MooseX::Extended - Extend Moose with safe defaults and useful features
version 0.29
package My::Names {
use MooseX::Extended types => [qw(compile Num NonEmptyStr Str PositiveInt ArrayRef)];
use List::Util 'sum';
# the distinction between `param` and `field` makes it easier to
# see which are available to `new`
param _name => ( isa => NonEmptyStr, init_arg => 'name' );
param title => ( isa => Str, required => 0 );
# forbidden in the constructor
field created => ( isa => PositiveInt, default => sub {time} );
sub name ($self) {
my $title = $self->title;
my $name = $self->_name;
return $title ? "$title $name" : $name;
sub add ( $self, $args ) {
state $check = compile( ArrayRef [ Num, 1 ] ); # at least one number
($args) = $check->($args);
return sum( $args->@* );
sub warnit ($self) {
carp("this is a warning");
This module is BETA code. It's feature-complete for release and has no known bugs. We believe it's ready for production, but make no promises.
This is a quick overview. See MooseX::Extended::Manual::Tutorial for more information.
This class attempts to create a safer version of Moose that defaults to read-only attributes and is easier to read and write.
It tries to bring some of the lessons learned from the Corinna project, while acknowledging that you can't always get what you want (such as true encapsulation and true methods).
package My::Class {
use MooseX::Extended;
... your code here
Is sort of the equivalent to:
package My::Class {
use v5.20.0;
use Moose;
use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
use feature qw( signatures postderef postderef_qq);
no warnings qw( experimental::signatures experimental::postderef );
use namespace::autoclean;
use Carp;
use mro 'c3';
... your code here
It also exports two functions which are similar to Moose has
: param
and field
A param
is a required parameter (defaults may be used). A field
is not intended to be passed to the constructor.
Note that the has
function is still available, even if it's not needed.
Also, while your author likes the postfix block syntax, it's not required. You can even safely inline multiple packages in the same file:
package My::Point;
use MooseX::Extended types => [qw/Num/];
param [ 'x', 'y' ] => ( isa => Num );
package My::Point::Mutable;
use MooseX::Extended;
extends 'My::Point';
param [ '+x', '+y' ] => ( writer => 1, clearer => 1, default => 0 );
sub invert ($self) {
my ( $x, $y ) = ( $self->x, $self->y );
# MooseX::Extended will cause this to return true, even if we try to return
# false
You may pass an import list to MooseX::Extended.
use MooseX::Extended
excludes => [qw/StrictConstructor carp/], # I don't want these features
types => [qw/compile PositiveInt HashRef/]; # I want these type tools
Allows you to import any types provided by MooseX::Extended::Types.
use MooseX::Extended::Role types => [qw/compile PositiveInt HashRef/];
Is identical to this:
use MooseX::Extended::Role;
use MooseX::Extended::Types qw( compile PositiveInt HashRef );
You may find some features to be annoying, or even cause potential bugs (e.g., if you have a croak
method, our importing of Carp::croak
will be a problem. You can exclude the following:
use MooseX::Extended excludes => ['StrictConstructor'];
Excluding this will no longer import
use MooseX::Extended excludes => ['autoclean'];
Excluding this will no longer import
use MooseX::Extended excludes => ['c3'];
Excluding this will no longer apply the C3 mro.
use MooseX::Extended excludes => ['carp'];
Excluding this will no longer import
use MooseX::Extended excludes => ['immutable'];
Excluding this will no longer make your class immutable.
use MooseX::Extended excludes => ['true'];
Excluding this will require your module to end in a true value.
use MooseX::Extended excludes => ['param'];
Excluding this will make the
function unavailable.field
use MooseX::Extended excludes => ['field'];
Excluding this will make the
function unavailable.
Some experimental features are useful, but might not be quite what you want.
By default, MooseX::Extended tries to be relatively conservative. However, you might want to turn it up to 11. There are optional, EXPERIMENTAL features you can use for this. They're turned by the includes
use MooseX::Extended includes => [qw/multi/]; multi sub foo ($self, $x) { ... } multi sub foo ($self, $x, $y ) { ... }
Allows you to redeclare a method (or subroutine) and the dispatch will use the number of arguments to determine which subroutine to use. Note that "slurpy" arguments such as arrays or hashes will take precedence over scalars:
multi sub foo ($self, @x) { ... } multi sub foo ($self, $x) { ... } # will never be called
Thus, the following probably doesn't do what you want.
package Foo { use MooseX::Extended includes => [qw/multi/]; multi sub foo ($self, @bar) { return '@bar' } multi sub foo ($self, $bar) { return '$bar' } } say +Foo->new->foo(1); say +Foo->new->foo(1,2,3);
Both of the above will print the string
. The second definition offoo
is effectively lost.Only available on Perl v5.26.0 or higher. Requires Syntax::Keyword::MultiSub.
package My::Thing { use MooseX::Extended types => [qw/Str/], includes => ['async']; use IO::Async::Loop; field output => ( is => 'rw', isa => Str, default => '' ); async sub doit ( $self, @list ) { my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new; $self->output('> '); foreach my $item (@list) { await $loop->delay_future( after => 0.01 ); $self->output( $self->output . "$item " ); } } }
Allows you to write asynchronous code with
.Only available on Perl v5.26.0 or higher. Requires Future::AsyncAwait.
package My::Try { use MooseX::Extended includes => [qw/try/]; sub reciprocal ( $self, $num ) { try { return 1 / $num; } catch { croak "Could not calculate reciprocal of $num: $@"; } } }
Allows you to use try/catch blocks, via Syntax::Keyword::Try.
Only available on Perl v5.24.0 or higher. Requires Syntax::Keyword::Try.
Let's say you've settled on the following feature set:
use MooseX::Extended
excludes => [qw/StrictConstructor carp/],
includes => [qw/multi/];
And you keep typing that over and over. We've removed a lot of boilerplate, but we've added different boilerplate. Instead, just create My::Custom::Moose
and use My::Custom::Moose;
. See MooseX::Extended::Custom for details.
Making Your Class Immutable
You no longer need to end your Moose classes with:
That prevents further changes to the class and provides some optimizations to make the code run much faster. However, it's somewhat annoying to type. We do this for you, via B::Hooks::AtRuntime. You no longer need to do this yourself.
Making Your Instance Immutable
By default, attributes defined via param
and field
are read-only. However, if they contain a reference, you can fetch the reference, mutate it, and now everyone with a copy of that reference has mutated state.
To handle that, we offer a new clone => $clone_type
pair for attributes.
See the MooseX::Extended::Manual::Cloning documentation.
Object construction for MooseX::Extended is identical to Moose because MooseX::Extended is Moose, so no changes are needed. However, in addition to has
, we also provide param
and field
attributes, both of which are is => 'ro'
by default.
The param
is required, whether by passing it to the constructor, or using default
or builder
The field
is forbidden in the constructor and is lazy if it has a builder, because that builder is often dependent on attributes set in the constructor (and why call it if it's not used?).
Here's a short example:
package Class::Name {
use MooseX::Extended types => [qw(compile Num NonEmptyStr Str)];
# these default to 'ro' (but you can override that) and are required
param _name => ( isa => NonEmptyStr, init_arg => 'name' );
param title => ( isa => Str, required => 0 );
# fields must never be passed to the constructor
# note that ->title and ->name are guaranteed to be set before
# this because fields are lazy by default
field name => (
isa => NonEmptyStr,
default => sub ($self) {
my $title = $self->title;
my $name = $self->_name;
return $title ? "$title $name" : $name;
See MooseX::Extended::Manual::Construction for a full explanation.
When using field
or param
, we have some attribute shortcuts:
param name => (
isa => NonEmptyStr,
writer => 1, # set_name
reader => 1, # get_name
predicate => 1, # has_name
clearer => 1, # clear_name
builder => 1, # _build_name
sub _build_name ($self) {
You can also do this:
param name ( isa => NonEmptyStr, builder => sub {...} );
That's the same as:
param name ( isa => NonEmptyStr, builder => '_build_name' );
sub _build_name {...}
See MooseX::Extended::Manual::Shortcuts for a full explanation.
The following Moose code will print WhoAmI
. However, the second attribute name is clearly invalid.
package Some::Class {
use Moose;
has name => ( is => 'ro' );
has '-bad' => ( is => 'ro' );
my $object = Some::Class->new( name => 'WhoAmI' );
say $object->name;
will throw a Moose::Exception::InvalidAttributeDefinition exception if it encounters an illegal method name for an attribute.
This also applies to various attributes which allow method names, such as clone
, builder
, clearer
, writer
, reader
, and predicate
Trying to pass a defined init_arg
to field
will also throw this exception, unless the init_arg begins with an underscore. (It is sometimes useful to be able to define an init_arg
for unit testing.)
You cannot (at this time) use multi
subs with the debugger. This is due to a bug in Syntax::Keyword::MultiSub that should be fixed in the next release of that module.
If you must have multisubs and the debugger, the follow patch to Syntax::Keyword::MultiSub fixes the issue:
--- old/lib/Syntax/Keyword/MultiSub.xs 2021-12-16 10:59:30 +0000
+++ new/lib/Syntax/Keyword/MultiSub.xs 2022-08-12 10:23:06 +0000
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
switch(o->op_type) {
+ case OP_DBSTATE:
o = o->op_next;
goto redo;
See also:
MooseX::Extended::Types is included in the distribution.
This provides core types for you.
MooseX::Extended::Role is included in the distribution.
, but for roles.
Some of this may just be wishful thinking. Some of this would be interesting if others would like to collaborate.
Configurable Types
We provide MooseX::Extended::Types
for convenience, along with the declare
function. We should write up (and test) examples of extending it.
This idea maybe belongs in MooseX::Extended::OverKill
, but ...
Quite often you see things like this:
BEGIN { extends 'Some::Parent' }
Or this:
sub serial_number; # required by a role, must be compile-time
has serial_number => ( ... );
In fact, there are a variety of Moose functions which would work better if they ran at compile-time instead of runtime, making them look a touch more like native functions. My various attempts at solving this have failed, but I confess I didn't try too hard.
There are a few things you might be interested to know about this module when evaluating it.
Most of this is written with bog-standard Moose, so there's nothing terribly weird inside, but you may wish to note that we use B::Hooks::AtRuntime and true. They seem sane, but caveat emptor.
The RFC of the new version of OOP planned for the Perl core.
MooseX::Modern - Precision classes for Modern Perl
Zydeco - Jazz up your Perl
Dios - Declarative Inside-Out Syntax
MooseX::AttributeShortcuts - Shorthand for common attribute options
Curtis "Ovid" Poe <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)