Task::BeLike::FIBO -- Leonardo Pisano a.k.a. Fibonacci

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Hi! I am FIBO, an italian mathematician. I graduated in 2005 at Università degli Studi di Genova and since then I work doing Business Intelligence and Web Analytics. My boss said: you need Perl. So I started using this language. I like many programming languages, but, Perl really help me to pay my rent.

This is a primary about my habits and a collection of modules I use when I write Perl code.


Do not get crazy with automatic generators. I am a mathematician and a coder, not a corporation. Every package is different and has different needings.

Just use copy and paste and your brain!

The smack of a DRY KISS is not that bad.

Learn from nature: stay as minimal as possible.


Follows a list of sample files I usually include in a package, MY::Package for instance.

I use to create a GitHub repo named My-Package-pm.

I also use Travis CI.

And yes, Task::BeLike::FIBO was created with these guidelines too! So it is a good example of a meta package ^:) I am a mathematician, I told you :D

  • lib/My/

    This is the main file of the package and looks something like this

    package My::Package;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    our $VERSION = '0.1';
    =encoding utf8
    =head1 NAME
    My::Package -- is yet another Perl package
    =begin HTML
    <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="CPAN version" src=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Build Status" src=""></a></p>
    =end HTML
    =head1 SYNOPSIS
        package Your:Package;
        use My::Package;
        # Create a My::Package instance.
        my $foo = My::Package->new;
        # foo goes to a bar, ehm ... to have a coffee.
    =head1 DESCRIPTION
    This is a description of what <My::Package> does, why you maybe want to use it, the motivations behind him.
    This software is copyright (c) 2014 by G. Casati.
    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

    My-Package description ...
    To install, pray the mantra
        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install
    For more information point your browser to [online docs](
    [![CPAN version](](
    [![Build Status](](
  • .travis.yml

    language: perl
      - "5.18"
      - "5.16"
      - "5.14"
      - "5.12"
      - "5.10"
      - "5.8"
  • .gitignore

  • Makefile.PL

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.64;
        ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/My/',
        VERSION_FROM  => 'lib/My/',
        AUTHOR        => 'G. Casati <>',
        NAME          => 'My::Package',
        LICENSE      => 'artistic_2',
        MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.8.0',
        META_MERGE => {
            resources => {
                homepage   => '',
                license    => '',
                repository => '',
                bugtracker => ''
        PREREQ_PM => {
            # 'Some::Package' => '0',
            # 'Other::Package' => '1.2.3'
        # EXE_FILES => ['bin/foo', 'bin/bar'],
        BUILD_REQUIRES => {
            'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.64'
        test => { TESTS => 't/*.t' },
        TEST_REQUIRES => {
            'Test::Compile'      => '1.2.1',
            'Test::More'         => '1.001009',
            'Test::Pod'          => '1.48'

    A note about versions in PREREQ_PM: keep in mind that when specifying a version for core modules, it should match the version shipped with Perl version MIN_PERL_VERSION.

    The corelist app is your friend.

    For example if I want to figure out which version of File::Path I should require, if the lower Perl version I am supporting is 5.8.0 I launch

    $ corelist -a File::Path | grep v5.8.0
      v5.8.0     1.05

    so I know I should go for 1.05.


  • Changes

    It is considered a good habit to keep track of at least major changes to inform users what they should expect when upgrading version.

    2014-12-02 v0.1
    + First release


  • Start a feature branch

    $ git checkout -b somefeature
  • Write documentation about new feature. Then write tests to check it and code to implement it.

  • Run tests

    $ prove -l --state=save
  • If some test does not pass, fix code and run tests that failed

    $ prove -l --state=save,failed
  • Commit changes

    $ git commit -am 'added some feature'

    Merge feature branch and push

    $ git rebase master
    $ git checkout master
    $ git merge somefeature
    $ git push

    Delete feature branch

    $ git branch -d somefeature
  • Update version, usually in file lib/My/

    Use Semantic Versioning.

    Check that Changes file is updated with modifications.

    Create a new release

    $ perl Makefile.PL
    $ make
    $ make test
    $ make manifest
    $ make dist
    $ make realclean

    Create a git tag

    $ git tag v0.1
    $ git push
  • Upload to PAUSE

    $ cpan-upload -u fibo My-Package-0.1.tar.gz
    PAUSE Password:
    registering upload with PAUSE web server
    POSTing upload for My-Package-0.1.tar.gz to
    PAUSE add message sent ok [200]



This software is copyright (c) 2014 by G. Casati.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.