Net::Stomp::MooseHelpers::TracerRole - role to dump Net::Stomp frames to disk


version 2.8


This role is not to be used directly, look at Net::Stomp::MooseHelpers::TraceStomp and Net::Stomp::MooseHelpers::TraceOnly.

This role provides attributes and methods to write to disk every outgoing and incoming STOMP frame.

The frames are written as they are "on the wire" (no encoding conversion happens), one file per frame. Each frame is written into a directory under "trace_basedir" with a name derived from the frame destination.



The directory under which frames will be dumped. Accepts strings and Path::Class::Dir objects. If it's not specified and you enable "trace", every frame will generate a warning.


Boolean attribute to enable or disable tracing / dumping of frames. If you enable tracing but don't set "trace_basedir", every frame will generate a warning.


The permissions (as in "chmod" in perlfunc) to set the dumped files to. Accepts integers and strings with base-8 representation (see "Permissions" in Net::Stomp::MooseHelpers::Types and "OctalPermissions" in Net::Stomp::MooseHelpers::Types). The actual permissions applied will also depend on the umask.


The permissions (as in "chmod" in perlfunc) to set the directories for dumped files to. Accepts integers and strings with base-8 representation (see "Permissions" in Net::Stomp::MooseHelpers::Types and "OctalPermissions" in Net::Stomp::MooseHelpers::Types). The actual permissions applied will also depend on the umask.


Arrayref of frame types to dump (strings, compared case-insensitively). Defaults to ['SEND','MESSAGE']. If set to an empty array, all frame types will be dumped (this was the behaviour is previous versions).



Generate a directory name from a frame destination. By default, replaces every sequence of non-word characters with '_'.


Returns a filehandle / filename pair for the file to write the frame into. Avoids duplicates by using Time::HiRes's time as a starting filename, and File::Temp.


Gianni Ceccarelli <>


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