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OpenGL::GLUT - Perl bindings to GLUT/FreeGLUT GUI toolkit


use OpenGL::GLUT qw(:all); # now can use GLUT calls


OpenGL::GLUT is the alpha release of a stand-alone module for GLUT/FreeGLUT bindings extracted from code in the original Perl OpenGL module. The purpose is to make this functionality available independent of the legacy OpenGL module for use with OpenGL::Modern.

When you register a glutCloseFunc, ensure that you de-register it before destroying the window. See the supplied


:all - exports all GLUT functions and constants
:constants - export only GLUT constants (same as :glutconstants)
:functions - export only GLUT functions (same as :glutfunctions)

Exportable functions

void glutAddMenuEntry( const char* label, int value )
void glutAddSubMenu( const char* label, int subMenu )
void glutAttachMenu( int button )
void glutBitmapCharacter( void* font, int character )
int glutBitmapLength( void* font, const unsigned char* string )
int glutBitmapWidth( void* font, int character )
void glutButtonBoxFunc( void (* callback)( int, int ) )
void glutChangeToMenuEntry( int item, const char* label, int value )
void glutChangeToSubMenu( int item, const char* label, int value )
void glutCloseFunc( void (* callback)( void ) )
void glutCopyColormap( int window )
int glutCreateMenu( void (* callback)( int menu ) )
int glutCreateSubWindow( int window, int x, int y, int width, int height )
int glutCreateWindow( const char* title )
void glutDestroyMenu( int menu )
void glutDestroyWindow( int window )
void glutDetachMenu( int button )
int glutDeviceGet( GLenum query )
void glutDialsFunc( void (* callback)( int, int ) )
void glutDisplayFunc( void (* callback)( void ) )
int glutEnterGameMode( void )
void glutEntryFunc( void (* callback)( int ) )
void glutEstablishOverlay( void )
int glutExtensionSupported( const char* extension )
void glutForceJoystickFunc( void )
void glutFullScreen( void )
int glutGameModeGet( GLenum query )
void glutGameModeString( const char* string )
int glutGet( GLenum query )
GLfloat glutGetColor( int color, int component )
int glutGetMenu( void )
int glutGetModifiers( void )
int glutGetWindow( void )
void glutHideOverlay( void )
void glutHideWindow( void )
void glutIconifyWindow( void )
void glutIdleFunc( void (* callback)( void ) )
void glutIgnoreKeyRepeat( int ignore )
void glutInit( int* pargc, char** argv )
void glutInitDisplayMode( unsigned int displayMode )
void glutInitDisplayString( const char* displayMode )
void glutInitWindowPosition( int x, int y )
void glutInitWindowSize( int width, int height )
void glutKeyboardFunc( void (* callback)( unsigned char, int, int ) )
void glutKeyboardUpFunc( void (* callback)( unsigned char, int, int ) )
int glutLayerGet( GLenum query )
void glutLeaveGameMode( void )
void glutMainLoop( void )
void glutMenuStateFunc( void (* callback)( int ) )
void glutMenuStatusFunc( void (* callback)( int, int, int ) )
void glutMotionFunc( void (* callback)( int, int ) )
void glutMouseFunc( void (* callback)( int, int, int, int ) )
void glutOverlayDisplayFunc( void (* callback)( void ) )
void glutPassiveMotionFunc( void (* callback)( int, int ) )
void glutPopWindow( void )
void glutPositionWindow( int x, int y )
void glutPostOverlayRedisplay( void )
void glutPostRedisplay( void )
void glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay( int window )
void glutPostWindowRedisplay( int window )
void glutPushWindow( void )
void glutRemoveMenuItem( int item )
void glutRemoveOverlay( void )
void glutReportErrors( void )
void glutReshapeFunc( void (* callback)( int, int ) )
void glutReshapeWindow( int width, int height )
void glutSetColor( int color, GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue )
void glutSetCursor( int cursor )
void glutSetIconTitle( const char* title )
void glutSetKeyRepeat( int repeatMode )
void glutSetMenu( int menu )
void glutSetWindow( int window )
void glutSetWindowTitle( const char* title )
void glutSetupVideoResizing( void )
void glutShowOverlay( void )
void glutShowWindow( void )
void glutSolidCone( GLdouble base, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks )
void glutSolidCube( GLdouble size )
void glutSolidDodecahedron( void )
void glutSolidIcosahedron( void )
void glutSolidOctahedron( void )
void glutSolidSphere( GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks )
void glutSolidTeapot( GLdouble size )
void glutSolidTetrahedron( void )
void glutSolidTorus( GLdouble innerRadius, GLdouble outerRadius, GLint sides, GLint rings )
void glutSpaceballButtonFunc( void (* callback)( int, int ) )
void glutSpaceballMotionFunc( void (* callback)( int, int, int ) )
void glutSpaceballRotateFunc( void (* callback)( int, int, int ) )
void glutSpecialFunc( void (* callback)( int, int, int ) )
void glutSpecialUpFunc( void (* callback)( int, int, int ) )
void glutStopVideoResizing( void )
void glutStrokeCharacter( void* font, int character )
int glutStrokeLength( void* font, const unsigned char* string )
int glutStrokeWidth( void* font, int character )
void glutSwapBuffers( void )
void glutTabletButtonFunc( void (* callback)( int, int, int, int ) )
void glutTabletMotionFunc( void (* callback)( int, int ) )
void glutTimerFunc( unsigned int time, void (* callback)( int ), int value )
void glutUseLayer( GLenum layer )
void glutVideoPan( int x, int y, int width, int height )
void glutVideoResize( int x, int y, int width, int height )
int glutVideoResizeGet( GLenum query )
void glutVisibilityFunc( void (* callback)( int ) )
void glutWarpPointer( int x, int y )
void glutWindowStatusFunc( void (* callback)( int ) )
void glutWireCone( GLdouble base, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks )
void glutWireCube( GLdouble size )
void glutWireDodecahedron( void )
void glutWireIcosahedron( void )
void glutWireOctahedron( void )
void glutWireSphere( GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks )
void glutWireTeapot( GLdouble size )
void glutWireTetrahedron( void )
void glutWireTorus( GLdouble innerRadius, GLdouble outerRadius, GLint sides, GLint rings )


OpenGL (for now)


Chris Marshall <chm AT cpan DOT org<gt>


Copyright (C) 2017 by Chris Marshall Derived from OpenGL 0.70 code.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.