Mojolicious::Plugin::Prometheus - Mojolicious Plugin
# Mojolicious, no extra options
# Mojolicious::Lite, no extra options
plugin 'Prometheus';
# Mojolicious::Lite, with custom response buckets and metrics pr endpoint
plugin 'Prometheus' => {
http_requests_total => {
buckets => [qw/4 5 6/],
labels => [qw/worker method endpoint code/],
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $endpoint = $c->match->endpoint ? $c->match->endpoint->to_string : undef;
return ($$, $c->req->method, $endpoint || $c->req->url, $c->res->code);
# You can add your own route to do access control
my $under = app->routes->under('/secret' =>sub {
my $c = shift;
return 1 if $c->req->url->to_abs->userinfo eq 'Bender:rocks';
$c->render(text => 'Authentication required!', status => 401);
return undef;
plugin Prometheus => {route => $under};
Mojolicious::Plugin::Prometheus is a Mojolicious plugin that exports Prometheus metrics from Mojolicious.
Hooks are also installed to measure requests response time and count requests based on method and HTTP return code.
Create further instrumentation into your application by using this helper which gives access to the Net::Prometheus object. See Net::Prometheus for usage.
Mojolicious::Plugin::Prometheus inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones.
$plugin->register($app, \%config);
Register plugin in Mojolicious application.
can have:
Mojolicious::Routes::Route object to attach the metrics to, defaults to generating a new one for '/'.
Default: /
The path to mount the exporter.
Default: /metrics
Override the Net::Prometheus object. The default is a new singleton instance of Net::Prometheus.
namespace, subsystem
These will be prefixed to the metrics exported.
Key used for shared memory access between workers, see $key in IPC::ShareLite for details. Default is the process id read from
Structure that overrides the configuration for the
metric. See below.http_request_size_bytes
Structure that overrides the configuration for the
metric. See below.http_response_size_bytes
Structure that overrides the configuration for the
metric. See below.http_requests_total
Structure that overrides the configuration for the
metric. See below.perl_collector
Structure that tells the plugin to enable or disable a Perl collector. Previously the Perl collector from Net::Prometheus was used, but that is no longer in use due to it not being possible to add dynamic label values. Now Mojolicious::Plugin::Prometheus::Collector::Perl is used. The configuration here need as follows:
- enabled
Boolean-ish value indicating if this collector should be used.
- labels_cb
A subref that the collector can call to dynamically resolve which labels and corresponding label values should be added to each metric. Default is:
{ enabled => 1, labels_cb => sub { { worker => $$ } }, }
Structure that tells the plugin to enable or disable a process collector. The process collector from Net::Prometheus is used for this. The configuration here need as follows:
- enabled
Boolean-ish value indicating if this collector should be used.
- labels_cb
A subref that the collector can call to dynamically resolve which labels and corresponding label values should be added to each metric. Default is:
{ enabled => 1, labels_cb => sub { { worker => $$ } }, }
In addition to exposing the default process metrics that Net::Prometheus already expose this plugin will also expose
, request counter partitioned over HTTP method and HTTP response codehttp_request_duration_seconds
, request duration histogram partitioned over HTTP methodhttp_request_size_bytes
, request size histogram partitioned over HTTP methodhttp_response_size_bytes
, response size histogram partitioned over HTTP method
Custom configuration of the built in metrics is possible. An example structure can be seen in the synopsis. The four built in metrics from this plugin all have more or less the same structure. Metrics provided by the Perl- and Process-collectors from Net::Prometheus can be used and changed by providing a custom prometheus
object instead of using the defaults as detailed previously.
Default configuration for the built in metrics are as follows:
http_request_duration_seconds => {
buckets => [.005, .01, .025, .05, .075, .1, .25, .5, .75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10],
labels => [qw/worker method/],
cb => sub($c) { $$, $c->req->method, tv_interval($c->stash('prometheus.start_time')) },
http_request_size_bytes => {
buckets => [1, 50, 100, 1_000, 10_000, 50_000, 100_000, 500_000, 1_000_000],
labels => [qw/worker method/],
cb => sub($c) { $$, $c->req->method, $c->req->content->body_size },
http_response_size_bytes => {
buckets => [5, 50, 100, 1_000, 10_000, 50_000, 100_000, 500_000, 1_000_000],
labels => [qw/worker method code/],
cb => sub($c) { $$, $c->req->method, $c->res->code, $c->res->content->body_size },
http_requests_total => {
labels => [qw/worker method code/],
cb => sub($c) { $$, $c->req->method, $c->res->code },
(the IPC::ShareLite parts of this code is shamelessly stolen from Mojolicious::Plugin::Status written by Sebastian Riedel and mangled into something that works for me)
Copyright (C) 2018, Vidar Tyldum
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 339:
Expected '=item *'
- Around line 360:
Expected '=item *'