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Mojolicious::Routes::Route - Route


use Mojolicious::Routes::Route;

my $r = Mojolicious::Routes::Route->new;


Mojolicious::Routes::Route is the route container used by Mojolicious::Routes.


Mojolicious::Routes::Route implements the following attributes.


my $children = $r->children;
$r           = $r->children([Mojolicious::Routes::Route->new]);

The children of this route, used for nesting routes.


my $bool = $r->inline;
$r       = $r->inline($bool);

Allow "under" semantics for this route.


my $parent = $r->parent;
$r         = $r->parent(Mojolicious::Routes::Route->new);

The parent of this route, usually a Mojolicious::Routes::Route object. Note that this attribute is weakened.


my $bool = $r->partial;
$r       = $r->partial($bool);

Route has no specific end, remaining characters will be captured in path.


my $pattern = $r->pattern;
$r          = $r->pattern(Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern->new);

Pattern for this route, defaults to a Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern object.


Mojolicious::Routes::Route inherits all methods from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones.


$r = $r->add_child(Mojolicious::Routes::Route->new);

Add a child to this route, it will be automatically removed from its current parent if necessary.

# Reattach route


my $route = $r->any;
my $route = $r->any('/:foo');
my $route = $r->any('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->any('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name');
my $route = $r->any('/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->any('/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->any('/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->any(['GET', 'POST'] => '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->any(['GET', 'POST'] => '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/]);

Generate Mojolicious::Routes::Route object matching any of the listed HTTP request methods or all.

# Route with pattern and destination

All arguments are optional, but some have to appear in a certain order, like the two supported array reference values, which contain the HTTP methods to match and restrictive placeholders.

# Route with HTTP methods, pattern, restrictive placeholders and destination
$r->any(['DELETE', 'PUT'] => '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/])->to('foo#bar');

There are also two supported string values, containing the route pattern and the route name, defaulting to the pattern / and a name based on the pattern.

# Route with pattern, name and destination
$r->any('/:foo' => 'foo_route')->to('foo#bar');

An arbitrary number of key/value pairs in between the route pattern and name can be used to specify route conditions.

# Route with pattern, condition and destination
$r->any('/' => (agent => qr/Firefox/))->to('foo#bar');

A hash reference is used to specify optional placeholders and default values for the stash.

# Route with pattern, optional placeholder and destination
$r->any('/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'})->to('foo#bar');

And a code reference can be used to specify a cb value to be merged into the default values for the stash.

# Route with pattern and a closure as destination
$r->any('/:foo' => sub ($c) {
  $c->render(text => 'Hello World!');

See Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial and Mojolicious::Guides::Routing for more information.


my $route = $r->delete;
my $route = $r->delete('/:foo');
my $route = $r->delete('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->delete('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name');
my $route = $r->delete('/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->delete('/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->delete('/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...});

Generate Mojolicious::Routes::Route object matching only DELETE requests, takes the same arguments as "any" (except for the HTTP methods to match, which are implied). See Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial and Mojolicious::Guides::Routing for more information.

# Route with destination


my $route = $r->find('foo');

Find child route by name, custom names have precedence over automatically generated ones.

# Change default parameters of a named route
$r->find('show_user')->to(foo => 'bar');


my $route = $r->get;
my $route = $r->get('/:foo');
my $route = $r->get('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->get('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name');
my $route = $r->get('/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->get('/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->get('/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...});

Generate Mojolicious::Routes::Route object matching only GET requests, takes the same arguments as "any" (except for the HTTP methods to match, which are implied). See Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial and Mojolicious::Guides::Routing for more information.

# Route with destination


my $bool = $r->has_custom_name;

Check if this route has a custom name.


my $bool = $r->has_websocket;

Check if this route has a WebSocket ancestor and cache the result for future checks.


my $bool = $r->is_endpoint;

Check if this route qualifies as an endpoint.


my $bool = $r->is_reserved('controller');

Check if string is a reserved stash value.


my $bool = $r->is_websocket;

Check if this route is a WebSocket.


my $methods = $r->methods;
$r          = $r->methods('GET');
$r          = $r->methods('GET', 'POST');
$r          = $r->methods(['GET', 'POST']);

Restrict HTTP methods this route is allowed to handle, defaults to no restrictions.

# Route with two methods and destination
$r->any('/foo')->methods('GET', 'POST')->to('foo#bar');


my $name = $r->name;
$r       = $r->name('foo');

The name of this route, defaults to an automatically generated name based on the route pattern. Note that the name current is reserved for referring to the current route.

# Route with destination and custom name


my $route = $r->options;
my $route = $r->options('/:foo');
my $route = $r->options('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->options('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name');
my $route = $r->options('/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->options('/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->options('/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...});

Generate Mojolicious::Routes::Route object matching only OPTIONS requests, takes the same arguments as "any" (except for the HTTP methods to match, which are implied). See Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial and Mojolicious::Guides::Routing for more information.

# Route with destination


$r = $r->parse('/user/:id');
$r = $r->parse('/user/:id', id => qr/\d+/);
$r = $r->parse(format => ['json', 'yaml']);

Parse pattern.


my $route = $r->patch;
my $route = $r->patch('/:foo');
my $route = $r->patch('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->patch('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name');
my $route = $r->patch('/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->patch('/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->patch('/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...});

Generate Mojolicious::Routes::Route object matching only PATCH requests, takes the same arguments as "any" (except for the HTTP methods to match, which are implied). See Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial and Mojolicious::Guides::Routing for more information.

# Route with destination


my $route = $r->post;
my $route = $r->post('/:foo');
my $route = $r->post('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->post('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name');
my $route = $r->post('/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->post('/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->post('/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...});

Generate Mojolicious::Routes::Route object matching only POST requests, takes the same arguments as "any" (except for the HTTP methods to match, which are implied). See Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial and Mojolicious::Guides::Routing for more information.

# Route with destination


my $route = $r->put;
my $route = $r->put('/:foo');
my $route = $r->put('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->put('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name');
my $route = $r->put('/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->put('/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->put('/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...});

Generate Mojolicious::Routes::Route object matching only PUT requests, takes the same arguments as "any" (except for the HTTP methods to match, which are implied). See Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial and Mojolicious::Guides::Routing for more information.

# Route with destination


$r = $r->remove;

Remove route from parent.

# Remove route completely

# Reattach route to new parent


my $path = $r->render({foo => 'bar'});

Render route with parameters into a path.


my $root = $r->root;

The Mojolicious::Routes object this route is a descendant of.


my $requires = $r->requires;
$r           = $r->requires(foo => 1);
$r           = $r->requires(foo => 1, bar => {baz => 'yada'});
$r           = $r->requires([foo => 1, bar => {baz => 'yada'}]);

Activate conditions for this route. Note that this automatically disables the routing cache, since conditions are too complex for caching.

# Route with condition and destination
$r->get('/foo')->requires(host => qr/mojolicious\.org/)->to('foo#bar');


my $method = $r->suggested_method;

Suggested HTTP method for reaching this route, GET and POST are preferred.


my $defaults = $r->to;
$r           = $r->to(action => 'foo');
$r           = $r->to({action => 'foo'});
$r           = $r->to('controller#action');
$r           = $r->to('controller#action', foo => 'bar');
$r           = $r->to('controller#action', {foo => 'bar'});
$r           = $r->to(Mojolicious->new);
$r           = $r->to(Mojolicious->new, foo => 'bar');
$r           = $r->to(Mojolicious->new, {foo => 'bar'});
$r           = $r->to('MyApp');
$r           = $r->to('MyApp', foo => 'bar');
$r           = $r->to('MyApp', {foo => 'bar'});

Set default parameters for this route.


my $str = $r->to_string;

Stringify the whole route.


my $route = $r->under(sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->under('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->under('/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'});
my $route = $r->under('/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/]);
my $route = $r->under('/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/));
my $route = $r->under([format => ['json', 'yaml']]);

Generate Mojolicious::Routes::Route object for a nested route with its own intermediate destination, takes the same arguments as "any" (except for the HTTP methods to match, which are not available). See Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial and Mojolicious::Guides::Routing for more information.

# Longer version
$r->any('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...})->inline(1);

# Intermediate destination and prefix shared between two routes
my $auth = $r->under('/user')->to('user#auth');


my $route = $r->websocket;
my $route = $r->websocket('/:foo');
my $route = $r->websocket('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->websocket('/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name');
my $route = $r->websocket('/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->websocket('/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...});
my $route = $r->websocket('/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...});

Generate Mojolicious::Routes::Route object matching only WebSocket handshakes, takes the same arguments as "any" (except for the HTTP methods to match, which are implied). See Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial and Mojolicious::Guides::Routing for more information.

# Route with destination


In addition to the "ATTRIBUTES" and "METHODS" above you can also call shortcuts provided by "root" on Mojolicious::Routes::Route objects.

# Add a "firefox" shortcut
$r->root->add_shortcut(firefox => sub ($r, $path) {
  $r->get($path, agent => qr/Firefox/);

# Use "firefox" shortcut to generate routes


Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides,