0.09    2021-07-23
  - Add instructions for running pools as systemd services.
  - Update install instructions for Mosquitto broker.
  - Honor PATH and PERL5LIB environment variables.
  - Add links to live examples.

0.08    2021-07-16
  - Introduce HTML dashboard.
  - Reorganize worker extensions.

0.07    2021-07-02
  - Add support for asynchronous method handlers in workers.
  - Introduce scraper example demonstrating asynchronous workers.
  - Track and report the number of errors per second of workers.
  - Revised documentation and performance estimation.
  - Fix "Insecure dependency in connect" error.

0.06    2021-06-18
  - Show errors from perspective of caller.
  - Fix example configuration for Mosquitto broker.

0.05    2021-06-09
  - Fix tests failing on smoke testers.

0.04    2021-06-06
  - Measure more precisely the load of workers and routers.
  - Allow tests to be run in parallel.

0.03    2021-06-03
  - Beekeeper uses MQTT 5 instead of STOMP as messaging protocol.
  - ToyBroker is now an MQTT 5 broker accordingly.
  - API changes: remote call methods has been renamed.
  - JS client and WebSocket examples has been improved.

0.02    2021-04-30
  - Fix tests failing on smoke testers.
  - Fix POD errors.

0.01	2020-05-14
  - Initial release.