0.07    11 March 2008
        Fixed extraction of password character numbers greater than 9.
        Added check for incorrect login: now croaks when detected. Fixed
        WWW::Mechanize warning (via HTML::Form) for read-only input.

0.06    03 March 2008
        Corrected parsing of statement lists to include the first on the

0.05    26 February 2008
        No use-visible changes. Added test for examples. Corrected META.yml.

0.04    24 February 2008
        Replaced text for file not found error in 05-cryptfile.t to be
        locale agnostic.

0.03    22 February 2008
        Fixed return value of the accounts method of Finance::Bank::Cahoot
        to be a reference to a list, as documented. Added tests for system
        error pages returning from the Cahoot server for better diagnostics.

0.02    19 December 2007
        Added new classs Finance::Bank::Cahoot::Statement and
        Finance::Bank::Cahoot::Statement::Entries which are now used as
        return types from the snapshot and statement methods of

        POD documentation has been tidied in a number of areas.

0.01    16 December 2007
        Initial release