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Games::Framework::RCP::Data - Details of the Data Tables and Views


Version 0.04


As this is a documentation module, there are no dependencies.


As this is a doucmentation module, there is no synopsis.


The Games::Framework::RCP::Data module is a documentation module that describes what uses the data based database tables and views. Following PostGresQL schema organization, this module effectively represents the data schema.


As this is a documentation module, no configuring is required.


The four tables are listed below in alphabetical order:


The list of the various classes.
Column Type Null? Default Constraints Comment
id_job integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT [pk] ID of the job.
name varchar(32) NOT NULL [uniq] Name of the job.
description varchar(256) NOT NULL 'Fill me in with something!' Description of the job.
kind integer NOT NULL 1 Kind of job. 1 = normal.
hp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 HP of the job.
mp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 MP of the job.
pp numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 PP of the job.
spd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 Speed of the job.
patk numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 Physical Attack
matk numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 Magical Attack
pdef numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 Physical Defense
mdef numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 Magical Defense
pacc numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 Physical Accuracy
macc numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 Magical Accuracy
pevd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 Physical Evade
mevd numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 50 Magical Evade

The classes table shows all of the various classes that are in use. Each class has its own stats that make its use unique.

The kind column is there to restrict the classes that players can play. Game Masters can use any kind of class, mainly to reprsent bosses.

For those that have seen the combatants table, they would notice that jobs here do not have max HP, MP, or PP. A fighter's max of anything is determined by the HP, MP, or PP set in this table.



Stat boosts for leveled up jobs.
Column Type Null? Default Constraints Comment
fkey_job integer NOT NULL [fk][pk] ID of the job.
name varchar(4) NOT NULL [fk] Name of the stat to boost (must match column).
value numeric(12,4) NOT NULL Value to boost per 1 level increase.

The level_up table shows the stat boosts each job gets upon gaining one level.

When fighters join the battle, the number of levels they have in that job determines the bonus stats applied for that battle. It is technically possible for fighters to have fractional or even negative levels in a class.

All fighters start with level 0 in all classes.


What status effects do certain jobs start with?
Column Type Null? Default Constraints Comment
fkey_job integer NOT NULL [fk][pk] ID of the job.
name integer NOT NULL [fk][pk] ID of the status effect.
length numeric(12,4) NOT NULL 10000 Length of the effect. -10K or less is indefinite: 10K or more is permament.

The starting_status table shows what status effects are to be applied to a particular job upon joining the battle. Usually, these status effects are permament, hence the default value of 10000 for the length.

For the actual list of status effects, see below.


List of status effects.
Column Type Null? Default Constraints Comment
id_status integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT [pk] ID of the status effect.
name varchar(32) NOT NULL [uniq] Name of the status effect.
desc varchar(100) NOT NULL Description of the status effect.
is_good boolean NULL = neutral effect.
is_secret boolean NOT NULL false Is this status effect traditionally hidden from players?

The status_effects table contains a listing of all of the status effects in the game. The effects are generally grouped by if they are good effects, bad effects, or something else entirely.

The current list of planned status effects are below, grouped by want-ability and alphabetically arranged:

Good status effects
  • Deathshield - Instant death attacks can't hurt you...most of the time.

  • Haste - Every tick, you move closer to your turn than your teammates.

  • Quick - Move so fast, one can take TWO actions per turn!

  • Regen - Gradually recover a percentage of your health every so often.

  • Safeguard - Protection from status ailments is great...when it works.

Bad status effects
  • Critial - You are in danger of dying! Watch your health!

  • Frozen - You are stopped cold! Fire melts you, but heavy damage KOs you!

  • KO - You are knocked out. Tough luck.

  • Petrify - Almost nothing can affect you. You are considered defeated until you recover.

  • Poison - Every so often, those poisoned take a percentage of their max HP in damage.

  • Seizure Lose some HP each tick.>

  • Slow - Each tick, you move a fraction of your speed slower than your teammates.

  • Stop - CT is frozen. You can't move or do anything.

  • Undead - Healing is bad for you: watch out for cure spells!


There are no subroutines in this module.


There are no known incompatibilities in this module.


There are no known problems, and therefore no need to provide solutions.


Jason Felds, <wolfman.ncsu2000 at gmail.com>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-Games-Framework-RCP at rt.cpan.org, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Games-Framework-RCP-Data. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Games::Framework::RCP::Data

You can also look for information at:


See Games::Framework::RCP for all acknowledgements.


Copyright 2008 Jason Felds, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.