bkpr - Start, restart or stop worker pools


Version 0.09


$ bkpr --pool MyPool start
Starting pool of MyApp workers: beekeeper-MyPool.

$ bkpr --pool MyPool stop
Stopping pool of MyApp workers: beekeeper-MyPool.

$ bkpr --help
Usage: bkpr [options] {start|stop|restart|reload|check}
 --foreground      Run in foreground (do not daemonize)
 --pool       str  Worker pool name (mandatory)
 --user       str  Run as specified user
 --group      str  Run as specified group
 --config-dir str  Path to directory containing config files
 --debug           Turn on workers debug flag
 --help            Display this help and exit


This command line tool is used to start, restart or stop worker pools of persistent Beekeeper::Worker processes which receive RPC requests from the message bus.

When started it daemonizes itself (unless --foreground option is passed) and forks all worker processes, then keeps monitoring those forked processes and immediately respawns defunct ones.

Beekeeper applications use config files pool.config.json and bus.config.json to define how clients, workers and brokers connect to each other. These files are looked for in ENV BEEKEEPER_CONFIG_DIR, ~/.config/beekeeperand then /etc/beekeeper.


Beekeeper::WorkerPool, Beekeeper::Config.


José Micó,


Copyright 2015-2021 José Micó.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language itself.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties. For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.