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Google::RestApi::SheetsApi4 - API to Google Sheets API V4.


    use aliased Google::RestApi;
    use aliased Google::RestApi::SheetsApi4;
    $rest_api = RestApi->new(%config);
    $sheets_api = SheetsApi4->new(api => $rest_api);
    $sheet = $sheets_api->create_spreadsheet(title => 'my_name');
    $ws0 = $sheet->open_worksheet(id => 0);
    $sw1 = $sheet->add_worksheet(name => 'Fred');
    # sub Worksheet::cell/col/cols/row/rows immediately get/set
    # values. this is less efficient but the simplest way to
    # interface with the api. you don't deal with any intermediate
    # api objects.
    # add some data to the worksheet:
    @values = (
      [ 1001, "Herb Ellis", "100", "10000" ],
      [ 1002, "Bela Fleck", "200", "20000" ],
      [ 1003, "Freddie Mercury", "999", "99999" ],
    $ws0->rows([1, 2, 3], \@values);
    $values = $ws0->rows([1, 2, 3]);
    # use and manipulate 'range' objects to do more complex work.
    # ranges can be specified in many ways, use whatever way is most convenient.
    $range = $ws0->range("A1:B2");
    $range = $ws0->range([[1,1],[2,2]]);
    $range = $ws0->range([{col => 1, row => 1}, {col => 2, row => 2}]);
    $cell = $ws0->range_cell("A1");
    $cell = $ws0->range_cell([1,1]);
    $cell = $ws0->range_cell({col => 1, row => 1});
    $col = $ws0->range_col(1);
    $col = $ws0->range_col("A3:A");
    $col = $ws0->range_col([1]);
    $col = $ws0->range_col([[1, 3], [1]]);
    $col = $ws0->range_col({col => 1});
    $row = $ws0->range_row(1);
    $row = $ws0->range_row("C1:1");
    $row = $ws0->range_row([<false>, 1]);
    $row = $ws0->range_row({row => 1});
    $row = $ws0->range_row([{col => 3, row => 1 }, {row => 1}]);
    # add a header:
    $row = $ws0->range_row(1);
    # sends the values to the api directly, not using batch (less efficient):
    $row->values(values => [qw(Id Name Tax Salary)]);
    # bold the names:
    $col = $ws0->range_col("B2:B");
    # add some tax info:
    $tax = $ws0->range_cell([ 3, 5 ]);   # or 'C5' or [ 'C', 5 ] or { col => 3, row => 5 }...
    $salary = $ws0->range_cell({ col => "D", row => 5 }); # same as "D5"
    # set up batch update with staged values:
    $tax->batch_values(values => "=SUM(C2:C4)");
    $salary->batch_values(values => "=SUM(D2:D4)");
    # now collect the ranges into a group and send the values via batch:
    $rg = $sheet->range_group($tax, $salary);
    # bold and italicize both cells, and put a solid border around each one:
    # tie ranges to a hash:
    $row = $ws0->tie_cells({id => 'A2'}, {name => 'B2'});
    $row->{id} = '1001';
    $row->{name} = 'Herb Ellis';
    # or use a hash slice:
    $ranges = $ws0->tie_ranges();
    @$ranges{ 'A2', 'B2', 'C2', 'D4:E5' } =
      (1001, "Herb Ellis", "123 Some Street", [["Halifax"]]);
    # use simple header column/row values as a source for tied keys:
    $cols = $ws0->tie_cols('Id', 'Name');
    $cols->{Id} = [1001, 1002, 1003];
    $cols->{Name} = ['Herb Ellis', 'Bela Fleck', 'Freddie Mercury'];
    # format tied values by requesting that the tied hash returns the
    # underlying range objects on fetch:
    # turn off fetch range and submit the formatting:
    # iterators can be used to step through ranges:
    # a basic iterator on a column:
    $col = $ws0->range_col(1);
    $i = $col->iterator();
    while(1) {
      $cell = $i->next();
      last if !defined $cell->values();
    # a basic iterator on an arbitrary range, iterating by col or row:
    $range = $ws0->range("A1:C3");
    $i = $range->iterator(dim => 'col');
    $cell = $i->next();  # A1
    $cell = $i->next();  # A2
    $i = $range->iterator(dim => 'row');
    $cell = $i->next();  # A1
    $cell = $i->next();  # B1
    # an iterator on a range group:
    $col = $ws0->range_col(1);
    $row = $ws0->range_row(1);
    $rg = $sheet->range_group($col, $row);
    $i = $rg->iterator();
    $rg2 = $i->next();  # another range group of cells A1, A1
    $rg2 = $i->next();  # another range group of cells A2, B1
    # an iterator on a tied range group:
    $cols = $ws0->tie_cols(qw(Id Name));
    $i = tied(%$cols)->iterator();
    $row = $i->next();
    $row->{Id} = '1001';
    $row->{Name} = 'Herb Ellis';


SheetsApi4 is an API to Google Sheets. It is very perl-ish in that there is usually "more than one way to do it". It provides default behaviours that should be fine for most normal needs, but those behaviours can be overridden when necessary.

It is assumed that you are familiar with the Google Sheets API:

t/tutorial/sheets/* also has a step-by-step tutorial of creating and updating a spreadsheet, showing you the API calls and return values for each step.




Creates a new instance of a SheetsApi object.

%args consists of:

api <Google::RestApi>: A reference to a configured Google::RestApi instance.

%args consists of:

  • uri <path_segments_string>: Adds this path segment to the Sheets endpoint and calls the Google::RestApi's api subroutine.

  • %args: Passes any extra arguments to the Google::RestApi's api subroutine (content, params, method etc).

This is essentially a pass-through method between lower-level Worksheet/Range objects and Google::RestApi, where this method adds in the Sheets endpoint. See <Google::RestApi::SheetsApi4::Worksheet>'s api routine for how this is called. You would not normally call this directly unless you were making a Google API call not currently supported by this API framework.

Returns the response hash from Google API.


Creates a new spreadsheet.

%args consists of:

  • title|name <string>: The title (or name) of the new spreadsheet.

  • %args: Passes through any extra arguments to Google Drive's create file routine.

Args title and name are synonymous, you can use either. Note that Sheets allows multiple spreadsheets with the same name.

Normally this would be called via the Spreadsheet object, which would fill in the Drive file ID for you.

Returns the object instance of the new spreadsheet object.


Creates a copy of a spreadsheet.

%args consists of:

  • spreadsheet_id <string>: The file ID in Google Drive of the spreadsheet you want to make a copy of.

  • %args: Additional arguments passed through to Google Drive file copy subroutine.

Returns the object instance of the new spreadsheet object.


Deletes the spreadsheet from Google Drive.

%args consists of:

spreadsheet_id is the file ID in Google Drive of the spreadsheet you want to delete.

Returns the Google API response.


Deletes all spreadsheets with the given name from Google Drive.

Returns the number of spreadsheets deleted.


Returns a list of spreadsheets in Google Drive.


Returns an instance of Google Drive that shares the same RestApi as this SheetsApi object. You would not normally need to use this directly.


Opens a new spreadsheet from the given id, uri, or name.

%args consists of any args passed to Spreadsheet->new routine (which see).


This api is currently in beta status. It is incomplete. There may be design flaws that need to be addressed in later releases. Later releases may break this release. Not all api calls have been implemented.


  • Robin Murray


Copyright (c) 2021, Robin Murray. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.