Task::BeLike::FIBO -- Leonardo Pisano a.k.a. Fibonacci
cpan Task::BeLike::FIBO
perldoc Task::BeLike::FIBO
Hi! I am FIBO an italian mathematician. I graduated in 2005 at Università degli Studi di Genova and since then I work doing Business Intelligence and Web Analytics. My boss said: you need Perl. So I started using this language. I like many programming languages, but, Perl really help me to pay my rent.
This is a primary about my habits and a collection of modules I use when I write Perl code.
Do not get crazy with automatic generators. I am a mathematician and a coder, not a corporation. Every package is different and has different needings. The followings are samples for files I usually need in a package.
Just use copy and paste and your brain!
The smack of a DRY KISS is not that bad.
Learn from nature: stay as minimal as possible.
Follows a list of sample files of a package, named MY::Package
for instance: GitHub repo name hence is My-Package-pm
This is the main file of the package and looks something like this
package Task::BeLike::FIBO; $VERSION = '0.1'; 1; __END__ =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME My::Package -- is yet another Perl package =begin HTML <p><a href=""_blank"><img src="" alt="CPAN version"></a> <a href=" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Build Status"></a></p> =end HTML =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by G. Casati. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut
My-Package ========== My-Package description ... To install, pray the mantra perl Makefile.PL make make test make install For more information point your browser to [online docs]( -------- [![CPAN version](]( [![Build Status](]( [![C
language: perl perl: - "5.18" - "5.16" - "5.14" - "5.12" - "5.10" - "5.8"
.* *~ !.gitignore !.travis.yml blib pm_to_blib Makefile* !Makefile.PL MANIFEST* !MANIFEST.SKIP *META.* *.tar.gz
use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.64; WriteMakefile( ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/My/', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/My/', AUTHOR => 'G. Casati <>', NAME => 'My::Package', MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.8.0', META_MERGE => { resources => { homepage => '' license => '', repository => '', bugtracker => '', }, }, PREREQ_PM => { # 'Some::Package' => '0', # 'Other::Package' => '1.2.3', }, test => { TESTS => 't/*.t' }, TEST_REQUIRES => { 'Test::Compile' => '1', 'Test::More' => '1', 'Test::Pod' => '1', } );
^MANIFEST\.SKIP$ ^MANIFEST\.bak$ ^\. .*\.old$ .*\.bak$ \.tar\.gz$ ^Makefile$ ^MYMETA\. ^blib ^pm_to_blib
It is considered a good habit to keep track of at least major changes to inform users what they should expect when upgrading version.
2014-12-2 v0.1 + First release
Start a feature branch
$ git checkout -b somefeature
Write documentation about new feature. Then write tests to check it and code to implement it.
Run tests
$ prove -l --state=save
If some test does not pass, fix code and run tests that failed
$ prove -l --state=save,failed
Merge feature branch and commit work
$ git rebase master $ git checkout master $ git merge somefeature $ git push
Update version, use Semantic Versioning.
Create a new release
$ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test $ make manifest $ make dist $ make realclean
Upload to PAUSE
$ cpan-upload -u fibo My-Package-0.1.tar.gz PAUSE Password: registering upload with PAUSE web server POSTing upload for My-Package-0.1.tar.gz to PAUSE add message sent ok [200]
See how to setup A CPAN client that works like a charm.
CPAN::Uploader to release modules using a cli. It also depends on LWP::Protocol::https which depends on IO::Socket::SSL which I think should be a core module.
ExtUtils::MakeMaker version
, cause I use theTEST_REQUIRES
Use Perl::Tidy defaults. Do not indent every source file automatically, indent by hand and use your creativity.
See Perl section in My Vim preferences to see how you can use perltidy with Vim.
Create a
fileuse strict; use warnings; use Test::More; e Test::Compile"; Test::More->builder->BAIL_OUT(<<EOF) if $@; Test::Compile required for testing compilation EOF all_pm_files_ok();
Create a
fileuse strict; use warnings; use Test::More; eva st::Pod"; Test::More->builder->BAIL_OUT(<<EOF) if $@; Test::Pod required for testing compilation EOF all_pod ();
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by G. Casati.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.