Math::PartialOrder::Caching - class for partial orders which caches lookup results.
use Math::PartialOrder::Caching;
Math::PartialOrder::Std, Math::PartialOrder, Carp, Exporter
Math::PartialOrder::Caching is a Math::PartialOrder::Base implementation for rooted finite partial orders (datatype hierarchies) which caches the reults of all inheritance- and type-operation lookups using Perl hashes. It inherits from Math::PartialOrder::Std.
Math::PartialOrder::Caching supports all methods described in Math::PartialOrder::Base.
The value of this variable is a perl string which will be used as a separator between operation- and/or type-identifiers for purposes of placing them in the cache. The default value is
Construction & Initialization
new( {root=>$r} )
Creates and returns a new Math::PartialOrder::Caching object rooted at $r, which defaults to 'BOTTOM'.
Additional Hierarchy Maintainence Operations
All additional methods provided by Math::PartialOrder::Std are supported.
Hierarchy Maintainence: Low-level Accessors/Manipulators
All low-level methods provided by Math::PartialOrder::Std are supported.
* _root(), _root($r)
Get/set the root of the hierarchy.
* _incache()
Returns a reference to the tied inheritance-cache, whose keys are type-name pairs separated by $CACHE_KEY_SEP
, "${t1}${CACHE_KEY_SEP}${t2}"
, and whose values (where they exist) are booleans indicating whether $t1
has $t2
as an ancestor.
* _get_cached_in($t1,$t2)
Gets and returns the cached value for the key "${t1}${CACHE_KEY_SEP}${t2}"
, or undef
if not cached.
* _set_cached_in($t1,$t2)
Sets and returns the cached value for the key "${t1}${CACHE_KEY_SEP}${t2}"
to $val
* _opcache()
Returns a reference to the tied operations-cache, whose keys are operation+type1+type2 triples separated by $CACHE_KEY_SEP
, "${op}${CACHE_KEY_SEP}${t1}${CACHE_KEY_SEP}${t2}"
, and whose values are (references to) the results of the lookup.
* _get_cached_op($op,$t1,$t2)
Gets and returns the cached value for the key "${op}${CACHE_KEY_SEP}${t1}${CACHE_KEY_SEP}${t2}"
, or undef
if not cached.
* _set_cached_op($op,$t1,$t2,$val)
Sets and returns the cached value for the key "${op}${CACHE_KEY_SEP}${t1}${CACHE_KEY_SEP}${t2}"
to $val
* _clear_cache()
Clears all cached relations. Automatically called on destructive hierarchy operations, otherwise never called by default (the cache never expires).
perl by Larry Wall.
Bryan Jurish <>
Copyright (c) 2001, Bryan Jurish. All rights reserved.
This package is free software. You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
perl(1). Math::PartialOrder(3pm). Math::PartialOrder::Base(3pm). Math::PartialOrder::Std(3pm). Math::PartialOrder::LRUCaching(3pm). Math::PartialOrder::CMasked(3pm). Math::PartialOrder::CEnum(3pm). Math::PartialOrder::Loader(3pm).
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 72:
You can't have =items (as at line 76) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item