copy matching field values to clipboard with the `--clipboard=tee` (`-y`) option:

% orgadb-sel lisa cell -y
** work > newsradio/lisa
- cell :: 555-1234-710

(and clipboard will contain 555-1234-710).

You can also instruct to only output matching field values to clipboard and not print matching fields to terminal using the `--clipboard=only` (`-Y`) option:

% orgadb-sel lisa cell -Y
** work > newsradio/lisa

(and clipboard will contain 555-1234-710).

Shell mode

Instead of selecting one time and exiting, you can instruct orgadb-sel to enter shell mode, where you can issue multiple select commands without re-reading the Org addressbook files repeatedly. For example:

% orgadb-sel -s
> select lisa
> select lisa -l
> select lisa cell -E -N
> exit

% _

When the addressbook files change on disk, the files will be re-read.

Password book

Aside from a regular addressbook, you can also use orgadb-sel with password books (a file you store passwords in). orgadb-sel can read GnuPG-encrypted files, where the decrypted content is read into memory and not stored in temporary files. You can then use shell mode (-s) to repeatedly query the password book without re-reading and re-decrypting everytime. For example, suppose you have a password book like this:

# -*- Mode: org -*-
* persona > perlancar
** google (perlancar)
- username :: perlancar
- pass :: secret1
- security question :: favorite dog in the whole wide world?
- security answer :: impossible to pick one
- log ::
  + [2022-07-04 Mon] :: change password
  + [2017-08-01] :: create
** twitter (perlancar)
- username :: perlancar
- pass :: secret2
* persona > steven
** google (steven123123)
- username :: steven123123
- phone :: 555-123-2345
- pass :: secret3

and you store it in ~/passwords.gpg. Then to query passwords:

# What's my (perlancar)'s google password?
% orgadb-sel -f ~/passwords.gpg /google.+perlancar/ pass -EN

# What's my (steven)'s phone used in the google account?
% orgadb-sel -f ~/passwords.gpg /google.+steven/ '/phone|cell/' -EN

Or, in shell mode:

% orgadb-sel -f ~/passwords.gpg -s
> select /google.+perlancar/ pass -EN
> select /google.+steven/ '/phone|cell/' -EN
> exit

% _

The --clipboard=only (-Y) option is handy when querying password book; you can choose to output field values only to clipboard instead of to terminal:

# What's my (perlancar)'s google password?
% orgadb-sel -f ~/passwords.gpg /google.+perlancar/ pass -EN -Y


App::orgadb is a set of CLIs for addressbook written in Org format. It currently contains:

  • orgadb-sel

    CLI to list/select addressbook entries and fields.

The addressbook must be written following a certain structure, as shown in the Synopsis. The first heading level is for putting categories. The second heading level is where you put all your entries. Fields are written in description list.


Aliasing orgadb-sel to a shorter command name

If you are like me and you select from addressbooks a lot, you might want to alias orgadb-sel to a shorter name, e.g. sel. To do this, create this script somewhere in your PATH:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# FRAGMENT id=shcompgen-hint command=orgadb-sel
exec "orgadb-sel", @ARGV;

The # FRAGMENT line is optional (it's useful if you use shcompgen). In your bash startup file, put something like:

complete -C orgadb-sel sel

or if you shcompgen, run shcompgen gen sel instead.

Tab completion

The script provides tab completion for category, entry, and field, so you can type:

% orgadb-sel --category <tab>        ;# see what categories are available
% orgadb-sel lis<tab>                ;# complete with entries matching 'lis'
% orgadb-sel lisa <tab>              ;# complete with available fields of /lisa/ entries

Using field formatters

Suppose you want to format phone number using international notation:

% orgadb-sel lisa phone -f Phone::format

Using default field formatter rules

Instead of specifying formatters everytime, you can setup rules for default formatters in the configuration file:

default_formatter_rules={"hide_field_name":true, "formatters":["Str::remove_comment"]}
default_formatter_rules={"field_name_matches":"/te?lp|wa|phone|whatsapp|hp/i","hide_field_name":true,  "formatters":["Phone::format_idn_nospace"]}
default_formatter_rules={"field_name_matches":"/te?lp|wa|phone|whatsapp|hp/i","hide_field_name":false, "formatters":["Phone::format_idn"]}

and after this, when you select they will automatically be applied when selecting matching fields:

% orgadb-sel lisa phone

To disable formatters, use --no-formatters (-F).

Copying to clipboard

Instead of manually copy-pasting the result of orgadb-sel using your mouse in the terminal and pasting to other GUI application (like LibreOffice Writer/Calc, WhatsApp Web in Firefox, or whatever), you can instruct orgadb-sel to copy to clipboard for you:

% orgadb-sel -c lisa phone


* marks required options.

Main options


Return just the number of matching entries instead of showing them.

Color options


See --color-theme.


(No description)


Whether to use color.

Default value:


Valid values:


Configuration options


Set path to configuration file.

Can actually be specified multiple times to instruct application to read from multiple configuration files (and merge them).

Can be specified multiple times.

--config-profile=s, -P

Set configuration profile to use.

A single configuration file can contain profiles, i.e. alternative sets of values that can be selected. For example:



When you specify --config-profile=dev, username will be set to foo and password to beaver. When you specify --config-profile=production, username will be set to bar and password to honey.


Do not use any configuration file.

If you specify --no-config, the application will not read any configuration file.

Entry selection options


Find entry by string or regex search against its title.

Can also be specified as the 1st command-line argument.


Find entry by the fields or subfields it has.

The format of each entry_by_field is one of:

str = str2
str = /re2/
/re/ = str2
/re/ = /re2/

That is, it can search for a string (str) or regex (re) in the field name, and optionally also search for a string (str2) or regex (re2) in the field value.

Can be specified multiple times.


Find entry by the fields or subfields it has (JSON-encoded).

See --filter-entries-by-field.

Environment options


Do not read environment for default options.

If you specify --no-env, the application wil not read any environment variable.

Field selection options


Find (sub)fields by string or regex search.

Can also be specified as the 2nd command-line argument and onwards.

Can be specified multiple times.


Find (sub)fields by string or regex search (JSON-encoded).

See --field.

Can also be specified as the 2nd command-line argument and onwards.

Filter options

--category=s, -c

Find entry by string or regex search against the category title.

Input options


Path to addressbook file.

Can be specified multiple times.


Path to addressbook files (JSON-encoded).

See --file.


(No description)

Logging options


Shortcut for --log-level=debug.


Set log level.

By default, these log levels are available (in order of increasing level of importance, from least important to most): trace, debug, info, warn/warning, error, fatal. By default, the level is usually set to warn, which means that log statements with level info and less important levels will not be shown. To increase verbosity, choose info, debug, or trace.

For more details on log level and logging, as well as how new logging levels can be defined or existing ones modified, see Log::ger.


Shortcut for --log-level=error.


Shortcut for --log-level=trace.


Shortcut for --log-level=info.

Mode options

--shell, -s

(No description)

Output options


Shortcut for --clipboard=only.

See --clipboard.


Whether to copy matching field values to clipboard.

Valid values:


If set to tee, then will display matching fields to terminal as well as copy matching field values to clipboard.

If set to only, then will not display matching fields to terminal and will only copy matching field values to clipboard.

Mnemonic for short option -y and -Y: yank as in Emacs (C-y).

--detail, -l

Instead of showing matching field values, display the whole entry.

Mnemonic for shortcut option -l: the option -l is usually used for the short version of --detail, as in ls Unix command.


See --field-value-formatter-rules.


Specify field value formatters to use when conditions are met, specified as an array of hashes. Each element is a rule that is as a hash containing condition keys and formatters keys. If all conditions are met then the formatters will be applied. The rules will be tested when each field is about to be outputted. Multiple rules can match and the matching rules' formatters are all applied in succession.

Note that this option will be overridden by the --field-value-formatter (-fvfmt) or the --no-field-value-formatters (-F) option.

The rules are best specified in the configuration as opposed to on the command-line option. An example (the lines below are writen in configuration file in IOD syntax, as rows of JSON hashes):

; remove all comments in field values when 'hide_field_name' option is set
; (which usually means we want to copy paste things)

field_value_formatter_rules={"hide_field_name":true, "formatters":[ ["Str::remove_comment"] ]}

; normalize phone numbers using Phone::format + Str::remove_whitespace when
; 'hide_field_name' option is set (which usually means we want to copy paste
; things). e.g. '0812-1234-5678' becomes '+6281212345678'.

field_value_formatter_rules={"field_name_matches":"/phone|wa|whatsapp/i", "hide_field_name":true, "formatters":[ ["Phone::format", "Str::remove_whitespace"] ]}

; but if 'hide_field_name' field is not set, normalize phone numbers using
; Phone::format without removing whitespaces, which is easier to see (e.g.
; '+62 812 1234 5678').

field_value_formatter_rules={"field_name_matches":"/phone|wa|whatsapp/i", "hide_field_name":false, "formatters":[ ["Phone::format"] ]}

Condition keys:

  • field_name_matches (value: str/re): Check if field name matches a regex pattern.

  • hide_field_name (value: bool): Check if --hide-field-name (-N) option is set (true) or unset (false).

Formatter keys:

  • formatters: an array of formatters, to be applied. Each formatter is a name of perl Sah filter rule, or a two-element array of perl Sah filter rule name followed by hash containing arguments. See --formatter for more detais on specifying formatter.

--field-value-formatter=s@, --fvfmt, -f

Add one or more formatters to display field value.

Specify one or more formatters to apply to the field value before displaying.

A formatter is name of Data::Sah::Filter::perl::* module, without the prefix. For example: Str::uc will convert the field value to uppercase. Another formatter, Str::remove_comment can remove comment.

A formatter can have arguments, which is specified using this format:


If formatter name begins with [ character, it will be parsed as JSON. Example:

['Str::remove_comment', {'style':'cpp'}]

Note that this option overrides --field-value-formatter-rules but is overridden by the --no-field-value-formatters (--raw-field-values, -F) option.

Can be specified multiple times.


Add one or more formatters to display field value (JSON-encoded).

See --field-value-formatter.


Shortcut for --field-value-formatter Phone::format.

See --field-value-formatter.


Choose output format, e.g. json, text.

Default value:


Output can be displayed in multiple formats, and a suitable default format is chosen depending on the application and/or whether output destination is interactive terminal (i.e. whether output is piped). This option specifically chooses an output format.

--hide-category, -C

Do not show category.

--hide-entry, -E

Do not show entry headline.

--hide-field-name, -N

Do not show field names, just show field values.

Mnemonic for short option -N: field Name (uppercase letter usually means /no/).


Set output format to json.


When outputing as JSON, strip result envelope.

Default value:


By default, when outputing as JSON, the full enveloped result is returned, e.g.:


The reason is so you can get the status (1st element), status message (2nd element) as well as result metadata/extra result (4th element) instead of just the result (3rd element). However, sometimes you want just the result, e.g. when you want to pipe the result for more post-processing. In this case you can use --naked-res so you just get:

--no-field-value-formatters, --raw-field-values, -F

Do not apply formatters for field value (overrides --field-value-formatter option).

Note that this option has higher precedence than --default-field-value-formatter-rules or the --field-value-formatter (--fvfmt) option.


Specify maximum number of entries to return (0 means unlimited).

--num-fields=s, -n

Specify maximum number of fields (per entry) to return (0 means unlimited).


Filter output through a pager.

This option will pipe the output to a specified pager program. If pager program is not specified, a suitable default e.g. less is chosen.


Shortcut for --field-value-formatter Str::remove_comment.

See --field-value-formatter.


Shortcut for --field-value-formatter Str::remove_nondigit.

See --field-value-formatter.


Shortcut for --field-value-formatter Str::remove_whitespaces.

See --field-value-formatter.


View output using a viewer.

This option will first save the output to a temporary file, then open a viewer program to view the temporary file. If a viewer program is not chosen, a suitable default, e.g. the browser, is chosen.


Shortcut for --num-fields=1.

See --num-fields.


Shortcut for --clipboard=tee.

See --clipboard.


Shortcut for --clipboard=only.

See --clipboard.

Other options

--help, -h, -?

Display help message and exit.

--version, -v

Display program's version and exit.


This script has shell tab completion capability with support for several shells.


To activate bash completion for this script, put:

complete -C orgadb-sel orgadb-sel

in your bash startup (e.g. ~/.bashrc). Your next shell session will then recognize tab completion for the command. Or, you can also directly execute the line above in your shell to activate immediately.

It is recommended, however, that you install modules using cpanm-shcompgen which can activate shell completion for scripts immediately.


To activate tcsh completion for this script, put:

complete orgadb-sel 'p/*/`orgadb-sel`/'

in your tcsh startup (e.g. ~/.tcshrc). Your next shell session will then recognize tab completion for the command. Or, you can also directly execute the line above in your shell to activate immediately.

It is also recommended to install shcompgen (see above).

other shells

For fish and zsh, install shcompgen as described above.


Why doesn't 'orgadb-sel' list all my entries? It returns nothing.

% orgadb-sel
% _

Probably because the addressbook is not written following the expected structure, where the entries should be as level-2 headings. You might use the level-1 heading:

* jimmy
- cell :: 555-123-4567
* john
* jack

or use deeper-than-level-2 heading:

* friends
** high school
*** jimmy
- cell :: 555-123-4567
*** john
*** jack

This is the correct structure:

* friends > high school
** jimmy
- cell :: 555-123-4567
** john
** jack

When queried:

% orgadb-sel
friends > high school/jimmy
friends > high school/john
friends > high school/jack

Why can't I search against entry fields? It returns nothing. (I can list entries.)

% orgadb-sel jimmy cell
% _

Probably because the addressbook is not written following the expected structure, where you should use a description list. A common mistake is writing a description list like this:

** jimmy
- cell: 555-123-4567

This is still an unordered list in Org, you have to use :: (space, followed by two colons, followed by another space) as the separator:

** jimmy
- cell :: 555-123-4567


This script can read configuration files. Configuration files are in the format of IOD, which is basically INI with some extra features.

By default, these names are searched for configuration filenames (can be changed using --config-path): /home/u1/.config/orgadb.conf, /home/u1/.config/orgadb-sel.conf, /home/u1/orgadb.conf, /home/u1/orgadb-sel.conf, /etc/orgadb.conf, or /etc/orgadb-sel.conf.

All found files will be read and merged.

To disable searching for configuration files, pass --no-config.

You can put multiple profiles in a single file by using section names like [profile=SOMENAME] or [SOMESECTION profile=SOMENAME]. Those sections will only be read if you specify the matching --config-profile SOMENAME.

You can also put configuration for multiple programs inside a single file, and use filter program=NAME in section names, e.g. [program=NAME ...] or [SOMESECTION program=NAME]. The section will then only be used when the reading program matches.

You can also filter a section by environment variable using the filter env=CONDITION in section names. For example if you only want a section to be read if a certain environment variable is true: [env=SOMEVAR ...] or [SOMESECTION env=SOMEVAR ...]. If you only want a section to be read when the value of an environment variable equals some string: [env=HOSTNAME=blink ...] or [SOMESECTION env=HOSTNAME=blink ...]. If you only want a section to be read when the value of an environment variable does not equal some string: [env=HOSTNAME!=blink ...] or [SOMESECTION env=HOSTNAME!=blink ...]. If you only want a section to be read when the value of an environment variable includes some string: [env=HOSTNAME*=server ...] or [SOMESECTION env=HOSTNAME*=server ...]. If you only want a section to be read when the value of an environment variable does not include some string: [env=HOSTNAME!*=server ...] or [SOMESECTION env=HOSTNAME!*=server ...]. Note that currently due to simplistic parsing, there must not be any whitespace in the value being compared because it marks the beginning of a new section filter or section name.

To load and configure plugins, you can use either the -plugins parameter (e.g. -plugins=DumpArgs or -plugins=DumpArgs@before_validate_args), or use the [plugin=NAME ...] sections, for example:



which is equivalent to setting -plugins=-DumpArgs@before_validate_args@99,-Foo@after_validate_args,arg1,val1,arg2,val2.

List of available configuration parameters:

category (see --category)
clipboard (see --clipboard)
color (see --color)
color_theme (see --color-theme)
count (see --count)
detail (see --detail)
entry (see --entry)
field_value_formatter_rules (see --field-value-formatter-rules)
field_value_formatters (see --field-value-formatter)
fields (see --field)
files (see --file)
filter_entries_by_fields (see --filter-entries-by-field)
format (see --format)
hide_category (see --hide-category)
hide_entry (see --hide-entry)
hide_field_name (see --hide-field-name)
log_level (see --log-level)
naked_res (see --naked-res)
no_field_value_formatters (see --no-field-value-formatters)
num_entries (see --num-entries)
num_fields (see --num-fields)
reload_files_on_change (see --no-reload-files-on-change)
shell (see --shell)



String. Specify additional command-line options.


perl::colortheme::modname_with_optional_args. Set default color theme.

Color theme is Perl module name under the ColorTheme::Search:: namespace, without the namespace prefix. The default is Light. You can set color theme using the --color-theme command-line option as well as this environment variable.









Store shell's command history for orgadb-sel.


Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at


orgsel (from App::orgsel) is a more generic selection tool for Org document.

Other CLI's in this distribution.

Information about the Org format:


perlancar <>


To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on GitHub.

Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can simply modify the code, then test via:

% prove -l

If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla, Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two other Dist::Zilla- and/or Pod::Weaver plugins. Any additional steps required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.


This software is copyright (c) 2023, 2022 by perlancar <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.