Finance::Bank::Cahoot - Check your Cahoot bank accounts from Perl


This module provides a rudimentary interface to the Cahoot online banking system at You will need either Crypt::SSLeay or IO::Socket::SSL installed for HTTPS support to work with WWW::Mechanize.


  my $cahoot = Finance::Bank::Cahoot->new(credentials => 'Constant',
                                          credentials_options => {
                                             account => '12345678',
                                             password => 'verysecret',
					     place => 'London',
					     date => '01/01/1906',
					     username => 'dummy',
					     maiden => 'Smith' } );

  my $accounts = $cahoot->accounts;
  my $snapshot = $cahoot->snapshot;
  foreach my $row (@$snapshot) {
    print join ',', @$row; print "\n";



Create a new instance of a connection to the Cahoot server.

new can be called in two different ways. It can take a single parameter, credentials, which will accept an already created credentials object, of type Finance::Bank::Cahoot::CredentialsProvider::*. Alternatively, it can take two parameters, credentials and credentials_options. In this case credentials is the name of a credentials class to create an instance of, and credentials_options is a hash of the options to pass-through to the constructor of the chosen class.

If the second form of new is being used, and the chosen class is not one of the ones supplied as standard then it will need to be required first.

If any errors occur then new will croak.

  my $cahoot = Finance::Bank::Cahoot->new(credentials => 'Constant',
                                          credentials_options => {
                                             account => '12345678',
                                             password => 'verysecret',
					     place => 'London',
					     date => '01/01/1906',
					     username => 'dummy',
					     maiden => 'Smith' } );

  # Or create the credentials object ourselves
  my $credentials = Finance::Bank::Cahoot::CredentialsProvider::Constant->new(
     account => '12345678', password => 'verysecret', place => 'London',
     date => '01/01/1906', username => 'dummy', maiden => 'Smith' } );
  my $cahoot = Finance::Bank::Cahoot->new(credentials => $credentials);

Login to the Cahoot server using the credentials supplied to new. This method is implicit for all data access methods, so typically does not need to be called explicitly. The method takes no arguments and will only call one of memorable place, date or mother's maiden name as expected by the Cahoot portal.


Returns a list reference containing a summary of any accounts available from the supplied credentials. If a login has yet to occur accounts will automatically do this.

my $accounts = $cahoot->accounts;

Each item in the list is a hash reference that holds summary information for a single account, and contains this data:

name - the text name of the account
account - the account number
balance - the current balance of the account
available - the currently available funds (including any overdrafts)

Select an account for data retrieval using an 8-digit account number. If a login has yet to occur or a list of accounts has yet to be retrieved, set_account will automatically do this and cache the results.

my @accounts = $cahoot->accounts;

# Or without first loading a list of accounts

Returns a list reference containing a summary of all statements available for an account. When called with the optional parameter containing an 8-digit account number, statements will automatically login (if required) and select that account.

If no account has been selected and no account is supplied by the caller, statements will croak.

Each item in the returned list is a hash reference that holds summary information for a single statement, and contains this data:

description - a text description of the date of the statement, typically in the form DD/MM/YY - DD/MM/YY
start - the date of the start of the statement as a time as returned by the time function.
end - the date of the end of the statement as a time as returned by the time function.

Select a statement for data retrieval using a statement description previously returned from statements. The text description of the statement must be supplied as a parameter to the method and an account must have been selected using set_account. If no account has been selected or no statement name is supplied by the caller, statement will croak.

my $statements = $cahoot->statements;

Return a table of transactions from the account snapshot. An optional account parameter may be supplied as an 8-digit account number. If no account has previously been selected or no account number is supplied, snapshot will croak. The return value is a reference to a list of list references. Each entry in the top-level list is a row in the statement and the rows are data from the account in the order date, description, amount withdrawn, amount paid in.

my $snapshot = $cahoot->snapshot;
foreach my $row (@$snapshot) {
  print join ',', @$row; print "\n";

Return a table of transactions from a selected statement. An optional account parameter may be supplied as an 8-digit account number. If no account has previously been selected or no account number is supplied, statement will croak. The return value is a reference to a list of list references. Each entry in the top-level list is a row in the statement and the rows are data from the account in the order date, description, amount withdrawn, amount paid in, balance.

my $snapshot = $cahoot->statement;
foreach my $row (@$statement) {
  print join ',', @$row; print "\n";


This warning is from Simon Cozens' Finance::Bank::LloydsTSB, and seems just as apt here.

This is code for online banking, and that means your money, and that means BE CAREFUL. You are encouraged, nay, expected, to audit the source of this module yourself to reassure yourself that I am not doing anything untoward with your banking data. This software is useful to me, but is provided under NO GUARANTEE, explicit or implied.


This has only been tested on my own accounts. I imagine it should work on any account types, but I can't guarantee this.


Jon Connell <>


This module borrows heavily from Finance::Bank::Natwest by Jody Belka.

Copyright 2007 by Jon Connell Copyright 2003 by Jody Belka

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.