Changes for version 1.49

  • Thanks to for sponsoring work on this release. [GSM]
  • Add the statement handle attribute ParamTypes, and fix an error in ParamValues. ParamTypes requires DBI 1.49 or better. [GSM]
  • Strip the final newline from error messages, so that die can add in the line number. (CPAN bug #18900) [GSM]
  • Make workaround for PQresultErrorField not returning proper result when an error is set and we are connecting via TCP/IP. This allows correct $dbh->state() values. [GSM]
  • Fix incorrect quoting preventing compiling. (CPAN bug #18640)
  • Add support for quoting and binding of geometric types: POINT, LINE, LSEG, BOX, PATH, POLYGON, and CIRCLE. Also added the TID type. [GSM]


PostgreSQL database driver for the DBI module