The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Author image Sébastien Feugère

All Releases by Sébastien Feugère

River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents Art-World-0.19 Modeling of creative processes 15 Apr 2021 19:28:12 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Interact-Later-0.05 Delay some tasks for later by dumping their data to disk 21 Aug 2019 17:49:23 UTC
Favorites Author Date
Acme-ConspiracyTheory-Random TOBYINK 02 Feb 2021 07:18:17 UTC
Alien-xz PLICEASE 14 Apr 2024 09:34:43 UTC
App-ModuleBuildTiny LEONT 03 Feb 2021 22:57:26 UTC
App-Sqitch DWHEELER 25 Feb 2021 23:56:54 UTC
App-UpdateCPANfile HITODE 17 Aug 2020 14:57:03 UTC
App-cpanminus MIYAGAWA 26 Jul 2023 10:02:41 UTC
App-cpm SKAJI 18 Aug 2023 09:43:36 UTC
App-githook-perltidy MLAWREN 16 Sep 2019 10:43:40 UTC
App-unbelievable CXW 24 Feb 2020 14:04:02 UTC
Archive-Tar-Streamed IVORW 06 Aug 2015 11:28:16 UTC
Array-Compare DAVECROSS 27 Jun 2019 10:56:34 UTC
Authen-Simple-LDAP CHANSEN 12 Mar 2020 13:44:13 UTC
Backup-Duplicity-YADW GRAVATTJ 25 Jul 2021 12:35:56 UTC
Backup-EZ GRAVATTJ 25 Jul 2021 12:36:04 UTC
Bad-Words MIKER 24 May 2013 07:08:38 UTC
CGI-Tiny DBOOK 26 Apr 2021 19:49:16 UTC
Carp RJBS 04 Aug 2015 08:20:21 UTC
Carton MIYAGAWA 13 Feb 2014 18:24:45 UTC
Catalyst-Manual HAARG 14 Sep 2020 19:29:40 UTC
Catmandu NICS 06 Sep 2019 14:35:25 UTC
Ceph-Rados KILINRAX 28 Apr 2023 08:23:52 UTC
Chart-Clicker GPHAT 30 Jan 2020 10:01:18 UTC
Config-IniFiles SHLOMIF 24 Feb 2020 10:04:08 UTC
Config-Tiny RSAVAGE 08 Oct 2020 11:31:30 UTC
DBD-mysql DVEEDEN 17 Nov 2023 16:28:55 UTC
DBIx-Class RIBASUSHI 24 May 2019 15:19:26 UTC
DBIx-Mint JFRAIRE 17 Feb 2021 12:18:27 UTC
Data-Fake DAGOLDEN 08 Feb 2021 09:10:15 UTC
Data-Faker WSHELDAHL 08 Feb 2021 09:09:14 UTC
Data-Faker-MetaSyntactic BOOK 08 Feb 2021 09:10:27 UTC
Data-Printer GARU 19 Jun 2023 07:46:22 UTC
DateTime DROLSKY 07 Dec 2020 11:01:08 UTC
DateTimeX-Auto TOBYINK 16 Feb 2021 07:17:45 UTC
Devel-NYTProf JKEENAN 05 Apr 2024 21:29:31 UTC
Doodle AWNCORP 08 Feb 2021 09:51:06 UTC
Email-Sender RJBS 14 Sep 2020 19:38:12 UTC
Exporter-Almighty TOBYINK 27 Mar 2023 07:16:40 UTC
Exporter-Easy NEILB 26 Jan 2023 09:33:11 UTC
Faker AWNCORP 04 May 2020 20:46:46 UTC
Feature-Compat-Try PEVANS 26 Sep 2023 15:48:10 UTC
File-ByLine JMASLAK 03 Sep 2019 06:12:47 UTC
File-Slurper LEONT 30 Sep 2020 09:28:07 UTC
File-Stamped TOKUHIROM 24 Sep 2013 16:15:37 UTC
Function-Parameters MAUKE 20 Jun 2023 13:57:01 UTC
Future PEVANS 17 Oct 2019 10:14:44 UTC
Future-AsyncAwait PEVANS 17 Oct 2019 10:15:39 UTC
HTML-FormHandler GSHANK 16 Jun 2023 09:41:41 UTC
HTML-Tree KENTNL 23 Apr 2024 21:12:18 UTC
IPC-Cmd BINGOS 09 Sep 2013 20:53:50 UTC
Lexical-Accessor TOBYINK 19 Feb 2021 09:25:46 UTC
Linux-APT WILSOND 31 Jan 2019 18:10:59 UTC
Linux-LXC SPYDEMON 02 May 2019 12:38:05 UTC
List-Compare JKEENAN 10 Jun 2022 07:33:59 UTC
List-MoreUtils REHSACK 29 Nov 2019 13:33:15 UTC
List-UtilsBy PEVANS 13 Apr 2021 08:20:12 UTC
Log-Minimal KAZEBURO 22 Sep 2013 13:11:07 UTC
MOP STEVAN 08 Dec 2020 17:03:23 UTC
Markdown-Pod KEEDI 13 Mar 2019 14:48:29 UTC
Math-Round GROMMEL 10 Jun 2022 07:32:58 UTC
Minilla SKAJI 18 Aug 2019 18:44:37 UTC
Minion SRI 14 Sep 2020 19:20:16 UTC
Mo TINITA 05 Mar 2021 09:56:30 UTC
Mock-Quick EXODIST 24 Jun 2024 07:50:29 UTC
Module-Build LEONT 16 Sep 2020 05:38:10 UTC
Module-CoreList BINGOS 22 Sep 2013 13:11:34 UTC
Module-Starter-Smart RUEYCHENG 29 Dec 2013 15:14:57 UTC
Module-Version XSAWYERX 22 Sep 2013 13:11:21 UTC
Mojo-CSV ZOFFIX 20 Aug 2019 13:25:00 UTC
Mojo-PDF ZOFFIX 10 Mar 2021 09:47:57 UTC
Mojo-SQLite DBOOK 30 Apr 2021 09:12:47 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-AssetPack SRI 12 Mar 2021 13:49:32 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-BasicAuth TEMPIRE 06 May 2019 13:08:35 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-DBViewer KIMOTO 08 Mar 2021 11:11:34 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-I18N SHARIFULN 10 Mar 2021 09:44:09 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-INIConfig KIMOTO 27 Feb 2019 09:35:32 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-NYTProf LEEJO 03 Jun 2020 13:06:35 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-PODViewer PREACTION 24 Feb 2020 14:42:40 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-SecurityHeader RENEEB 22 May 2019 13:13:22 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-Status SRI 07 May 2019 13:33:06 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-SwaggerUI MARGHI 14 May 2020 10:02:08 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-Systemd JHTHORSEN 17 Feb 2020 13:46:46 UTC
Mojolicious-Plugin-ZipBomb LDIDRY 09 Mar 2020 14:16:01 UTC
MongoDB MONGODB 14 Jun 2021 11:32:26 UTC
Moo HAARG 15 Sep 2020 05:28:12 UTC
MooX-ChainedAttributes BLUEFEET 19 Feb 2021 08:52:14 UTC
MooX-Enumeration TOBYINK 21 Jun 2019 13:31:53 UTC
MooX-HandlesVia TOBYINK 19 Feb 2021 08:55:59 UTC
MooX-Private-Attribute LNATION 28 Mar 2021 19:56:03 UTC
Moodle AWNCORP 08 Feb 2021 09:52:48 UTC
Moose ETHER 07 Sep 2013 21:33:56 UTC
MooseX-Extended OVID 10 Jun 2022 07:34:27 UTC
MooseX-Role-Parameterized ETHER 21 Mar 2024 17:47:45 UTC
MooseX-Storage ETHER 04 Sep 2019 07:06:45 UTC
MooseX-Types ETHER 08 Jan 2024 18:37:21 UTC
MooseX-Types-DateTime ETHER 24 Jun 2019 15:38:13 UTC
Mxpress-PDF LNATION 19 Dec 2020 13:11:36 UTC
Net-Ping RURBAN 02 May 2019 12:03:59 UTC
Net-SFTP-Foreign SALVA 18 Feb 2020 13:42:49 UTC
Object-Pad PEVANS 11 Feb 2023 13:05:19 UTC
Path-Class KWILLIAMS 28 Oct 2013 22:04:39 UTC
Path-Tiny DAGOLDEN 23 Feb 2021 20:37:11 UTC
Perl-Version BDFOY 03 Feb 2021 23:40:59 UTC
Perl6-Controls DCONWAY 22 Feb 2021 07:40:22 UTC
Perldoc-Server JONALLEN 14 Sep 2020 19:38:57 UTC
Playwright TEODESIAN 24 Jun 2024 07:55:53 UTC
Pod-Readme RRWO 01 Jan 2019 12:16:18 UTC
Pod-Webserver RSAVAGE 27 Feb 2021 19:21:31 UTC
Rubric RJBS 19 Jun 2023 07:46:39 UTC
SQL-Translator VEESH 30 Mar 2024 21:19:04 UTC
Scalar-Does TOBYINK 18 Sep 2020 20:47:30 UTC
Scalar-List-Utils PEVANS 30 Mar 2020 13:02:58 UTC
Search-Elasticsearch EZIMUEL 05 Oct 2023 11:05:37 UTC
Search-Typesense OVID 22 Mar 2021 20:47:11 UTC
Spellunker TOKUHIROM 30 Sep 2020 20:59:56 UTC
Spreadsheet-Read HMBRAND 16 Jan 2020 16:14:41 UTC
Spreadsheet-Wright TOBYINK 07 Feb 2020 17:37:45 UTC
Sub-HandlesVia TOBYINK 19 Feb 2021 08:55:28 UTC
Synth-Config GENE 10 Jan 2024 07:09:31 UTC
Tangram SAMV 18 Apr 2023 14:20:05 UTC
Template-Plugin-DataPrinter SDT 27 Jun 2023 12:45:35 UTC
Teng SATOH 17 Feb 2021 18:01:23 UTC
Test-CPAN-Meta BARBIE 30 Sep 2020 20:58:25 UTC
Test-Class-Moose DROLSKY 12 Oct 2023 09:45:45 UTC
Test-Exception ADIE 12 May 2014 16:47:51 UTC
Test-JSON OVID 09 Nov 2014 03:09:33 UTC
Test-MinimumVersion-Fast TOKUHIROM 30 Sep 2020 20:59:14 UTC
Test-PAUSE-Permissions SKAJI 30 Sep 2020 21:03:28 UTC
Test-Spec AKZHAN 10 Jun 2022 10:51:15 UTC
Test2-Harness EXODIST 18 Sep 2023 15:09:41 UTC
Text-ANSITable PERLANCAR 11 Oct 2020 20:37:38 UTC
Text-CSV ISHIGAKI 13 Feb 2020 16:50:34 UTC
Text-Lorem ADEOLA 04 May 2020 20:48:02 UTC
Text-Unidecode SBURKE 24 Jan 2020 18:07:06 UTC
Time-HiRes ATOOMIC 25 Apr 2019 12:22:31 UTC
Time-Moment CHANSEN 07 Apr 2021 14:44:20 UTC
Time-Piece RJBS 06 Jul 2013 19:40:19 UTC
Type-Tiny TOBYINK 21 Dec 2020 22:50:36 UTC
Type-Tiny-XS TOBYINK 10 Dec 2020 14:36:53 UTC
Types-XSD TOBYINK 15 Feb 2021 20:44:57 UTC
XML-LibXML-PrettyPrint TOBYINK 14 Jan 2021 10:15:52 UTC
XML-XPath MANWAR 10 Jan 2024 15:06:22 UTC
Yancy PREACTION 10 Jun 2019 17:04:37 UTC
Z TOBYINK 10 Dec 2020 14:36:01 UTC
Zydeco TOBYINK 08 Sep 2020 20:40:45 UTC
ack PETDANCE 26 Oct 2023 19:18:38 UTC
boolean INGY 10 Mar 2015 23:27:42 UTC
local-lib HAARG 11 Feb 2021 14:09:06 UTC
match-simple TOBYINK 07 Feb 2021 16:22:29 UTC
meta PEVANS 17 Jun 2024 20:20:19 UTC
perl XSAWYERX 25 May 2019 08:14:02 UTC