Changes for version 0.15
- Changes for Thanks to Maggie J. Xiong for the inquiry, inspiration and patch.
- You can now set: @Perl::Metrics::Simple::Analysis::File::LOGIC_KEYWORDS and OPERATORS to custom values before creating a new Perl::Metrics::Simple::Analysis::File object.
- Added to the default @LOGIC_KEYWORDS used in calculating complexity: map grep
- Added to the default @LOGIC_OPERATORS used in calculating complexity: !~ // < <=>
- > cmp eq gt lt ne
- Added two accessors on Perl::Metrics::Simple::Analysis::File to obtain the values in use: logic_keywords() logic_operators()
count lines, packages, subs and complexity of Perl files.
Count packages, subs, lines, etc. of many files.
Contains anaylsis results.
Methods analyzing a single file.