uf-scan - examine scan data in a single MS scan
uf-scan [options] file
-d[ump] dump the packet header (-d); dump the header and the profile (-dp)
-e[xtract] extract the entire scan data as a binary chunk
-l[ist] list the called peaks [required]
-p[rofile] print the scan profile as a 2-column table [required]
-plot plot the profile (along with the called peaks, if available) [required]
-v convert f -> M/z [requires: -p]
-z add empty bins [requires: -p]
-n[umber] <n:+i> select scan number <n> [required]
-mz <low:+n> .. <high:+n> limit the plot to the range of M/z values between <low> and <high> [requires: -plot]
<file> input file [required]
- -help
Print a brief help message and exits.
- -l[ist]
Get the peak list from the scan number -n, if they are available. If the called peaks are not present, uf-scan will print a message to that effect and exit.
- -p[rofile]
Prints the scan profile for scan number -n, if it is available. If the profile is not present, uf-scan will print a message to that effect and exit.
- -plot
This option generates an R script to plot the profile. Prints the scan profile for scan number -n, if it is available. If the profile is not present, uf-scan will print a message to that effect and exit.
- -n[umber]
Gives the number of a single scan to process
- -e[xtract]
Used with either -l or -p, this option option clips the binary data chunk corresponding to either the peak list or to the scan profile and sends it to STDOUT.
uf-scan can be used to list or plot the scan data for a single scan. The -profile option instructs uf-scan to print the profile data, the -list option lists the peaks, and the -plot option writes an R script to plot the profile and peak centroids, if both kinds of data are present in the raw file, or just the profile if the centroids are not present.
Options -profile, -list and -plot are mutually exclusive.
To convert the raw scan data into M/z values, use the -v option.
Option -z fills the gaps between the profile peaks with zeroes, to create a continuous table.
- Print all raw profile bins in the 1st scan:
uf-scan -p -n 1 sample.raw
- Extracts the entire scan profile in the binary form:
uf-scan -ep -n 1 sample.raw
- Same as above, except the bin values will be converted into M/z:
uf-scan -pv -n 1 sample.raw
- Same as above, but in addition, all empty bins are wirtten out as well:
uf-scan -pvz -n 1 sample.raw
- Print the list of centroids in the 1st scan:
uf-scan -l -n 1 sample.raw
Note that uf-scan does not calculate the peak centroids from the profile; it only lists the existing centroids if they are present.
- This command will call R to plot the profile in the given range of M/z values:
uf-scan -plot -n 1 -mz 445.0 .. 445.2 sample.raw | R --vanilla --slave > plot.eps
If called peaks are present, they will be shown as dots on the graph.
- To see the amount of correction applied to each bin in a scan:
uf-scan -d -p -n 18588 sample.raw | grep fudge | cut -f 5