Module::LicenseScanner - Gather all CPAN licenses from cpanfile third party dependencies.
People who redistribute Perl code must be careful that all of the included libraries are compatible with the final distribution license. A large fraction of CPAN packages are licensed as Artistic/GPL
, like Perl itself, but not all. If you are going to package your work in, say, a PAR archive with all of its dependencies it's critical that you inspect the licenses of those dependencies. This module can help.
This module utilizes CPANM to do much of the hard work of locating the requested CPAN distribution, downloading and extracting it.
This distribution is used to gather all dependencies found within a cpanfile. Given an absolute path to a cpanfile, create a summary of all the distributions listed with their corresponding license. Also, create a directory structure containing all the licenses in the form of './licenses/<module name>-<module version>/LICENSE'
This Module Contains both an executable script and perl module function for completing its functional goals.
LicenseScanner Script (.pl)
LicenseScanner Module (.pm)
- scan( <cpanfile path> , <verbose_flag>)
Given the Full Path to a cpanfile, extract licensing data from the files listed distribution list.
- <cpanfile path> => STRING
Cpanfile Path: A string representation of the absolute path to a CPANFILE
- <verbose_flag> => BOOLEAN
Verbose Flag: (Optional) Set the 'verbose_flag' parameter to a 'truthy' value for debug output to be produced in the STDERR of the executing process. (Default: 0) , truthy values include (1, "1", '1')
- Examples
```perl use Module::LicenseScanner qw(scan); scan("/home/user/project/cpanfile"); # run the scan function on the following filepath with the verbose_flag set to '0' ```
```perl use Module::LicenseScanner qw(scan); scan("/home/user/project/cpanfile", 1); # run the scan function on the following filepath and output debug messages to STDERR ```
```perl use Module::LicenseScanner qw(scan); scan("/home/user/project/cpanfile", 1); # run the scan function on the following filepath and output debug messages to STDERR ```
```perl use Module::LicenseScanner qw(scan); scan("C:\\home\\user\\project\\cpanfile", 1); # run the scan function on the following Windows filepath and output debug messages to STDERR ```
Jake Mellichamp
GNU v3, Perl_5 license
Using cpanm
$ cpanm LicenseScanner
Manual install:
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make install