Net::Proxmox::VE::Nodes - Functions for the 'nodes' portion of the API
version 0.36
# assuming $obj is a Net::Proxmox::VE object
Returns the 'Cluster node index'
Note: Accessible by all authententicated users.
Gets a single nodes details
$ok = $obj->get_nodes('node')
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: Accessible by all authententicated users.
Gets a single nodes list of appliances
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_aplinfo('node')
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: Accessible by all authententicated users.
Create (upload) appliance templates.
$ok = $obj->download_nodes_aplinfo('node',\%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- storage
String. The storage to be used in pve-storage-id format. Required.
- template
Data. The actual template. Required.
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/storage/{storage}",["Datastore.AllocateTemplate"]]
Get DNS settings.
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_dns('node')
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Audit"]]
Updates (writes) DNS settings.
$ok = $obj->update_nodes_dns('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- search
String. Search domain for host-name lookup. Required.
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Audit"]]
Get nodes RRD statistics (returns PNG).
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_rrd('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- ds
String. The list of datasources you wish to see, in pve-configid-list format. Required.
- timeframe
Enum. Is either hour, day, week, month or year. Required.
- cf
Enum. Is either AVERAGE or MAX. Controls the RRD consolidation function. Optional.
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Audit"]]
Get nodes RRD statistics.
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_rrddata('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- timeframe
Enum. Is either hour, day, week, month or year. Required.
- cf
Enum. Is either AVERAGE or MAX. Controls the RRD consolidation function. Optional.
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Audit"]]
Gets node status
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_status('node')
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Audit"]]
Reboot or shutdown a node
$ok = $obj->updates_nodes_status('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- command
Enum. Either reboot or shutdown. Specifies the command. Required.
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.PowerMgmt"]]
Read nodes subscription info
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_subscription('node')
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: Root only.
Create/update nodes subscription info
$ok = $obj->create_nodes_subscription('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- force
Boolean. Always connect to the server, even if we have up to date info inside local cache. Optional.
Note: Root only.
Updates/sets subscription key
$ok = $obj->update_nodes_subscription_key('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- key
Boolean. Proxmox VE subscription key. Required.
Note: Root only.
Reads system log
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_syslog('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Syslog"]]
Read server time and time zone settings
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_time('node')
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Audit"]]
Updates time zone
$ok = $obj->update_nodes_time('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- timezone
String. Time zone to be used, see '/usr/share/zoneinfo/'. Required.
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Modify"]]
Get user_beancounters failcnt for all active containers.
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_ubcfailcnt('node')
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Audit"]]
Get user_beancounters failcnt for all active containers.
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_version('node')
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: Accessible by all authententicated users.
Creates a VNC Shell proxy.
$ok = $obj->create_nodes_vncshell('node')
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: Restricted to users on realm 'pam'. Required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Console"]]
Create backup.
$ok = $obj->create_nodes_vzdump('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- all
Boolean. Backup all known VMs on this host. Optional.
- bwlimit
Integer. Limit I/O bandwidth (KBytes per second). Optional.
- compress
Enum. Either 0, 1, gzip or lzo. Comress dump file. Optional
- dumpdir
String. Store resulting files to specified directory. Optional.
- exclude
String. Exclude specified VMs (assumes --all) in pve-vmid-list. Optional.
- exclude-path
String. Exclude certain files/directories (regex) in string-alist. Optional.
- ionice
Integer. Set CFQ ionice priority. Optional.
- lockwait
Integer. Maximal time to wait for the global lock (minutes). Optional.
- mailto
String. List of email addresses in string-list format. Optional.
- maxfiles
Integer. Maximal number of backup files per vm. Optional.
- mode
Enum. A value from snapshot, suspend or stop. Backup mode. Optional.
- quiet
Boolean. Be quiet. Optional.
- remove
Boolean. Remove old backup files if there are more than 'maxfiles' backup files. Optional.
- script
String. Use specified hook script. Optional.
- size
Integer. LVM snapshot size in MB. Optional.
- stdexcludes
Boolean. Exclude temporary files and logs. Optional.
- stdout
Boolean. Write tar to stdout rather than to a file. Optional.
- stopwait
Integer. Maximal time to wait until a VM is stopped (minutes). Optional.
- storage
String. Store resulting file to this storage, in pve-storage-id format. Optional.
- tmpdir
String. Store temporary files to specified directory. Optional.
- vmid
String. The ID of the VM you want to backup in pve-vm-list format. Optional.
Note: The user needs 'VM.Backup' permissions on any VM, and 'Datastore.AllocateSpace' on the backup storage.
List available networks on the node
$ok = $obj->nodes_network('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- type
Enum. One of bond, bridge, alias or eth. Only list specific interface types. Optional.
Note: Accessible by all authententicated users.
Create network device configuration
$ok = $obj->create_nodes_network('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- iface
String. The network interface name in pve-iface format. Required.
- address
String. The ipv4 network address. Optional.
- autostart
Boolean. Automatically start interface on boot. Optional.
- bond_mode
Enum. Either of balance-rr, active-backup, balance-xor, broadcast, 802.3ad, balance-tlb or balance-alb. Specifies the bonding mode. Optional.
- bridge_ports
String. Specify the interfaces you want to add to your bridge in pve-iface-list format. Optional.
- gateway
String. Default ipv4 gateway address. Optional.
- netmask
String. Network mask for ipv4. Optional.
- slaves
String. Specify the interfaces used by the bonding device in pve-iface-list format. Optional.
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Modify"]]
Revert network configuration changes.
$ok = $obj->revert_nodes_network('node')
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Modify"]]
Read network device configuration
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_network_iface('node', 'iface')
node is a string in pve-node format, iface is a string in pve-iface format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Audit"]]
Create network device configuration
$ok = $obj->update_nodes_network_iface('node', 'iface', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format, iface is a string in pve-iface format
%args may items contain from the following list
- address
String. The ipv4 network address. Optional.
- autostart
Boolean. Automatically start interface on boot. Optional.
- bond_mode
Enum. Either of balance-rr, active-backup, balance-xor, broadcast, 802.3ad, balance-tlb or balance-alb. Specifies the bonding mode. Optional.
- delete
String. Settings you want to delete in pve-configid-list format. Optional.
- bridge_ports
String. Specify the interfaces you want to add to your bridge in pve-iface-list format. Optional.
- gateway
String. Default ipv4 gateway address. Optional.
- netmask
String. Network mask for ipv4. Optional.
- slaves
String. Specify the interfaces used by the bonding device in pve-iface-list format. Optional.
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Modify"]]
Delete network device configuration
$ok = $obj->delete_nodes_network_iface('node', 'iface')
node is a string in pve-node format, iface is a string in pve-iface format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/nodes/{node}",["Sys.Modify"]]
OpenVZ container index (per node).
$ok = $obj->nodes_openvz('node')
node is a string in pve-node format
Note: Only lists VMs where you have VM.Audit permissons on /vms/<vmid>.
Create or restore a container.
$ok = $obj->create_nodes_openvz('node', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
%args may items contain from the following list
- ostemplate
String. The OS template or backup file. Required.
- vmid
Integer. The unique ID of the vm in pve-vmid format. Required.
- cpus
Integer. The number of CPUs for this container. Optional.
- cpuunits
Integer. CPU weight for a VM. Argument is used in the kernel fair scheduler. The larger the number is, the more CPU time this VM gets. Number is relative to weights of all the other running VMs.\n\nNOTE: You can disable fair-scheduler configuration by setting this to 0. Optional.
- description
String. Container description. Only used in the web interface. Optional.
- disk
Number. Amount of disk space for the VM in GB. A zero indicates no limit. Optional.
- force
Boolean. Allow to overwrite existing container. Optional.
- hostname
String. Set a host name for the container. Optional.
- ip_address
String. Specifies the address the container will be assigned. Optional.
- memory
Integer. Amount of RAM for the VM in MB. Optional.
- nameserver
String. Sets DNS server IP address for a container. Create will automatically use the setting from the host if you neither set searchdomain or nameserver. Optional.
- netif
String. Specifies network interfaces for the container in pve-openvz-netif format. Optional.
- onboot
Boolean. Specifies weather a VM will be started during the system bootup. Optional.
- password
String. Sets root password insider the container. Optional.
- pool
String. Add the VM to a specified pool in pve-poolid format. Optional.
- quotatime
Integer. Set quota grace period (seconds). Optional.
- quotaugidlimit
Integer. Set maximum number of user/group IDs in a container for which disk quota inside the container will be accounted. If this value is set to 0, user and group quotas inside the container will not. Optional.
- restore
Boolean. Mark this as a restore task. Optional.
- searchdomain
String. Sets DNS search domains for a container. Create will automatically use the setting from the host if you neither set searchdomain or nameserver. Optional.
- storage
String. Target storage in pve-storage-id. Optional.
- swap
Integer. Amount of SWAP for the VM in MB. Optional
Note: You need 'VM.Allocate' permissions on /vms/{vmid} or on the VM pool /pool/{pool}, and 'Datastore.AllocateSpace' on the storage.
required permissions are ["or",["perm","/vms/{vmid}",["VM.Allocate"]],["perm","/pool/{pool}",["VM.Allocate"],"require_param","pool"]]
Gets an openvz nodes details
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_openvz('node','vmid')
node is a string in pve-node format
mvid is an integer in pve-vmid format
Note: Accessible by all authententicated users.
Destroy the container (also delete all uses files).
$ok = $obj->delete_nodes_openvz('node','vmid')
node is a string in pve-node format
mvid is an integer in pve-vmid format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/vms/{vmid}",["VM.Allocate"]]
Directory index
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_openvz_status('node','vmid')
node is a string in pve-node format
mvid is an integer in pve-vmid format
Note: Accessible by all authententicated users.
Get virtual machine status.
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_openvz_status_current('node','vmid')
node is a string in pve-node format
mvid is an integer in pve-vmid format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/vms/{vmid}",["VM.Audit"]]
Mounts container private area.
$ok = $obj->create_nodes_openvz_status_mount('node','vmid')
node is a string in pve-node format
mvid is an integer in pve-vmid format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/vms/{vmid}",["VM.PowerMgmt"]]
Shutdown the container.
$ok = $obj->create_nodes_openvz_status_shutdown('node','vmid', \%args)
node is a string in pve-node format
vmid is an integer in pve-vmid format
%args may items contain from the following list
- forceStop
Boolean. Make sure the container stops. Note the capital S. Optional.
- timeout
Integer. Wait maximal timeout seconds
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/vms/{vmid}",["VM.PowerMgmt"]]
Start the container.
$ok = $obj->create_nodes_openvz_status_start('node','vmid')
node is a string in pve-node format
vmid is an integer in pve-vmid format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/vms/{vmid}",["VM.PowerMgmt"]]
Stop the container.
$ok = $obj->create_nodes_openvz_status_stop('node','vmid')
node is a string in pve-node format
vmid is an integer in pve-vmid format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/vms/{vmid}",["VM.PowerMgmt"]]
Get container user_beancounters.
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_openvz_status_ubc('node','vmid')
node is a string in pve-node format
vmid is an integer in pve-vmid format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/vms/{vmid}",["VM.Audit"]]
Unmounts container private area.
$ok = $obj->get_nodes_openvz_status_umount('node','vmid')
node is a string in pve-node format
vmid is an integer in pve-vmid format
Note: required permissions are ["perm","/vms/{vmid}",["VM.PowerMgmt"]]
Brendan Beveridge <>, Dean Hamstead <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Dean Hamstad.
This is free software, licensed under:
The MIT (X11) License