The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

All Releases by KFLY

River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents Acme-Onion-0.03 .🧅 file extension in Perl. 06 May 2023 10:44:13 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Amon2-Plugin-Web-CpanelJSON-0.01 Cpanel::JSON::XS plugin 03 Jun 2022 13:26:02 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-PPE-0.04 Prettify Perl Error messages 02 Dec 2017 13:13:35 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Boundary-0.01 declare interface package 03 Mar 2021 15:24:06 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Contextual-Diag-0.04 diagnosing perl context 13 May 2021 14:21:38 UTC
River stage zero No dependents DBIx-Schema-DSL-Dumper-0.07 DBIx::Schema::DSL generator 07 Feb 2015 04:14:12 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Function-Interface-0.06 declare typed interface package 19 Jun 2019 15:29:48 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Function-Return-0.15 specify a function return type 26 Mar 2023 05:32:23 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents HTTP-SecureHeaders-0.01 manage security headers with many safe defaults 06 May 2022 10:59:05 UTC
River stage zero No dependents JSON-UnblessObject-0.02 unbless object using JSON spec like Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type 07 Jun 2022 00:34:04 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Plack-Middleware-SecureHeaders-0.01 manage security headers middleware 06 May 2022 11:29:38 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Sub-Meta-0.15 handle subroutine meta information 07 Jun 2022 00:51:00 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sub-WrapInType-Attribute-0.02 attribute for Sub::WrapInType 04 May 2021 12:31:31 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Type-Alias-0.06 type alias for type constraints 14 Aug 2023 09:18:57 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Types-Equal-0.02 type constraints for single value equality 14 Aug 2023 03:28:17 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Variable-Declaration-0.06 declare with type constraint 29 Jan 2023 22:59:11 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent namespace-allclean-0.03 Avoid imports all subroutines into your namespace 30 May 2021 14:09:30 UTC
Favorites Author Date
AI-MXNet SKOLYCHEV 10 Apr 2018 06:27:25 UTC
Aniki KARUPA 07 Dec 2015 13:44:30 UTC
App-cpm SKAJI 12 Mar 2019 15:09:45 UTC
B-Hooks-EndOfScope ETHER 04 Apr 2021 15:41:44 UTC
Carmel MIYAGAWA 01 Mar 2023 08:37:00 UTC
Code-ART DCONWAY 29 Jun 2020 13:59:59 UTC
Cookie-Baker-XS KAZEBURO 29 Aug 2015 05:35:53 UTC
Data-Lock DANKOGAI 21 Jan 2024 08:59:39 UTC
Data-Printer GARU 08 May 2021 01:55:30 UTC
Devel-StrictMode TOBYINK 05 Sep 2021 12:40:17 UTC
Encode DANKOGAI 21 Nov 2018 22:21:57 UTC
Eval-Closure DOY 21 Mar 2021 12:33:10 UTC
Exporter-Tiny TOBYINK 12 May 2018 22:31:37 UTC
FFI-Platypus PLICEASE 28 Jun 2024 13:13:51 UTC
FFI-Platypus-Lang-Zig PLICEASE 13 Jan 2024 15:59:42 UTC
Function-Parameters MAUKE 16 Mar 2019 00:29:20 UTC
Future-XS PEVANS 29 Dec 2023 05:48:41 UTC
Geo-Hex-V3-XS KARUPA 09 Aug 2015 15:29:46 UTC
GraphQL ETJ 15 Jul 2018 22:05:35 UTC
IO-Async PEVANS 23 Feb 2023 12:10:16 UTC
Import-Base PREACTION 06 Feb 2019 21:17:29 UTC
Importer EXODIST 17 Mar 2019 11:16:59 UTC
Inline-Python NINE 10 Apr 2018 06:48:43 UTC
Iterator-Simple MICHAEL 07 Nov 2021 13:01:48 UTC
JavaScript-QuickJS FELIPE 31 May 2024 22:14:32 UTC
Keyword-Simple MAUKE 09 Jan 2018 16:35:24 UTC
Kossy KAZEBURO 09 Nov 2023 05:27:33 UTC
MCE MARIOROY 18 Jun 2019 14:25:14 UTC
Markdown-Perl MATHIAS 25 Apr 2024 11:09:24 UTC
Minilla SKAJI 20 Mar 2019 22:50:40 UTC
Object-Pad-FieldAttr-Checked PEVANS 01 Sep 2023 21:10:37 UTC
Overload-FileCheck ATOOMIC 19 Jun 2019 15:44:20 UTC
PPR DCONWAY 26 Jan 2018 02:24:14 UTC
Perl-LanguageServer GRICHTER 19 Dec 2021 10:49:54 UTC
Perl-Lint MOZNION 08 Jul 2018 14:21:36 UTC
Perl-Metrics-Simple MATISSE 28 Mar 2021 11:58:16 UTC
Perl-PrereqScanner-Lite MOZNION 23 Apr 2022 02:14:51 UTC
Perl-Tidy SHANCOCK 22 Apr 2018 02:02:23 UTC
Plack MIYAGAWA 01 Apr 2018 11:23:51 UTC
Regexp-Debugger DCONWAY 16 Mar 2019 12:25:33 UTC
Regexp-Grammars DCONWAY 10 Feb 2019 08:21:38 UTC
SQL-Translator ILMARI 20 Nov 2018 06:26:05 UTC
Scope-Guard CHOCOLATE 02 Jun 2019 13:36:53 UTC
Sub-Identify RGARCIA 22 Jun 2019 07:46:35 UTC
Syntax-Keyword-Try PEVANS 03 Dec 2019 02:56:31 UTC
Test-Requires TOKUHIROM 21 Jan 2024 22:28:19 UTC
Test2-Harness EXODIST 18 Jun 2019 14:48:16 UTC
Type-Tiny TOBYINK 09 Jun 2018 06:46:57 UTC
Variable-Declaration KFLY 02 Mar 2018 14:12:13 UTC
Want ROBIN 08 Dec 2019 09:13:21 UTC
XS-Parse-Keyword PEVANS 29 May 2023 23:12:40 UTC
XS-Parse-Sublike PEVANS 23 May 2023 02:11:09 UTC
experimental LEONT 24 Jun 2021 13:45:59 UTC
indirect VPIT 05 Aug 2018 09:39:25 UTC
meta PEVANS 21 Sep 2023 02:38:45 UTC
perl XSAWYERX 02 Jun 2019 14:15:35 UTC
perlsecret BOOK 03 Jun 2019 01:41:23 UTC