Revision history for Bioperl run modules
1.2.2 Release update in sync with bioperl core
o Soaplab
- API changes
- binary input added
o Pise - changes affecting most Bio::Tools::Run:PiseApplication modules
- Numerous documentation fixes in almost all modules
- Added code in the SYNOPSIS, as well as the FEEDBACK, COPYRIGHT
and SEE ALSO parts.
- the DESCRIPTION section now contains *only* the parameters that
can be set by the client.
- remote parameter to -location to conform to
Bio::Tools::Run::AnalysisFactory interface
- new programs sirna, tranalign, twofeat (from EMBOSS 2.6).
o Bio::Tools::Run::Eponine
- More standardized way of running
o Bio::Tools::Run::FootPrinter
- Write the files properly
- Mark Wagner's enhancements bug #1399
o Bio::Tools::Run::Genewise
- more options
o Bio::Tools::Run::Genscan
- doc fix
o Bio::Tools::Run::Hmmpfam
- Updated to set params properly and return a SearchIO object
o Bio::Tools::Run::Mdust
- new location
- Modified to inherit Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase
- use Bio::Root::IO to build up paths
- Modified documentation to conform to bioperl format
o Bio::Tools::Run::Signalp
- uniform sequence truncation lenght
o Bio::Tools::Run::Vista
- new module
- Support more options
- More documentation
- fix reverse sequence bug
o Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::SeqBoot
- Allow more than one alignment
o Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::Neighbor
- Check for multiple data sets and set parameter accordingly
o Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Blat
- moved from Bio::Tools::Run name space
- some code cleanup to avoid warnings and insure filehandles are
properly closed, etc
o Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Lagan
- program name included
- small fixes and addition of options
- added the right credits.
- Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::DBA and Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Sim4
- Quiet declaration warnings
1.2 Developer release
o Analysis Factory framework- currently providing SOAP access to EMBOSS
o Support for FootPrinter, Genewise, Hmmpfam, Primate, Prints,
Profile, Promoterwise, Pseudowise, Seg, Signalp, Tmhmm,TribeMCL,
o Added support for PHYLIP apps: Consense, DrawGram, DrawTree, SeqBoot
o Added INSTALL.PROGRAMS providing references to download the program binaries.
o Bug Fixes that hopefully solves the 'too many open files' problem
0.01 Initial release
o Package is broken off from bioperl-live to support just
runnable wrapper modules.
o Support for PAML codeml tested, aaml still waiting
o Support for Molphy protml, nucml to come
o Support for EMBOSS pkg - still need to move component from
bioperl-live Bio::Factory::EMBOSS to this package and
rename it Bio::Tools::Run::EMBOSSFactory or something
o Support for Clustalw, TCoffee, Local NCBI BLAST.
o RepeatMasker, Genscan, Pseudowise, TribeMCL, Primate, Eponine.
o Support for remote analysis through Pise and NCBI Web Blast
o Select PHYLIP apps: Neighbor, ProtDist, and ProtPars.