Changes for version 0.6.1
- o Sequences can have Sequence Features attached to them
- The sequence features can be read from or written to EMBL and GenBank style flat files
- o Objects for Annotation, including References (but not full medline abstracts), Database links and Comments are provided
- o A Species object to represent nodes on a taxonomy tree is provided
- o The ability to parse HMMER and Sim4 output has been added
- o The Blast parsing has been improved, with better PSI-BLAST support and better overall behaviour.
- o Flat file indexed databases provide both random access and sequential access to their component sequences.
- o A CodonTable object has been written with all known CodonTables accessible.
- o A number of new lightweight analysis tools have been added, such as molecular weight determination.
- The 0.6 release also has improved software engineering
- o The sequence objects have been rewritten, providing more maintainable and easier to implement objects. These objects are backwardly compatible with the 0.05.1 objects
- o Many objects are defined in terms of interfaces and then a Perl implementation has been provided. The interfaces are found in the 'I' files (module names ending in 'I').
- This means that it is possible to wrap C/CORBA/SQL access as true "bioperl" objects, compatible with the rest of bioperl.
- o The SeqIO system has been overhauled to provide better processing and perl-like automatic interpretation of <> over arguments.
- o Many more tests have been added (a total of 172 automatic tests are now run before release).
Design Documentation
Coordinated OOP-Perl Modules for Biology
Getting Started
fetches sequences from bioperl indexed databases
indexes files for use by bpfetch
A generic object for annotations
A Comment on an Annotation
Database Link
Literature Reference Block
Database object interface to ACeDB servers
Database object interface to GenBank
Database object interface to GenPept
Abstract interface for a sequence database
Abstract Interface for Sequence databases
Abstract interface for indexing a flat file
Base class for AbstractSeq's
Interface for indexing (multiple) EMBL/Swissprot .dat files (ie flat file embl/swissprot format).
Interface for indexing (multiple) fasta files
Interface for indexing swisspfam files
A Sequence object with start/end points on it
Bioperl lightweight Sequence Object
Interface definition for a Bio::PrimarySeq
Pure perl RangeI implementation
Range interface
Exception class for Perl 5 objects
Global variables and utility functions
Input and output manager for Perl5 objects.
A core Perl 5 object.
Abstract interface to root object code
General-purpose utility module
Interface for managing linked lists of Perl5 objects.
A generic cross-reference object.
Hit object specific for Fasta-generated hits
Abstract interface for Hit objects
Processor of Fasta-generated data streams
Abstract Interface for Processor Objects
Result object for FASTA-generated data sources
Abstract interface to Result objects
A perl wrapper around Sean Eddy's histogram object
Sequence object, with features
hold pair feature information e.g. blast hits
Generic SeqFeature
Abstract interface of a Sequence Feature
Abstract Interface of Sequence (with features)
Handler for SeqIO Formats
Helper class for Embl/Genbank feature tables
Treating a set of files as a single input stream
EMBL sequence input/output stream
fasta sequence input/output stream
GCG sequence input/output stream
GenBank sequence input/output stream
PIR sequence input/output stream
raw sequence file input/output stream
SCF sequence input/output stream
Swissprot sequence input/output stream
Multiple alignments held as a set of sequences
Generic species object
Base object for alignment factories
Bioperl BLAST sequence analysis object
Bioperl BLAST High-Scoring Segment Pair object
Bioperl Utility module for HTML formatting Blast reports
Bioperl module for running Blast analyses locally.
Bioperl module for running Blast analyses using a HTTP interface.
Bioperl BLAST "Hit" object
Bioperl codon table object
Bioperl Fasta utility object
One particular domain hit from HMMER
Object representing HMMER output results
Set of identical domains from HMMER matches
Generates unique Seq objects from an ambiguous Seq object
Bioperl object for a restriction endonuclease object.
Bioperl sequence analysis base class.
Bioperl object for a sequence pattern or motif
Object holding statistics for one particular sequence
Object holding n-mer statistics for one sequence
Bioperl object for sigcleave analysis
A single
Results of one Sim4 run
Bioperl manager for web resources related to biology.
Bioperl alignment object
- examples/blast/
- examples/blast/
- examples/blast/example.table1
- examples/blast/example.table2
- examples/blast/
- examples/blast/out/blastn.2.gz
- examples/blast/out/blastn.2.wu.gz
- examples/blast/out/blastp.1.gcg.gz
- examples/blast/out/blastp.1.gz
- examples/blast/out/blastp.2.gz
- examples/blast/out/blastp.2.nogap.gz
- examples/blast/out/blastp.2.wu
- examples/blast/out/blastp.205.gz
- examples/blast/out/blastp.2a.gz
- examples/blast/out/blastp.2b.gz
- examples/blast/out/
- examples/blast/out/blastx.2
- examples/blast/out/
- examples/blast/out/blastx.208.gz
- examples/blast/out/tblastn.206.out.gz
- examples/blast/
- examples/blast/
- examples/blast/
- examples/blast/
- examples/blast/
- examples/blast/
- examples/blast/
- examples/blast/seq/acc1.dna.fasta
- examples/blast/seq/seqs.fasta
- examples/blast/seq/yal011w.dna.fasta
- examples/blast/seq/yel009c.fasta
- examples/blast/seq/ymr284w.fasta
- examples/blosum62.bla
- examples/gon250.bla
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/root_object/
- examples/root_object/
- examples/root_object/
- examples/root_object/
- examples/root_object/error.out
- examples/root_object/
- examples/root_object/filehandle.out
- examples/root_object/
- examples/root_object/io.out
- examples/root_object/
- examples/root_object/
- examples/root_object/read.test
- examples/root_object/read.test2
- examples/root_object/read.test3
- examples/root_object/
- examples/root_object/vector/
- examples/root_object/vector/
- examples/root_object/vector/vector.out
- examples/root_object/vector/
- examples/seq/id.list
- examples/seq/seq.fasta.gz
- examples/seq/seq1.fasta
- examples/seq/seq2.fasta
- examples/seq/
- examples/seq/
- examples/seq/
- examples/seq/
- examples/
- examples/