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Games::Framework::RCP::Battle - Details of the Battle Tables and Views
Version 0.04
As this is a documentation module, there are no dependencies.
Games::Framework::RCP::Battle - Module that describes the SQL tables and views used by this part of the database. In PostGresQL, this would be the schema.
The Games::Framework::RCP::Battle module is a documentation module that describes what uses the battle based database tables and views. Following PostGresQL schema organization, this module effectively represents the battle schema.
As this is a documentation module, no configuring is required.
The two tables are listed below in alphabetical order:
Column | Type | Null? | Default | Constraints | Comment |
join_time | datetime | NOT NULL | now() | What time did the fighter join? | |
fkey_character | bigint | NOT NULL | [fk][uniq] | The character that is fighting. | |
fkey_job | integer | NOT NULL | [fk] | The job the character is fighting with. | |
secondary | varchar(32) | NULL | secondary skillset | ||
aux | varchar(32) | NULL | auxillary skill | ||
ct | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | int rand 500 | CT. randomized at the start. | |
id_fighter | integer | NOT NULL | 1 | [pk] | ID of the fighter. |
hp | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | HP of the fighter. | |
mp | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | MP of the fighter. | |
pp | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | PP of the fighter. | |
spd | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Speed of the fighter. | |
patk | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Physical Attack | |
matk | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Magical Attack | |
pdef | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Physical Defense | |
mdef | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Magical Defense | |
pacc | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Physical Accuracy | |
macc | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Magical Accuracy | |
pevd | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Physical Evade | |
mevd | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Magical Evade | |
max_hp | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Max HP | |
max_mp | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Max MP | |
max_pp | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 50 | Max PP | |
fkey_job | integer | NOT NULL | 1 | [fk] | The job the fighter starts with. Used for rewards and such. |
The combatants table shows who is fighting as what jobs, along with their various stats. When fighters join, their CT is randomized to a number between 0 and 499. The job fighters start as is stored for ease of rewarding purposes.
For those looking for a fighter's collection of status effects or inventory, check the tables below.
A note on id_fighter: it is NOT using a sequence number. This is by design: after battles end, fighters are to be wiped out of the battle data. Instead, make the next fighter MAX(id_fighter) + 1, or 1 if no one is in the battle data yet.
Column | Type | Null? | Default | Constraints | Comment |
fkey_combatant | integer | NOT NULL | [fk][pk] | The fighter. | |
fkey_status | integer | NOT NULL | [fk][pk] | The status effect. | |
length | numeric(12,4) | NOT NULL | 21 | The length. If -10K or less: indefinite. If 10K or more: permament. |
The fighter_status table contains all of the status effects that have inflicted the fighters, whether for good or ill.
As battles should not last more than 10000 ticks (and those that do are probably not being run properly), a convention is in use with this table. If a status effect's length is considered less than 10000, then the status effect is to last indefinitely until an unknown time, maybe forever. If a status effect's length is considered more than 10000, then the status effect is a permament part of the fighter and should not be removed for most reasons. Needless to say, a Game Master can choose to overrule this at any time.
A note on fkey_combatant: its a foreign key to the combatants table above.
Information on the views is coming soon.
There are no subroutines in this module.
There are no known incompatibilities in this module.
There are no known problems, and therefore no need to provide solutions.
Jason Felds, <wolfman.ncsu2000 at gmail.com>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-Games-Framework-RCP at rt.cpan.org
, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Games-Framework-RCP-Battle. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Games::Framework::RCP::Battle
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See Games::Framework::RCP for all acknowledgements.
Copyright 2008 Jason Felds, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.