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Grid::Request - An API for submitting jobs to a computational grid such as SGE or Condor.


An API for submitting work to a Distributed Resource Management (DRM) system such as Sun Grid Engine (SGE) or Condor.


 use Grid::Request drm => 'sge';
 my $request = Grid::Request->new();

 # Optionally set the job's project, if the configured scheduler requires it.


 # Note, most of the methods in this module may also be called
 # with get_ and set_ prefixes. For example, the above code would
 # also have worked if coded like so:


 # When retrieving information (accessor behavior), you can call
 # such methods with no arguments to return the information, or
 # the "get_" may be prepended. For example:

 my $times = $request->times();
 my $times_another_way = $request->get_times();
 # Please note that calling the get version of a method and
 # providing arguments does not make sense and will likely, not work...

 my $times_wrong_way = $request->get_times(3);

 # Finally, submit the request...
 my @job_ids = $request->submit();
 print "The first ID for this request is $job_ids[0].\n";

 # ...and wait for the results. This step is not necessary, only
 # if you wish to block, or wait for the request to complete before
 # moving on to other tasks.

 # Or, you could simply submit and block:




Description: This is the object constructor. Parameters are passed to the constructor in the form of a hash. Examples:

  my $req = Grid::Request->new();


  my $req = Grid::Request->new( project => "SomeProject" );


  my $req = Grid::Request->new( project    => "SomeProject",
                                opsys      => "Linux",
                                initialdir => "/path/to/initialdir",
                                output     => "/path/to/output",
                                times      => 5,
Users may also add a "debug" flag to the constructor call for increased

  my $req = Grid::Request->new( debug => 1 );

Parameters: A hash of request configuration options.

Returns: $obj, a Grid::Request object.


By default, the configuration file that is used to determine what grid engine type to use and where to store temporary files is located in the invoking user's home directory under ~/.grid_request.conf. The file needs needs to have a [request] header and entries for the 'tempdir' and 'drm' parameters. In addition, the file may also specify the path to a Log::Log4perl configuration file with the 'log4perl-conf' entry name.The following is an example:


The 'tempdir' directory must point to a directory that is accessible to the grid execution machines, for instance, over NFS...

Another way of specifying an alternate configuration is to define the GRID_CONFIG environment variable.



Description: The account attribute is used to affiliate a grid job with a particular account. Grid engines differ in their treatment of the account attribute.

Parameters: To use as a setter, the first parameter will be used to set (or reset) the account attribute for the command.

Returns: The currently set account (if called with no parameters).

$obj->add_array_param($argument, $array_ref);

Description: Add an iterable command line argument to the executable when it is run on the grid. This is a higher level method that wraps add_param for easier iteration over elements in an array. The following two method calls are equivalent:

    $request->add_array_param('--arg=$(Name)', \@values);

    $request->add_param({ type   => "ARRAY",
                          key    => '--arg=$(Name)',
                          value  => \@values,

Parameters: The first parameter is the the template for the argument for the command's execution. The second argument is the directory to iterate over. The name of each file in the directory will be token replaced into occurrences of '$(Name)' in the template (first argument).

Returns: None.

$obj->add_dir_param($argument, $path_to_dir);

Description: Add an iterable command line argument to the executable when it is run on the grid. This is a higher level method that wraps add_param for easier iteration over files in a directory. The following two method calls are equivalent:

    $request->add_dir_param('--arg=$(Name)', "/path/to/some/directory");

    $request->add_param({ type   => "DIR",
                          key    => '--arg=$(Name)',
                          value  => "/path/to/some/directory",

Parameters: The first parameter is the the template for the argument for the command's execution. The second argument is the directory to iterate over. The name of each file in the directory will be token replaced into occurrences of '$(Name)' in the template (first argument).

Returns: None.

$obj->add_file_param($argument, $path_to_file);

Description: Add an iterable command line argument to the executable when it is run on the grid. This is a higher level method that wraps add_param for easier iteration over lines in a file. The following two method calls are equivalent:

    $request->add_file_param('--arg=$(Name)', "/path/to/some/file");

    $request->add_param({ type   => "FILE",
                          key    => '--arg=$(Name)',
                          value  => "/path/to/some/file",

Parameters: The first parameter is the the template for the argument for the command's execution. The second argument is the file to iterate over. The text in each line inside the file will be token replaced into occurrences of '$(Name)' in the template (first argument).

Returns: None.

$obj->add_param($scalar | @list | %hash );

Description: Add a command line argument to the executable when it is executed on the grid. Since many executables associate meaning with the order that command line arguments are given, Grid::Request also honors the order in which parameters are added. They are reassembled at runtime on the grid in the same order that they were added...

Parameters: If the number of arguments is 1, then it will be considered to be a simple, "anonymous" parameter and ... When called with a single scalar argument, no logic is attempted to interpret the string provided. The module simply adds the specified string verbatim to the list of parameters when building the command line to invoke on the grid. If 3 parameters are passed, then they are read as "key", "value", "type". The parameter 'type' can be either "ARRAY", "DIR", "PARAM", or "FILE" (the default is "PARAM"). Any other number of parameters passed will yield an error.

The 'type' is used in the following way to aid in the parallelization of processes: If ARRAY is used, the job will be iterated over the elements of the array, with the value of the parameter being changed to the next element of the array each time. The array must be an array of simple strings passed in as an array reference to 'value'. Newlines will be stripped. Note: Nested data structures will not be respected.

If "DIR" is specified as the 'type', the file contents of the directory specified by the 'value' will be iterated over. If the directory contains 25 files, then there will be at least 25 invocations of the executable on the grid ( one per file) with the name of each file substituted for the '$(Name)' token each time. Note that hidden files and directories are not counted and the directory is NOT scanned recursively.

If "FILE" is specified, then the 'value' specified in the method call will be interpreted as the path to a file containing entries to iterate over. The file may contain hundreds of entries (1 per line) to generate a corresponding number of jobs.

If greater clarity and flexibility is desired, one may wish to pass named parameters in a hash reference instead:

  $obj->add_param( { key   => '--someparam=$(Name)',
                     value => "/path/to/directory",
                     type  => "DIR",

The 3 supported keys are case insensitive, so "KEY", "Value" and "tYpE" are also valid. Unrecognized keys will generate warnings.

If more then 3 arguments are passed to the method an error occurs.

For each parameter that is added, the 'key' is what dictates how the parameter should be processed as a command line argument and how the values from the iterable directory, array or file are to be dropped into the final command line invocation. Parameter keys can make use of two tokens: $(Index) and $(Name). The $(Index) token is replaced at runtime with the actual sequence number of the job on the grid. The '$(Name)' token is replaced with the string taken from the iterable file, directory or array. In the case of parameters of type

    FILE  -> $(Name) is repeatedly replaced with each line in the file
    DIR   -> $(Name) is repeatedly replaced with the name of each file in the directory 
    ARRAY -> $(Name) is repeatedly replaced with each scalar value of the element of the array


      $request->add_param({ type  => "FILE",
                            key   => '--string=$(Name)',
                            value => "/path/to/some/file.txt",

      $request->add_param({ type   => "DIR",
                            key    => '--filepath=$(Name)',
                            value  => "/path/to/some/directory",
      $request->add_param({ type   => "ARRAY",
                            key    => '--element=$(Name)',
                            value  => \@array,

Returns: None.

$obj->block_size( [ $scalar | $code_ref ] );

Description: By default, Master/Worker (mw) jobs have a default block size of 100. That is to say, that each worker on the grid will process 100 elements of the overall pool of job invocations. However, this isn't always appropriate. The user may override the default block size by calling this method and setting the block size to an alternate value (a positive integer). The user may also provide an anonoymous subroutine (code reference) so that the block size can be computed dynamically. If choosing to pass a subroutine , the code reference will be passed two arguments: the Grid::Request::Command object that will be invoked, and the number of elements that will be iterated over, in that order. The subroutine can then use these pieces of information to compute the block size. The subroutine MUST return a positive integer scalar or an exception will be thrown.

        # simple scalar block size

        # Passing a code ref, to make the block size dependent on the
        # executable...
                      sub {
                          my $com_obj = shift;
                          my $count = shift;

                          my $exe = $com_obj->command();

                          my $block_size = 50;
                          if ($exe =~ m/sort/i) {
                              $block_size = ($count > 100000) ? 10000 : 1000;
                          return $block_size;

Parameters: A positive integer scalar, or an anonymous subroutine/code reference.

Returns: The block size scalar or code reference if called as an accessor (no-arguments). If the block size has not been explicitly set, then the default block size is returned. No return if called as a mutator.


Description: This method is used to set and retrieve the request's class attribute. A request's class describes its general purpose or what it will be used for. For example, a command can be marked as a request for "engineering" or "marketing". Ad hoc requests will generally not use a class setting. If in doubt, leave the class attribute unset.

Parameters: With no parameters, this method functions as a getter. With one parameter, the method sets the request's class. No validation is performed on the class passed in.

Returns: The currently set class (when called with no arguments).


Description: This method is used to set or retrieve the executable that will be called for the request.

Parameters: With no parameters, this method functions as a getter. With one parameter, the method sets the executable. Currently, this module does not attempt to verify whether the exeutable is actually present or whether permissions on the executable allow it to be invoked by the user on grid machines.

Returns: The currently set executable (when called with no arguments).


Description: This method is used to set or retrieve the email of the user submitting the request. The email is important for notifications and for tracking purposes in case something goes wrong.

Parameters: With no parameters, this method functions as a getter and returns the currently configured email address. If the request has not yet been submitted, the user may set or reset the email address by providing an argument. The address is not currently validated for RFC compliance.

Returns: The email address currently set, or undef if unset (when called with no arguments).


Description: Retrieve the finish time of the request.

Parameters: None.

Returns: The ending time of the request (the time the grid finished processing the request), or undef if the ending time has not yet been determined.


Description: This method allows the user to set, or if the request has not yet been submitted, to reset the error file. The error file will be the place where all STDERR from the invocation of the executable will be written to. This file should be in a globally accessible location on the filesystem such that grid execution machines may create the files. The attribute may not be changed with this method once the request has been submitted.

Parameters: To set the error file, call this method with one parameter, which should be the path to the file where STDERR is to be written. Note that when submitting array jobs (with the use of the times() method or with Master/Worker parameters through add_param()), one can also use the $(Index) token when specifying the error path. The token will be replaced with the grid's task ID number. For example, if a request generated 100 grid jobs, then an error path containing '/path/to/directory/job_$(Index).err' will result in STDERR files numbered job_1.err, job_2.err, ..., job_100.err in /path/to/directory.

Returns: When called with no arguments, this method returns the currently set error file, or undef if not yet set.


Description: The getenv method is used to set whether the user's environment should be replicated to the grid or not. To replicate your environment, call this method with an argument that evaluates to true. Calling it with a 0 argument, or an expression that evaluates to false, will turn off environment replication. The default is NOT to replicate the user environment across the grid.

Parameters: This method behaves as a getter when called with no arguments. If called with 1, or more arguments, the first will be used to set the attribute to either 1 or 0.

Returns: The current setting for getenv (if called with no arguments).


Description: This method functions only as a getter, but returns the DRM ids associated with the overall request after it has been submitted.

Parameters: None.

Returns: Returns an array in list context. In scalar context, returns a reference to an array.


Description: Returns whether a request object has been submitted.

Parameters: None.

Returns: 1 if the request has been submitted and 0 if it has not.


Description: The project attribute is used to affiliate usage of the DRM with a particular administrative project. This will allow for more effective control and allocation of resources, especially when high priority projects must be fulfilled. The caller may change the project setting as long as the job has not yet been submitted (after submission most request attributes are locked).

Parameters: The first parameter will be used to set (or reset) the project attribute for the request, as long as the request has not been submitted.

Returns: The currently set project (if called with no arguments).


Description: Used to specify a file to be used as the STDIN for the executable on the grid.

Parameters: A scalar containing the globally accessible path to the file to use for STDIN.

Returns: The currently set input file if called as a getter with no arguments, or undef if not yet set.


Description: This method sets the directory where the grid will be chdir'd to before invoking the executable. This is an optional parameter, and if the user leaves it unspecified, the default will be that the grid job will be chdir'd to the root directory "/" before beginning the request. Use of initialdir is encouraged to promote the use of relative paths.

Parameters: A scalar holding the path to the directory the grid should chdir to before invoking the executable.

Returns: When called with no arguments, returns the currently set initialdir, or undef if not yet set.


Description: The name attribute for request objects is optional and is provided as a convenience to users to name their requests.

Parameters: A scalar name for the request.

Returns: When called with no arguments, returns the current name, or undef if not yet set. The name cannot be changed once a request is submitted.


Description: The default operating system that the request will be processed on is Linux. Users can choose to submit requests to other operating systems by using this method. Available operating systems are "Linux", "Solaris". An attempt to set the opsys attribute to anything else results in an error. Values must be comma separated, so if you would loke your command to run on Linux or Solaris:


and for Linux only:


Parameters: "Linux", "Solaris", etc, when called as a setter (with one argument).

Returns: When called with no arguments, returns the operating system the request will run on, which defaults to "Linux".


Description: Used to set a set the list of possible machines to run the jobs on. If this value is not set then any host that matches the other requirements will be used according to the grid engine in use. Hostnames are passed in in comma-separated form with no spaces.

Parameters: hostname(s), example "machine1,machine2"

Returns: When called with no arguments, returns the hosts if set.


Description: Used to set the minimum amount of physical memory needed.

Parameters: memory in megabytes. Examples: 1000MB, 5000MB

Returns: When called with no arguments, returns the memory if set.


Description: The module allows for requests to encapsulate multiple commands. This method will start work on a a new one by moving a cursor. Commands are processed in the order in which they are created if they are submitted synchronously, or in parallel if submitted asynchronously (the default). In addition, the only attribute that the new command inherits from the command that preceded it, is the project (if set). However, users are free to change the project by calling the project() method...

Parameters: None.

Returns: None.


Description: Used to pass strings to the underlying DRM (Distributed Resource Mangement) system (Condor, SGE, LSF, etc...) as part of the request's requirements. Such pass throughs are forwarded unchanged. This is an advanced option and should only be used by those familiar with the the underlying DRM.

Parameters: $string, a scalar.

Returns: None.


Description: Sets the path for the output file, which would hold all of the output directed to STDOUT by the request on the grid. This method functions as a setter and getter.

Parameters: A path to a file. The file must be globally accessible on the filesystem in order to work, otherwise, the location will not be accessible to compute nodes on the grid. This attribute may not be changed once a request is submitted. Note that when submitting array jobs (with the use of the times() method or with Master/Worker parameters through add_param()), one can also use the $(Index) token when specifying the output path. The token will be replaced with the grid's task ID number. For example, if a request generated 100 grid jobs, then an output path containing '/path/to/directory/job_$(Index).out' will result in STDOUT files numbered job_1.out, job_2.out, ..., job_100.out in /path/to/directory.

Returns: When called with no arguments, the method returns the currently set path for the output file, or undef if not yet set.


Description: Retrieve the list of currently registered parameters for the request.

Parameters: None.

Returns: The method returns a list of hash references.


Description: Use this method to set the optional priority attribute on the request. The priority setting is used to help allocate the appropriate resources to the request. Higher priority requests may displace lower priority requests.

Parameters: Scalar priority value.

Returns: The current priority, or undef if unset.


Description: Cap the runtime of the job on the DRM. Most DRM systems have a mechanism to limit the maximum amount of time a job can run. This method accepts a value in minutes.

Parameters: Scalar containing a positive integer nubmer of minutes.

Returns: The current runtime limit if called as a getter, or undef if unset.


Description: This method is used to establish the environment that a request to the grid should run under. Users may pass this method a list of strings that are in "key=value" format. The keys will be converted into environment variables set to "value" before execution of the command is begun. Normally, a request will not copy the user's environment in this way. The only time the environment is established on the grid will be if the user invokes the getenv method or sets it with this method. This method allows the user to override the environment with his or her own notion of what the environment should be at runtime on the grid.

Parameters: A list of strings in "key=value" format. If any string does not contain the equals (=) sign, it is skipped and a warning is generated.

Returns: None.


Description: Show what will be executed on the DRM. An attempt is made to excape shell sensitive characters so that the commands can be copied and pasted for test execution.

Parameters: None.

Returns: None. The method print to STDOUT.


Description: This method is used to toggle the simulate flag for the request. If this method is passed a true value, the request will not be submitted to the grid, but will appear to have been submitted. This is most useful in development and testing environments to conserve resources. When a request marked simulate is submitted, the request ID returned will be -1. Note that this attribute cannot be modified once a request is submitted.

Parameters: A true value (such as 1) to mark the request as a simulation. A false value, or express (such as 0) to mark the request for execution.

Returns: When called with no arguments, this method returns the current values of the simulate toggle. 1 for simulation, 0 for execution.


Description: Retrieve the start time when the request began processing. Any attempt to set the time will result in an error.

Parameters: None.

Returns: $time, the start time (scalar) that the grid began processing the request.


Description: Retrieve the "state" attribute of the request. This method is "read only" and an attempt to set the state will result in an error. The states are:


Parameters: None.

Returns: $state, a scalar with the current state of the request.


Description: Stop a request that has already been submitted.

Parameters: Request ID (optional)

Returns: None.


Description: Calling this method is the equivalent of calling submit with the serial flag set to a true value, eg. $obj->submit(1).

Parameters: None.

Returns: The array of grid ids in list context, or an array reference in scalar context.


Description: Submit the request to the grid for execution.

Parameters: An optional parameter, which if true, will cause the commands to be executed serially. The default is for asynchronous execution

Returns: The array of DRM ids in list context, or an array reference in scalar context.


Description: Submit the request for execution on the grid and wait for the request to finish executing before returning control (block).

Parameters: None.

Returns: $id, the request's id.


Description: Sometimes it may be desirable to execute a command more than one time. For instance, a user may choose to run an executable many times, with each invocation operating on a different input file. This technique allows for very powerful parallelization of commands. The times method establishes how many times the executable should be invoked.

Parameters: An integer number may be passed in to set the times attribute on the request object. If no argument is passed, the method functions as a getter and returns the currently set "times" attribute, or undef if unset. The setting cannot be changed after the request has been submitted.

Returns: $times, when called with no arguments.


Description: Returns the XML representation of the entire request.

Parameters: None.

Returns: $xml, a scalar XML string.


Description: Returns the number of currently configured commands in the overall request.

Parameters: None.

Returns: $count, a scalar.


Description: Once a request has been submitted, a user may choose to wait for the request to complete before proceeding. This is called "blocking". To block and wait for a request, submit it ( by calling submit() ) and then call wait_for_request(). Control will return once the request has been finished (either completed or errored). If an attempt is made to call this method before the request has been submitted, a warning is generated.

Parameters: None.

Returns: None.


The GRID_CONFIG environment variable is checked for an alternate path to the configuration file holding the DRM engine in use and the shared temporary directory to use.

If however, the getenv() method is called, this module will read and store the entire environment and attempt to recreate it for the job(s) on the grid.


"Initialization failed. Too many arguments."

The object could not be initialized when the constructor was called. Too many arguments were provided to "new".


None known.

