Task::BeLike::FIBO -- Leonardo Pisano a.k.a. Fibonacci

CPAN version Build Status


Read how I create Perl packages

cpan Task::BeLike::FIBO
perldoc Task::BeLike::FIBO

Create a CPAN package

mkdir My-Package-pm
cd My-Package-pm
wget -q -O - | bash


Hi! I am FIBO, an italian mathematician. I graduated in 2005 at Università degli Studi di Genova and since then I work doing Business Intelligence and Web Analytics. My boss said: you need Perl. So I started using this language. I like many programming languages, but, Perl really help me to pay my rent.

This is a primary about my habits and a collection of modules I use when I write Perl code.


Here a package refers to a distribution, a set of Perl modules which could be uploaded to PAUSE.

Do not get crazy with automatic generators. I am a mathematician and a coder, not a corporation.

Every package is different and has different needings.

Just use copy and paste and your brain!

The smack of a DRY KISS is not that bad.

Learn from nature: stay as minimal as possible.


Follows a list of sample files I usually include in a package, My::Package for instance.

I use to create a GitHub repo named My-Package-pm.

I also use Travis CI.

And yes, Task::BeLike::FIBO was created with these guidelines too! So it is a good example of a meta package (I am a mathematician, I told you ☺).

  • lib/My/

    This is the main file of the package and looks something like this

    package My::Package;
    our $VERSION = '0.01';
    =encoding utf8
    =head1 NAME
    My::Package -- is yet another Perl package
    =begin HTML
    <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="CPAN version" src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Build Status" src=""></a></p>
    =end HTML
    =head1 SYNOPSIS
        package Your:Package;
        use My::Package;
        # Create a My::Package instance.
        my $foo = My::Package->new;
        # foo goes to a bar, ehm ... to have a coffee.
    =head1 DESCRIPTION
    This is a description of what <My::Package> does, why you maybe want to use it, the motivations behind him.
    This software is copyright © 2015 by L<G. Casati|>.
    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

    My-Package description ...
    To install, pray the mantra
        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install
    For more information point your browser to [online docs](
    [![CPAN version](](
    [![Build Status](](

    Yes, it is always a good idea to add a README. If the package is not open sourced, i.e. will be delivered to a customer on premise and will not be hosted on GitHub, create a README.txt instead.

  • .travis.yml

    Get it with this command

    $ wget -O .travis.yml
  • .gitignore

    Get it with this command

    $ wget -O .gitignore
  • Makefile.PL

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.64;
        ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/My/',
        VERSION_FROM  => 'lib/My/',
        AUTHOR        => 'G. Casati <>',
        NAME          => 'My::Package',
        LICENSE      => 'artistic_2',
        MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.8.0',
        META_MERGE => {
            resources => {
                homepage   => '',
                license    => '',
                repository => '',
                bugtracker => ''
        PREREQ_PM => {
            # 'Some::Package' => '0',
            # 'Other::Package' => '1.2.3'
        # EXE_FILES => ['bin/foo', 'bin/bar'],
        BUILD_REQUIRES => {
            'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.64'
        test => { TESTS => 't/*.t' },
        TEST_REQUIRES => {
            'Test::Compile'      => '1.2.1',
            'Test::More'         => '1.001009',
            'Test::Pod'          => '1.48'

    A note about versions in PREREQ_PM: keep in mind that when specifying a version for core modules, it should match the version shipped with Perl version MIN_PERL_VERSION.

    The corelist app is your friend.

    For example if I want to figure out which version of File::Path I should require, if the lower Perl version I am supporting is 5.8.0 I launch

    $ corelist -a File::Path | grep v5.8.0
      v5.8.0     1.05

    so I know I should go for 1.05.


    Get it with this command

    $ wget
  • Changes

    It is considered a good habit to keep track of at least major changes to inform users what they should expect when upgrading version.

    0.01 2014-12-02
    + First release


  • Start a feature branch

    $ git checkout -b somefeature
  • Write documentation about new feature. Then write tests to check it and code to implement it.

  • Run tests

    $ prove -l --state=save
  • If some test does not pass, fix code and run tests that failed

    $ prove -l --state=save,failed
  • Commit changes

    $ git commit -am 'added some feature'

    Merge feature branch and push

    $ git rebase master
    $ git checkout master
    $ git merge somefeature
    $ git push

    Delete feature branch

    $ git branch -d somefeature
  • Update version, usually in file lib/My/

    Use Semantic Versioning.

    Check that Changes file is updated with modifications.

    Update code coverage report if it is in place, see CODE COVERAGE section.

    Update GitHub Pages if used, see GITHUB PAGES section.

    Create a new release

    $ perl Makefile.PL
    $ make
    $ make test
    $ make manifest
    $ make dist
    $ make realclean

    Create a git tag

    $ git tag v0.01
    $ git push origin v0.01
  • Upload to PAUSE

    $ cpan-upload -u fibo My-Package-0.01.tar.gz
    PAUSE Password:
    registering upload with PAUSE web server
    POSTing upload for My-Package-0.01.tar.gz to
    PAUSE add message sent ok [200]




It can be useful to put some content online, and GitHub Pages is really comfortable.

Just create a gh-pages folder

$ mkdir gh-pages

Add some content, commit and then push it on gh-pages branchusing git subtree

$ git commit -a
$ git subtree --prefix gh-pages push origin gh-pages

Since I have a CNAME file in my repo, where fibo is my GitHub username, if I add somefile to gh-pages folder

$ touch gh-pages/somefile

if my repo name is My-Package-pm, it will be served on url with proper mime type.


Create a folder that will contain code coverage metrics report

$ mkdir -p gh-pages/code

Run tests with a Devel::Cover harness, it will take more time than running bare tests

$ export HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover
$ prove -l

Remove harness flag, otherwise all tests in your current session will run and compute coverage.


Generate html report

$ cover -outputdir gh-pages/code -report html_basic

See also GitHub Pages section for instructions about how to commit generated html report.

Don't forget to add a link to the html report somewhere in your documentation, something like


Code coverage metrics report available L<here|>


Avoid to release versions like 0.13 or even worse 1.13 or any number that do not make you feel comfortable: skip it and go straight to 0.14! You never knows which strange entanglements there are in this Universe.


Code coverage metrics report available here. By the way, tests in this meta package are not relevant.


This software is copyright © 2015 by G. Casati.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.