This software is currently under development. It is not done. While it will not be done quickly, contributions can help make things go faster. Please contribute if you can.


Games::Framework::RCP - Final Fantasy Tactics based battle system.


This module is merely a documentation module. To get the best use out of it, download all of the other Games::Framework::RCP modules as well. For best functionality, make sure to also have the following modules installed on your system.


Version 0.01_01


This is coming later, when more is developed.


I am making a (pretty poor) assumption that most people that read this have heard of the game Final Fantasy. The long running role playing game series has spun off into its own Tactics based series, with a huge success. This module is one such recreation of the majority of the core battle functionality of the Tactics system, while adding other options that Game Masters may want to use for variety.

To view the inspiration for this, please check the acknowledgements section.


The only requirements for the environment are that PostGresQL is installed. In the future, other database systems may be supported.


Due to how CPAN and CPANPLUS work, installing this module and its dependencies do not install the database that drives this system. Therefore, the following instructions are given to ensure that everything gets installed.

  1. Download the tar.gz file.

  2. Extract the tar.gz file. In the command line, tar xvf Games-Framework-RCP.tar.gz will work.

  3. Change to the extracted directory.

  4. Type in the command line: perl Makefile.PL.

  5. Load the pg.sql file from the scripts directory into your PostGresQL system.

  6. Set the environment variables DB_TEST_USERNAME and DB_TEST_PASSWORD with your preferred username and password.

  7. Type in the command line: make.

  8. Type in the command line: make test. If the tests do not pass, let me know. My information is at the author section.

  9. Type in the command line: sudo make install.

  10. Create/use a "driver program" to interface with these modules.

  11. Have fun!


The modules included are as follows:


At this time, there is no "driver" program file that is in place to interface with these modules. In time, I will release one such driver program for X-Chat.

If anyone wants to contribute their own setups (say, for other IRC clients or something else exotic), let me know and I will credit you properly.


There are no subroutines in this module.


There are no known incompatibilities in this module.


There are no known problems, and therefore no need to provide solutions.


Jason Felds, <wolfman.ncsu2000 at gmail.com>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-Games-Framework-RCP at rt.cpan.org, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Games-Framework-RCP. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Games::Framework::RCP

You can also look for information at:


This author acknowledges the previous authors of such battle systems that were used for the mIRC program. The latest author of such a system, Kafei, is currently hosting his own using said mIRC program. More info can be found here: http://www.roleplayx.net/wiki/index.php/RoleplayX


Copyright 2008 Jason Felds, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.