Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Lagan - Object for the local execution of the LAGAN suite of tools (including MLAGAN for multiple sequence alignments)
use Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Lagan;
@params =
('chaos' => "The contents of this string will be passed as args to chaos",
#Read you chaos README file for more info/This functionality
#has not been tested and will be integrated in future versions.
'order' => "\"-gs -7 -gc -2 -mt 2 -ms -1\"",
#Where gap start penalty of- 7, gap continue of -2, match of 2,
#and mismatch of -1.
'recurse' => "\"(12,25),(7,25),(4,30)"\",
#A list of (wordlength,score cutoff) pairs to be used in the
#recursive anchoring
'tree' => "\"(sample1 (sample2 sample3))"\",
#Used by mlagan / tree can also be passed when calling mlagan directly
'match' => 12,
'mismatch' => -8,
'gapstart' => -50,
'gapend' => -50,
'gapcont' => -2,
To run mlagan/lagan, the executables "mlagan" and "" must be in your path or you must have an environment variable that points to the executable directory "LAGANDIR=/opt/lagan_executables/"
All lagan and mlagan parameters listed in their Readmes can be set except for the mfa flag which has been turned on by default to prevent parsing of the alignment format.
my $lagan = new Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Lagan(@params);
my $report_out = $lagan->lagan($seq1, $seq2);
A SimpleAlign object is returned.
my $lagan = new Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Lagan();
my $tree = "(($seqname1 $seqname2) $seqname3)";
my @sequence_objs; #an array of bioperl Seq objects
##If you use an unblessed seq array
my $seq_ref = \@sequence_objs;
bless $seq_ref, "ARRAY";
my $report_out = $lagan->mlagan($seq_ref, $tree);
A SimpleAlign object is returned
Only basic mlagan/lagan functionality has been implemented due to the iterative development of their project. Future maintenance upgrades will include enhanced features and scoring.
Mailing Lists
User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated. - General discussion - About the mailing lists
Reporting Bugs
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email or the web:
AUTHOR - Stephen Montgomery
Genome Sciences Centre in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA
MLagan/Lagan is the hard work of Michael Brudno et al.
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Runs the Lagan pairwise alignment algorithm
Inputs should be two PrimarySeq objects.
Returns an SimpleAlign object / preloaded with the tmp file of the
Lagan multifasta output.
Runs the Mlagan multiple sequence alignment algorithm
Inputs should be an Array of Primary Seq objects and a Phylogenetic Tree in String format
Returns an SimpleAlign object / preloaded with the tmp file of the Mlagan multifasta output.
Title : _setinput
Usage : Internal function, not to be called directly
Function: Create input file(s) for Lagan executables
Returns : name of files containing Lagan data input /
or array of files and phylo tree for Mlagan data input
Title : _generic_lagan
Usage : internal function not called directly
Returns : SimpleAlign object
Title : _setparams
Usage : Internal function, not to be called directly
Function: Create parameter inputs for (m)Lagan program
Returns : parameter string to be passed to Lagan
Args : Reference to calling object and name of (m)Lagan executable
Title : _runlagan
Usage : Internal function, not to be called directly
Function: makes actual system call to (m)Lagan program
Example :
Returns : Report object in the SimpleAlign object
Title : executable
Usage : my $exe = $lagan->executable('mlagan');
Function: Finds the full path to the 'lagan' executable
Returns : string representing the full path to the exe
Args : [optional] name of executable to set path to
[optional] boolean flag whether or not warn when exe is not found
Thanks to Jason Stajich for providing the framework for this subroutine
Title : program_path
Usage : my $path = $lagan->program_path();
Function: Builds path for executable
Returns : string representing the full path to the exe
Thanks to Jason Stajich for providing the framework for this subroutine
Title : program_dir
Usage : my $dir = $lagan->program_dir();
Function: Abstract get method for dir of program. To be implemented
by wrapper.
Returns : string representing program directory
Thanks to Jason Stajich for providing the framework for this subroutine