
A POE message queue that uses STOMP for its communication protocol
Gather MQ Usage Statistics
Parent of provided storage engines
In-memory storage engine optimized for a large number of messages.
A configurable storage engine that keeps a front-store (something fast) and a back-store (something persistent), only storing messages in the back-store after a configurable timeout period.
A storage engine that uses DBI
The default storage engine (based on Complex), recommended for the most common case and used by
Stores composed of two other stores.
A storage engine that keeps message bodies on the filesystem
Wraps storage engines that aren't asynchronous via POE::Component::Generic so they can be used.
Wraps around another storage engine to throttle the number of messages sent to be stored at one time.
A generic Stomp server for POE


in lib/POE/Component/MessageQueue/
in lib/POE/Component/MessageQueue/
in lib/POE/Component/MessageQueue/
in lib/POE/Component/MessageQueue/
in lib/POE/Component/MessageQueue/
in lib/POE/Component/MessageQueue/Storage/
in lib/POE/Component/MessageQueue/Storage/
in lib/POE/Component/MessageQueue/Storage/
in lib/POE/Component/MessageQueue/Storage/Generic/
in lib/POE/Component/MessageQueue/
in lib/POE/Component/MessageQueue/