Revision history for perl Net::Proxmox::VE
0.36 2022-08-25
- Relicense to MIT. See GH#11
0.35 2019-08-03
- Adjusting prerequisites only.
- Rework the dist.ini file.
0.34 2019-08-02
- Problem now croak rather than print (thanks sauriol via GH)
- Adjusted tests to forgive ssl certificates
0.33 2018-03-15
- Fix ticket expiration calculation (thanks p5i via GH)
- Checking that $data->{data} is an array ref (thanks p5i via GH)
- URI access/domains should be accessible w/o login (thanks p5i via GH)
- Actually export functions from Net::Proxmox::VE::Cluster (thanks p5i via GH)
- Export more functions from Net::Proxmox::VE::Pools (thanks p5i via GH)
- Moved LWP from to (thanks p5i via GH)
0.32 2016-02-18
- Update things for Dist::Zilla
- Big version jump to satiate CPAN
0.0093 2016-02-17
- Fixed bug
0.0092 2015-05-12
- Contributions via GitHub
- Changes to Pod and dist.ini
0.004 2012-07-08
- Finished up (dean)
- Added TODO, which is actually just stuff to be revisited (dean)
0.003 2012-07-07
- Finished up (dean)
- Moved lots of stuff around (dean)
0.002 2012-06-16
- Finished up (dean)
- Fiddled with Dist::Zilla plugins (dean)
0.001 2012-06-17
- Initial release based on PHP api (brendan)
- Lots of fiddling around (dean)