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PDL::IO::Touchstone - Read and manipulate Touchstone .s2p (and .sNp) files.


A simple interface for reading and writing RF Touchstone files (also known as ".sNp" files). Touchstone files contain complex-valued RF sample data for a device or RF component with some number of ports. The data is (typically) measured by a vector network analyzer under stringent test conditions.

The resulting files are usually provided by manufacturers so RF design engineers can estimate signal behavior at various frequencies in their circuit designs. Examples of RF components include capacitors, inductors, resistors, filters, power splitters, etc.


use PDL::IO::Touchstone;

# Read input matrix:
($f, $m, $param_type, $z0, $comments, $fmt, $funit, $orig_f_unit) =
	rsnp('input-file.s2p', { units => 'MHz' });

# Write output file:
	$f, $m, $param_type, $z0, $comments, $fmt, $from_hz, $to_hz);

You can reproduce the same output file from an input as follows:

@data = rsnp('input-file.s2p');
wsnp('output-file.s2p', @data);

You may convert between output formats or frequency scale by changing the $fmt and $to_hz fields when writing:

@data = rsnp('input-file.s2p');
$data[5] = 'DB'; # $fmt
$data[7] = 'MHz' # $to_hz in wsnp() or $orig_f_unit from rsnp().
wsnp('output-file.s2p', @data);

Note that you may change neither $param_type nor $z0 unless you have done your own matrix transform from one parameter type (or impedance) to another. This is because while wsnp knows how to convert between RA, MA, and DB formats, it does not manipulate the matrix to convert between parameter types (or impedances). Use the P_to_Q() functions below to transform between matrix types.

IO Functions

rsnp($filename, $options) - Read touchstone file


  • $filename - the file to read

  • $options - A hashref of options:

    units: Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz, or THz.

    Units may specify one of Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz, or THz. The resulting $f vector will be scaled to the frequency format you specify. If you do not specify a format then $f will be scaled to Hz such that a value of 1e6 in the $f vector is equal to 1 MHz.

    freq_min_hz, freq_max_hz, freq_count: see m_interpolate()

    If these options are passed then the matrix ($m) and frequency ($f) PDLs returned by rsnp() will have been interpolated by m_interpolate().

Return values

The first set of parameters ($f, $m, $param_type, $z0) are required to properly utilize the data loaded by rsnp():

  • $f - A (M) vector piddle of input frequencies where M is the number of frequencies.

  • $m - A (N,N,M) piddle of X-parameter matrices where N is the number of ports and M is the number of frequencies.

    These matrixes have been converted from their 2-part RI/MA/DB input format and are ready to perform computation. Matrix values (S11, etc) use PDL's native complex values.

  • $param_type - one of S, Y, Z, H, G, T, or A that indicates the matrix parameter type.

    Note that T and A are not officially supported Touchstone formats, but you can still load them with this module (but it is up to you to know how to use them).

  • $z0 - The characteristic impedance reference used to collect the measurements.

The remaining parameters ($comments, $fmt, $funit) are useful only if you wish to re-create the original file format by calling wsnp():

  • $comments - An ARRAY-ref of full-line comments provided at the top of the input file.

  • $fmt - The format of the input file, one of:

    • RI - Real/imaginary format

    • MA - Magnitude/angle format

    • DB - dB/angle format

  • $funit - The frequency unit used by the $f vector

    The $funit value is typically 'Hz' unless you overrode the frequency scaling unit with $options in your call to rsnp(). If you specified a unit the $funit will use that unit so a call to wsnp() will re-create the original touchstone file.

  • $orig_funit - The frequency unit used by the original input file.

wsnp($filename, $f, $m, $param_type, $z0, $comments, $fmt, $from_hz, $to_hz)


Except for $filename (the output file), the arguments to wsnp() are the same as those returned by rsnp().

When writing it is up to you to maintain consistency between the output format and the data being represented. Except for complex value representation in $fmt and frequency scale in $f, this PDL::IO::Touchstone module will not make any mathematical transform on the matrix data.

Changing $to_hz will modify the frequency format in the resultant Touchstone file, but the represented data will remain correct because Touchstone knows how to scale frequencies.

Roughly speaking this should create an identical file to the input:

wsnp('output.s2p', rsnp('input.s2p'));

However, there are a few output differences that may occur:

  • Floating point rounding during complex format conversion

  • Same-line "suffix comments" are stripped

  • The order of comments and the "# format" line may be changed. wsnp() will write comments before the "# format" line.

  • Whitespace may differ in the output. Touchstone specifies any whitespace as a field delimiter and this module uses tabs as delimiters when writing output data.

wsnp_fh($fh, $f, $m, $param_type, $z0, $comments, $fmt, $from_hz, $to_hz)

Same as wsnp() except that it takes a file handle instead of a filename. Internally wsnp() uses wsnp_fh() and wsnp_fh() can be useful for building MDF files, however MDF files are much more complicated and outside of this module's scope. Consult the "SEE ALSO" section for more about MDFs and optimizing circuits.

S-Parameter Conversion Functions

  • Each matrix below is in the (N,N,M) format where N is the number of ports and M is the number of frequencies.

  • The value of $z0 in the conversion functions may be complex-valued and is represented as either:

    - A perl scalar value: all ports have same impedance
    - A 0-dim pdl like pdl( 5+2*i() ): all ports have same impedance
    - A 1-dim single-element pdl like pdl( [5+2*i()] ): all ports have same impedance
    - A 1-dim pdl representing the charectaristic impedance at each port: ports may have different impedances

$Y = s_to_y($S, $z0): Convert S-paramters to Y-parameters.

  • $S: The S-paramter matrix

  • $z0: Charectaristic impedance (see above).

  • $Y: The resultant Y-paramter matrix

$S = y_to_s($Y, $z0): Convert Y-paramters to S-parameters.

  • $Y: The Y-paramter matrix

  • $z0: Charectaristic impedance (see above).

  • $S: The resultant S-paramter matrix

$Z = s_to_z($S, $z0): Convert S-paramters to Z-parameters.

  • $S: The S-paramter matrix

  • $z0: Charectaristic impedance (see above).

  • $Z: The resultant Z-paramter matrix

$S = z_to_s($Z, $z0): Convert Z-paramters to S-parameters.

  • $Z: The Z-paramter matrix

  • $z0: Charectaristic impedance (see above).

  • $S: The resultant S-paramter matrix

$ABCD = s_to_abcd($S, $z0): Convert S-paramters to ABCD-parameters.

  • $S: The S-paramter matrix

  • $z0: Charectaristic impedance (see above).

  • $ABCD: The resultant ABCD-paramter matrix

$S = abcd_to_s($ABCD, $z0): Convert ABCD-paramters to S-parameters.

  • $ABCD: The ABCD-paramter matrix

  • $z0: Charectaristic impedance (see above).

  • $S: The resultant S-paramter matrix

S-Paramter Calculaction Functions

All functions prefixed with "s_" require an S-parameter matrix.

$z0n = s_port_z($S, $z0, $n) - Return the complex port impedance vector for each frequency

- $S: S paramter matrix
- $z0: vector of _reference_ impedances at each port (from rsnp)
- $n: the port we want.

In a 2-port, this will provide the input or output impedance as follows:

$z_in  = s_port_z($S, 50, 1);
$z_out = s_port_z($S, 50, 2);

Note that $z_in and $z_out are the PDL vectors for the input or output impedance at each frequency in $f. (NB, $f is not actually needed for the calculation.)

Y-Paramter Calculaction Functions

All functions prefixed with "y_" require a Y-parameter matrix.

These functions are intended for use with 2-port matrices---but if you know what you are doing they may work for higher-order matrices as well.

Unless otherwise indicated:

  • $Y is a set Y-parameter matrices (one for each frequency), either loaded directly from a Y-formatted .s2p file or converted via s_to_y or similar functions.

  • $f_hz is a vector of frequencies in Hz (one for each Y-matrix in $Y); $f_hz is assumed to be sorted in ascending order and correspond to each Mth element in $Y of dimension N,N,M where N is the number of ports and M is the number of sample frequencies.

$C = y_capacitance($Y, $f_hz) - Return a vector of capacitance for each frequency in Farads (F)

$C = y_cap_pF($Y, $f_hz) - Return a vector of capacitance it each frequency in picofarads (pF)

$L = y_inductance($Y, $f_hz) - Return a vector of inductance for each frequency in Henrys (H)

$L = y_ind_nH($Y, $f_hz) - Return a vector of inductance for each frequency in nanohenrys (nH)

$Qc = y_qfactor_c($Y, $f_hz) - Return the capacitive Q-factor vector for each frequency

Note that all inductive values are zeroed.

$Ql = y_qfactor_l($Y, $f_hz) - Return the inductive Q-factor vector for each frequency

Note that all capacitive values are zeroed.

$X = y_reactance($Y, $f_hz) - Return a vector of total reactance for each frequency

This is the same as (Xl - Xc).

$Xc = y_reactance_c($Y, $f_hz) - Return a vector of capacitive reactance for each frequency

$Xl = y_reactance_l($Y, $f_hz) - Return a vector of inductive reactance for each frequency

$R = y_resistance($Y) - Return the equivalent series resistance (ESR) in Ohms

$R = y_esr($Y, $f_hz) - An alias for y_resistance.

@srf_list_hz = y_srf($Y, $f_hz) - Return the component's self-resonant frequencies (SRF)

To calculate SRF, reactance is evaluated at each frequency. If the next frequency being evaulated has an opposite sign (ie, going from capacitive to inductive reactance) then that previous frequency is selected as an SRF.

Return value:

  • List context: Return the list of SRF's in ascending order, or an empty list if no SRF is found.

  • Scalar context: Return the lowest-frequency SRF, or undef if no SRF is found.

$f_hz = y_srf_ideal($Y, $f_hz) - Return the component's first self-resonant frequency

Notice: In almost all cases you will want y_srf instead of y_srf_ideal.

This is included for ideal Y-matrices only and may not be accurate. While the equation is a classic SRF calculation (1/(2*pi*sqrt(LC)), srf should scan the frequency lines as follows: "The SRF is determined to be the frequency at which the insertion (S21) phase changes from negative through zero to positive." [ ]

Circuit Composition

$Y_pp = y_parallel($Y1, $Y2, [...]) - Compose a parallel circuit

For example, if $Y1 and $Y2 represent a 100pF capacitor, then $Y_pp will represent a ~200pF capacitor. Parameters and return value must be Y matrices converted by a function like s_to_y.

$ABCD_ss = abcd_series($ABCD1, $ABCD2, [...]) - Compose a series circuit

For example, if $ABCD1 and $ABCD2 represent a 100pF capacitor, then $ABCD_ss will represent a ~50pF capacitor. Parameters and return value must be ABCD matrices converted by a function like s_to_abcd.

Helper Functions

$n = n_ports($S) - return the number of ports represented by the matrix.

Given any matrix (N,N,M) formatted matrix, this function will return N.

($f_new, $m_new) = m_interpolate($f, $m, $args) - return the number of ports represented by the matrix.

This function rescales the X-parameter matrix ($m) and frequency set ($f) to fit the requested frequency bounds. This example will return the interpolated $S_new and $f_new with 10 frequency samples from 100 to 1000 MHz (inclusive):

    ($f_new, $S_new) = m_interpolate($f, $S,
	{ freq_min_hz => 100e6, freq_max_hz => 1000e6, freq_count => 10,
	  quiet => 1 # optional
	} )

This function returns $f and $m verbatim if no $args are passed.

  • freq_min_hz: the minimum frequency at which to interpolate

  • freq_max_hz: the maximum frequency at which to interpolate

  • freq_count: the total number of frequencies sampled

  • quiet: suppress warnings when interpolating beyond the available frequency range

$max_diff = f_uniformity($f) - Return maximum frequency deviation.

Return the maximum difference between an ideal uniformally-spaced frequency set and the frequency set provided. This is used internally by f_is_uniform(). For example:

0.0 == f_uniformity(pdl [ 1, 2, 3  , 4 ]);
0.5 == f_uniformity(pdl [ 1, 2, 2.5, 4 ]);

$bool = f_is_uniform($f, $tolerance_hz) - Return true if the frequency set is uniform

Return true if the provided frequency set is uniform within a Hz value. We assume $f is provided in Hz, so adjust $tolerance_hz accordingly if $f is in a different unit.


Touchstone specification:
S-parameter matrix transform equations:
Building MDF files from multiple S2P files:,
Optimizing amplifer impedance match circuits with MDF files:
MDF file format:
"Conversions Between S, Z, Y, h, ABCD, and T Parameters which are Valid for Complex Source and Load Impedances" March 1994 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 42(2):205 - 211


Originally written at eWheeler, Inc. dba Linux Global Eric Wheeler to transform .s2p files and build MDF files to optimize with Microwave Office for amplifer impedance matches.


Copyright (C) 2022 eWheeler, Inc.

This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this module. If not, see <>.