Changes for version 0.12
- add_array_param.
- Fix the use of qw() due to changes in Perl 5.14.0.
- Fixed problems with calls to the "state" method always returning "INIT".
An API for submitting jobs to a computational grid such as SGE or Condor.
Model a command that is to be executed on the computational grid.
Utilities and methods for the Grid::Request modules.
Models a parameter for Grid::Request jobs.
Helper funcations for unit Grid::Request tests.
in lib/Grid/Request/DRM/
in lib/Grid/Request/DRM/
in lib/Grid/Request/DRM/
in lib/Grid/Request/DRM/
in lib/Grid/Request/
in lib/Grid/Request/
in lib/Grid/Request/
in lib/Grid/Request/
in lib/Grid/Request/