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Task::MasteringPerl - Modules used in Mastering Perl, 2nd Edition


Task::MasteringPerl installs the modules mentioned in Mastering Perl. Some of them might not install everywhere.

  • AnyDBM_File

  • Apache::PerlRun

  • Apache::Perldoc

  • Apache::Pod

  • App::Smbxfer

  • AutoLoader

  • AutoSplit

  • B::Deobfuscate

  • B::Deparse

  • Benchmark

  • Benchmark::Forking

  • BerkeleyDB

  • BioPerl

  • Bit::Vector

  • Business::ISBN

  • CGI

  • CPAN

  • Carp

  • Carp::Always

  • Clone::Any

  • Code::Splice

  • Config

  • Config::ApacheFile

  • Config::IniFiles

  • Config::JSON

  • Config::Scoped

  • ConfigReader::Simple

  • Const::Fast

  • DBD::CSV

  • DBI

  • DBI::Profile

  • DBI::ProfileDumper

  • DBI::ProfileDumper::Apache

  • DBM::Deep

  • Data::Constraint

  • Data::Dump

  • Data::Dump::Steamer

  • Data::Dump::Streamer

  • Data::Dumper

  • Data::MessagePack

  • Data::Printer

  • Devel::Cover

  • Devel::DProf

  • Devel::Declare

  • Devel::MyDebugger

  • Devel::NYTProf

  • Devel::Peek

  • Devel::Size

  • Devel::SmallProf

  • Devel::Trace

  • Devel::ebug

  • Devel::ebug::Console

  • Devel::hdb

  • Devel::ptkdb

  • Dumbbench

  • Email::Send::SMTP

  • Email::Stuff

  • Errno

  • Error

  • Exporter

  • ExtUtils::MM_Any

  • ExtUtils::MM_Unix

  • ExtUtils::MM_Win32

  • ExtUtils::MakeMaker

  • Fcntl

  • File::Find

  • File::Find::Closures

  • File::Spec

  • Getopt::Attribute

  • Getopt::Declare

  • Getopt::Easy

  • Getopt::Long

  • Getopt::Lucid

  • Getopt::Std

  • Git::CPAN::Patch

  • Git::Github::Creator

  • HTML::Parser

  • HTTP::Date

  • HTTP::Size

  • Hash::AsObject

  • Hook::Lex::Wrap

  • Hook::LexWrap

  • IO::Handle

  • IO::Interactive

  • IO::Socket::INET

  • Image::Info

  • JSON

  • JSON::PP

  • JSON::Rabbit

  • JSON::Syck

  • List::Util

  • Log::Log4perl

  • Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI

  • Log::Log4perl::Appender::File

  • Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout

  • Mac::PropertyList

  • Memoize

  • ModPerl::PerlRun

  • Module::Build

  • Module::NotThere

  • Module::Release

  • Modulino::Demo

  • Net::FTP

  • Net::MAC::Vendor

  • Net::SMTP

  • Netscape::Bookmarks

  • Netscape::Bookmarks::Category

  • Object::Iterate

  • Opcode


  • PPI

  • Package::Stash

  • Package:Stash

  • Perl::Critic

  • Perl::Critic::DEVELOPER

  • Perl::Critic::Lax

  • Perl::Critic::Policy

  • Perl::Critic::Policy::Lax::ProhibitStringyEval::ExceptForRequire

  • Perl::Tidy

  • Pod::Checker

  • Pod::Coverage

  • Pod::Parser

  • Pod::Perldoc

  • Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo

  • Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf

  • Pod::Perldoc::ToText

  • Pod::Perldoc::ToToc

  • Pod::PseudoPod

  • Pod::Simple

  • Pod::Simple::Subclassing

  • Pod::TOC

  • Pod::Webserver

  • Regexp::Debugger

  • ReturnValue

  • Safe

  • Scalar::Util

  • Sereal

  • Sereal::Decoder

  • Some::Module

  • Storable

  • Surveyor::App

  • Surveyor::Benchmark::GetDirectoryListing

  • Sys::Syslog

  • Taint::Util

  • Template

  • Template::Base

  • Template::Exception

  • Test::Harness

  • Test::Inline

  • Test::Manifest

  • Test::More

  • Test::Output

  • Test::Perl::Critic

  • Test::Pod

  • Test::Pod::Coverage

  • Test::Taint

  • Text::Template::Simple::IO

  • Tie::

  • Tie::Array

  • Tie::Array::PackedC

  • Tie::BoundedInteger

  • Tie::Cycle

  • Tie::Cycle::Sinewave

  • Tie::File::Timestamp

  • Tie::Scalar

  • Tie::Timely

  • Tk

  • Try::Tiny

  • TryCatch

  • Vim::Debug

  • Win32

  • Win32::Registry

  • YAML


  • YAML::Syck

  • YAML::Tiny

  • YAML::XS

  • autodie

  • bignum

  • constant

  • criticism

  • diagnostics

  • die

  • feature

  • locale

  • overload

  • parent

  • perlbench

  • ptkdb

  • re

  • require

  • strict

  • warnings


Please report any bugs to




brian d foy, <>


Copyright © 2014-2021, brian d foy <>. All rights reserved.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.